I would just guess that was the best place for information. I'm ready to see the authentics available. I also want to see the mini helmets rolled out.
That's the size I got. It's kinda stretchy so you might be ok. I actually ordered the L/XL first and it was too big - and I'd consider myself to have a fairly big head
Look what I found on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MIAMI-DOLPH...1?pt=US_Football_Fan_Shop&hash=item43bbb7e5a5
Pretty sweet - did you get it? I up to three new Nike t-shirts, shorts and the hat for my new gear. http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/?l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-771547/pgid-771548 I love the color scheme and I like the modern logo. What do you guys have? I also contacted Nike again about the limited/authentic jerseys, they're not telling me anything.
I can see folks being turned off to black with the old color scheme, but the marine blue with that faded orange looks great with a little black in it... I'm just taking about an accent color to.
What's your favorite team? All of them! My favorite is the *insert previous Super Bowl champs name here* I'm glad all my friends know I'm a diehard phins fan for when they do win the Super Bowl I won't be called bandwagoner Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm kinda pissed that I got an email saying that the Hartline jersey I ordered a month ago is sold out and my options are get another player or my money back. That's great that merch is flying off the shelves but I really wanted a Hartline jersey. I switched to Tannehill and I guess I'll keep checking back.
did you order thru the nfl pro shop or the miami dolphins pro shop? Just curious because the same thing happened to me thru the dolphins pro shop.
I can't believe you guys actually dig that thing. Love the new colors though. But that Logo is beyond lame.
And that's fine if you don't like the new logo, but to rag on it in such a way I think is a bit much..I hated the old logo and colors for a very long time but I'm not gonna make fun of it, it's still my team.
I actually really liked the old logo, with some minor changes, mainly getting rid of the navy to look like this that would have been the perfect logo for me... but then I saw this logo. and when I see it next to the old, its better by far imo! Its funny how negative the logo was when this was leaked and how that change after everyone saw the finished product!
Those that think the old logo is unrealistic: LOL . Seriously if you dig it that's fine, I just don't want the new Logo screwing up our winning streak!
With this logo we went 126-130 .492% Going back and figuring that out made me sad because from the time I was 8 until I was 14 I saw some really good Dolphin teams, 5 playoffs appearance from 1997-2003 with two good years in 2002 and 2003. Well 2002 was a heart breaker when Fiedler went down, the best QB we had since Marino imo. good year in 2003. Then 2004 comes and everything goes down hill from their. Ricky Williams leaves, and the rest is history. It's been a long 8 years! I hope that all has changed!