And before him Cam Newton. All hype and never delivered. These are really good examples of where it pays to look at stats because these QBs were never great on the stat sheet, but their physical abilities kept impressing some fans who ignored their actual performance.
Not everyone. I, and nearly every person on this forum, have doubts. Cry harder and insult others while also crying about being insulted. Lol
That last sentence is very succinct and couldn’t be more correct. A cheetah is talked about because of their speed, but a house cat has a higher hunting success rate.
You’re the one insulting people and I‘m calling you out. Call it crying all you want doesn’t change the facts like Tua only made (like actually playing in it) to one playoff game and he was worse against the Chiefs then Lamar and Allen.
I'm wondering the same thing. Coach Harbaugh must've forgot to pay the electric bill. I mean this was a game of complex and desperate measures. We're talking Operation Neptune Spear level comparisons. The 400 mile round trip mission into hostile nuclear territory is what we're looking at here. It takes discipline and NO GOOFINESS.
It was as if the Ravens took on the role of Hitler in Stalingrad, thought they were just going to sleepwalk through the battle and conquer a weakening Red Army. The Soviets weren't having none of that.
It does not make sense, but it sure feels like it doesn't it ? So odd how this team only played a half several times.
He cost his team the game yesterday by not taking the points. I had a feeling he would do that as he has done it all year. I knew it would cost them at some point. Felt bad for his team.
We could have had Campbell, Tomlin, we had Flores. This team does not alike alpha coaches. They want guys they can control. We get Cameron, Gase, Philpin
I'll say as well, Lamar showed all season that he was capable of beating playoff caliber teams. He had monster numbers against them, so despite the uneven play yesterday, you know he's capable (like the game against Houston), whereas Tua's playoff/end of the season collapse was just an extension of a career of being terrible against playoff caliber teams. That's the difference. There's no non-Dolphin/Tua fan that wouldn't take either of those QBs over Tua. Ask around on a general NFL forum, and you'll get laughed at. That's just the facts.
The problem with your thinking, or lack thereof, is you somehow seemingly find excuses for every single QB when they have a bad game except for Tua. All QB’s have bad games. The Dolphins, with Tua as their QB, have beaten the Ravens x2, Bills, Chargers, 49ers, Cowboys, Bengals, Texans x2, Detroit and many others. In fact, with Tua at QB the Dolphins are 34-19. Explaining all that away by acting as if the Dolphins sometimes play teams not in the NFL is absurdity at its finest. It’s also more proof that you’re a troll.
Please elaborate, when Tua has beaten the Bengals and 49ers in a NFL game, no wonder you’re this aggressive…
There is more to your body of work when it comes to insulting posters on this forum, still not crying, just stating facts.
As of now both of them are better then Tua. Let’s see what Tua does next season and what Grier is able to put around him.
Bingo. Folks don't seem to get this isn't about a 1-2 game playoff sample. Tua was terrible against playoff teams this WHOLE season, and terrible his WHOLE career. This is a big problem moving forward with him.
Well, for my second language, I think I‘m doing quite well. Please stop with the deflecting and answer my question.
But Lamar repeatedly chokes in the playoffs. It's totally hypocritical to complain about Tua choking in "big games" then ignore the much larger sample size of Lamar or Allen choking in big games. Ravens aren't winning a SB with Lamar no matter what they put around him, so you definitely do not select Lamar over Tua due to "physical traits", not when he consistently chokes in big games. Be consistent.
Yeah. Injuries. Neither Tua nor the Dolphins offense in general played the way Dolphins' fans would have liked in the latter part of the season, but people love to talk about how only Tua failed against "good teams" and "great defenses", but those pass defenses were really good and no QB did particularly well against them (Even if the team ended up winning) . Mahomes/KC scored only 17 against the Ravens, with zero in the second half (He did have a 100 PR with a lot of short to intermediate/high probability throws. And he's the GOAT). Lamar/Baltimore scored only 10 on KC and Lamar had a 75.5 rating, fumbled once, intercepted once, and was sacked 4 times. Allen had an 86.1 rating with 186 passing yards against KC (Tua had an 87 with 193 yds against KC). Mahomes/KC was efficient against Buffalo and avoided mistakes but only had 215 passing yards. Stroud/Houston scored 3 pts on offense and Stroud had a passer rating of 72.2 with only 175 passing yards against Baltimore. Pretending that great defenses don't cause most QB's to struggle is the definition of having blinders on. Sure, the QB that may retire as the best ever outperformed the rest, but blaming Tua for not being Mahomes is shortsighted and won't lead to any real evaluations of his play.
Lamar played 8 playoff teams this regular season, and his numbers against playoff teams were BETTER against them than non-playoff teams. Josh Allen played 6 playoff teams Playoff Teams: 66.9% cmp%, 7.9 Y/A, 7 TD%, 1.74 int%, 104.1 Rate All games: 66.5% cmp%, 7.4 Y/A, 5 TD%, 3.1 int%, 92.2 Rate Non-Playoff Teams: 65.7% cmp%, 7.29 Y/A, 4.6 TD%, 3.6 int%, 86.95 Rate you know those QBs can actually be successful against top teams. There's some expectation they are capable even if the results aren't always there. That's why those guys actually competed and kept their games close. Wheras Tua crumbled like a cheap suit, and the games weren't remotely competitive. You could say it's a small sample this season for Tua playing playoff teams, but then you'd have to ignore his whole career of being terrible against playoff teams. Just not enough talent there, and a scheme can only hide the warts and unathletic abilities for so long. The fragility of needing to get the ball out immediately. Have you seen how well Purdy moved and threw outside the pocket? Scrambled for yards. Mahomes? You need to be able to create, and Tua simply cannot due to physical limitations.
Sorry. Lamar Jackson is a consistent choker in the playoffs. No way around it. His playoff ratings: 78.8, 63.2, 74.8, 61.5, 121.8, and 75.5. Overall, LJ's playoff rating is 75.7 versus his overall regular season rating of 98.0. In other words, Lamar Jackson has on average performed 22.3 passer rating points WORSE in the playoffs than in the regular season. You can't bring up regular season stats to defend this. This is one of the biggest playoff chokers around. If you want to win a SB you stay away from Lamar Jackson. Absolutely Tua is better because he doesn't have anywhere near the playoff sample size you have with Lamar Jackson. LJ is a definite NO.
I'm less worried about the clutch stats than the QB pressure. Because the clutch stuff can just be noise in small sample. The larger concern is how bad Tua is under pressure, it's just not something that is solvable. It's more that he can't physically make the throws necessary in these scenarios when his feet aren't under him. Also, he can't physically stand in there and take the hit on throws. That's why he was hit one of the least in football, because they prioritized health over performance. I can't see how that's ever going to change.
Several things: 1. Tua definitely has a problem under pressure. No question. However, it's not something you can just categorically say is "not solvable". Joe Flacco started off as a terrible playoff QB only to emerge as a great playoff QB and won the SB. That's why it's important to give Tua at least one more year to see if there's evidence he can improve, especially since he demonstrated huge amounts of improvement in so many other facets of his game many said he would never show just in the last 2 years. 2. There are tons of QBs that don't have the mobility or other key physical traits you and others keep harping on that won the SB. Brady for one. Performance > physical traits, and once you have larger sample size you shouldn't care at all about potential due to some physical trait. 3. For Lamar it's no longer small sample size in the playoffs. Statistically you start to get "reliable" data with passer rating when attempts are 150+. He now has 195 attempts in the postseason. 4. The purpose of regular season pressure stats or regular season stats against better teams is to predict playoff stats. There's no reason to care about the regular season stats once you have the playoff data, which is why the focus should be on getting more playoff stats with Tua before making a decision. One more year is sufficient however, otherwise the risk is too great.
Oh, it's GOING to change. Probably next year. McDaniel is going to feel the pressure from Grier who's going to feel it from Ross. They're going to tell Tua that if he wants a long-term contract, he has to ball out and be willing to take hits. Then he's going to get a new contract and THEN he's going to get badly hurt.
In one sentence you mutter "small sample size" and then use a small sample size by using arbitrary time limits and only certain point diffs. Over Tua's career with McD: 2023: 2022: Yeah, he plays so poorly when behind on the scoreboard.
Not to mention that LJ had a 41% completion rate against KC when blitzed. I guess he's just not physically capable. lol
Yeah, and while we're on the subject I do think Jackson and Allen are different. Jackson is just a consistent choker you can't win the SB with. Allen is an erratic choker that makes it very unlikely you'll win a SB. Allen at least has multiple playoff games where he's played fantastic. The problem is that over the course of 3 or 4 playoff games you're very likely to get that one choke.
I don't think he'd survive the season to a new contract if he stood in there like the rest of the league does, even if he moved up to average QB hits. Average QB hits a season is maybe around 40. Tua last year was hit 27x in 17 games. That's 1.59 hits a game. In 2022, he was hit 25x in 13 games. That's 1.92 hits a game, and those weren't all full games. In 2021, he was hit 24x in 13 games, that's 1.92 hits a game, and he didn't start all of them. He's always been one of the least hit QBs in the league, but this season, he really took it to a different level. With his previous concussion issues, I don't see them changing what worked.
One thing people tend to look past is the coaching factor in all of this. (Not to mention injuries) There's no doubt in my mind that guys like Allen and Jackson, playoff chokers and QB's who make boneheaded mistakes far too often, would play better under a HC like McD. I mean, it's not like we haven't seen pocket passers, with little mobility, go on to be some of the greatest QB's to ever play.
Different level? lmao... .3 more hits per game is a different level? If the trend you showed held, he would have been hit ~27 and ~26 times in each of the last two seasons if he had played all 17 games. And I'm sure the quickest release (physical trait) and his quick mental processing have nothing to do with those stats even though they are from two different HC's and offensive mentalities.