I want to start off this thread saying that I pray to God for a full recovery of Pat White. I have been an opponent of the 2nd round pick on White since draft day. That is neither here nor there now. He is a Miami Dolphin and I will always hope he succeeds. However, his injury is on the shoulders of our coaching staff. The fact of the matter is Pat was not ready to play in the NFL. When you put a 190 pound person into an NFL before he is mentally or physically ready and call plays that let him take shots it is not a good recipe. Pat was not ready to throw the ball in an NFL game, the box was loaded with a tenacious run defense, and a horrific injury happened. Yes, it was a freak play and I by no means believe it was intentional. Regardless you were risking some type of injury to Pat in this situation. This needs to be on the conscience of our coaching staff.
Its on the shoulders of the GAME OF FOOTBALL nothing else. Please lets stop with the dramatics...its football, he was a football player. He played the play hard, he was tripped by the defender, falling off balance, got tackled with a hit...him being off balance and unable to asorb the blow had more to do with that anything else. Please lets use common sense and less emotion to define what happens on this field of play.
our coaching staff told ike taylor to launch his head into White's? of course whenever you put a player outthere you are risking injury, but that kind of play is gonna result in an injury to a lot if not most players. White's mental preparation and size has nothing to do with it. Darren Sproles weighs 181 pounds, hes just fine in the NFL.
While I agree the coaching staff wanted to take a look at Pat White, I don't think his injury is their fault. White isn't the only 190 lb player in the NFL, and there are plenty of WR and DBs that take much bigger hits than that on a play by play basis. White just was the victim of bad luck. I do hope he is OK, I never like to see that happen.
Teach the kid how to slide please.....wasn't he a baseball player? I hope he's ok, and look forward to seeing him develop. That was a nasty hit laid on him by a historically dirty team, just ask Carson Palmer!
That was helmet to helmet contact and the defender will certainly have a lighter wallet come next week
Wouldnt be shocked, but at the sametime I have to label that as bad luck...not INTENTIONAL.....the off balance falling White, the blocker trying to seal the sideline, and the defender trying to dive and avoid the block...a perfect storm that put the HELMET to HELMET. Probably a fine, but bad luck for PW more than anything else. Geez this team has ZERO quit, amazing...come on Miami.
He is a Football Player too......the risk is always there....but it comes with being a NFL player. No fear!!!!!
I would argue that White wasn't even playing as a QB. He was playing as a RB. WR's and DB's don't take these shots like a RB.
Pat White had no business coming out to play QB, period. If Henne was injured they have a much more experienced player on the sideline. The injury isn't on the coaching staff.....their mistake was blowing a chance to win this game. I hope he has a full recover and the staff has the brains to start teaching him how to catch a pass. Otherwise it's one of the most wasted 2nd round picks I've ever seen. Eddie Moore type bad.....
I'm not certain if I could call a player who has yet to complete a pass in a game after having played in several a quarterback, in all honesty.
A QB who's only attribute at this level is being dangerous in space.... In the NFL, we call those WR's, or busted picks.....
While I'm very sorry to see what happened to Pat White, it's just the game of football unfortunately. He's an NFL player, enrolled in the NFL draft, and went through the training camps the same way as everyone else. Unfortunately, he just happens to not have that much mass on him, took a very unlucky hit. I promise you that if you asked him if he wanted to be in the game with Henne having to come out, he'd say yes, and play. From everything I've read, and seen about this kid he's a fighter. And to suggest he wasn't mentally ready to put himself on the line for this team is kind of an insult. I truly hope he has a speedy recovery, and if we learn nothing out of this, it's that the boy is tough as nails, and pretty darn fearless.
So you're saying his horrible passes were because he wasn't physically ready then? Because it was one or the other, but he wasn't ready.
well, it is actually Ginn's fault, if he had taught Pat White to do what Ted does so very well... GET OUT OF BOUNDS... Pat wouldn't have been knocked out... /end sarcasm
The hit didn't seem to be malicious on Taylor's part. Looks like he was going shoulder to shoulder. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdakK8ocyq0"]YouTube- Pat White Injured on Helmet to Helmet Hit By Ike Taylor. Steelers vs. Dolphins[/ame] Hope White's OK.
It was ugly, but we have to remember he's still a rookie. Can't just throw in the towel based on one quarter of qb play. He could throw it at WVU.
This post is the biggest bit of irony I have read for some time. Just yesterday many of you stated that the Fins should bench Henne in the second half and turn White loose so we could intentionally lose and pick up a better draft spot, now you guys are saying the coaches should have known better than doing just that. Shame on all of you; hopefully you are praying for Pat White.
I have to disagree with you on this one. The game of football is an extremely violent contact sport. If he was not ready to play the game, he would not be here. We may agree or disagree about whether he should have been drafted in the second round or not but that does not matter. He could have been on any team, playing in any position and been injured. It was a clean play and a hard hit. I hope that Pat White recovers fully and comes back next year ready to play, but the fault for his injury falls on no one, sometimes stuff just happens.
As soon as White came in the game Pitt let the dogs loose. Henne in there and there is no way they blitz like that.
First off, my prayers go out to Pat White. Hope the hit looked worse than it actually was, and that he makes a complete and speedy recovery. Secondly, IMO the hit was not dirty. Illegal? Well, from the "helmet to helmet" rule...yes? And, as such, I'm sure Taylor will be fined. Lastly, how can anyone place blame on a player getting hurt? That just makes no sense to me whatsoever. Players play. And, as such they are susceptible to injury. It's just part of the game. JMHO...
I hope to God Pat White has a full and quick recovery...but the fact that there was no flag thrown for helmet to helmet contact is a load of crap...and the CBS announcer...the most ignorant sportscaster ever...said, "Pat White is a football player, helmet to helmet contact is just a simple part of the game." Are you kidding me!?
Pat White just doesn't look big enough to play QB. This is not college ball, and this is not the Canadian Football League. How many guys White's size have been able to play in the NFL? Not many.....even Doug Flutie who was about White's height, at least had a little stronger build......White is built like a high school QB at best. Drafting him in the 2nd round to play QB was a mistake, just like drafting Ginn with the 9th overall pick was a mistake. I really do hope that White recovers, but I think he is done as an NFL QB.
White accepted the second string QB position and he also has to accept the risk that goes with that responsibility. I hope he is not injured seriously but there shouldn't be any blame on the coaches for a second round QB getting hurt coming in to relieve an injured starter.
it should be completely on the shoulders of Ike Taylor for an illegal hit by leading with his helmet... And why was there no flag! He'll certainly be fined
thats the same type of hit gibril wilson tries to put on everyone. the only difference is guys usually bounce off of wilson and keep on going for plenty more yards. if they want to stop these types of injuries, they need to ban that style of tackling. unfortunately that same style of tackling usually makes some nice highlight hits that dont cause injury.
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/dolphins/pat-white-carted-off-field-after-a-head-160471.html White is at a hospital having tests and should be OK, according to a source familiar with the situation. White might stay overnight for observation.
The staff should have red-shirted White this season. He wasn't ready to play this season and the coaching staff should have recognized them. I think they felt pressured into using him or at the very least thought he was something that he has turned out not to be.
Absolutely disagree. Pat White declared for the draft, he decided to play this sport he gets everything that comes with it good and bad. 100% Pat White's decision to be a football player. This is on nobody except him for making that choice to sign the contract.
He is a football player, it happens. I don't blame the staff at all. Do you blame the Patriot staff for playing Welker? Football players get hurt, we never want to see it, but it happens.
What are you talking about? ZERO quit? I have yet to see the Dolphins this year play with heart from coin toss till the very last second. And seriously, they kept showing Chad Henne on the sidelines smiling and chatting it up with no problem with his eye. Sparano took him put and gave up to prevent any chance of long term injury,
First off I want to say that I hope Pat has a speedy recovery. It was a very scary hit and I'm glad to hear that he is doing alright. Regarding the coaching staff, I have been very disappointed in them this season. They did a good job last season and now it seems they have taken a couple steps back. We all knew it wasn't going to be easy this season with the NFL's hardest schedule. But seriously stop and think back to how many times this season you could do nothing but shake your head in disbelief. Granted, there are a few positions that need to be improved. Our team isn't complete yet. I just want the coaches to be evaluated just as hard as the players.