Please remember that we want all members to enjoy the site whether they are Dolphin fans, or Jet fans. If someone is starting to talk smack, please use the report icon under the avatar, and the staff here will handle it. Until we can get to it, please take the high road, and do not reply to it or quote the post, as this makes more clean up for the staff. We appreciate all of our members, and want you to enjoy your time here on the site. Thanks a lot, John
Please remember sportsmanship when posting, and treat others with respect as you would want to be treated with. Thanks.
well there go all my threads in this section glad this is here though. I think it's smart to have it.
what is the adress of the smack talk forum i remember it was a different adress, never understood why it wouldnt be on here somewhere
I think what I just put up is acceptable. Do not know if the admins will think so. We do not want to crush the gentle Noyet fans into the ground too too hard. They are used to have people step on their heads, you just cannot step on it too often these days. Since they have learned elementary reading and writing, the Jets fans and players complain about anything now.
Are you kidding with this??....yes this site is classy no doubt, but it is a sports site, if a Jets fan, or a Bills fans comes on here talking smack, as long as it isnt venomous name calling pointed at a poster, but rather a team why is that a problem??? It makes it fun, talking smack about the team, it leads to the excitment of the season, builds up anticipation for the season, and once the season is here, builds up excitement/anticipation, for the following Sunday on Monday. Dude this isnt church, it is what??
Excuse me in advance, Hurricane Jose please take out Gillette stadium, Make that team travel and relocate. Don't want injury, or worse.just knock it out, Thanks