Download for free at this link Listen at this link Song is called "A Looking In View" CD comes out end of September.
No AIC fans?! I for one am excited about the new album. The band will be different without Layne but it doesn't mean they can't be good. At the very least they will be a more stable band that actually completes touring cycles. I know many say that without Layne how can it be Alice but as long as the other three are going strong I am interested. Please don't tell me I am the only AIC fan on here? BTW the new song is pretty good imo
I like it. Jerry Cantrell can always be counted on for those dark riffs. This was a band I grew up on. It'll never be the same as with Layne. He was just so unique. But if they can rock the **** like this with heavy guitar, they'll do quite well. IMO, I don't think they went out with the intent of replacing Layne. They're just continuing on. Layne left them.
Huge AIC fan. Listening to the song now. I like the tone on his guitar and the music overall seems more geared towards their earlier stuff than their later stuff. Which, IMO, is a good thing. Can't hear too much of the new singer as I'm used to picking out Cantrell's vocals but as long as he just is himself and doesn't try to emulate Layne's singing then I'm fine with him... Not bad.
Did you get to see the little video they have? Classic AIC imagery. I think Duvall will add a lot to the group from a musical perspective because not only does he sing well, he is really good at guitar. I'm sure Cantrell made use out of that on the album
i'm sure too. layne was a good guitar player too. he didn't do too much in 'chains because jerry handled that himself pretty damn well (layne did write "angry chair" and some other tunes) but on mad season's album "above" layne plays on a few tracks and there are some heavy, heavy songs on that CD. if you're into all things AIC and haven't heard that CD you have to hear it. it's got stone gossard on there too. and the guy from screaming trees and some other people...
I have heard it but I didn't realize he played guitar on it. In know he use to play live on angry chair. Interesting
yeah layne gets overshadowed by cantrell as far as guitar goes (with good reason) but he does play decently.
That is certainly Alice, it has that "Dirt" era grind and feel to it with the riffyness of the "self titled" album. They will never REALLY be Alice without Layne of course (RIP) but if they can make grindy music that is relevant I'm sold.
The more I listen to the song the more excited I am for the album. The first single off the album is supposed to be released mid august and is called Check My Brain