Official MLB Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Other Sports Forum' started by BigDogsHunt, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    Which is what the Angels offered before the season started. The problem is the Reds giving Francisco Cordero 4 years-46 mill. I can understand Frankie he's worth at least that.
  2. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    I could see him coming back to the Angels, but we'll see what the Mets offer and how much his demands come down. I think the Angels will have to lose out on Tex for them to sign a high priced closer though.
  3. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    It would be the biggest waste of cash outside of GMJ.

    I'd much rather dump a crap load of money on Lackey's locker.
  4. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    what kinda players are mariners getting back in that putz trade?
  5. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    New insight into Jon Garland with his surprising arbitration offer. It's likely the Angels retain him at this rate.
  6. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    I noticed that. Wonder if it means we are bluffing at signing CC, or that we plan on packaging one of Weaver/Saunders/or maybe Santana but I hope not, to find another bat?
  7. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    If the Mets go to 5/75 for K-Rod, I'll eat my hat. I've been saying for a little while now that it's going to be 3 years with an option for a 4th. My prediction is 3/42 with a 4th year team option for $12M. And I think the Mets will get him, because they're the only serious suitor right now.

    My hope is that they get K-Rod for roughly the deal I've described (less would be great), then flip Heilman and a B or C prospect for Huston Street.
  8. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    I doubt there would be much major-league talent in such a deal and I doubt the Mets would part with Fernando Martinez or Daniel Murphy for anything less than a superstar starting pitcher, so Jon Niese strikes me as the guy most likely to headline a package for Putz, maybe with Robert Parnell included as well. Niese is a quality prospect, probably a B or B+ type. Parnell gets rated a tick below, but I don't like him at all.
    King Felix likes this.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    Why the Mets have not signed Hudson for 2nd base yet is beyond me.
  10. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    Jon Garland is quickly becoming the new Kirk Reuter. And no, that's not a compliment. He's going to be comically overpaid because of the nature of the arbitration system (assuming he accepts arbitration, which he absolutely should). The arb system places a high premium on traditional numbers like wins (which tell us nothing about how good a pitcher is), saves (only slightly more than nothing) and ERA (okay, a little more valuable), but you'll never hear anything about win shares, VORP, K/BB ratio or any other stats that are actually, you know, useful.

    Garland was a below-average pitcher who somehow managed 14 wins, thanks largely to the Angels scoring 6.4 runs per game in his starts. He's always given up too many hits and too many home runs, but now his walk ratio is creeping upward, to make those failings even more pronounced, while he's never struck out enough batters to make up for it, and his already meager K ratio is trending steadily downward. He's 29, and a rather old 29, since he's been a regular starting pitcher since halfway through his age 21 season.

    The only thing Garland has going for him is a good track record of health, which means he can suck up innings aplenty, which has some value, but not a lot if those innings aren't very good. And in Garland's case, I don't expect them to be. For something like 1 year and $4M, he wouldn't be bad, since his ability to suck up plenty of innings without completely getting killed has value as a 4th or 5th starter, but he's going to get a hell of a lot more in arbitration. And if the Angels are dumb enough to offer him a long-term deal (and they might be; they were dumb enough to pay Gary Matthews Jr. when everyone in their right mind knew a decline was imminent), they're going to regret it.
  11. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    I suspect they'd like to find a home for Boik's boy Luis Castillo first. I still maintain that if they can swap him for Javy Vazquez, as had been rumored, they should jump on it. If they can credibly say that they'd be willing to go into the season with Castillo at second, they can still get some value in trade. If they sign Hudson, or Furcal, or whoever, what little leverage they have is gone. Hudson wants to come to NY, and there's not a big market out there for him, so they can bide their time for a little while.

    Speaking of Arizona free agents, and Adam Dunn wasn't offered arbitration by the D-Backs. We wouldn't even have to give up a draft pick. Go get him, Omar!
  12. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Yankees decline arbitration with all free agents - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

    I love the statement! Passing up on draft picks (potential compensation) makes so much sense compared to simply throwing out an offer without knowing the market, in this case.

    Hats off to Cashman, thank goodness he was retained by the young Steinbrenner's.
  13. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Sabathia, Ramirez, Burnett offered arbitration - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

    Type A free agents are among the top 20 percent of players at their position, as defined by the formula created in the 1981 strike settlement, and Type B are from 21-40 percent. Teams receive two extra draft picks if they lose a Type A player and one if they lose a Type B.
  14. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    I think the ESPN ticker just said Javier Vazquez was traded to the Braves.

    edit: yep, here's the deal

  15. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    Wow, the Braves overpaid. Two good prospects for Vazquez (maybe three, depending on who the PTBNL is) with that awful contract? And Reyes is a DAMN good prospect, in my book. They were talking about Luis Castillo at one point, and I'm not sure that Castillo would fetch a rosin bag and a pound of sunflower seeds.
  16. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    what position is jon niese? and parnell? im guessing pitchers?
  17. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    Looks like Reyes isnt in the deal after all.

  18. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    Both are pitchers. Here are links to their stats, if you're interested.
    Jon Niese
    Robert Parnell

    This deal just gets worse and worse for the Braves. :up:Flowers is awesome; he had a .921 OPS last season in high-A ball, and he's a catcher, for crying out loud.

    Make no mistake, I don't think Vazquez is the trash that some do. But for $23M over the next two years, he's not a great investment. If the White Sox are paying most of that, then the deal's a good one, but otherwise, I think the Braves blew this one.
    King Felix likes this.
  19. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    If Vazquez and possibly Burnett are the consolation prizes for te Braves instead of getting peavy..well thats fine.

    The New York Daily News reports that the Braves are "preparing a five-year offer for A.J. Burnett."
    Atlanta is apparently still in the market for a front-line starter even after dealing for Javier Vazquez and could be the front-runners for Burnett if other teams balk at a five-year commitment. Dec. 3 - 10:56 am et
    Source: New York Daily News
  20. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    those guys look promising. i wish we would've traded putz last offseason, hindsight 20-20 though
  21. GreenMonster

    GreenMonster New Member

    Apr 3, 2008
    If the Braves give AJ Burnett 5 years, I will know that Frank Wren is not John Schuerholtz. They finally get rid of Hampton (1.4 million per win) and now they want Burnett, for more years than even the Yankee's are willing to go at this point. This reeks of desperation.
  22. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    Five years for Burnett...really? Five years for a soon-to-be 32 year old pitcher who's exceeded 30 starts three times in his 10 year career? This never would have happened if John Schuerholz was still alive.
  23. GreenMonster

    GreenMonster New Member

    Apr 3, 2008
    Just to be clear Schuerholz is not only still alive he is president of the Braves. Wren must have talked to him about a deal like this.
  24. phunwin

    phunwin Happy kids are Dolfans. Luxury Box

    John Schuerholz would NEVER have signed someone like Burnett to a five year deal. Either he's losing his mind or Wren has all the pull in that front office.
  25. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    Angels fall back bats if Tex signs elsewhere.
  26. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    While I like Burnett more then most and the last 4 years hes been fairly durable (112 starts/4 = 29 per year) it is too long.

    I would sooner take a 2 year/30 million commitment to Ben Sheets who is a better pitcher with more issues. I think Sheets is the kind of gamble that ultimately wins you a championship. :up:
  27. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Thanks to deals, Hot Stove warms up | News

    SF Giants:
    The Giants made good on their inquiries of free agent Bob Howry and signed the right-hander to a one-year deal worth $2.75 million. That contract is the second this offseason to shore up the San Francisco bullpen as Howry joins fellow newcomer Jeremy Affeldt.

    Proving to be one of the more active teams in the days leading up to the Winter Meetings that begin Monday in Las Vegas, the Giants also moved closer to filling their hole at shortstop with a potential offer to Edgar Renteria.

    "We're very close to a deal," agent Jeff Lane told but declined to comment further.

    There were two deals that carried over from Tuesday, but one will take a little more time. That is the six-player deal between Atlanta and the White Sox that will send right-hander Javier Vazquez to the Braves.

    Braves team physician Dr. Xavier Duralde has not yet consulted with Vazquez concerning his MRI but the team is expected to make the official announcement Thursday. Atlanta also picked up left-handed reliever Boone Logan in the deal and sent four Minor Leaguers to the White Sox: shortstop Brent Lillibridge, catcher Tyler Flowers, third baseman Jon Gilmore and left-handed pitcher Santos Rodriguez.

    The club could have a second acquisition to announce Thursday with catcher Dave Ross on the cusp of a two-year deal. The veteran catcher confirmed the offer with's Mark Bowman on Wednesday night.

    Mariners & Cardinals:
    Also signing players Wednesday were the Mariners and Cardinals. Seattle added Russell Branyan for a year at $1.4 million while St. Louis and Trever Miller were finally able to come to terms.

    The left-handed reliever was close to signing a two-year deal worth $4 million two weeks ago but a torn labrum in his left shoulder cut that contract in half, both in years and dollars. The 35-year-old former Rays reliever said he's likely had it for a couple of years and doesn't feel any pain.

    "I played golf today. I throw batting practice to my kid. I just finished pitching in a World Series, and I came off one of my stronger seasons," Miller said. "So I am not worried in the least bit about this injury. I'm not going to use it as an excuse or crutch."
    Miller will provide the Cardinals with a lefty specialist in the pen while the left-handed-hitting Branyan can play first, third or DH for Seattle.

    Other Hot Stove tidbits:
    He's not CC Sabathia but A.J. Burnett is generating plenty of interest and the New York Daily News reported Wednesday the Braves are preparing a five-year deal. ... The Padres have shopped Khalil Greene and a deal with Cardinals could be imminent. A blog entry on cited unnamed sources and said the shortstop could be dealt before Monday to the Cardinals ... Trevor Hoffman is a free agent and the closer will likely draw some attention from teams looking for lower-cost options to Francisco Rodriguez and Brian Fuentes. The Dodgers could be a player. ... Pat Burrell has been linked to the Mariners, Angels and Giants, but's Chris Haft said San Francisco considers Burrell a secondary option. ... Adam Dunn is another name that is gaining momentum, with Ken Rosenthal of including the Braves, Mariners and Nationals in the hunt, but Bowman said the Braves need right-handed bats. ... Cleveland is not a likely destination for third baseman Casey Blake. Both the Dodgers and Twins appear willing to go three years. ... The Red Sox are expected to announce the signing of Japanese pitcher Junichi Tazawa on Thursday. ... If the Rockies offer a multiyear deal, Garrett Atkins will listen.
  28. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    Smells like worried Mets fans in here :shifty:

    Also Phunwin, we have Brian McCann. I dont mind giving up catchers in a deal to get a solid pitcher. I agree the money is a bit much, but nothing compared to what we paid/got out of Mike Hampton. We cleared alot of salary this off-season.
  29. Higgi

    Higgi Numb

    Aug 8, 2008
    TUC, AZ
    Looks like its gonna happen.
    BigDogsHunt and Fin Fan In Cali like this.
  30. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    PADRES: Greene reportedly close to being traded to Cardinals : North County Times - Californian

    SAN DIEGO ---- The cash-strapped Padres, in an attempt to shed salary, were reportedly close to a deal Wednesday night that would send shortstop Khalil Greene to the St. Louis Cardinals.

    According to the New York Post, the Padres would send Greene, who is due to earn $6.5 million in 2009, to the Cardinals for two undisclosed minor-league prospects. Padres general manager Kevin Towers didn't return several inquiries seeking comment.
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  31. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Shortstop Greene heading to St. Louis

    The Padres have made progress in talks with the Cubs, setting up a 5-for-1 trade, but Chicago is awaiting results of an ownership bid and also has concerns about fitting Peavy's salary into its 2009 payroll. Peavy's consent is needed for a trade, and persons close to him say he is more inclined to approve a trade to the Cubs than the Braves.
  32. GreenMonster

    GreenMonster New Member

    Apr 3, 2008
    I totally agree. This speaks more to me the level that Schuerholz still controls the ship. I know the Braves have some money to spend, but I wouldn't waste it like this. Wait till the trade deadline this year, because teams will be looking to dump salary en mass.
  33. GreenMonster

    GreenMonster New Member

    Apr 3, 2008
    Ya I would rather have Sheets for 2 years than Burnett for 4-5. I think I would rather have Sheets start a playoff game over Burnett if I controlled both.
  34. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    Wonder the Yankees will come over the top for Burnett, or just go after Lowe harder.
  35. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    I do find Cashman to be very unique in his approach this offseason...certainly a lot less "TALK" this offseason coming from the front office...I like that.

    Now, behind the scenes all the same stuff may be taking place as in years past, but they certainly seem much more "down-low" this off season.
  36. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Phillies make play for veteran Lowe | News

    PHILADELPHIA -- With negotiations dragging with veteran lefty Jamie Moyer, the Phillies have turned their attention to other possibilities, including some of the bigger free-agent fish.

    Derek Lowe's name surfaced in a Boston Globe report, which indicated the Phillies have made an offer to the right-hander, who is represented by Scott Boras. Citing a source familiar with the club's intentions, the report said that the Phillies have discussed the matter "pretty extensively."
  37. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Braves make offer to Burnett | News

    Deal would be for four years with 'very attainable' option for fifth

    While terms of the offer haven't been revealed, it's believed the Braves have been proposing to provide Burnett with an average annual salary of approximately $16 million.
  38. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    My Phillies are going to be even sicker if they get Lowe. :tongue2:
  39. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    According to Baseball Tonight (1230-1AM):

    Burnett was offered 5th year, 15 mil per. 5th year is what Burnett wants.
    Ganmons: felt pedroia contract was good deal for team (duh). Feels bats are aplenty, could bring the price down on a few of them and TB could easily swoop in and grab one or two.
    Olney on CC: Yanks will have biggest offer on table. No one in Cali has emerged as a serious bidder. If one doesnt emerge he will be a NYY. *according to sources* Angels are more focused on signing Teix, Dodgers supposedly having cash flow problems.

    Olney: Dbacks have less the 3m to spend. want Dunn and Hudson back but no money. Desperately want to move Byrnes to open some space ( I still think Castillo could be theirs for Byrnes)

    Mets waiting for market to come to them. Other then Mets, maybe brewers and tigers not many teams willing to spend big money on closers/relievers. Mets are in a great spot, should identify their guy and go to him even in buyers market. (PG) Mets are the only large market team willing to spend big money. Colorado looking at Feuntes at 6-7m per. (Phillips)
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  40. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Its obvious.....but.....

    Sabathia doesn't seem enthused about $140 million offer - Sports Rumors - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

    On Friday, it will be three weeks since the New York Yankees muscled into th free-agent negotiating period with a six-year, $140 million offer to starter C.C. Sabathia. The Yankees haven't heard from the Sabathia camp since, according to the New York Times.

    Derek Jeter had already called Sabathia by then, and Alex Rodriguez has called him since. Yet the offer sits there, an anomaly in a depressed free-agent market, begging to be accepted but met with indifference.

    Brian Cashman, the Yankees' general manager, seems prepared to do something about it. According to an Associated Press report, Cashman has scheduled a meeting with Sabathia before the winter meetings start on Monday in Las Vegas. The report also said Cashman has met with Scott Boras, who represents the free agent starters Derek Lowe and Oliver Perez, and first baseman Mark Teixeira.

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