Lower level sideline seats. Row 1 and 7 ! on Ebay. Auctions will be removed...God forbid we lose. 3 front row, two 7th row, parking passes included. Miami Dolphins vs AFC WildCard Playoff Football Tickets - eBay (item 250348247851 end time Dec-31-08 17:05:11 PST) Miami Dolphins vs AFC WildCard Playoff Football Tickets - eBay (item 250348245598 end time Dec-31-08 16:57:42 PST) LETS GO DOLPHINS!!!
I have sat in that section row 7 and it was awesome. Rain game, unveiled Danny's statue, beat the Ravens..woot!
wish i could go myself, but living in NJ with a wife and 16 month old, not happenin. im still grateful I got to go to the home closer.
scan the tickets and have some pics of you holding the tickets looking sad. Then you will have some ammo when the kid gets older.. "just LOOK at what we sacrificed for you"
UPDATE: The game will take place on Sunday January 4th, 2009 at 1PM, at Dolphin Stadium in Miami, FL.