No NFL Sunday ticket jitters

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by CantinaJack, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    shouldn't be.

    On another note, where do I buy the streaming service from? Linkage?
  2. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    this is exactly what I do. Always works

    I love DTVs service. Great HD and 1.5 TB of content space for just two boxes is nice. but because they don't bundle internet like Verizon or the local guy, I end up with an embarrassingly high combined bill when I hear what other people are paying.

    How are other DTVers getting their internet?

    If Verizon ever gets the NFL rights, I will really consider a switch.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    Only time I've ever had problems with DirecTV was when I wanted to upgrade service...

    Had DTV for 7 years on a single set never had a late payment and wanted to get into HD on 4 sets in the house... When I called to try and get a deal, they were going to charge me for each and every upgrade. Asked to speak with retention and even retention said I was SOL... Cancelled on the spot and it pissed me off that they didn't care about losing a customer that had been loyal for so long as much as they cared about getting the new customer in the door...

    Now I switch between DTV and Dish whenever I need to...
  4. WhiteIbanez

    WhiteIbanez Megamediocremaniacal

    Aug 10, 2012
    Ah hell I have the big screen to watch the Dolphins. I'm done with dragging TV's around to watch other games..... Cuts into my drinking time. :up:
    ToddPhin likes this.
  5. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    So for those of you interested... This is what I've found out after a few hours of research, and what led me to pre-ordereing the PS3 Madden for the NFL Ticket.

    - You cannot get the NFL Sunday Ticket for your PS3 without actually having a Directv subscription. I called and confirmed this...
    - You can buy the NFL sunday ticket for 300+ dollars to stream live via computer or mobile device (without a subscription) from Directv IF you can prove to them you cannot install a satellite dish to your home ie appartment or condo restrictions. This requires you to call directv and speak to a representative.
    - From Amazon the first 50,000 copies of Madden 25 Anniversary edition sold for PS3 and XBOX 360 will recieve a code that will get you 1 free year of the NFL ticket streamed to your computer or mobile devices for free. No subscription necessary. The anniversary editions cost $100.00, and the sunday ticket cost 300 hundred... so if you are like me and always buy Madden anyways, this is a no brainer... The NFL Sunday ticket for 40 bucks basically!
    Fin D likes this.
  6. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    I was able to order Sunday Ticket for the PS3 without Direct TV last year. I plan on doing the same thing this year.
  7. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    And this is why Directv gets a big fat F from the BBB... I literally called them yesterday and asked them if I could order the Sunday ticket through my PS3 without having an account and they basically laughed at me. How did you get it? I used my PS3 last year for the ticket but thats because I still had an active Directv account, when you turn the PS3 app on you have to enter your directv online account password... So I dont see how this worked without an account. Not doubting you, just saying they probably lied to me to try to get me to sign back up.

    Also, it would be a couple hundred dollars cheaper for you to order the Madden anniversary edition, you could then sell the madden on ebay and it would make it even cheaper.
  8. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    They may have changed their procedures, but I ordered it through the Playstation Network and checked the box that said I can't get satellite. And this was actually two years ago, to clarify.
  9. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    Of course you could always just connect your iPad to your HDTV.

  10. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    The new NFL contract with DTV says that DTV had to provide Sunday Ticket to non-subscribers starting 2012.

    DTV likely tries to conceal it, but I ordered it last year no problems, and friends ordered it on PS3 no problem.

    DTV usually doesn't make it available until very close to the season. Misleading *******s.

    Sent from my HTC One GE using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    ToddPhin likes this.
  11. VManis

    VManis Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 10, 2010
    This may be a stupid question but if you stream Sunday Ticket via an Xbox is there a way to record the game?
  12. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC

    This might be whats going on... It probably isnt available to purchase until September 1, but like those bastards are going to tell me about it.
  13. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    if you want to record onto your pc, yes, a video capture card/device can do that.
  14. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach


    edit: never mind, I found the source.
  15. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    That probably excludes someone like me that would consider dropping DTV if I had a way to get the ticket. I believe DTV has to unavailable to you. I don't know if they check, but being a former subscriber might make it more difficult

    How was the service? Does your internet have to be super-fast?
  16. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    I watched all the games last year on my PS3, I have the lowest bandwidth that Fios has, and it was streamed over wifi to the PS3 which is in my basement (router is upstairs in kitchen so its pretty far). I dont remember their being any issues other than a little pixelation every now and again when it was auto adjusting the bitrate.
    P h i N s A N i T y and maynard like this.
  17. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    I order the Ticket on my PS3.
  18. Hobiesailor

    Hobiesailor Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    The real question is does any one know a good way for guys getting deployed to get the games (IE. anyone wanna record them and send them to me when i leave i 3 months?)
  19. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    Hate the way DTV and Cable companies offer these incredible deals to newbies and extort long-time subscribers. I get the market ploy but imagine the rep they'd get if they gave better deals the longer you subscribed? They'd win in the long run, imo.

    NFL Red Zone is the finest thing on TV since ... well ... ever?

    Incredible. I can't even bring myself to watch a real game while that is on. I'm going to have to likely miss it this fall (bummed) as I'm cutting back or canceling my cable. (Anyone know if that can be 'had' online?)
    DeDolfan likes this.
  20. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    From or ?
  21. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    DirecTV. They won't have a link to purchase until right before the season.

    Sent from my HTC One GE using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    MrClean likes this.
  22. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    If you are a Verizon wireless user, you can get NFL mobile on your phone or tablet for 5 bucks a month and get the redzone channel.
  23. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    good luck on deployment, my Navy deployments were in 2003 and 2005, both on carriers. And fortunately both ships had Directv and played the games live for us. Hopefully you will be as fortunate as I.
  24. KennyStang

    KennyStang Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I always stream the games, on Sundays I have my big screen on NFL RedZone, my laptop streaming the game, and my iPad on my Fantasy Football team. My wife looks at me like I'm crazy, but during the NFL season, it's the only way to go!
    SICK likes this.
  25. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach

    If this is thru the game pass, how soon can you view the replays?
    Bpk likes this.
  26. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach
    Times sure have changed. the only TV we had, out to sea, was whatever closed circuit programming they had. Needless to say, most were reruns after reruns. We had no football games which was the worst thing. my dad used to send me the monday sports pages which usuall arrived 10 days later, if we were lucky.
  27. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach
    Where an we stream from?
  28. RevRick

    RevRick Long Haired Leaping Gnome Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Thomasville, GA
    Lord, have mercy! When I was in, the only source of entertainment was ARFRATS - RADIO!!

    I think I shall just wander off into the sunset muttering to myself! The only TV was in the Chiefs Lounge - and you know what was on that!
  29. KennyStang

    KennyStang Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I don't believe the moderators want us to post links to streaming sites, but shoot me a PM and I can tell you the ones I used last year.
    bberg, Bpk and DeDolfan like this.
  30. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    ya, and I was a photomate too, we had flat screen tvs, air conditioned spaces and our own laundry machines lol... The word "cruise" is probably more fitting for me than "deployment" lol
  31. NYFinFan

    NYFinFan Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Long Island, New York
    This is my first year having sunday ticket, does it show all preseason games as well?
  32. byroan

    byroan Giggity Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Unfortunately, no it doesn't.

    Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
  33. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    Madden 25 with Sunday Ticket portable package ordered. BOOM!
    unifiedtheory likes this.
  34. CantinaJack

    CantinaJack New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    Washington DC
    nope, thats another 20 bucks or so at to get all the pre-season games.
  35. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    King of NFL Sunday Ticket discounts. :evil:

    -Sunday ticket Max for $180 (6 payments of $29.99)
    -$15 off my bill for 12 months ($180)
    -$50 instant credit
    -free HD for 3 months ($30)
    -$5 off Showtime/Starz for 6 months ($30)
    Paul 13 likes this.
  36. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I just ordered the NFL Replay(Rewind, whatever the hell) for $40.

    The games are available right after the last Sunday game is played. If the game is on I record it and watch it late anyway, so this was a no brainer. Plus, their "condensed" option is amazing, it cuts out everything not a play, so no commercials, no huddles, no waiting for timeouts or challenges....just the plays, you can watch a whole game in 30-ish minutes.
    Bpk likes this.
  37. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Is that going to be your primary way of watching the games? Have you ever used it before?

    I'm in a sucky situation. I moved over the summer and the local sports bar with directTV is a bit of a drive. Don't really want to spend an hour (total) going there and going home. Nor do I want to spend $260 on Sunday Ticket. Streaming games online (the illegal kind) is out of the question because of ****ty quality. NFL replay sounds interesting... I could see myself watching the better/exciting games over the week. I love watching NFL redzone when the Dolphins aren't on, and NFL replay (with the condensing of the game) sounds cool. The only problem is, there's no way I can contain myself from not checking the score/fantasy. And if we lose, I'm going to pissy and not want to watch it .
  38. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Just the games that don't get shown here. Sometimes they show Jax instead where I am.

    I didn't want to go to a bar nor did I want to spend the money on the Ticket. This was the only solid solution for me. I got it a couple days of go, the Ravens-Broncos game is already on there and has been for a few days. Plus you can watch games as far back as 2009 I believe. You can watch them in broadcast format or even All 22/coach's tape.

    Its great.
    Bpk likes this.
  39. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    so then when do you grab another beer, take a leak, and rub one out?
    Fin D likes this.
  40. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Pretty cheap too. $2.50 a week.
    Fin D likes this.

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