My dad fell off a ladder yesterday and hit his head, which caused major trauma to his brain, the dr's have been unable to stop the bleeding and the outlook is grim. I cant believe im going to lose my father at 35....Some of you know im pregnant and this would have been his first grandchild.. I dont normally solicit prayers, but i need some strength, both for my unborn child and my grieving mother....This is not supposed to happen, there are no answers....... Thanks guys...... Mchelle
You have them from me as well. I would also suggest you ask the hospital if there is a chaplain or a counselor or someone that your family could communicate with while your Dad is there. Many have supportive services but sometimes you have to ask. God's best to you and yours.
My prayers are with you Michelle. I will light a candle when I go to church on Tuesday. I have to speak to my priest that day and I will ask for a special intercessory prayer for your Dad. Could you give us his 1st name ?
Dad passed on friday..he had no brain function and was in a vegetative state. Thank you for your prayers, he's in a better place and without pain and suffering.
When a weary sailor sees a light house after a long time at sea or during terrible weather, they feel an overwhelming sense of relief and security, and they are then warmed and invigorated. I like to think that when a loved one passes, they become a beacon for us, and when I'm weary and in need of warmth, I see them as my light house in troubled waters. That brings me comfort, maybe it can for you as well.
Beautiful sentiment, Fin. Michelle, I lost my dad when I was 30, so I have some sense of what you're going through. I'm so sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do, just FB me. Know that you have my prayers.
Sorry to hear the bad news Michelle. If there is anything myself or the staff can do, please PM. Its never easy to lose a parent or someone you are close to
I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for you. Please reach out to any of us on here if you need a Ear..... Chris
Sorry I got her so late. You and your family have my prayers. There are some of us (myself included) who have lost a parent (in my case my mother) on this board. Reach out to any of us if you need to. GB Raul
Sorry, I missed this thread. I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry this happened to you. I wish you the best.