We all know that Bill Parcells has the pressure of rebuilding a team in the cellar of the NFL. What makes it all the more daunting is that he has to do this against the backdrop of NE, who just happen to be on the best run in the history of the NFL. His fingerprints are on that franchise as well. But the task Parcells faces is more than just reviving a bad team from the ashes. Every year, other mean (perhaps lesser) are tasked to do that with other teams (perhaps not as bad as Miami). There is more at stake this time. Hes not only attempting to restore a franchise, the very future of the franchise is in his hands. If BP doesn't turn this thing around, it very well could be that the Fins are sold and moved to either San Antonio (most likely) or Los Angeles (less likely). First, lets first establish some facts. I think we start by accepting the obvious that football in Miami isn't approached with the same passion as it is in Dallas or Green Bay. Part of it is that the Fins stink, but the Buffalo and New Orleans have supported worse teams in smaller markets. The demography has changed in America in general, and in South Florida specifically. The diversity that has taken root doesn't put football on the same pedestal in Miami as did the last generation. Many of the residents from Miami are new to the area and don't remember the days of Shula, Griese, or Marino. And if they do remember, they could care less if those glory days return. Another fact about South Florida is there is just much else to do. The beach, and all that it has to offer (nature, sailing, cruises, shops, restaurants, night life) is something other franchises don't have to compete against. Miami is also a favorite destination of off-broadway plays, concerts, and other entertaiment. These compete not only with the passion of the natives, but also the money. Lets talk about the money. As the talent, performance, and over all results of the Dolphins have all regressed over the years, the prices keep going up. Going to see a Fins game isn't a value. You don't feel like you've received a bargain. The tickets are expensive, the parking is expensive (and very time consuming), the refreshments are expensive...and you leave with so little to show for your efforts. The last challenge facing Miami is the climate. How many have ever sat in Dolphins Stadium at 1pm in September or October? Its hot as hell. Other places in the country are hot in the summer, but the heat in Miami is oppressive. And by October and November, when many other places in the country are experiencing football weather, Miami is still upper 80s and sunny. Now if they were winning, all of these points would be moot. The locals would show up in mass to support the home team. Right now, the locals showing up are mostly northerners there to support the Jets or Patriots, or the large contingent of Cowboys fans cheering on "America's Team". I know I used to make the trek from Tampa a couple of times a year to support the Fins. But when they stopped trying, I stopped going. And I am not alone. They could fix it. All they have to do is win. But the Fins aren't winning. Wayne Huizenga, who in the past has pledged undying loyalty to the Fins, recently hinted that he would be willing to sell the team. Hes since softened that stance, with the only difference being Parcells. If Parcells isn't successful here and leaves in three or four seasons, we could see the Dolphins follow. And I don't think they would face much opposition from the NFL. They actually might have their support. San Antonio is itching for football. Its a great town and growing. Texas is a great football state where passions run wild. High School stadiums in Texas hold 30K plus, and are full on a regular basis. The NFL could keep its presence in Miami by rotating Super Bowls and moving the Pro Bowl from Hawaii to Miami permanently. While the heat in Miami is unbearable in September and October, theres no place like it in January. Its a win/win. There is a case to make for LA, but being that they are a two time loser and face many of the same challenges of Miami, I think San Antonio makes more sense. And San Antonio knows it. They are gearing up for football. The NFL knows it. Its a huge market that the NFL would love to have a presence. And Huizenga knows it. He needs/wants to sell the Fins and he won't care where they go once he does. So the challenge for Parcells is to remake this franchise in the image of the Patriots, beat the Jets EVERY year and save the franchise for Miami. It'll be interesting to see if he succeeds in all, or any, of those areas. But if in a few years you are watching the San Antonio Gun Slingers (who used to be the Dolphins), you can remember, you heard it here first.
i will be the most depressed fan ever, if the Dolphins move to another place and change their names. imagine the die-hard Houston Oilers fans, Baltimore Colts, Los Angeles Rams fans....oh my oh my, if the Dolphins ever turn into a "San Antionio Gun Slingers" or something else...ill cry. heck, ill put in my own money just to keep the Dolphins from going away.
I agree with some of what you're saying. Winning would help too get better fan support even from the Hispanic community. But I can't see the team being moved anywhere whatever happens. Millions were just spent on the stadium and a move too the far`west with this team would make the NFL reshuffle their alignment. A team name change would of course be needed. No Dolphins anywhere near San Antonio. Would need another western type name. Just seems way too farfetched too me.
The Miami Dolphins are in no danger of being relocated. Things will quickly turn around here and people will fill the stadium to cheer on the hottest days. I was there when we were waving the white hankeys. I think it actually got started from people fanning themselves with the program- it looked cool on TV and people started bringing white towels to shake. The beach, the mall, you’re Playstation, those things are always there. You only get to see a few games in person per year. Going in person is an event. It is a great day when your team wins. Hang in there, we will be back. Happy New Year!
To Denny and Miami4ever and Finominal.... The name change isn't a problem. The Bucs are sold out every Sunday and have a two year waiting list for season tickets. The owners just built a world class training facility. You should see it, its impessive. If you have great fan support and happy owners, there is no need to move. Thats not the case in Miami. Finominal....you think you got more history than the Colts had in Baltimore? Are you kidding me? There is no loyalty anymore. I agree with you though that winning would cure it. But winning might not be in store for these guys.
first thing first this is just all speculation with nothing to back you up link ,story,or rumor but just to play along .................... the Miami Dolphins Fan base is as strong as any team out there ever the Mighty Patriots Miami still has one the top Stadium in the NFL ,still in heavy rotation when it comes to the Super Bowl games ...................... I can't give you any stats but Dolphins Games are alway sold out as well sometime a little help is needed but never the less a sold out is a sold out That along merit that the FINS franchise is Strong WH is 70 years old and it is about time to think of the welfare of the DOLPHINS down the road .Do you remember Joe Robbie's kids trying to run the team after he pass away (devastate) So what WH put off sales the FINS 4 years down the road WH will 74-75 ..........it just business ................... IS they a chance that the Fins relocate to another city no more or less of a Chance that ARI.,sf,ST. LOUIS ,JET BILL,HOUS,ETC ECT ECT.....................................
I feel like a misquito in a nudist colony....I am not quite sure where to start. But lets take your very first point about this being "speculation". Of course it is. But it is the facts on the ground that lead me to speculate. You are surely free to disagree. But to say this is an "impossible scenario" is itself every much as speculative as my point. The Fins fan base isn't as strong as GB, or Dallas, or Buffalo, or Pittsburgh....it may be as strong as NE, but since NE is in the midst of going 19-0 and we are in the midst of going 1-15, we can't fairly judge. To say our fanbase is among the best in the NFL is to risk all of your credibility. Our fan base clearly is not as strong (for many reasons) as the best in the NFL. But we have to accept the franchises where we find them...and in the condition that they find themselves. Your point about the Stadium leads me to believe you haven't been to many of the newer stadiums. Raymond James, the Texans Stadium, the new Cowboys Stadium....all are going to Dolphins Stadium seem very retro and antiquated. You also should do some research in re: to a "sell-out" and "attendance". A "sell-out", first of all, doesn't mean all tickets are sold, and the term actually in only meaningful in a media rubric. It deals with rules vis a vis broadcasting games. It has little significance to the owner. A game could be a sellout and 15K people no-show, and the owner loses close to a milliion dollars a game (if it happens 8 times a year, its real money). And age isn't necessarily congruent with selling the team. Ralph Wilson is old, old man Rooney died, and plus, 75 is young, if only in NFL ownership and the Supreme Court. Bottom line is, WH could probably 3/4 of a billion dollars for the team, and if he sold the stadium seperately, he could get alot even if the stadium was going to be demolished and rebuilt as office space. I think the Fins being sold and moved is a real possibility. IMO, the performance of the team over the next 3 seasons will go along way to determining their fate.
no way the fins get moved the market may not be the best right now, but it is atleast average the jaguars will be moved way before the dolphins are