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Official WWE/TNA Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Other Sports Forum' started by alen1, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    So there's talk that because of the brand split there will be 2 PPVs per month, minus the months of the Big 4 PPVs. Seems like a terrible idea that will continue to overexpose an already stale product. Part of the reason why the first brand split failed so because of this. Ugh.
  2. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    Something about The Undertaker writing a letter of recommendation for Kane had me laughing
    SICK and Big E like this.
  3. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    I don't think the product is stale at all, currently. If it is, then all of the people we all wanted elevated, are failing miserably.
    SICK likes this.
  4. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I do think the product is stale, from the sets of RAW/Smackdown and PPVs (they all look the same and have been that way since 1998 for the most part minus WM), RAW being 3 hours is killing the pace of the show, how RAW and Smackdown are set up always starting with an in ring promo. I think the WWE can do a lot of things to revamp the look and feel of the company/shows. With that being said the in ring work isn't the problem and I have been enjoying it. Even someone like Roman Reigns has gotten pretty good in the ring, even if he's still failing to connect with fans. Most of the storylines still are poor and don't make sense but the talent is working hard. Ratings are still way way down, sometimes to historic lows, the WWE should use the brand split as that opportunity to make major changes because its clear what worked even 10 years ago isn't working today.

    My main concern with the brand split is watering down of the shows and limiting the talent and also continued overexposure of the product. I don't think I've ever sat through a 3 hour RAW since they started and sometimes I have trouble watching the non big 4 PPVs each month. For the WWE to add an additional 8 PPVs each month on top of having 5 hours of live content it's just way too much for me, at least. Even with Smackdown being live I doubt I'll watch it much and if I hear there's a really good match I'll track it down on Hulu or YouTube.
  5. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    Looks like the king is all but done in the WWE
  6. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    So, this is the second time Roman Reigns loses the title in a cash in, in a matter of months. He will most likely win the title again this year, making him a 4 time champion in just a year.. Good lord.. Note that he has yet to lose the title in a fair pinfall. Two cash ins and royal rumble. Giving him the Goldberg treatment. Not to mention he didn't technically lose to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, that was another cash in. So if you count that, this guy is the unluckiest guy in the WWE when someone has that briefcase.

    They should have kept the Reigns/Rollins story going, it was somewhat interesting.. Instead they broke it up by having Dean interfere.
  7. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Your wrong here bud and I have to question if you even watched MITB because Rollins beat Reigns fair and square in a pinfall (making Rollins the champ) and then Ambrose came out and cashed in on Rollins. The cash in had very little to do with Reigns, it actually had nothing to do at all wuth Reigns.
  8. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Yeah Reigns lost it fair and square in the middle of the ring, not sure what you're talking about Vertical Limit. I really wish the match ended with the cool spear into the pedigree move but it wouldn't be a WWE match without someone kicking out of 15 finishers before he finally loses.

    I think the obvious is pointing to a Shield Triple Threat match for the WWE title at Summer Slam, which is fine with me. I think the Ambrose cash in really saved the PPV which was way too long and most likely disappointing. I do like how Ambrose got Rollins with the sneak attack from behind.
    I am however surprised that Reigns didn't attack Ambrose to close the show, especially when Ambrose was standing on the tables. I thought for sure Reigns was going to spear him off of it. Don't get me wrong the way the WWE ended the PPV was the right way to go.

    And I think it's a better storyline with Ambrose as Champion with Rollins and Reigns chasing him for the belt then if Rollins or Reigns simply won the match last night.
  9. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    The draft is going to be the first live Smackdown on 7/19, makes sense to try and get them to boost the ratings.

    Also Meltzer is reporting one of the reasons why Reigns lost the WWE title last night and Ambrose won it is because the A Level House Shows with Reigns head lining are down 30% from this point last year, while the B Level House Shows (which are generally in much smaller towns and arenas) with Ambrose head lining are bringing in the same number of fans as the A shows. Reigns is said to be drawing really bad. Might as well go with Ambrose for a while since Rollins wasn't exactly lighting the ratings on fire either. At least the crowd reacts and seems to like and get behind Ambrose.
  10. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    The PPV was set up very poorly. I believe they laid it out the way they did to counter the NBA Finals. Having the middle of show be Ziggler/Corbin, Women's Tag Match, Crews/Sheamus was death. But I think it was done on purpose to try and get people through the basketball game and back to watch the top matches.

    It made for a long, boring event for those of us that watched it in full.

    It was also an extremely sloppy event, talent-wise. Lots of blown spots, and extremely audible calls from the wrestlers that was picked up on camera. Not sure why, maybe everyone was out late the night before in Vegas.
  11. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Interesting that the WWE is going with The Shield Triple Threat match at a C level PPV instead of Summer Slam. Maybe the WWE feels the Summer Slam name alone will help the buys for the event or maybe Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns will be split up with the draft and this is the way to do a Shield send off for now. Or maybe they're planning on having a screwy double pin finish and both guys claim they are World Champ and take their World title to RAW and Smackdown.

    I must say it was good to see a baby face WWE Champion actually get cheered and to see him standing tall on back to back nights and not looking like a lost chump. Ambrose is the kind of guy the fans can and will get behind with the right booking. Hopefully the WWE lets him have a nice run and not cut his legs off before he's given a real chance.
  12. weezybaby

    weezybaby Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    Munich, Germany
    Didn't watch raw yet but I was surprised with the lack of urgency John Cena showed during his match with AJ. Was it ring rust or is he not 100%, the WWE also has to get rid of the super close camera shots, it is annoying when you see/here the guys talking to each other.
  13. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Probably a mixture of both ring rust and that's he's probably not 100%.
  14. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    They can start by allowing world heavyweight title matches on RAW again.. Seems like the title is only defended on PPV's which doesn't make sense to me.. Even if the result is obvious, put Ambrose against Styles, Ambrose against Ziggler, KO, Jericho, etc. Give him some high quality exhibition matches on RAW and get the fans excited to see a guy that actually puts his title on the line.

    Reigns best match Ive seen in Raw so far the last couple months was when he fought Sheamus and won the belt.. I don't understand why that belt is mostly exclusive for PPV's.
  15. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    Roman Reigns suspended 30 days for violation of wellness policy.
  16. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    I heard they knew before mitb, hence the tittle switch but that makes zero sense, if so, why did they make a triple threat match at battleground and not write reigns out until then if he were to wrestle that match still.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I don't mind the title only being defended on PPV, it makes those matches more meaningful.
  18. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I doubt they knew before the PPV especially if they put him out on RAW the next night. It makes no sense but you can't rule anything out with the WWE. The suspension might be the best thing for him, he can use the break and hopefully come back with a more interesting character and direction.

    EDIT: his suspension is apparently up before Battleground so he could still be in the Triple Threat match. Who knows.
  19. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Suspension will be up but no TV for him to appear on prior. The July 19th Smackdown is live on Tuesday, so he won't make that (which is also the draft) unless they retro the suspension or something. Not sure how they would do that though.

    Also keep in mind that a violation of the Wellness Policy does NOT mean steroids or PEDs, necessarily. It could be as simply as pot, or even less egregious like missing a scheduled pee test. That is how Hornswoggle got nailed, supposedly. No drugs in his system, just couldn't pee in the allotted time.
  20. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    The WWE doesn't test/suspend for pot. But yeah it could be he missed a pee test. He's owning up to it on Twitter.

    Wonder if the WWE will decide what to do with the match on Smackfown tonight or wait until Monday.
  21. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    RAW had the highest rating since the RAW after WM not like it did ahuge number but being up can only help Ambrose.
    SICK likes this.
  22. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Rumored PPV schedule for the rest of the year after the brand split.

    WWE SummerSlam – August 21st in Brooklyn, 7pm ET start time, both brands
    * WWE Backlash, September 11th in Richmond, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event, WWE Network exclusive
    * WWE Clash of the Champions, September 25th in Indianapolis, 8pm ET start time, RAW event
    * WWE No Mercy, October 9th in Sacramento, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event
    * WWE Hell In a Cell, October 30th in Boston, 8pm ET start time, RAW event
    * WWE Survivor Series, November 20th in Toronto, 7pm ET start time, both brands
    * WWE TLC, December 4th in Dallas, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event
    * WWE Roadblock, December 18th in Pittsburgh, 8pm ET start time, RAW event
  23. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I like that they are bringing back old PPV names like Backlash and No Mercy. Even Clash of the Champions instead of the 2nd rate Night of Champions. The newer PPV names are pretty lame like Roadblock and Fast Lane or lazy like Hell in the Cell or TLC.

    Still hate that there are 2 PPVs a month except in January, April, August and November. Just way too much wrestling that's going to overexpose the product.
  24. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    It's all pretty much on demand though, and if they are going to do a brand split, they really need to commit to that, wholeheartedly. Which means separate PPVs. With the new business model of the Network, I don't know that it is a disadvantage to have these extra events.

    If you like Smackdown better, chances are you watch those events. If you like RAW, you'll watch theirs. If you like both, then great. Regardless, the WWE has your $9.99 so what do they really care?
  25. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Oh no I get the reasoning. I just fear that the over exposure is really going to hurt the product. As it is the creative direction has major issues trying to fill only 5 hours of TV each week, now you're adding an extra PPV. The WWE is going to have to do a really good job at making these PPVs and weekly live TV shows seem like must see events. The reasons why the first brand split failed (is that the right word to use?) still exist today.

    It's great for the Network and possibly getting extra subscriptions. I just feel that I probably won't watch every PPV now as I simply won't have the time. If I was still a teenager I'd be in heaven.
  26. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    The first brand split was a failure. I think that is fair to say. Part of that problem was due to not following their own rules that they established. Eventually, the two brands were interchangeable. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they have learned from that this time.

    As for creative, you could argue that their work load is now cut in half as both franchises will have their own, unique creative team. So instead of trying to advance stories on Raw AND Smackdown, they only have to worry about one of the other. And if they do it right, the natural competition between the two brands should push one another.

    I doubt I will watch all the PPVS either. At least not live. But I have a subscription and if I miss something significant, I can always go back and re-watch at any time, which I think is what they are banking on. I do wish Raw would go back to two hours, as it would help the product immensely, but that ship has sailed. USA wants the third hour and it equates to over $50 million annually for WWE, so that ship has sailed.

    I DO think that NXT is about to be raided, however, and that brand may be in need of a total rehab come the fall. I separated the rosters on my own and to be honest, you need the talent from NXT in order to fill television adequately.
    Vertical Limit likes this.
  27. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Yeah I mean what you're saying makes perfect sense, I just worry about the WWE being able to have two separate brands and have them both be successful. The WWE had two separate writing/creative teams during the first split but it was obvious Vince only cared about RAW and thus Smackdown suffered after Heyman left. Plus those RAW and Smackdown only PPVs were pretty awful in terms of match quality and buys (which the WWE doesn't have to worry about) which is why the WWE started to cut back on them and have both RAW and Smackdown matches on them. I do think RAW is going to still be Vince's pet and will be the "entertainment" show while Smackdown will be for the "work rate show" which really isn't a bad thing, it worked during the first year or so of the 1st split.

    Yeah NXT is going to gutted, Meltzer is reporting that anywhere from 10 to 15 talents will be called up and that there will probably be two Women's divisions. WWE is also calling up any wrestler alive (past and present) to sign them to deals to help fill out the main and NXT rosters.
  28. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Brock's Summer Slam opponent is apparently going to be named tonight at the Smackdown tapings for reasons unknown. But Meltzer is reporting its going to be Randy Orton. Makes sense as he's the last big name performer who Brock hasn't faced yet.
  29. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    I am fine with this too. Brock needs to win though. Especially if he wins at UFC 200.
  30. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    It would be incredibly dumb for the WWE to have Orton beat Brock at this point in both of their careers.
  31. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    With Lesnar winning at UFC 200, I DO expect for this to be a "hard fought" match that Orton is competitive in. This way, Orton looks like a stud for going toe to toe with The Beast, before ultimately succumbing.

    Had Lesnar lost, I would have called for a squash of Orton in order to try and save face for Brock. But as it turned out, this is pretty much the best case scenario for WWE. Brock restores all of his bad-assery with the crowd, before coming back to WWE to murder everyone dead.
    Section126 likes this.
  32. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Meh. Sort of aboring RAW. I liked Darren Young winning the battle royal and for whatever reason, the goofy pairing with Bob Backlund just seems to work. Also, credit to Darren who looks to be in the best shape of his life.

    Shane running Smackdown and Steph running Raw is fine. Them being forced to have GM's is a little odd. But I assume this means that Steph/Shane will assume the Mr. McMahon roles on their respective brands and only show up occasionally to drop bug announcements/boost ratings, etc. At least I hope so...otherwise having two figurehead leaders on both shows is going to be awkward.

    Expect Daniel Bryan to be the GM of Smackdown. I assume HHH will run Raw. I could be wrong on both, but that is what I am led to believe.
    dolfan32323 likes this.
  33. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Nothing says making the IC and US titles meaningless than having Zack Ryder and Darren Young wrestling for them at Battleground. I think that's a big hint that there's going to be two separate WWE Champions again.

    Also expect to be a few more roster cuts in the next few weeks as mid to lower card wrestlers whose contracts are expiring are either getting low balled in contract extensions or not even offering contracts. Word is the WWE wants to free up roster space for all the NXT guys getting called up soon.
  34. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Anybody else semi-excited for the Brand Split on Monday? It's almost here...
  35. DenverDolfan

    DenverDolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 13, 2009
    Lakewood CO
    It will actually be on Tuesday, and yes.
    SICK likes this.
  36. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Rumor is Eric Bischoff will be one of the GMs.
  37. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Yea, mistake on my end, i knew that too, just a typing fart.
  38. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Haven't heard that one yet. Although he was recently on Jim Ross's podcast and was talking extensively about the brand split. Had some really good insight about what he thought would work versus wouldn't, and why Thunder even came about as a secondary program, etc., etc.

    Bischoff is a good character, but he is ultimately associated with failure within the wrestling world. IF he were to be the GM, I don't think people would be able to get past that, quite frankly. Even in a figurehead/character role.
  39. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Also, rumors are swirling that Brock Lesnar tested positive for PEDs for the UFC fight. Uh oh...
  40. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    So last night was fun. Good call Sam on Bryan being a GM. Foley was certainly a surprise, and honestly quite odd, as Stephanie is making fun of Bryan for being a B+ player and an underdog, as Bryan is literally Foley reincarnated for this generation.

    I hoenstly think Foley is temporary, and Stephanie will bring on HHH (although thats a kayfabe demotion if he's COO of the company already and he's on board for NXT) or someone else thats more "like her".

    Look I'll give Vince props, he's still trying to innovate, he's letting more people get involved and help grow the WWE (CWC, NXT etc), and he is listening to the fans, no matter what people say. Sure he's still going to do his stupid push the big guy to the moon stuff, but I see Smackdown as smarkdown depending on how the draft goes tonight I can see Bryan drafting guys like Ambrose, Zayn, Owens, Balor, AJ, Cena, Ryder, Ziggler etc and really giving the fan favorites chances, big matches, all about wrestling in the ring.

    RAW will be rollins, reigns, new day, wyatts, most of tag team division (need to fill those 3 hours).

    All I'll say is wrestling has been FUN lately!!!! So much fun! I have something to watch almost daily, whether its nxt Balor/Nakamura (didnt live up to the hype but still a great match) the CWC was awesome, seeing guys like Cedric Alexander and Ibushi is so fun! I have a friend coming over tonight for the draft, getting pizzas and beer - entire family is involved (my wife and son are fans).....stuff like Cena on the mic as the old veteran last night with New Day and Enzo/Cass makes me giggle like a little girl.....so much fun right now! Kudos WWE

    Edit: Post 9000

    dolfan32323 likes this.

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