Phins vs Pats

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Finatik, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. hitman8

    hitman8 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2016
    Tonight was the battle of limited QBs who are only good at throwing over the middle. Mac and Tua are in that same 2nd tier of QBs in this league.

    Today we saw what Tua looks like when his recievers are not running wide open play after play. Luckily the Pat's offense sucks.
  2. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I’ll take this cause on paper I had us 0-2 already
  3. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    Fin-O, Phil Hutchings and GARDENHEAD like this.
  4. Finatik

    Finatik Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    May 2, 2014
    SO Cal
    Why wow? You knew this would be coming.
    RGF and brandon27 like this.
  5. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Totally not rooting against Tua though!

    Looking forward to a week of certain posters trying to pretend Tua was awful
    RGF and brandon27 like this.
  6. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
  7. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Tua's best pass today was an off platform throw to the pylon in-between two defenders to Braxton Berrios.
  8. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    I thought Tua was bad in the second half. He was inaccurate with a lot of his throws. He threw the terrible interception and had another throw where he almost got Waddle killed throwing into a crowd. Raheem Mostert was the best player on offense tonight.
    resnor likes this.
  9. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    Welcome back.

    This is the issue I have with Tua "haters" or those that are unhappy with him in general. He needs to be perfect every single game and every single throw or else we get comments like this. Yes, he threw a dumb interception but all QB's do. Other than that he played a good game. He took what the defence was giving him, he made a lot of good throws (Berrios at the sideline, Waddle down the sideline, Waddle on a slant where it looked like he was throwing it straight at a Patriots safety until Waddle does his cut and the ball hits him perfectly). Waddle even had a costly drop that killed a drive, Tyreek fell down to kill another drive etc.

    No other QB in the league is held to this ridiculous standard. I also bet Tua wouldn't be as well if he was sailing the ball over his receivers head like Herbert and Lawrence do. For some reason underthrowing it is seen as a major crime yet sailing it 10 yards over the receivers head is ok.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
    Dorfdad, Phil Hutchings, RGF and 6 others like this.
  10. Phin McCool

    Phin McCool Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Waddle was 'almost killed' by a cheap shot, which the officials correctly called.
    MonstBlitz, Fishhead and Springveldt like this.
  11. Phin McCool

    Phin McCool Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Bah, you Tua haters have no patience. You can't even wait for us to lose before blowing cover. :lol:
    Pennington's Limp Arm likes this.
  12. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    I meant it in the sense that NE was an inch from the first down. It really did feel like we were in control all the way up to that point though.
    Springveldt likes this.
  13. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    People need to remember Belichick has been a master of adjusting at halftime for many years. It got to a point Peyton Manning thought they had hidden mics in the visitors locker room. I remember some years back Peyton stayed out in the hallway for halftime because he thought NE knew what they were doing after halftime in their previous matchup in NE. In any case NE coming back strong in the 2nd half is nothing new. Fins up baby!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
  14. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Look we ALL knew this was going to be an ugly game. This is a division rival. This was an away game. This was a game against a head coach with 6 Super Bowl championships. If any of you thought this was going to be a runaway game with Tua putting up lightening numbers, then you're delusional.

    The Patriots made some halftime adjustments, as you would expect them to do, to slow down Miami's offense which was killing them in the first.

    A win is a win. Not every one of those wins is going to be a must see, ESPN highlight reeled game.
    Phil Hutchings, Tuanon4Life and JJ_79 like this.
  15. ExplosionsInDaSky

    ExplosionsInDaSky Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Ugly game against one of the best defenses in the league and we come out with a win in their building. I'll take it! Tua didn't do much in the second half, but he really didn't have to. We were never not in control of this game. Like I said, New England has a stellar defense. Jalen Hurts struggled last week as well against them.
    Tuanon4Life likes this.
  16. JJ_79

    JJ_79 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    Ugly win against a good NE team. D did step up compared to last week and Chubb finally had a good game. Mostert had a great game and the O-line had another good showing. Tua was not spectacular and has to work with Williams on those snaps, besides that he can’t have a game like last week every game and we played a divisional game, look what happened to Allen against the Jests last week…
    Tuanon4Life likes this.
  17. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008

    Pretty solid game for a guy that can only throw to wide open guys over the middle. Don't see too much in between the hashes here do you?
  18. Fishhead

    Fishhead Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    The Pats (and specifically their D) did the same thing to the defending NFC champs a week ago. Gave up a big drive, got put in a hole by a turnover, then adjusted at halftime and put the clamps on in the second half. Nobody bashed Hurts, but Tua gets crucified.

    OL played a solid game. Run game was working and not a ton of pressure on Tua - Judson’s sack was a great move by him. Could it be that we finally found a good OL coach?

    Mostert was great - hopefully he can stay healthy and play to this level all season. Ahmed has been looking good also - he’s putting the flashes we have seen in the past into a more consistent body of work. When the Fins’ speed is mentioned, he needs to be in that conversation as well - dude has some wheels.

    Tua was great in the first half; the interception was a bad throw and unnecessary given the flow of game. I think he was trying to get Hill his yards. The throw to Waddle was not him “trying to get Waddle killed” - he threw it up for Waddle to go get, and he might have come down with it if he didn’t get a helmet to helmet hit.

    Great turnaround by the defense - smothered the run and were playing against the Pats and the refs in the second half. They were also playing without their best pass rusher, although AVG did his best JP impersonation. I agree with someone who said he is misused in the middle.

    All in all, a good win on the road against a divisional opponent with a stout D and a HOF coach. Let’s enjoy being 2-0 with two road wins!

    Fins Up!
  19. Fishhead

    Fishhead Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Forgot to mention special teams:

    Berrios is a great add to this team. Sanders is a liability; how many clutch FGs is he going to miss before we at least bring in some competition for him and light a fire under him?
    Silverphin likes this.
  20. DolPhinPhan7

    DolPhinPhan7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    They did cover right? On the Road, against a good Defense.

    As much as the Patriots were driving, it was only for the tie.

    They should have put them away after the Mosert TD, but that bobbled snap on 3rd and 1 and Sanders miss made the game far more interesting.

    The FG unit made this game much closer than it should have been.
    dolphin25, Fishhead, JJ_79 and 2 others like this.
  21. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    Personally I thought Tua played pretty well all night but I felt the throw put Waddle in a pretty poor spot and lead him into trouble there with that throw. At first I thought he really exposed Waddle with the high throw, but watching it again it's pretty much where he had to put it because of Judon defending him. Ball had to be up a bit. If I remember correctly there were still two deeper defenders coming across that were going to lay a big shot on Waddle anyways. The decision to throw to him there had him in a bad spot where he was going to get smoked anyways. OF course it ended up in a cheap helmet/helmet shot though from the defender which made it worse. I didn't like the playcall and decision but it seems I should be more upset with the playcall than the throw as it seemed pre-determined from the snap on that play that Hill was the decoy out wide after going in motion and the throw was always supposed to go to Waddle, problem was the D was all over it. It's one I kind of wished he hadn't thrown. Of course it is hard to say what was really supposed to happen as we don't know the playcall, but I thought either way Waddle ended up in a position where he was going more defenseless than he should have been. I don't think you can blame Tua really as it seemed that play was scripted to go there and he put the ball where only Waddle could get it, but the defenders just sniffed it out and even without the head hunting helmet to helmet shot I suspect Waddle still takes a big shot there. At the end of the day I just hated everything about that particular play.

    All in all there were plays to be made in the second half and the offense got a bit mixed up from the Pats adjustments on D. Seemed to be more pressure being applied, more mixed up coverages and the offense wasn't quite prepared for it. That being said it's also a Bellicheat D... so you know theyre going to be tough and they were most of the game really. We had a plan in the first half, but not so much in the second. So, that's why people will think Tua's game sucked. I don't have that opinion, but I'm sure there's a few throws he'd like back like that INT, and a few of the other misses. All in all though, you can't expect to put up 400+ every week.
  22. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Just laugh and move on.
    brandon27 and Fireland like this.
  23. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    They're like clockwork. They think they make valid points but they're so easy to see right through its actually comical.
  24. RGF

    RGF THE FINSTER Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Now, here's the difference between an honest meaningful post and those who live to hate on all things Tua. Nobody here thinks Tua played flawlessly elite , (Including Tua), but he made some damn good throws which created the W for us.
    Anyone who chooses to focus on only the few bad throws are showing their true colors and motives.
  25. Pennington's Limp Arm

    Pennington's Limp Arm Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2014
    Ontario, Canada
    Fins put up 390 yards of offense and 24 offensive points. And lost some points in the kicking game.

    Philly only put up 250 total offensive yards and 18 offensive points in Foxboro. +6 of those points came off 50+ yd Field goals.

    Big bad Billy was so afraid of Tua and our lethal passing game he was playing a 3 high umbrella defense. Rarely seen at the NFL level… or any level of football for that matter.

    Went on the road in the division and won by a TD. Another great game!!
  26. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Probably good that they didn't sign Dalvin Cook he looks very washed right now
  27. Pennington's Limp Arm

    Pennington's Limp Arm Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2014
    Ontario, Canada

    Also Lamm was great again. He has been huge. Armstead’s absence is virtually unnoticeable.

    And Chubb finally showed what he is capable of in A Dolphins uniform!!
  28. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Looks like the Deflatriots were doing Deflatriot things again last night.
  29. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    I wish the media would focus on this play rather than the last play of the game where he was obviously short. I mean, how can the refs miss so many ineligible receivers downfield on a single play. Was it because there were so many of them that it caused their brains to overload? It was clearly meant to be a bootleg run by Mac but he chose to throw it when it was getting stopped.

    Gesicki is still actually blocking 5 yards downfield right in front of a side judge, it's comical.


    edit: Seem the proxy server doesn't link imgur or imgur is blocking the link.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
    brandon27 likes this.
  30. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Your image didn't appear in my browser so I'll post it again:

    But yeah, every official should have had a flag on the turf on that play.
  31. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Unless I missed something, I don’t believe anyone was bashing Tua. All I saw anyone say as a negative was it was an ugly win.

    Let’s not get into this silly back and forth on Tua again please.
    OwesOwn614 likes this.
  32. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013

  33. Phil Hutchings

    Phil Hutchings Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2018
    Unfortunately, due to having to work, I only watched the first half, but I was impressed with the way the team played.

    The D was much better than last week, and though not spectacular, as they were against the Chargers, the Offence still looked very good.

    I know it’s still very early in the season, but the OLine is a revelation, compared to'22. Raheem is proving to be a very shrewd acquisition and Tyreek and Jaylen are scarily quick.

    All in all, a great start to the season. Let’s hope it continues.
    Springveldt likes this.
  34. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I dont blame Sanders for the block.. that was just a ridiculous play that weve all tried in Madden.. but the guy is just not reliable .. when i saw they were sending him out i said it on this thread.. bad idea lets punt it..
  35. OwesOwn614

    OwesOwn614 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Exactly. He didn't have a great game, but it was subjectively a good one. Pointing out the difference isn't dumping on him. People who complain when somebody posts about bad plays are every bit as bad as people who think he can't do anything right. He had a 92 passer rating, which isn't poop but it's far less than what we've come to expect.
    dolphin25 and Dorfdad like this.
  36. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    100% agree tua did enough to win the game sometimes you take what you can get. The patriots have a good defense as shown in week 1 against the eagles they are a high scoring offense also and it was a tight game. We won 2 games in the road tua has looked good imho. The oline has looked better and the defense has improved. Now we go home for a game and than against the bills in the road again. If you told me we may be 4-0 or 3-1 after a quarter of the season I’d say I didn’t believe you with the schedule on paper.

    hopefully we can win the next two and our schedule softens a little and we get some home games
  37. Two Tacos

    Two Tacos Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Do you have people on ignore? If so, you may only be seeing the reponses.
  38. Wilkimania

    Wilkimania Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
  39. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Waddle is in concussion protocol. Hopefully he's good to go for Buffalo in two weeks.
  40. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Great test to see how Tua plays without Waddle and how much he’s improved as a quarterback. I don’t think Tua is as dependent on both Hill and Waddle being out there to play at a high level as he was last year.
    Tuanon4Life likes this.

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