i remember hearing this stuff my uncle used to play when i was really young. not sure what it is, but i just love this stuff. its just fun lol. here's a couple of vids by guy. i guess the producer/member/writer teddy riley is a giant and has had his hand in a ton of pop music groove me: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VOMzdzXl8M"]YouTube - Guy - Groove Me[/ame] teddy's jam: [ame]http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOa5nflWCtk&p=DAAC8F318479EF78&playnext=1&index=19[/ame] just got paid. (this song just cracks me up): [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-CAfJqI2QY&feature=related"]YouTube - Johnny Kemp - Just got paid[/ame] teddy's jam 3. more modern sound. if i could dance, i would be all over it lol. outstanding: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R5GLF7eK0Y&p=DAAC8F318479EF78&playnext=1&index=18"]YouTube - Guy - Teddy's Jam III[/ame]
Nice; very Earth, Wind and Fire circa Shining Star. Kind of an evolution of Parliament's Soul/Funk groove, a little more synth-heavy.
thats a good observation. they would have to be an influence. im a total sucker for anything with a funk groove. i have been made fun of for liking britney spears, but ill insist that a lot of the music behind her in her hits was pretty damn catchy lol speaking of EW&F, you ever see their tour with chicago? there is a DVD of them playing at the greek theater. its awesome.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLpVg0Zxkms&feature=related"]YouTube - Gap Band Burn Rubber On Me Original Video flv[/ame]
This has to be from the Bel/Biv/Devoe and Boys to Men days. Poison- Never trust a big butt & a smile Me and the crew used to do her I miss that ****. All the clubs had ladies night on Thursdays and you knew you were gonna get your nut in the car or at the $25 for 4 hours no tell motel. Girls would get toasted on the drink specials and the $5-$10 cover was well worth it. People doing lines in the bathrooms and in their cars in parking lots. The diner or 7-11 at 3 in the morning to kill a buzz and the cops didn't care as long as you could stand. Simpler times.
it would have been nice to go to clubs and here this type of stuff. heck when this stuff was coming out i was about 5 lol i wont go to those places now because i just hate the music btw, after doing some research, "this is how we do it" is considered to be the last hit of this genre or sub genre. the song is now way past played out, but hearing it when it first came out must have been nice also, i defy anyone to listen to this stuff and not have it stick in their heads for a couple days