Nikon D70

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JimToss, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    Just wondering if there are any photography enthusiasts out here in thephins.

    My fiancee is think about getting herself a Nikon D70 DSLR camera. Found a person on Craig's list willing to sell it at a really good price. $340 for the body and a standard lense. I'm thinking 33-55, I don't have the listing open on my computer so I'm throwing out numbers because I know nothing.

    She also is going to purchase from this person a 77-300 (again I don't know the numbers) lense for $100 on top. Both lenses are Nikkor.
    So the body and both lenses for a total of $440.

    I really think she is getting a steal with this camera. But is there anyone out there who can shed light on any problem with this. The camera was a professionals' backup which has been replaced.

    Seeing this is a rather old model has this been essentially outdated? Are there any upgrades this specific model is lacking? All reviews I can find are at least 3 years old so this does not really tell the whole story.

    Overall she has experience with the model and really liked it, just never had one of her own.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. TJamesW_Phinfan

    TJamesW_Phinfan New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I have a Nikon D80 and am very happy with it. Many of the newer DSLR's have a mechanism to shake dust off the sensor which is handy. A spec of dust on the sensor can add s a spot to your pic. Models that don't have that feature require more frequent manual cleaning of the sensor. The newer cameras also have faster more advanced processors.

    I have never used Craig's list so I don't know how they work but I would be a little concerned buying a used DSLR without some kind of return policy. The price seems pretty good for a used D70. I think Amazon has some for 345 just for the body.

    A good DSLR can produce very good pics and many have a wide variety of pre sets for certain shooting conditions or styles. You can set it to point and shoot mode or fully manual exposure or a mix there of.

    Good luck with your purchase.
    JimToss likes this.
  3. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    My dad has the D90, he's a professional photographer and he likes it... took him a while to get use to the whole digital aspect though. :lol:
    JimToss likes this.
  4. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009

    Thanks for the great response.

    I'm not worried about the purchase. It is from a Pro-photographer who had it as his backup camera. Said it has less then 10,000 pictures on it. With Nikon reputation, I would think the camera should be fine. He's getting rid of it due to buying a new main camera, and phased this one out.

    In risk of sounding technically challenged. I want to ask what is the benefit of having a faster processor in a DSLR. Would this just increase the amount of pictures/sec able to be taken?

    Regardless, I'm sure shes going to love it.
  5. TJamesW_Phinfan

    TJamesW_Phinfan New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Shots per second and time a shot takes to store to the card or download. When you shoot at high resolution the camera has to write a large file to the mem card. It offsets this a bit with a buffer. Also how quickly the camera is ready after turn on which is pretty quick for most of them these days. There was a time where you would need to wait a few seconds before you could shoot.

    The d70 is a good camera. If it's in good shape you're getting a very good deal. Will it include battery, charger and mem card? Even better deal if it does. If the seller is a pro I'm guessing it will be in good shape unless he specialized shooting gator tonsils or something.

    Here are some specs and info on the D70.
    JimToss likes this.
  6. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    I have a D40 and paid roughly that price for it a couple months back. I'm very happy with the camera, and thing you'd like the D70 as well.
    JimToss likes this.

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