is hearing that there's "quiet concern" in the Chargers' organization that Shawne Merriman's career could be over. I DOUBT his career is in jeopardy But if it is, or is cut short, its going to be a real shame that he had all that talent, used steroids and never made the type of impact he could have
I don't know if his career will end, it could possibly if its too bad. He has had numerous injuries in the past couple months and has visited the doctor several times. He's had a lot going on this off-season, from denying the failed drug test to this now. Wish him luck because it'd be a really sad thing to see a talent like that leave this game, steroids or not.
I don't know how long he used 'roids, but there is some medical evidence that steroid use causes weakening of the structural tissue in joints. Of course, when the athlete, ineveitably, gets injured, they can use MORE steroids to help heal faster. 'Tis a snowball effect. I still think Bo Jackson's career-ending hip injury wouldn't have been career ending had he not been, as I suspect, using steroids heavily. Of course, there's no proof he used them. That's a personal supposition based on such a run-of-the-mill injury ending a career.
now that is just a pity, he was one of the current NFL players I enjoyed watching playing the game. That leaves the Bolts in a lurch, if we still had JT, we could have gotten a #1 out them I'm sure...maybe they would like JP?
Yeah I know but if we don't know if that's what is happening to him. I think its somewhat obvious that he used steroids. Their was a comparison done on Merriman and his image. I believe it was his 2005 team picture that showed he wasn't jacked up and then when comparing it to 2006, he looked like a monster. Here's a look at the images: And for those of you who think that he's wearing pads on the far left, he's not. I do want to note that he has passed 19 out of 20 drug tests. Yes, one he failed as we all know.
Remember, some of those pictures were Photoshopped by the team because Merriman hadn't taken an official picture yet. PFT covered this. Let me dig it up. Edit: Okay, I can't find the story on PFT, probably because they didn't carry it over to their new site format. But there's a word-for-word repost available here.
No, Florio said that PFT did not Photoshop them. It turns out the Chargers were the ones who Photoshopped Merriman onto Williams. Read the edit, it explains all.
Neither have I. I just can't believe that the tackle I watched (tugging his leg, was a catastrophic, unhealable hip injury unless he had something strange making his joints unusually weak. Too strange for me, in addition to him being stocky as hell, and playing in an era of rampant streroid use (Lyle Alzado, also of the Raiders, came out and said it was rampant).
Yeah, I read the edit. It still doesn't take away the fact that his head is noticeably larger. The guy is/was on steroids imo and I think it shows it there.
Yeah, obviously he was. Thing is, his loss of bulk isn't nearly as dramatic as it's made out to be. It's almost a non-issue, IMO. What he seems to have lost is not his size, but his strength. When Maurice Jones-Drew punks you, you have a problem. Time for the Chargers to look at a new OLB next year. Or maybe Jerry Jones is sufficiently dumb enough to swap Ware for Merriman straight up.
I still think its a big thing because it could have helped him perform in the dominant ways that he did . As Bpk stated, steroids do have an impact on your joints and the use of steroids could be the reason that he is having all this trouble this off-season. The loss of strength may be because he may not be on steroids now.
I was looking at Merriman's statistics since he's came into this league and found something interesting. Shawne Merriman has a total of 39.5 sacks in his career. 23 of those 39.5 came against the Bills, Jets, 49ers, Cardinals, Rams, Chiefs and Raiders. 13 alone came against the Raiders and Chiefs which means the remaining ten came against the Bills, Jets, 49ers, Cardinals and Rams. Merriman has been in the league 3 years now and only the Chiefs had a winning record out of all of them in those three years.
Lol hate to say it but that's what it looks like. EDIT: What I find even more interesting is that 27 of his 39.5 sacks came when he was being questioned about steroids and the images posted earlier came out (2005-2006).
CS Keys local sports anchor here was saying he had the knee checked out by Dr. Andrews who did the surgery 5 months ago. He has been having pain in that knee at practices.
So he must of reinjured his knee. or his knees are just worn out. IF thats the case he should hang'em up now and injury his years before it gets worst.
From what I understand watching NFL Network he thought the soreness would go away after the surgery and it hasn't.
Well its been 5 months like you stated earlier and it was arthroscopic knee surgery. I don't think that it goes away after only five months. Amare Stoudemire of the Pheonix Suns had arthroscopic knee surgery and he had pain for a while. I think they have to be careful with it but I don't see it ending his career as long as he takes care of himself. He may not be the same though, he may lose his explosiveness. Also about Merriman, I've seen multiple scouting reports on Merriman coming out of college. One thing that caught my eye is that he gained weight throughout the draft workouts and process. He went from 245 to 253 to 272 pounds.
It may take more time, or he may have to go in for some touch up work. We will have to wait and see what happens. Two sources to check are or
PFT Torn PCL and arthroscopic knee surgery earlier this off-season doesn't look good for his future. And by future, I don't mean that he won't play but I don't know if he will be the same player. He may lose some of that explosiveness off the edge.
Merriman has ligament issues with his left knee. It is loose ligament.
Shawn could be gone the season.
So we could wind up getting less in trade from a general manager who actually knows what he's doing? We got a good amount from the Redskins. We cashed in on their desperation along the defensive line after two season-ending injuries. This isn't the same situation in San Diego.
Hey FFIC, I picked the Charger's defense for my fantasy football is their Defense looking? Should I stick with them? Thanks for any info bro!!!
Now JT can return him that gift basket Merriman sent him for the 06 Pro Bowl. See kids, steroids dont pay.
Brother there defense will be awesome with Shawne. If he is out for the season we will have to see what happens. I still think they will be great. They have some good depth.
That defense will be find without Merriman. Maybe not as many sacks or as explosive, but they'll still be very good. Somebody actually kept the San Diego defense in my Fantasy Keeper League. Then again, he's the same guy who kept Vince Young (he traded Braylon Edwards for Vince Young last year, everyone went nuts in our league)
Looks like his career could be over. ESPN is reporting that he has a torn ACL and LCL, both injuries are career threatening.
I just came on here to ask if anyone else thought that the steroids could have had a hand in this and it seems my question has been answered. The thing is that if steroids did do this to him then I hope a few years of superior play was worth it whereas he could have had a long good career if he just used his talent. Its hard to feel bad for the guy with the way he acts but I still hate to hear his career may be over.
Yeah, he's a talented player, a bit overrated but still a good talent. Sad to see this happen. What could have been...
his career is not over yet, dont bring the tissues yet...i hope he is okay, he seems like a hard work steroids or not. i bet he'll be back
I just heard a report on NFL Network (sorry no link) where they said that Merriman would be risking his career if he plays without having the surgery. They didn't say if the risk was high or anything but the fact that that was said seems to make it much more likely that he won't play for SD this season.