this has to change.....competition committee has to consider this change. Pandora's Box is wide open with play through beyond whistle.....silly where they draw the line. the leg whip was ticky-tack on when its called and when its not in games.
I am sorry but THANKS FOR RUINING MY NIGHT!. What a joke!. Noowhere does he state that the officials obviously got the fumble call wrong..all he kept on stating was the rule. The rule was not the problem...the problem was the official blew an amazingly obvious call. Tip-toed all around it. Then he wants to congratulate the official for getting the Polite play right and should be patted on the back. I heard him say Polite might get a call from the league...I wonder if the official who blew that call will be getting a call? They would get so much more respect and benefit of some compassion if they would just come out and say...we blew that one. Yet they can't and won't and all it does is make the next obvious blown call that much more intolerable.
I can almost live with the leg whip, since I pretty much knew they were gonna say that anyways. But why can't they just agree to let the plays develop and not blow the whistle early? They wouldn't even have to change a rule if they hadn't blown the whistle when the ball hit the ground. That was just idiotic. The play would easily be reviewable if the whistle hadn't been blown too early.
I know the fumble was obviously called wrong, its clearly obvious. However, I really disagree with the call on Polite. Im sorry, but watching that there is nothing to me that shows any indication that Polite was indeed attempting to leg whip/trip that guy. It looks to me like its just the motion/momemtum of his body as he's falling, and his foot barely brushes up against the guy. Its not like the Texans defender was running by at full speed and Polite took a swipe at him with his foot/leg and tried to trip him. I don't for the life of me understand how that was called right. Maybe im missing something there, If I am, somebodly please enlighten me, but I just dont see it.
He avoids the bad call all he can wanting to talk about QBs throwing the ball or anything but the fact it was a very bad call. Is'nt it just BS how he goes to tell if it was reviewed as a fumble the offence would keep the ball anyway. Time to make a rule that is fair and correct if you ask me.
there for all you whiners who were complaining about this call the dolphins actually caught a break... it should have been a 15 yard penalty and not 10 now quit your btchin
Totally agree, and thats the ticky-tack that makes it so infuriating...would wager on a different day/game/situation it doesnt get called and flag stays in pocket. heck, I remember in ATL game 1, Jake Long "getting away" with one that seemed more obvious. Its silly to call it on that play, when the defender by leaping in essence took himself out of the play and was not going to get to Henne to disrupt the play.
Reading the replies I can't watch this video because I'll surely get angry. I expected some crap like this. If you see a play on the field that could go either way why in the world don't you make the call on the field that allows it to be reviewed? Rule it a fumble and if it's an incomplete pass you can overturn the call. Why make the ruling that does not allow review? NFL officiating has become a joke, I'm not crazy about the commissioner either.
I made the mistake of watching the video and now I am aggravated. Just a waste of time. Go ahead and will see what I mean.
Or the people on this forum who have no experience playing organized football yet are the biggest critics?
You're speaking for a lot of people claiming they never played organized football. And you don't have to be an expert to know that making the call on the field that allows review is the best way to ensure accuracy. An idiot could figure that out but not some NFL refs I guess.
Think he was talking about Rules Committee/Head of Officiating and not ripping fellow posters. And I think your intent was to be dissapointed in the call and not rip him if he was also agreeing with you, correct?
I disagree completely with the "leg-whip" or "tripping" a football player, when I fall down I don't make a conscious effort as to where my legs move. Polite was throwing himself into a block and went into a tuck as a natural instinct. Totally wrong call...refs in this league need to get it together
Have any of you seen a segment of official review where he said a call was wrong? I haven't. I admit I don't watch them all. With all the video tech they have how can any play not be reviewable? So the officials are gods incapable of error and beyond judgment? I have lost a great deal of respect for the NFL these past few years. It is very sad to see this level of arrogance and incompetence in one of my favorite pass times.
Actually, this is the closest he comes to saying the call should have stood vs. overturned (PHI vs DEN) game.
Wow this clown once again trying to justify horrible calls. This is worse than last week,I'm sorry but his explanation is a perfect example of a red herring. We were talking about the fumble and he goes into playing after the whistle and injuries,I am sorry but that is irrelevant to the fumble play,dodging the issue at hand.
Mike Periera is a ****ing asswipe! He has no desire for a fairly called game. He talks about a slippery slope of scenarios if people play past the whistle, but never state that the whistle should not have been blown to begin with. He always defends the refs, no matter what. Instead of defending the game, he defends the refs as if anyone cares whether they screwed up or not. No one cares if the refs get things wrong sometimes. We only care when the league doesn't allow for the incorrect call to be corrected. Why is it beyond reason for ANY play to be challenged, if it is obviously wrong? We're talking about a play that changed the season for 2 teams. The head ref ******** doesnt want to encourage players to play through the whistle. But they already do anyway. This chode is the primary source of all the problems with the officiating in the NFL. He throws the integrity of the game out the window in favor of defending the officials. If I met him face to face, I would kick him in the balls as hard as possible, and then tell him to "review that". I'd serve my jail time with my head held high.
If you are thinking im ripping on other members of the board you are very incorrect. I was talking about mike periera. If you are referring to me not having experience playing organized football you should be cautious about assuming things. I've played football for 9 years and while that is pop warner and high school football it still accounts for a good deal of playing experience. I also have been presented with the opportunity to play division 3 football but have decided not to do so. I would hope that constitutes as experience.
Vikings got screwed the same way we did on that leg whip call. Its funny because you can go and watch every game and see the same thing not get called. Its complete bull**** the way the refs pick and choose when to call something. It almost never goes both ways.
I'm boycotting this video. does not deserve my website traffic for what I expected (and from the comments in this thread confirmed) to be a mock trial of sorts on the BS that goes on in these games. The NFL Referees are clearly infallable. That Review booth has never overturned any calls they've ever made, it's just been a waste of time. So clearly we should just trust the refs and let them decide... I mean officiate the games.
You know what, this is exactly why I don't watch the NFL Network. I understand that it is the station of the league and everything, but they don't even try to be fair. This is part of a bigger problem IMO, I fear for the future of the league with labor talks going poorly, a lockout on the way, a commissioner who doesn't know what the heck he's doing, and inadequate refs. Lord help us.
This guy needs to step down or retire as the NFL head ref, or whatever he his. Obviously he's lost his vision in his age.
Um, welcome to life buddy. Someone who has never led the country is President (every first time President). Congressmen who legislate over things they've never experienced. Cities and Towns making up criminal laws having never been a criminal! Playing the game is not a requisite for making the rules. Or else you'd have the QBs making all these rules to protect and help QBs, defensive players trying to take away all of those rules, etc, because of personal bias. It's just the way it is.
In other words, a coach can always challege a referee that made a potentialy bad play, but he can never challenge if a second referee made an equally bad call and blew his spiffy silver whistle. That is total crap and the explaiation of playing after the whistle is even worse. To corect this, every time a ref blows a whistle when the play is not over should be fined and eventually terminated after repeated violations. There has to be accountabilty.