Please Post Your Final Rosters Here

Discussion in '2010 GM League Forum' started by GridIronKing34, May 10, 2010.

  1. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Please post your final 53 man rosters (with an optional write up) here.

    Voting will begin on May 17th.
  2. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida

    **** = starter ****C**** = captain
    Head Coach - Lovie Smith
    Offense Coordinator - Clarence Shelmon
    Defense Coordinator - Todd Bowles

    Cutler, Jay, QB, $8,500,000.00****C****
    Hanie, Caleb, QB, $385,000.00
    McCown, Josh, QB $300,000.00

    Jackson, Steven, RB, $5,500,000.00****
    Bell, Kahlil, RB, $370,000.00
    Moats, Ryan, RB, $300,000.00
    Wolfe, Garrett, RB, $460,000.00

    McKie, Jason, RB, $745,000.00****

    Wide Receiver

    Floyd, Malcolm, WR, $5,250,000.00****
    Aromashodu, Devin, WR, $460,000.00****
    Crayton, Patrick, WR, $1,500,000.00
    Hester, Devin, WR, $550,000.00****C****
    Easley, Marcus, WR, $300,000.00 -ROOKIE

    Tight End
    Davis, Kellen, TE, $385,000.00****
    Miller, Billy, TE, $300,000.00
    Cumberland, Jeff, TE, $300,000.00-ROOKIE

    Offensive Line
    Garza, Roberto, OG, $745,000.00****
    Kreutz, Olin, C, $2,333,333.00****C****
    Mathis, Evan, OG, $1,250,000.00****
    Columbo, Marc, OT $1,342,059.00****
    Clifton, Chad, OT $1,550,000.00****
    Salaam, Ephraim, OT $300,000.00
    Louis, Lance, OG, $310,000.00
    Marten, James, OT, $370,000.00
    Omiyale, Frank, OT, $620,000.00
    Reed, Tyler, OG, $370,000.00

    Defense Tackle/Nose Tackle
    Johnson, Antonio, NT, $900,000.00****
    Smith, D'Anthony, NT, $300,000.00 - ROOKIE
    Toeaina, Matt, DT, $460,000.00

    Defense End

    Brock, Raheem, DE, $850,000.00****
    Holliday, Vonnie, DE $845,000.00****C****
    Gilbert, Jarron, DE, $310,000.00
    Carrington, Alex, DE, $450,000.00 - ROOKIE

    Outside Linebacker
    Brooks, Ahmad, WOLB, $3,350,000.00****C****
    Brown, Alex, DE/SOLB, $745,000.00****
    Clemons, Chris, DE/WOLB, $1,000,000.00
    Roth, Matt, SOLB, $700,000.00
    Berry, Bertrand, OLB, $300,000.00

    Inside Linebacker
    Burnett, Kevin, ILB, $900,000****
    Roach, Nich, ILB, $900,000.00****
    Mays, Corey, ILB, $300,000.00
    Shaw, Tim, LB, $300,000.00

    Bowman, Zackary, CB, $310,000.00****
    Robinson, Patrick, CB, $500,000.00 ****- ROOKIE
    Smoot, Fred, CB, $300,000.00
    Graham, Corey, CB, $460,000.00
    Moore, David, CB, $310,000.00


    Wilson, Adrian, SS, $5,500,000.00****C****
    Ross, Aaron, FS/CB, $613,000.00****
    Payne, Kevin, FS, $460,000.00
    Allen, Will, FS, $300,000


    Gould, Robbie, K, $750,000.00
    Maynard, Brad, P, $300,000.00


    Turenne, Woodny, CB, $370,000.00
    Landolt, Dennis, OT, $300,000.00-ROOKIE
    Iglesias, Juaquin, WR, $310,000.00
    Mines, Fontel, TE, $370,000.00
    Melton, Henry, DE/WOLB, $310,000.00

    58 players under contract. 53 Active Roster

    Total Salary: $57,208,392.00 ($791,608.00 UNDER)

    Free Agents
    Mark Anderson, DE, UFA
    Josh Bullocks, S, UFA
    Danieal Manning, S, UFA
    Darrell McClover, LB, UFA
    Adewale Ogunleye, DE, UFA
    Adrian Peterson, RB, UFA
    Nich Roach, LB, RFA (tendered at 900k)- RETAINED
    Pisa Tinoisamoa, LB, UFA
    Jamar Williams, LB, UFA

    Draft Picks
    1st Round = N/A
    2nd Round = #38 (From Browns) Patrick Robinson - CB (FSU)
    3rd Round = #76 Alex Carrington - DE (ARK. ST.)
    4th Round = N/A
    5th Round = #142 (From Chiefs) D'Anthony Smith - NT (LA TECH.)
    6th Round = #172 Dennis Landolt -OT (PA.ST.), #177 (From Browns) Marcus Easley -WR (CONN), #186 Jeff Cumberland -TE (ILL)
    7th Round = N/A


    Free Agent Signings

    Jay Cutler QB $8,500,000
    Malcolm Floyd WR $5,250,000
    Evan Mathis OG $1,250,000
    Nich Roach LB $900,000 (tendered)
    Kevin Burnett LB $900,000
    Raheem Brock DE $850,000
    Fred Smoot CB $300,000
    Chad Clifton OT $1,550,000
    Pat Watkins S $300,000 -CUT
    Brad Maynard P $300,000
    Billy Miller TE $300,000
    Ahmad Brooks OLB $3,350,000
    Ryan Moats RB $300,000
    Corey Mays LB $300,000
    Josh McCown QB $300,000
    Tim Shaw LB $300,000
    Chris Clemons DE/LB $1,000,000
    Will Allen S $300,000
    Bertrand Berry OLB $300,000
    Salaam, Ephraim OT $300,000

    Starting Lineups / Depth Chart


    QB Jay Cutler........Caleb Hanie........Josh McCown
    RB Steven Jackson........Khalil Bell........Ryan Moats
    FB Jason McKie
    WR Malcolm Floyd........Devin Aromashodu
    WR Patrick Crayton........Devin Hester
    TE Kellen Davis........Billy Miller........Jeff Cumberland
    LT Chad Clifton........James Marten
    LG Evan Mathis........Frank Omiyale........Lance Louis
    C Olin Kreutz........Tyler Reed
    RG Roberto Garza........Frank Omiyale........Tyler Reed
    RT Marc Columbo........Frank Omiyale

    K Robbie Gould


    KR Garrett Wolf

    Philosophy: Predominantly, a 3 wide set West Coast Attack, with the Slot being very active down the field, very similar to the Green Bay Attack you have grown accustomed too. The run offense will be one cut, one trap style with a Zone blocking scheme.

    LDE Raheem Brock........Jarron Gilbert........
    NT Antonio Johnson........D'Anthony Smith........Matt Toeaina........
    RDE Vonnie Holliday........Alex Carrington........
    SOLB Alex Brown........Chris Clemons.........Matt Roth
    SILB Nich Roach.........Matt Roth........Corey Mays
    WILB Kevin Burnett........Nich Roach
    WOLB Ahmad Brooks........Chris Clemons........Bertrand Berry
    LCB Zackary Bowman........DJ Moore
    RCB Patrick Robinson........Fred Smoot........Corey Graham
    SS Adrian Wilson........Will Allen
    FS Aaron Ross........Kevin Payne

    P Brad Maynard

    PR Devin Hester

    52 front: LDE: Clemons LDT: Brock NG: Johnson RDT: Holliday RDE: Brooks SC/Mike Backers: Burnett, Roach

    3-4 front: SOLB: Roth LDE: Brock NT: Johnson RDE: Holliday WOLB: Brooks SILB: Roach WILB: Burnett

    4-3 front: LDE: Carrington LDT: Holliday RDT: Johnson RDE: Clemons SLB: Roach MLB: Burnett WLB: Brooks

    Nickel 4-2: LDE: Clemons RDT: Carrington LDT: Gilbert RDE: Brooks Mike/Mon.: Roach/Burnett

    A hybrid 34 - 52 - 43 with a emphasis on controlling the 1/2 gaps. A Linebacking corp. built on speed and cover ability. The secondary will be predominantly M2M press on early downs, with a heavy zone bent on passing downs.
    PSG, B.Sebo, Fin-Omenal and 2 others like this.
  3. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007

    Head Coach - Rex Ryan
    Offense Coordinator - Tom Clements
    Defense Coordinator - Bob Sutton

    Depth Chart/roster

    Ben Roethlisberger*
    Eric Ainge
    Levi Brown

    Shonn Greene*
    Ricky Williams
    Washington, Chauncey
    Kolby Smith

    Vonta Leach*

    Jericho Cotchery*
    Mark Clayton*
    David Clowney
    Dominique Edison
    Donald Jones
    Limus Sweed

    J Trueblood*

    B Moore*
    M Slauson

    N Hardwick*
    Robert Turner

    E Amano*
    ????: - Miami Dolphins Forums
    M McGlynn

    D Ferguson*
    Brandon Frye

    D Keller*
    Jeff King
    Kris Wilson

    Stephen Bowen*
    Pitoitua, Ropati

    Jenkins, Kris*
    Brandon McKinney
    Torell Troup

    Jason Hunter*
    Ryan Bingham

    C Pace*
    Jamaal Westerman

    Zac Diles*
    Ricky Brown

    Jason Phillips*
    Antwan Barnes

    Clint Ingram*
    Arthur Moats

    D Revis*
    Marques Cole

    OJ Atogwe*
    Major Wright
    Chris Clemons

    Jim Leonhard*
    Kurt Coleman

    Brandon Ghee*
    Kevin Hobbs

    Aaron Pettrey

    Weatherford, Steve

    Dearth, James

    Kolby Smith

    Dominique Edison

    * - starters

    TEAM SALARY $57,080,000.00

    Jets Practice Squad

    Brandon Minor 300000 RB
    Sean Canfield 300000 QB
    Keaton Kristik 300000 OLB
    Casey Knips 300000 OT

    Fendi Onobun 300000 TE

    FA Signings

    OJ Atogwe 8700000 FS
    Eugene Amano 5750000 OG
    Jeremy trueblood 2500000 OT
    Clint Ingram 500000 OLB
    Jason Hunter 1000000 DE
    Stephen Bowen 600000 DE
    Jeff King 300000 TE
    Mark Clayton 2300000 WR
    Dominique Edison 300000 WR
    Vonta Leach 600000 Fb
    Antwan Barnes 300000 OLB
    Ricky Brown 300000 OLB
    Kevin Hobbs 300000 cb
    Brandon Fry 1200000 ot
    Kolby Smith 300000 rb
    John Kuhn 300000 fb (cut)
    Kris Wilson 300000 te
    Ryan Bingham 300000 DE
    Rashad Butler 300000 T(cut)
    Chris clemons 300000 FS


    Trade 1
    Jets get
    Ben Roethlisberger

    Pitt gets
    Nick Mangold
    Vernon Gholston
    1st, 2nd & 6th picks

    trade 2
    jets get
    Nick Hardwick
    4th rd pick

    SD gets
    David Harris

    trade 3
    Pets get
    Zach Diles

    Texans get
    K Rhodes
    T Jones

    Trade 4
    Jets get

    Clev gets
    B Scott
    M Sanchez

    trade 5
    jets get

    Blt gets
    Faneca 7 mil

    Trade 6
    Jets get
    Ricky Williams

    Miami gets
    4th 116 overall

    Trade 7
    Jets Get
    Limus Sweed Wr

    Pitt gets
    5rd pick 160

    Trade 8
    Jets get
    OG Mike McGlynn, 385,000
    ????: - Miami Dolphins Forums

    Phil gets
    pick 153 rd 5

    Trade 9
    Jets get
    pk 218 rd 7
    pk 220 rd 7

    Ariz gets
    Shaun Ellis, DE 4,650,000

    Trade 10
    jets get
    rd 4 108
    rd 5 147

    Pats get
    rd 3 83

    Trade 11
    Jets get
    Rd 4 125
    rd 5 151
    rd 7 222

    GB gets
    Rd 4 108

    3 (from Clev) [72 overall] Brandon Ghee Cb Wake Forest
    4 (from Clev) [103 overall] Major Wright, FS Fla.
    4 (from SD) [124 overall] Torell Troup, DT UCF
    4 (from GB) [125 overall] Kurt Coleman, SS OSU
    5 (from NE) [147 overall] Levi Brown, QB, Troy
    5 (from GB) [151 overall] Arthur Moats, OLB, James Madison
    7 [195 overall] WR Donald Jones, YSU
    7 (from Ariz) [218 overall] Aaron Petrey, K OSU
    7 (from Ariz) [220 overall] Fendi Onobun, TE Houston
    7 [221 overall] Brandon Minor, RB Mich
    7 (fromGB) [222 overall] Sean Canfield. QB Oregon State


    Keaton Kristik OLB 300000
    Casey Knips OT 300000


    we wanted to get younger on defense witth hardnosed "footbball" guys up front. we feel like our d front 7 will compliiment each other and allow each to do what they do best.

    offensively we wanted to become more physical while being able to hit the home run, and we feel we did that by adding Big Ben and Ricky Williams to pair w S Green. Our o-linne got younger while remaining a strength. Our wr while not flashy names, are guys we feel will againn compliment each other well. Keller is an underrated TE & while wwe had offers to move, we could not let a te like him go.

    overrall we feel we cleared cap, while getting younger and more physical
  4. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    The New Indianapolis Colts

    GM: Bill Polian and I :)
    Head Coach: Jim Caldwell
    OC: Tom Moore
    DC: Larry Coyer
    Offensive Captains: Peyton Manning, Dallas Clark, Daniel Graham
    Defensive Captains: Jason Taylor, Aaron Smith, Larry Foote

    Depth Chart

    QB: Peyton Manning -Dan Orlovsky - Tom Brandstater - Curtis Painter
    RB: Michael Bush - Montario Hardesty - Larry Johnson - Javarris James
    FB: Justin Griffith
    WR1: Eddie Royal - Anthony Gonzalez - Dezmon Briscoe
    WR2: Austin Collie - Mike Williams - Kenny McKinley
    TE: Dallas Clark - Jermaine Gresham - Daniel Graham - Nate Byham
    LT: Bruce Campbell - Braden Albert
    LG: Braden Albert - Randy Thomas
    C: Matt Tennant - Joe Berger
    RG: Joe Berger - Kyle Devan
    RT: Phil Loadholt - Kyle Calloway

    Offensively the base formation will be a two TE set with Clark and Gresham as starters. The selling point for the Colts is a TE's productivity over a FB. Griffith will see time in short yardage/power eye formations. Our running game will be by committee but we really like that each back brings a different skill-set with Hardesty potentially being the most complete one. On the line our goal was to get bigger and stronger and we feel that was accomplished. In typical Bill Polian fashion we only used 1 high pick on an OL. Finally at WR the trading of Reggie Wayne and the trade for Eddie Royal will make the Colts a bit more explosive on the outside. Eventually the hope is that Mike Williams and Dezmon Briscoe add to the depth and explosiveness of this team. Tom Moore and Peyton Manning always bring a unique perspective to the game as they seem to see things on the field that no one else sees and they find a way to exploit mismatches. With Peyton getting older we felt it practical to start to become more of a power team on the interior OL while maintaining our finesse roots offensively.

    Defense - 3-4 Alignment

    LDE: Aaron Smith - - Marques Douglas
    NT: Ziggy Hood - Arthur Jones - Fili Moala - Junior Siavii
    RDE: Igor Olshansky - Eric Foster

    LOLB: Derrick Burgess - Greg Ellis - Eric Norwood
    ILB: Julian Peterson - Tim Dobbins - Eric Norwood
    ILB: Larry Foote - Phillip Wheeler
    ROLB: Chris Long - Jason Taylor

    CB1: Shawn Springs (2) - Ken Lucas (4)- Jacob Lacey (6)- Sam Shields (8)
    CB2: Will Allen (1) - Andre Goodman (3) - Orlando Scandrick 5)- Karl Paymah (7)
    FS: Morgan Burnett - Will Allen - Anthony Smith
    SS: Tyrell Johnson - Anthony Smith - Harry Coleman

    Defense - 5-2 Alignment
    RDE: Derrick Burgess - Chris Long - Eric Foster
    RDT: Igor Olshansky - Marques Douglas
    NT: Ziggy Hood - Arthur Jones - Fili Moala - Junior Siavii
    LDE: Aaron Smith - Ryan Sims
    LDE: Jason Taylor - Greg Ellis

    LB: Phillip Wheeler - Tim Dobbins
    LB: Eric Norwood - Julian Peterson

    CB1: Shawn Springs - Ken Lucas - Jacob Lacey
    CB2: Will Allen - Andre Goodman (Nickel) - Orlando Scandrick - Karl Paymah
    FS: Morgan Burnett - Will Allen - Anthony Smith
    SS: Tyrell Johnson - Anthony Smith

    P: McAfee, Pat $310,000
    K: Vinatieri, Adam $300,000
    PR/KR: Eddie Royal/Sam Shields

    Defensively the emphasis was on getting bigger and stronger in the front seven and emphasize more a zone blitz philosophy which should explain some of the player acquisitions that were made. We wanted players who could play in a two gap scheme and who had enough versatility where we could prevent offenses from spreading us out and still give different looks including a true 5-2 look with 5 legit down linemen suited for those roles. By doing this, we feel it will create match-up problems and confusion for the oppositions OL. In the secondary, we transitioned from the Tampa two zone to a straight cover two man press scheme. With 7 solid corners and very good safety depth we feel we can match up well with spread teams or teams that want to use a pro style formation. Quality depth was especially important to us and we believe we achieved that.

    Indianapolis Colts Practice Squad:

    McKinley, Kenny $300,000 WR - A young WR who probably came out of South Carolina a year too early, the Colts organization felt it was a good idea to take a chance on a raw route runner with quick feet and decent hands. With enough repetitions he could develop into a solid depth player who is a downfield threat.
    Painter, Curtis $310,000 QB - A young 6th round pick from Purdue, he displays good accuracy. His arm strength is a little week but with enough time in the film room he could become an adequate backup. Can never have enough QB's.
    Devan, Kyle $370,000 OL - Started plenty of games down the stretch in 2009. Played ok but was put here because we figured we were less likely to lose him then the player we really wanted to put on the PS.
    Coleman, Harry $400,000 S - A linebacker conversion still learning the safety position we feel at the very least he could be come a core ST guy if not an adequate safety. He displays decent play recognition and hits like a truck.
    James, Javarris $400,000 RB - Its just always about the U and they have quite the tradition of tailbacks doing well in the NFL. James lacks long speed but he runs very well inside and displays good toughness. He recognizes a hole and gets through it. While he lacks big play explosion, he always seems to fall forward to keep the chains moving.

    Colts Draft Picks
    1-23-23 Indianapolis Colts via Broncos - Jermaine Gresham - TE - $600,000 - As many know JPP and Rolando McClain were my favorite players pre draft. The Colts passed on the opportunity to take McClain and decided to traded down with Denver. While we still believe McClain will be a special player we felt ILB was more then adequately filled both in terms of depth and quality. With a 1st round pick at 31 it would have been easy to hope Gresham would be there but we decided that risk was too great and that this was a player who fit the Colts offensive philosophy to very core. Gresham displays outstanding physical ability for a TE and along with Dallas Clark will be the best 1-2 combo at TE which will also help to make up for the loss of Reggie Wayne via trade. Having Gresham, Clark, Eddie Royal, and Austin Collie/Anthony Gonzalez all on the field at once will be extremely difficult to cover.
    1-31-31. Indianapolis Colts - Bruce Campbell - LT - $600,000 - This pick didn't sit well with some but we felt it practical to move Braden Albert back to guard as Campbell has a great skillset. In a locker room full of hard workers, led by Peyton Manning, the hope is that it will rub off on Campbell and allow him to achieve his significant potential. In order for that to happen, Campbell has to improve in his willingness as a run blocker. He has long arms, prototypical size and strength, and good feet. He shows the speed to get downfield and to be able to block quick rushers but he suffers some lapses in concentration. Again, being around Manning and Tom Moore should help him here.
    2-20-52 Colts via Steelers - Eric Norwood - LB - $500,000 - We feel like this was a need pick for our 5-2 defense as Norwood should be able to roam side to side and make tackles. He has shown the ability to make plays in the passing game as well. Norwood is known for his work ethic and intensity.
    2-26-58 Colts via Cardinals - Morgan Burnett - FS - $500,000 - The Colts were actually quite surprised to see him still there as we had originally intended on using this pick on Mike Williams. When DC Larry Coyer came running in to the draft room begging myself and Bill Polian to draft Burnett we succumbed as we felt this could allow us the option of keeping Will Allen at CB. Burnett will start at FS as long as he plays well in camp and preseason. He's a playmaker.
    3-24-88 Colts via Broncos - Mike Williams - WR - $400,000 - Possibly more potential then any other WR in the draft, Mike Williams' character issues are the only reasons he's even available here. Otherwise he's gone in the top twenty five picks of the draft. Where others view this as a reach, the Colts see this as a significant value. As with Campbell, we feel this is a very strong locker room and while we are weary of infecting it, Williams knows he's on a short leash and that he better be here to work. His route running could use a little refining but overall he has good hands, speed and plays a physical game. He shows a willingness to block in the running game, though occasionally he has a "Moss moment", and uses his size well.
    3-25-89 Colts via Cardinals - Montario Hardesty - RB - $400,000 - The best overall back in the draft, bar none. Others may have flashier measureables but Hardesty displays all the characteristics of a great runner. If you're looking for your next Emmitt Smith or Curtis Martin type back we think he's right here. Displays great patience in setting up blocks. Doesn't dance around, just picks a hole and gets through it. Seeks out contact and has a tough hard running style. Consistently falls forward. We love players that want the ball and when Hardesty took the ball over 70 times in two games last year and still wanted more that caught our attention. Only drawbacks are injury history and maybe a lack of long speed Should push talented incumbent Michael Bush for a starting spot early on.
    4-1-97 Colts via KC via Oakland - Matt Tennant - C - $300,000 - Still wondering how he was available this late. One of the top 5 interior OL prospects in this draft, Tennant will start from day one. Plays with a good mean streak, ideal technique, and Boston College has a great reputation for producing quality OL under Jeff Jagodzinski (you spell it if you dont like it lol).
    4-4-100 Colts via Lions - Arthur Jones - NT - $300,000 - Will see time as a zero technique nose tackle and could rotate around the DL as he can play any of the 3 DL spots in the 3-4 base. In our 5-2 scheme, he can play as a DT. Very strong, high character kid with a solid work ethic.
    4-123 Colts via Bears - Dezmon Briscoe - WR - $300,000 - Doesnt display the speed that catches attention of scouts but a pretty good route runner who ran all the routes in the spread in college. Had an issue or two off the field. Good hands, mixes it up in the run game willingly.
    5-1-129 Colts via the Rams - Kyle Calloway - OT - $300,000 - A nasty, physical RT who could be moved to left guard if needed. Calloway shows the ability to get to the second level and consistently seeks out defenders after his initial block is complete. Will become a better pass blocker over time; already a very good run blocker.

    Free Agent Signings
    Julian Peterson: 1M - Injury risk, but came cheaper then expected. Really wanted D'qwell Jackson but wasn't willing to spend more then a given percentage of our cap on a player besides Manning and Clark. As stated, depth was at the core of our philosophy. Can play LOLB or ILB.
    Tim Dobbins: 1.25M - Peterson insurance and a core ST player. Taking a chance on his upside here and hoping he can become a more consistent player. Strictly an ILB
    Larry Foote 2M - Needed a starter alongside Peterson so instead of paying one guy 5M, one of the three guys who combined makes less. Foote has great leadership qualities and has plenty of experience in a 3-4. Strictly an ILB
    Daniel Graham 500k - High character, experienced winner who should help Gresham and Clark in blocking game. Will also be used to help Nate Byham develop. Reliable hands who is a team leader.
    Ken Lucas 2.6M - Probably overpaid a bit but we feel he still has something left. In 2008, didnt have a penalty until week 16 and was rated as one of the top corners. His decline coincided with the decline in Carolina's team defense. Started to play better towards the end of the year. Will start off 4th on the depth chart and have the opportunity to work his way back up the depth chart.
    Adam Vinatieri 300k - Was cut to save a million bucks. Wanted to spend between 300-400k on a kicker. Mission accomplished.
    Jason Taylor 2.2M - A hybrid scheme requires versatile players and Taylor can play as a down lineman or as a stand up outside backer on the weakside or the strongside.
    Marques Douglas 300k - A depth signing who can play either RDE or LDE. High character, strong work ethic
    Randy Thomas 300k - A depth signing who can still be an effective run blocker. High character, strong work ethic, injuries always a concern.
    Derrick Burgess 2M - Like with Taylor, a hybrid scheme requires players who can fit in different positions. Will primarily be a weakside pass rusher in the 3-4 or a RDE in a 5-2 alignment. Just a year removed from being the NFL sack leader.
    Shawn Springs 600k - Still playing at a high level. Has lost a step but probably won't be asked to cover the other team's best WR.
    Justin Griffith 550k - Needed a FB and he's as good as any. Pro bowl guy only a few years ago and still young enough to regain form
    Karl Paymah 300k - Depth/ST guy. 7th on the CB depth chart.
    Kenny McKinley 300k - PS player with upside
    Dan Orlovsky 300k - Adequate backup who I liked coming out of U Conn. Strong armed and good field awareness. Strong command of the huddle and knowledge of the offense. Reads coverages fairly well
    Tom Brandstater $800k - Developmental project but can never have enough QB's. He and/or Painter could become trade bait down the road.


    Trade 1) Cap dump. Needed to create cap space early on and felt Bush is an upgrade over Addai in terms of pure ability and especially inside the tackles. Wasn't sure I would be able to get a back in the draft and was thrilled to get a player I felt had a high value. Moving away from Tampa 2 zone scheme, Hayden didnt fit as a press CB. Saturday's age had us searching for a younger Center.

    Colts Trade:
    Jeff Saturday - Center - 1,500,000
    Kelvin Hayden - Cornerback - 1,730,000
    Joseph Addai - Running Back - 713,000
    Total Salary Going to Oakland: 3,943,000 (- 3,483,000)

    Oakland Trades:
    Michael Bush - Running Back - 460,000
    5th round pick
    Total Salary Going to Colts: 460,000

    Trade 2) Again, cap dump. Could have just cut the players but I figured it was better to get a return. Sims was originally going to be used as a DT in the 5-2 scheme but when the right deal presented itself he was shipped out. Brock had no fit in a 3-4. Garcon we felt was a product of the offense and felt it practical to sell high.
    Colts Trade:
    Raheem Brock - Defensive End - $3,205,000
    Pierre Garcon - Wide Reciver - $385,000
    Total Salary going to Bengals: $3,590,000

    Bengals Trade:
    Pats Sims - Defensive Tackle - $385,000
    5th round pick
    Total salary going to Colts: $385,000 (-3,205,000)

    Trade 3) Cap dump. Also loved getting a draft pick. At the time WR depth looked like it might be a need. Diem started to show age and wanted to become more physical on the OL.
    Colts Trade:
    Ryan Diem - RT - $3,750,000 (-3,290,000)

    Rams Trade:
    Laurent Robinson - WR - $460,000
    5th round pick

    Trade 4) Transitioning out of the Tampa-2 set, Mathis had no fit in a 3-4 base so it would have been bad allocation of cap space to keep him as a backup.
    Eagles send: 2nd round pick #55

    Colts send: DE Robert Mathis $2.3M

    Trade 5) Part cap dump, part position priority. With Charlie Johnson a RFA, we werent sure how high the bidding would go and wanted to have a LT in place before the FA signing period started. Post draft, decided Albert would play LG for now. Wanted the draft picks in a bad way too because of the quality in this draft class.
    KC trades:
    LT Branden Albert $493,750
    2nd (4)36
    3rd (4)69

    Colts deal:
    WR Reggie Wayne $4,220,000
    LT Tony Ugoh $530,000
    4th (31)
    7th (31)

    Trade 6) Session was a player who didnt fit the scheme we were transitioning to and we had a pressing need for a RT and a Safety. This trade allowed us to later deal Bob Sanders for a significant return
    Vikings Trade
    Phil Loadholt $310,000 Right Tackle
    Tyrell Johnson $385,000 Safety
    Round 6 (181) Via New England via Minnesota
    Salary Coming to Colts: $695,000

    Colts Trade
    Clint Session $460,000 LB
    2-31-63rd overall
    Tom Santi $385,000 TE
    Salary going to Vikes: $845,000

    Trade 7)Hated to give up Powers. Two of the three were backups for the colts and Sanders is a risk/reward proposition. By previously acquiring Tyrell Johnson, we didn't need a safety in return so instead asked for and received Chris Long who will be our starting SOLB in the 3-4 set and see some time as a LDE in our 5-2 sets. The 17th overall became Gresham (at 22) and an additional 3rd.
    St. Louis sends Chris Long ($310,000) and the 17th overall to IND.


    IND sends Pat Sims ($385,000), Bob Sanders ($620,000) and Jerraud Powers ($310,000) to ST Louis. (total salary to STL: $1,315,000)

    Trade 8) Depth trade. Post FA, Sims was cut as the need to save cap space at the time presented itself.
    Tampa Bay sends: Ryan Sims, DT ($1,000,000)

    Indianapolis sends: Round 6 #181

    Trade 9) Felt a need for a good CB and possible FS conversion project. At the time thought Allen may be my starting FS. Also felt Joe Berger could end up as a starter either at C or RG so allowed for different options during the draft instead of having to lock in at one position of need.

    Miami sends CB Will Allen ($1,310,000) and OL Joe Berger ($675,000)

    To Indy for 3rd round pick, 95 overall.

    Trade 10) Mainly wanted Hood, Smith and the pick. Freeney is strictly a downhill player who I wasnt sure about him transitioning to a 3-4 set especially at a 6.2M cap hit. Took experience and a sure thing over strict talent in this deal and it worked out well in my opinion. Also dumped some salary which was a motivating factor in the teams defensive strategic decisions. If I stayed in a 4-3 I would have had to take a certain downgrade from the top 4-3 DE over the past 7-8 years. By moving to a 3-4 set emphasis became more about size and strength rather than speed.
    Steelers and Colts agree to the following trade:
    Dwight Freeney ($6,220,000)
    5th round/pick 17 (acquired via Cincy)


    Ziggy Hood ($1,100,000)
    Aaron Smith ($2,350,000)
    Vernon Gholston ($2,900,000)
    2nd round pick/pick 52 overall

    Trade 11) Depth at CB always a priority with the value placed on WR's by many in this league. Also got a very good run stuffing DE.
    Cowboys and Colts agree to the following deal. The pick from the Reggie Wayne trade was the pick traded.

    Cowboys trade:
    Orlando Scandrick ($385,000)
    Igor Olshansky (1,700,000)

    Colts trade
    3rd round pick/pick5/69th overall (acquired via KC)

    Trade 12) At this point wanted safety depth and a healthy player rather then a particular position.
    Colts trade:
    Laurent Robinson WR $460,000

    Jags trade:
    Anthony Smith FS $535,000

    Trade 13) Cap dump on Denver's part (Goodman) who in my opinion was a steal. Just one year removed from playing like a top 20 CB he fit the teams need for corner depth. Getting the versatile and explosive Royal creates a downfield threat we didnt previously have.
    Colts Trade: 2-23-55 overall and 5-31-159 overall

    Broncos Trade: Eddie Royal - $385,000 and Andre Goodman - $1,800,000

    Trade 14) Even I can have too many DL.
    Colts Trade: Antonio Johnson DT 900k
    Bears Trade: pick 123 (rd 4)

    Trade 15) 2 picks > 1 if used well. Works out well according to the trade chart. Picks became Morgan Burnett and 71 was used in another trade down.
    Arizona sends:

    Indy sends:

    Trade 16)Traded down to fill a need at C at the time. Never expected Tenant and another C to be there as late as they were.
    Colts receive:
    Justin hartwig (1.6M)
    rd 3 - pick 89

    Cards receive:
    Mike Pollack (385k)
    rd 3 - pick 71

    Trade 17) Lilja's battled injuries over the past few years and we liked some late round guard prospects and felt we may go in that direction at the time.

    Tampa Bay Sends: Round 6, #163

    Indianapolis Sends: Ryan Lilja, G

    Trade 18)Broncos wanted McClain and thought I would take him. If I had stayed there I might have but getting two additional picks to move down 5 slots seemed like a good idea. Picks became Jermaine Gresham and Mike Williams. 131 was used in a trade up for Matt Tennant.
    Broncos send: picks # 1-23-23, 3-24-88, and 5-3-131
    Colts trade: pick 1-17-17

    Trade 19) Moved up because badly wanted Matt Tennant. Getting the solid and versatile Greg Ellis was a nice coup as well. Elliss will see time in a reserve role as a DT in our 5-2 set on passing downs and reserve OLB in our 3-4 set.
    Colts trade:
    5-3-131 Colts via Broncos $300,000
    5-7-135. Oakland Raiders to colts via trade $300,000
    6-163 Colts from Bucs $300,000
    Justin Hartwig C 1.6M

    KC Trades:
    Greg Ellis OLB 2M

    Trade 20) Wanted another pick. Felt Arthur Jones' (who was the reason we traded up) potential as a nose tackle was better then Brown's potential as a running back. We needed a solid young NT prospect more then a guy slated to be our 3rd or 4th string RB.
    Detroit Trades

    Colts Trade:
    Donald Brown RB $310,000

    Overall the idea behind some of our trades was finding players that fit the scheme. Also adhered to strict requirements in size/strength of a player due to the influence the Planet Theory has had on the GM. Also enjoyed manipulating the draft up and down finding the players I wanted. There is a core philosophy at each position emphsizing toughness, size/strength and versatility over simply ability.

    Brandstater, Tom $800,000 QB
    Manning, Peyton $14,000,000 QB
    Orlovsky, Dan $300,000 QB
    Painter, Curtis $310,000 QB
    Total for QB's: $15,410,000

    Assessment of QB's: Manning is the best QB in the game and maybe the best ever. Other teams made offers for the future HOFER and were repulsed by the asking price. The Colts felt we took it easy on the them considering what Manning has meant to the franchise. Orlovsky is an adequate backup though obviously no one can replace Peyton Manning. Painter and Brandstater are good developmental projects.

    Bush, Michael $460,000 RB
    James, Javarris $400,000 RB
    Johnson, Larry $2,000,000 RB
    Hardesty, Montario $450,000 RB
    Total for RB's: $3,220,000

    Assessment of RB's: A good stable of backs is always important because of the nature of injuries at the position. Michael Bush has speed to turn the corner and has a powerful running style. Montarrio Hardesty is the organization's gem at the position though as we feel he will become an elite back in the NFL very soon. Larry Johnson provides experience and will serve as a short yardage back and quality depth.

    Griffith, Justin $550,000 FB
    Total for FB's: $550.000

    Assessment of FB: Just a few years removed from the Pro Bowl Griffith has battles injuries the past few years and his play has dropped a bit. Will be a situational player. Exhibits strong character and work ethic.

    Briscoe, Dezmon $300,000 WR
    Collie, Austin $310,000 WR
    Gonzalez, Anthony $460,000 WR
    McKinley, Kenny $300,000 WR
    Royal, Eddie $385,000 WR
    Williams, Mike $450,000 WR
    Total for WR: $2,205,000

    Assessment of WR's: Prioritized getting a speed WR to stretch the field vertically. Gonzalez and Collie are excellent route runners and possession WR's who can also create a little after the catch. Williams could be a star if he utilizes his ability and works hard. High risk, high reward. Briscoe will be depth in the first year be down the road could become a good #2/#3. McKinely is on the practice squad.

    Byham, Nate $400,000 TE
    Clark, Dallas $3,300,000 TE
    Graham, Daniel $500,000 TE
    Gresham, Jermaine $600,000 TE
    Total for TE: $4,400,000

    Assessment of TE's: With a two TE base we needed to keep four TE's. Finding Byham as a UDFA was a steal in our opinion as he can be used in Jumbo formations and has soft hands. We feel he can develop further as a TE and with so many good TE's on the depth chart in front of him he will be challenged to raise his game. Graham and Clark are known commodities in what they bring to the table. Graham is an outstanding blocker with multiple championship rings. No one stretches the seam like Dallas Clark. We're hoping the immensely talented Gresham takes the best qualities from both.

    Albert, Braden $493,750 OL
    Berger, Joe $675,000 OL
    Calloway, Kyle $300,000 OL
    Campbell, Bruce $600,000 OL
    Devan, Kyle $370,000 OL
    Loadholt, Phil $310,000 OL
    Tennant, Matt $300,000 OL
    Thomas, Randy $300,000 OL
    Total for OL: $3,348,750

    Assessment of OL: Wanted to get younger, bigger, stronger and meaner up front. Braden Albert and Phil Loadholt will be the leaders of a young OL. Albert is a technician at guard and has LT experience. Loadholt is a truck in the run blocking game and with the powerful Joe Berger next to him defenses cant be looking forward to our running game. Rookies Bruce Campbell and Matt Tennant have all the talent to become good players. Tennant was viewed by many scouts as a top 50 player in the draft. A hard worker with a lot of leadership qualities Tennant could become an all pro sooner then later in our assessment. Campbell could be the key though. he has good feet but needs to refine his technique. Having Albert next to him should help in that regard since Albert is better in pass protection then the average LG. Randy Thomas provides experience and depth at either guard position. Calloway can play RT or guard. Berger is the backup at center.

    Burgess, Derrick $2,000,000 DE
    Douglas, Marques $300,000 DE
    Foster, Eric $370,000 DE
    Long, Chris $310,000 DE
    Olshansky, Igor $1,700,000 DE
    Smith, Aaron $2,350,000 DE
    Total for DE's: $7,030,000

    Assessment of DE's: versatility and experience were the keys here in what we wanted in our players. Most of these guys can play multiple positions in the 3-4/5-2 hybrid. Led by Smith and Olshansky, the starting DE's in the 3-4, this unit is one of the strongest in the league. Long is a major talent acquisition who will be the teams starting SOLB in the 3-4 set and a DE in the 5-2. Burgess is as talented a pass rusher as there is. He will be the WOLB in the 3-4 and a DE in the 5-2. Foster and Douglas provide depth and experience.

    Hood, Ziggy $1,100,000 DT
    Jones, Arthur $300,000
    Moala, Fili $310,000 DT
    Total for DT's: $1,710,000

    Assessment of NT/DT: Hood will be the starting NT. He possesses the size and strength to play directly over the oppositions center. Jones is more of a technician who may take some time to adjust but overall we love him as a prospect and his versatility. He will back up Ziggy Hood. Moala will see most of his time in the 5-2 as a reserve DT.

    Dobbins, Tim $1,250,000 LB
    Elliss, Greg $2,000,000 LB
    Foote, Larry $2,000,000 LB
    Norwood, Eric $500,000 LB
    Peterson, Julian $1,000,000 LB
    Taylor, Jason $2,200,000 LB
    Wheeler, Philip $385,000 LB
    Total for LB's: $9,335,000

    Assessment of LB's: A 3-4 team can never have enough LB's. A team incorporating the 5-2 needs a different type of LB so depth and quality were paramount. There's a good mixture of run stuffers like Foote, Dobbins and Peterson as well as pass rushers like Taylor, Elliss and the aforementioned Chris Long and Derrick Burgess. Wheeler has value in the 5-2 as a sideline to sideline backer who can cover. Ditto for Norwood.

    Allen, Will $1,310,000 CB/FS
    Goodman, Andre $1,800,000 CB
    Lacey, Jacob $310,000 CB
    Lucas, Ken $2,600,000 CB
    Paymah, Karl $300,000 CB
    Scandrick, Orlando $385,000 CB
    Shields, Sam $400,000 CB
    Springs, Shawn $600,000 CB
    Total for CB's: $7,505,000

    Assessment of CB's: Without a single "shutdown CB" we had to make sure we had a deep group that did different things well. The common trait is the CB's all play the ball well and can play press. Allen and Springs will start with Goodman, Lucas and Scandrick behind them on the depth charts. Paymah and Shields are strictly special teamers as they refine their technique. Shields possesses the skillset to become a good corner in this league but is still raw.

    Burnett, Morgan $500,000 S
    Coleman, Harry $400,000 S
    Johnson, Tyrell $385,000 S
    Smith, Anthony $535,000
    Total for Safeties: $1,820,000

    Assessment of Safeties: Tyrell Johnson is one of the top 5 strong safeties in the league in the assessment of the front office. hes a hard hitter with very good instincts. Rookie Morgan Burnett is someone the front office is very high on as he displays good hands and plays the ball at its high point. Anthony Smith can play either safety spot. Harry Coleman is a SS conversion on the practice squad.

    McAfee, Pat $310,000 P/K
    Vinatieri, Adam $300,000 K

    Special Teams Assessment: Vinatieri is one of the games all time great clutch kickers and has hit two game winning field goals in super bowl play. Not sure there is a player you could trust more in a big spot. McAfee is a young punter with a good leg and gets above average hangtime. Eddie Royal is our return man and one of the best in the league as he is an explosive threat every time he touches the ball.

    Cap Space available: $1,467,250
    B.Sebo, Fin-Omenal, Paul 13 and 3 others like this.
  5. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    Tampa Bay Buccaneers Final Roster

    Vengeful Odin and Unluckyluciano Present the ...


    Head Coach: Raheem Morris / Offensive Coordinator: Norv Turner / Defensive Coordinator: Darren Perry


    Taking over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, I wasn’t completely sure what I was getting into. I knew that the Bucs were one of the youngest teams in the league, I knew they had some cap room which would help me fill holes, and I knew that there was a modicum of talent on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I knew I needed help, and thus I enlisted some in the form of the NFL’s equivalent to the Rain Man – Unluckyluciano.

    When taking over a team like this, your natural reaction is to blow the thing up, gut it, and just start over. This actually wasn’t our goal at the outset. After an initial glance over Tampa’s roster, we knew that there was going to be work. A lot of work. So instead, we took a simplified approach.

    That approach started with the coaching staff. Raheem Morris is a good coach, though some thought he should not have been retained. I like Morris, and not only because he comes from Kansas State. I think he was given too much too soon, as he was thrust into the head coach role and then asked to take on defensive coordinator duties as well. Morris reminds me in some respects of a guy like Mike Tomlin, a guy he coached with from 2002 to 2005.

    Morris seems more at home on the defensive side of the ball, so we went out and signed Norv Turner to run things on offense. Turner comes from the Coryell coaching tree, though he runs a much more conservative approach than his fellow counterparts. Turner prefers to run midrange passes and use a lot of play action. Other coaches (such as Mike Martz) prefer to try and go “over the top” with the deep ball. Because of this, Turner sometimes gets miscast as a “West Coast” guy, though this is a misnomer. Turner will also serve as the team’s Assistant Head Coach, and help serve as a mentor of sorts for Morris.

    Defensively Darren Perry has been brought into the fold. Like Morris, Perry is a former defensive back turned coordinator. Perry has been instrumental in the development of young players, as his resume of players coached reads like a who’s who of NFL All Pros and Pro Bowlers. They include Troy Polomalu, Chris Hope, Nnamdi Asomugha, Charles Woodson, and Nick Collins. Perry has been exposed to both the 3-4 and 4-3 defenses, both as a player and a coach, though in this case he will be partnering with Morris to play primarily a 4-3.

    Offensively our approach was simple. Get Josh Freeman some weapons. We knew early on in the process that we would be parting ways with Antonio Bryant. Our plan with him was to maximize his value, and if possible, trade him for a draft pick. Outside of Bryant, Freeman didn’t get a lot of help. Kellen Winslow was solid TE, though he may have underperformed a bit and was really too expensive. Sammie Stroughter was a pleasant surprise last season at wide receiver. The offensive line was okay in pass protection, but generally horrible when trying to run the ball. Our thought process was that if Freeman is to develop as a QB, he is going to need a consistent run game and more people to throw the ball to.

    We’re calling this defense the “Throwback” Tampa 2. It’s really just a return to what made the Bucs so special in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The Tampa 2 is predicated not as much on size as it is speed, especially at the linebacker position. Most of the pass rush is generated up front by the four down linemen, as there isn’t a lot of blitzing. The secondary requires corners that can play well downhill, generally in zone coverage. The safeties are a key part of the scheme. The free safety is expected to be able to play well in coverage, and the strong safety to be able to assist in run support. Really though, the most important position in the Tampa 2 is the ILB spot. Playing the mike in the Tampa 2 requires a player to be able to tackle generally anything, roam sideline-to-sideline, but most of all be able to drop deep into coverage down the middle of the field.

    Using Jeff Ireland’s “Core Positions” strategy, we ranked the current Tampa Bay players. (For those of you that may have forgotten, these include QB, LT, WR, CB, NT, and a Pressure Player) Running the Tampa 2 meant that we would need to modify these positions accordingly. In the Tampa 2, a pass rushing defensive lineman (either an end or tackle – think Warren Sapp) is more important than a bulky nose tackle, and inside linebacker is probably the most critical position among the entire defense. We also wanted to find a strong safety that could assist in run support, as the Tampa 2 doesn’t have a lot of blitzing and sometimes requires an eighth man in the box.

    From that jump off point, we began to develop an offseason “shopping list.” We were happy with what we had in Josh Freeman, so there was no real need to go after a QB. Next on the list was a Left Tackle, as midway through our planning we realized that Donald Penn was going to be a UFA. While we liked Penn, we knew that he would command a high salary in FA, and we were not willing to franchise him. We also knew from our initial review that a major overhaul of the entire offensive line was needed. A #1 WR to play opposite Stroughter was a must. On defense we wanted to improve, specifically at the defensive tackle position. We liked White and our younger players, but the other veterans were being overpaid for underperformance. We had Barrett Ruud in the middle, so inside linebacker was covered, and our outside linebackers both graded out highly. We liked what we had in Talib, but we also wanted to continue rebuild the entire secondary, especially with the Saints on the roster two times a year. Lastly, we wanted to find our John Lynch, a guy that could drop the hammer from SS.



    One of the hallmarks of a Norv Turner offense is balance. That balance starts up front with the offensive line. Last season, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were anything but balanced. According to Football Outsiders, Tampa Bay ranked second to last in run blocking and 11th in pass blocking. It was clear to us that we would need to run the ball more efficiently to take the pressure off of Josh Freeman. As such, several players were allowed to walk (Donald Penn, Jeremy Trueblood), and others were shipped out for picks and players (Davin Joseph, Jeremy Zuttah). Jeff Faine is the lone starter from 2009 still with the organization. Faine underperformed in 2009 but we expect him to rebound with the change in offensive philosophy and injection of talent around him. Jason Peters was brought in after a trade with the Eagles. Peters is an underperformer, but we believe he represents an upgrade to Donald Penn at LT. Rob Sims and Willie Colon are two young players who should excel at RG and RT. Ryan Lilja has been a 5 year starter for the Indianapolis Colts. There’s also a nice mixture of veterans and young players to provide depth at each of the offensive line spots.

    This offensive system favors more middle and underneath routes in the passing game. Norv Turner also has a propensity to prefer bigger and taller wide receivers over shorter and quicker players. Jordy Nelson, Brandon LaFell, and Kelly Washington certainly fit the bill as taller wide receivers. Sammie Stroughter is a bit undersized but will serve as the offense’s slot receiver. Rounding things out both Bo Scaife and Jimmy Graham are very good sized TEs. Norv Turner will be asked to take on Jimmy Graham as somewhat of a special project, much like he did with converted basketball player Antonio Gates in San Diego.

    This offensive system also requires your running back to be a viable option in the passing game. All of the backs currently on the roster (Kevin Smith, Derrick Ward, Earnest Graham, and Clifton Smith) are deadly out of the backfield. Alongside the tight ends, we expect them to be key options for Freeman in the passing game. They are all also very underrated as rushers. Smith and Ward form a nice tandem, with Graham taking over lead blocking and short yardage duties.

    We’re taking a big risk entrusting all of this to a second year player in Josh Freeman. Freeman showed flashes last season, but also showed some typical rookie mistakes. Our solution to this is to “Romo”-ize him. Freeman will play in each and every preseason game, for at least 3 of the 4 quarters, before giving way to Josh Johnson. Our hope is that this will give him experience and confidence as he heads into his second year as an NFL starter. We have also asked him to spend extra time with Norv Turner understanding and digesting the offensive system, which has proven to be quite QB friendly over the years.



    The Tampa 2 starts up front, with the defensive linemen. Because the linebackers don’t blitz all that often, it’s important to have defensive ends and defensive tackles who can generate a consistent pass rush and collapse the pocket, taking pressure off the secondary, which often doesn't have elite speed, especially at the CB position. Stylez White usually generates 5 to 8 sacks a year. At the other end spot we brought in Koa Misi, along with Jason Babin in a reserve role, to provide even more pass rush. The underrated Tony Brown should be good for another 4 to 6 sacks, as his pressure and hurry number rival those of the NFL's elite defensive ends. Glenn Dorsey, finally playing in a scheme to take advantage of his talents, is really the key. We believe Dorsey can finally play to his potential and net another 5 to 8 sacks, thus making this defensive scheme very successful.

    One of the things that initially drew me to selecting Tampa Bay as a choice in the league this season was their linebacking core. Both Quincy Black and Geno Hayes are underrated linebackers. We had initially planned on keeping Ruud, but after the Peters trade we knew that we needed to import a dynamic player into the ILB spot. Enter Ernie Sims. Sims is the proverbial straw that stirs the drink. We plan to turn him loose at the ILB spot, and fully expect him to be a tackling machine, as well as drop into coverage. Sims is a matchup nightmare. He has both the speed (4.56 40 time) and size (230 lbs) to play MLB for us in the 4-3. In fact, the entire linebacking core is built on the philosophy of speed. Quincy Black is even faster than Sims, with a 4.42 40, while Geno Hayes is the slowest relatively speaking, with a 4.68 time. Regardless, this LB core is fast. All of them are capable of playing from sideline to sideline.

    We took a long hard look at what we had in the secondary, which, outside of Talib, wasn't very impressive at all. Ronde Barber has had a great career but didn’t offer us the value we would hope given his salary. We made the tough decision to move him within the division. Barber has two young girls who go to school in Tampa, so moving him to Carolina should allow him to continue to play football without having to uproot his family. We really wanted to upgrade both safety spots, and turn what had been a weakness into a strength. Bernard Pollard is a guy we really like at the strong safety position, and not just because he’s a Patriot killer. Pollard is one of the most dynamic strong safeties in the NFL, and a guy we think will make the Pro Bowl in the very near future. At Free Safety, what can you say about Eric Berry, other than he’s a probable candidate for Defensive Rookie of the Year. Honestly, the overhaul of the secondary was one of the key reasons that Defensive Coordinator Darren Perry was brought on board. We fully expect him to turn this secondary into something special.

    That’s important considering the division in which we play. The NFC South, like a lot of the NFL, is trending towards a more pass oriented system. With the defending champion New Orleans Saints within our division we knew we’d need to shore up the secondary in order to be competitive. Both the Saints and the Falcons will likely be built to pass first, so we focused on adding defensive speed to the front 7. Our hope is that the defensive line can generate a solid pass rush up front, with our secondary blanketing things down the field. This opens things up for our linebackers to make plays against both the running and passing game.


    As is the nature of this league, we made a number of trades this offseason, 11 in total. Several of them were small in nature, trading late round picks for veterans or vice versa. However, we also made several “blockbuster” trades that deserve mention.

    • Tampa Bay trades a 4th and 5th round draft choice for Jordy Nelson, WR – This was one of the earliest deals that we completed. We wanted to get Josh Freeman a weapon with whom he was comfortable with, so why not reunite him with his former collegiate teammate? We did not want to overpay for a WR in either the draft or free agency, something that occurs quite often in this league.
    • Tampa Bay trades Barrett Ruud, ILB, for Jason Peters, OT – After learning that Donald Penn would be hitting free agency, we acted quickly to shore up the LT spot. Neither of us believes that Peters is the best T in the NFL, but he’s arguably among the best in the NFC, certainly top 3. We traded for Peters because the other options didn’t excite us, and we didn’t want to lock ourselves into drafting a LT at #3 overall. He’s certainly expensive, but we had plenty of cap space in which to work.
    • Tampa Bay trades Davin Joseph, Sabby Piscatelli, Elbert Mack, 2nd and 6th round draft choices for Ernie Sims and Kevin Smith – A trade that didn’t make a lot of sense to folks when first announced, as Sims normally plays OLB and we have that position covered. However, after making the decision to move on from Penn and trade Ruud, we knew we needed a guy who can play ILB. We believe Sims will excel in the middle. Kevin Smith is also a big key. He will do many things in Norv Turner’s offense, and should approach 1500 total yards, even getting a late start.
    • Tampa Bay trades Kellen Winslow, Cadillac Williams, and a 6th round draft choice for Glenn Dorsey and 4th and 7th round draft choices – Losing Winslow left a huge hole for us at the TE position, but we picked up a guy in Glenn Dorsey who should be a very disruptive presence on the interior of the line. Trading for Dorsey also liberated us from being locked into taking one of the two DTs in the draft, should they fall to us.
    • Tampa Bay trades a 4th rounder for Randall Gay, CB – Another underrated move that netted us a very solid starter opposite Aquib Talib. Gay should excel in the Tampa 2, as we believe it plays to his strengths as a CB.
    • Tampa Bay trades a 6th rounder for Ryan Lilja, G – A late trade that netted us a quality starter for our revamped offensive line. We honestly felt like we got a steal here, especially when factoring in what we are looking to do offensively. Lilja is arguably the best G in the business when it comes to running screens and draws.

    Heading into Free Agency we knew we wanted to land a total of 5 potential starters, at SS, RT, RG, DT, and P. For the most part, we were able to fill each of these positions with our #1 choices at each of them.

    • Strong Safety – We were happy to land Bernard Pollard to play the position. We considered going after Roman Harper or Atari Bigby, but preferred the age, hitting ability, and durability of Pollard.
    • Right Tackle – Willie Colon was the hands down choice here. Had we not landed Colon we would have turned to Tyon Clabo or possibly Jeromy Clary. Colon is arguably the best RT in the NFL, and forms a potent bookend with Jason Peters.
    • Right Guard – We actually chased Eugene Amano early to drive up his price, before moving to Rob Sims, the guy we coveted to begin with. This was an either/or case for us. Rex Hadnot was a fallback option for us as well.
    • Defensive Tackle – The list really started and ended with Tony Brown. We were very pleased to get his pass rushing ability and pair it with Glenn Dorsey and Stylez White along the defensive line.
    • Punter – This was a position in which we felt we could maximize value, preferably spending between $300k and $500k. We initially attempted to acquire both Shane Lechler and Andy Lee before settling on Sam Koch.
    With our starting positions filled, we were then able to sign a number of veterans for depth along the offensive and defensive line, including Chester Pitts and Damion McIntosh. We also lucked out and got Bo Scaife late in free agency, who sort of fell into our laps after we moved away from Ben Watson.



    No offseason is complete without a strong draft, and we feel that our draft class is among the best in the league. We took the approach of attempting to stockpile draft picks by trading away overpaid and underachieving veterans that would have otherwise been released. Those picks gave us the flexibility to move around during the draft, if the need should arise. Our goal was to get 3-4 impact players, both offensively and defensively. For the most part we succeeded, as we were able to procure each of our #1 targets with each of our first 3 overall picks. With those choices made we were able to focus on value and potential with the developmental prospects we drafted in the later rounds.

    • Round 1, Pick 3: Eric Berry – Berry was the easy choice here, though we did briefly consider Dez Bryant. Berry is a playmaking S that is effective against both the run and the pass.
    • Round 2, Pick 35: Brandon Lafell – We felt like we really had to get Josh Freeman a true #1 type of target, and that the drop off after LaFell was too steep to pass up.
    • Round 2, Pick 53: Jimmy Graham - When we were given the opportunity to trade up for the guy that many folks are comparing to Tony Gonzales and Antonio Gates, we jumped at the chance.
    • Round 3, Pick 79: Koa Misi – We went with the best available pass rusher that we felt could play weakside end for us in the 4-3. Misi is active and shows good hand usage.
    • Round 6, Pick 178: Seyi Ajirotutu – Doubling up at the wide receiver spot, we grabbed Ajirotutu, who has great physical tools.
    • Round 7, Pick 197: Daniel Te’o-Nesheim – Once again going back to the well at DE, Te’o-Nesheim will find a role on the team as a reserve DE.
    • Round 7, Pick 208: Trindon Holliday – Undersized athlete with speed to burn. Offers versatility as a RB, WR, and RET.
    • Round 7, Pick 209: Trevard Lindley – Could eventually press for action as the team’s nickel corner. Can play in either man or zone schemes.
    • Round 7, Pick 223: Zac Robinson – Physical specimen who needs more time to hone the rough edges in his overall game. Long term project at QB.

    Total Team Salary: $55,691,083 ( $2,308,917 under)

    1. Josh Freeman, Kansas State, 6’6, 248 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – Out of all the quarterbacks taken in the 2009 draft, Josh Freeman arguably has the most upside. As expected, Freeman struggled at times during his rookie campaign, but still showed promise, flashing particular skill against the Packers, Falcons, and Seahawks. I’ve always believed that Josh Freeman had the talent to be either the best quarterback in the 2009 draft class or one of the biggest busts. At this point, I’m leaning towards the former. This team will go as far as he progresses. (Note: Team Captain)
    2. Josh Johnson, San Diego, 6’3, 205 lbs, 3rd Season ($426,833) – Like Freeman, Johnson is a young QB that has show flashes. Johnson has the athleticism of a guy like Michael Vick with higher accuracy when it comes to passing the football. To us he’s the quintessential backup QB in that he can make plays both with his arm as well as with his feet, which makes him a mismatch should he find playing time during the game.
    3. Zac Robinson, Oklahoma State, 6’3, 214 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – Possibly our best “value” draft pick, as we took Robinson with the second-to-last pick in the entire NFL Draft. Robinson doesn’t have a great arm or precise accuracy, but he is an underrated QB. He’s got very good mobility and speed, which are traits that he shares with both Josh Freeman and Josh Johnson. Really put himself on our radar with an impressive showing at the Senior Bowl. Exemplifies what we were looking for in our #3 QB.
    Running Back
    1. Derrick Ward, Ottawa, 5’11, 228 lbs, 7th Season ($3,000,0000) – Ward’s first season in Tampa Bay was somewhat of a disappointment, but we are expecting big things behind a revamped offensive line. Ward’s ability to both run and catch is a perfect match for Norv Turner’s offensive system. He will open the season as the starter but will likely move into a RBBC role as the season progresses.
    2. Kevin Smith, Central Florida, 6’1, 217 lbs, 3rd Season ($385,000) – Like Ward, Kevin Smith is a versatile player capable of both running and catching the ball. Smith has put up over 1000 total yards in each of his first two seasons in the NFL. He will be brought along slowly, as he suffered a torn ACL in December. It’s possible that Smith will begin the year on the PUP list, but will be key to the Bucs push in December.
    3. Earnest Graham, Florida, 5’9, 225 lbs, 7th Season ($2,000,000) – Graham is a player that, for whatever reason, has never truly received his due. As a starter Graham put up quality numbers in both 2007 and 2008. For us he will play the role of FB/Short Yardage back, a role in which he should excel. Like Smith and Ward, Graham is an underrated pass catcher out of the backfield, and will see a larger role early in the season.
    Wide Receivers
    1. Jordy Nelson, Kansas State, 6’3, 217 lbs, 3rd Season ($385,000) – Jordy Nelson has been stuck behind the stellar Greg Jennings and the ageless Donald Driver in Green Bay. Despite this, he still put up decent numbers in limited time for the Packers. Nelson is poised for a breakout as he heads into year 3. What’s more is that he was actually quarterback Josh Freeman’s favorite target in college. We believe that Nelson is a perfect fit for us on offense, and his familiarity with Freeman will result in breakouts for both players.
    2. Brandon LaFell, LSU, 6’2, 211 lbs, 1st Season ($500,000) – Brandon LaFell was brought in with the idea that he has the ability to eventually develop into a true #1 receiver at the NFL level. There are immaturity concerns with LaFell, but we believe that working with Norv Turner and the rest of the coaches should help alleviate those. Height is tremendously important in our offense, and LaFell should be able to put his height to good use going over the middle and making tough catches for us.
    3. Sammie Stroughter, Oregon State, 5’10, 189 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – Stroughter exceeded expectations as a rookie last year, catching 31 balls for 334 yards. He will likely start the season as the team’s slot receiver, and be a key target for us on third downs. Stroughter isn’t as fast as he is quick, and we expect he will be a classic mismatch for defenses as our #3 WR. He will also serve as a backup to the elusive Clifton Smith on return duties.
    4. Kelly Washington, Tennessee, 6’3, 217 lbs, 8th Season ($357,000) – We signed Washington relatively late in the free agency period, after losing out on other Wide Receivers. Once again, we didn’t want to overpay for a WR, and Washington gives us a nice veteran presence that we were otherwise missing. In a Turner offense, taller wide receivers (think Malcolm Floyd and Vincent Jackson) are usually more successful. Washington certainly fits that bill.
    5. Seyi Ajirotutu, Fresno State, 6’3, 204 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – Ajirotutu is a sleeper wide receiver prospect that we took relatively late in the draft process. We first noticed him after the Shrine game, where he drew comparisons from Marty Schottenheimer to Vincent Jackson and Malcolm Floyd. For, us he profiles at the very least as an imposing red zone target, with good jump ball skills and leaping ability. He will begin the year as our fifth wide receiver, and also be asked to contribute on special teams.
    6. Trindon Holliday, LSU, 5’5, 166 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – A poor man’s Dexter McCluster, Trindon Holliday’s versatility as a receiver and a running back (as well as a return man) led us to pick him up late. Aside from the stunningly fast 40 time (clocked at 4.21 at the Combine), Holliday is also known for his elusiveness and shiftiness after the catch. Our plan is to use him much like Offensive Coordinator Norv Turner used Darren Sproles. As a RB he’ll get the ball on toss sweeps and reverses, as well as catching balls in the flats. As a WR he’ll be lined up in the slot where he can catch bubble screens and be given the chance at YAC. He’ll also occasionally go out wide where his deep speed makes him a potential mismatch. Clifton Smith (Pro Bowl 2008) is locked in as our returner, but don’t be surprised to see Holliday push him for the job.
    Tight Ends
    1. Bo Scaife, Texas, 6’3, 249 lbs, 6th Season ($1,300,000) – Sometimes it’s better to be lucky (no pun intended) than good. After losing a bidding war for the services of Ben Watson we were fully prepared to go into the draft with a #1 TE as a priority. However, with the late adjustment of the rookie wage scale we were able to free up some resources and sign Scaife. He will be plugged in at TE, but should face serious competition from Jimmy Graham as the season wears on.
    2. Jimmy Graham, Miami, 6’6, 260 lbs, 1st Season ($500,000) – We believe that Jimmy Graham possesses all of the physical talent and skill needed to become one of the NFL’s top TEs. What he needs is time to put it all together. He will start the season as our #2 TE, and be used primarily in the red zone, where his height and leaping ability make him a natural mismatch.
    3. Ben Hartsock, Ohio State, 6’4, 270 lbs, 7th Season ($300,000) – With the other TEs on the roster, we turned our attention to the run game. Ben Hartsock has been one of the league’s best blocking tight ends for a long time. He will play a similar role for us in Tampa Bay.
    Offensive Line
    1. Jason Peters, Arkansas, 6’4, 340 lbs, 7th Season ($10,500,000) – Let’s get this out of the way up front. We’re giving Peters a lot of money. However, we wanted to get a solid LT without having to get one in either free agency or the NFL Draft. We also found ourselves in the unique position of having nearly 34 million in cap room prior to completing the trade. Because of this, we were willing to take on Peters and his salary.
    2. Ryan Lilja, Kansas State, 6’2, 290 lbs, 7th Season ($620,000) – As I said earlier, sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good. Case in point, getting Lilja in an early draft-day trade with Indianapolis. While undersized, Lilja is great in open space, something that we value in our offensive linemen. Lilja has been a 5 year starter for the Indianapolis Colts, and we plan to plug him in at LG here.
    3. Jeff Faine, Notre Dame, 6’3, 291 lbs, 8th Season ($1,000,000) – Faine returns to the Buccaneers with 4 new starters on either side of him. Faine made the Pro Bowl as an alternate in 2007, but struggled a bit last year. We believe this was due to him having to pick up the slack based on poor play around him. We fully expect him to return to form this season. Like Lilja, Faine is arguably better in space, meaning that he should benefit from our switch in offensive philosophy. (Note: Team Captain)
    4. Rob Sims, Ohio State, 6’3, 312 lbs, 5th Season ($3,000,000) – Signing Rob Sims to play Right Guard was one of our key offseason priorities. We were very happy to get him, despite having to pay a little more than we would have liked. Sims is absolutely stellar in the run game, and paired next to Faine should help to elevate our play. We expect that we can get those tough, physical inside yards by running behind him.
    5. Willie Colon, 6’3, 315 lbs, 5th Season ($5,000,000) – We’ve mentioned Colon several times already, but he’s a versatile player who will excel for us at the right tackle spot. He was the #1 rated RT according to Pro Football Focus last year, and while that site can be somewhat hit-and-miss, there’s no denying that Colon was an impressive player last year. We fully expect him to be in the Pro Bowl this year.
    6. Damion McIntosh, Kansas State, 6’4, 320 lbs, 11th Season ($300,000) – Another bargain-basement type player, McIntosh provides veteran leadership to the offensive line. If Pitts is unable to start the year, Colon can be flipped to LG and McIntosh can step in at RT and the team won’t miss much. McIntosh provides us versatility, having started at both tackle spots in the course of his 11 year career.
    7. Demar Dotson, Southern Mississippi, 6’9, 315 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – Dotson went undrafted in 2009, but managed to find his way to Tampa Bay’s active roster, appearing in 9 games. A converted basketball player, Dotson has the size and athleticism to potentially play left tackle down the line, and has even seen practice reps as a blocking tight end.
    8. Chester Pitts, San Diego State, 6’4, 308 lbs, 9th Season ($300,000) – We were absolutely thrilled to sign Chester Pitts at the price we did. Pitts, provided he is healthy from microfracture surgery, will open the season as our backup at LG. Up until last season’s injury, he had started 114 consecutive games in the NFL, something quite extraordinary for a lineman. We expect that Pitts will see action at some point later in the season, as offensive linemen are often dinged up.
    9. Xavier Fulton, OT, Illinois, 6’5, 301 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – Xavier Fulton offers solid youth and depth along the offensive line. Fulton missed all of last year on injured reserve, but it looks like he is fresh and ready to start the 2010 season. Fulton battled shoulder injuries throughout his college career, which may have contributed to his “redshirt” year last season. If healthy, we believe he offers starting potential at either tackle spot down the line.
    Defensive Ends
    1. Stylez White, Minnesota, 6’3, 270 lbs, 4th Season ($810,000) – Stylez White is one of the NFL’s feel-good stories, bouncing around the NFL before catching on with the Arena League in 2006. He came back to the NFL in 2007 and has been a surprisingly successful pass rusher for the Bucs. Fun trivia: He actually legally changed his name to Stylez, which is a reference to the 80s classic, Teen Wolf. White will start for us at DE, but will be part of our pass rushing rotation.
    2. Koa Misi, DE, Utah, 6’3, 251 lbs, 1st Season ($450,000) – We compared and contrasted Misi to a number of other DE candidates who were still on our board at this time, but felt that his physical skills and intangibles were just too much to pass up. Misi has a motor, which will help him overcome the size differential he will encounter playing at the NFL level.
    3. Jason Babin, Western Michigan, 6’3, 267 lbs, 6th Season ($501,000) – Babin has been somewhat of a disappointment early in his career, bouncing from the Texans to the Seahawks to the Chiefs over a four year period. He rehabilitated his career as a member of the Eagles last year, showing good pass rush ability. He will start the season for us as a nickel rusher and we think he should be able to do some good things for us in that capacity.
    4. Kyle Moore, USC, 6’5, 272 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – As a rookie Moore saw action in a total of 8 contests, all of which came after Tampa Bay’s week 8 bye. Moore has the speed and quickness to play either right or left defensive end for Tampa Bay. Ideally he will see some action on passing downs.
    5. Daniel Te’o-Nesheim, Washington, 6’4, 263 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – Despite being a seventh round draft choice we fully expect Te’o-Nesheim to find a home on the team. He’s one of those classic football players, who uses his guile and toughness to overcome any physical limitations. He has the versatility to play either end position for us, and we felt he was a tremendous bargain for us. Possible starter for us down the line.
    Defensive Tackles
    1. Tony Brown, Memphis, 6’3, 290 lbs, 6th Season ($3,000,000) – Some may say that we overpaid for Tony Brown. We disagree. Tampa Bay was unable to sustain any real kind of pass rush last season, as Styles White lead the team with a total of 21 pressures, followed by Chris Hovan with 16. Enter Tony Brown. Brown lead all Defensive Tackles in QB Pressures last season with 33, equal to the recently franchised Julius Peppers, and nearly equal to White and Hovan combined. He will almost exclusively be used as a 3 technique tackle and asked to be a disruptive force in the backfield. On passing downs we plan to put him right next to White to create mismatches against the offensive line.
    2. Glenn Dorsey, Lousiana State, 6’1, 297 lbs, 3rd Season ($2,375,000) – How well the defense gells really falls on the shoulders of former top 5 pick Glenn Dorsey. Dorsey was never really given a fair opportunity in Kansas City, with a disappointing rookie season followed by an ill-advised move to 3-4 DE last year. We think we’ve placed Dorsey in the best position to succeed. Dorsey brings a lot of options to the table. We think he is disciplined enough to play two gap responsibility, though he has the athleticism to play the 3 technique when needed.
    3. Kedric Golston, Georgia, 6’4, 300 lbs, 5th Season ($300,000) – With so many teams running a 3-4, we were a bit surprised that Golston, who posses ideal size to be a 3-4 DE, didn’t get more action in Free Agency. However, we are more than happy to bring him on, especially at such a bargain price. Golston is solid in both run and pass support, and his total of 5 QB Hits was good for second on Redskins behind Albert Haynesworth. He’s also a guy with very good conditioning, as his 608 snaps were tops among Redskins defensive linemen. Here he will be involved in our defensive line rotation, and probably seen around 200 to 300 snaps over the course of the season.
    4. Roy Miller, Texas, 6’2, 310 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – Roy Miller will be used primarily in running situations to spell both Brown and Dorsey. We feel that the former third round pick has some good upside, and can be a disruptive force. With both Ryan Sims and Chris Hovan off the roster, we expect big things from Miller this year.
    5. Dre Moore, Maryland, 6’4, 305 lbs, 2nd Season ($385,000) – Tampa Bay took a double-barreled approach to DT in last year’s draft, taking Miller and Moore in consecutive rounds. While Miller profiles to be more of a run stopper, Moore has the physical tools to be a disruptive force in the passing game. Moore did not see a lot of action last season, appearing in only 3 games, but we are hoping for big things with a year of NFL development under his belt.
    1. Quincy Black, New Mexico, 6’2, 240 lbs, 4th Season ($460,000) – We received a number of trade offers for Black during the offseason, but were never really serious about trading him. Black has the size and speed to play the SOLB position for us, though he projects to MLB in the 4-3, and it’s conceivable he could see some time for us there as well. As a starter last season Black put up a total of 84 total tackles, a number we expect him to build on again this season, which should result in a number of post season accolades. (Note: Team Captain)
    2. Geno Hayes, Florida State, 6’1, 226 lbs, 3rd Season ($385,000) – Hayes stepped into the starting lineup last year at weakside linebacker, replacing legendary Buccaneer (and one of his personal heroes) Derrick Brooks. As a starter Hayes did not disappoint, with 80 tackles, 3 sacks, and 2 interceptions. Hayes is arguably the top outside linebacker in the NFC, and his ascension could result in a Pro Bowl birth in 2010.
    3. Ernie Sims, Florida State, 6’0, 230 lbs, 5th Season ($850,000) – Ernie Sims struggled in Detroit last season, both in transitioning to a 3-4 defense as well as with some nagging injuries. We traded for Sims early in the offseason, after it became clear that Barrett Ruud was no longer in our long-term plans. We’re going to give Sims a shot at starting on the inside of our Tampa 2 defense. Sims is a sure tackler and very underrated in coverage, both keys to success inside. We honestly think Sims can and will be a better player for us on the inside than Ruud was a year ago. Should Sims, for some reason, not be the answer at MLB, we are completely comfortable with playing him at the SOLB position and instead moving Quincy Black to the middle. Either way Ernie Sims is a welcome addition to the team and makes the Buccaneers linebacking unit one of the most dangerous in the NFL.
    4. Adam Hayward, Portland State, 6’1, 240 lbs, 4th Season ($460,000) – Hayward is a guy we like on special teams, where he can put his speed (4.42 40 yard dash) on display. Hailing from Division II Portland State, Hayward’s transition to NFL-level competition has been slow and steady. We like him quite a bit as a player, and he will also serve as our primary backup at outside linebacker.
    5. Matt McCoy, San Diego State, 6’0, 235 lbs, 6th Season ($650,000) – McCoy has had somewhat of an up-and-down career with the Bucs thus far, being cut and subsequently twice during the 2009 season. We like what McCoy brings to the table in terms of special teams intensity, an area in which he will be asked to contribute this season.
    6. Niko Koutouvides, Purdue, 6’2, 238 lbs, 7th Season ($300,000) – We were happy to bring Koutovides back into the fold at a reduced rate. In addition to backing up MLB Ernie Sims, Koutovides will also be asked to contribute on special teams.
    1. Aqib Talib, Kansas, 6’1, 205 lbs, 3rd Season ($1,181,250) – Talib will continue to blossom playing in a scheme that takes advantage of his talents as a defender. While not a shutdown corner, Talib is physical and plays well downhill. If someone was designing a perfect CB for the Tampa 2, they would probably end up with a guy close to Talib. Our concerns with Talib don’t start on the football field. His arrest last August is duly noted. He will be on a short leash, and if we have more behavior issues crop up they will be dealt with. We’ve asked Coach Raheem Morris to take a more active role as a mentor for the youngster.
    2. Randall Gay, Louisiana State, 5’11, 190 lbs, 7th Season ($1,500,000) – Another guy brought in was Randall Gay, most recently of the New Orleans Saints. Gay was itching for a chance to start, and after playing nickel in recent years he will move to a starter opposite of Talib. Like Talib, Gay is a physical corner who should excel in our Tampa 2. What we like most about Gay is that he’s a winner, with two Super Bowl rings as a member of both the Patriots and the Saints. We want to instill a culture of winning into our organization, and Gay is a big part of that.
    3. E.J. Biggers, Western Michigan, 6’0, 180 lbs, 2nd Season ($310,000) – We expect Biggers to take on a bigger role for us this season as the team’s nickel CB. We like his size and speed (4.35 40 time at his Pro Day a year ago). I like Biggers because he plays aggressively and physically, something that we want to see out of all our corners. Obviously Biggers is still a work in progress, but we are confident that he can take this role on. Biggers will also be asked to be a gunner on special times.
    4. Will James, Western Illinois, 6’0, 200 lbs, 10th Season ($300,000) – James, who some NFL fans may remember better as Will Peterson, is a veteran cornerback who has played for a number of teams in his 10 year career, and has been a starter at every stop along the way. James most recently played for the Detroit Lions, where he started 14 games and notched an impressive 14 passes defensed. He will open up the season as our dime CB, but expect him to press E.J. Biggers for the nickel role in training camp.
    5. Trevard Lindley, Kentucky, 5’11, 183 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – We were shocked to see Trevard Lindley available in the middle of the 7th round. An up-and-down player in college, we like Lindley for his toughness and leadership skills. While some teams were turned off by his pedestrian 40 time, this wasn’t something we put a lot of stock in due to the scheme we will be running. Lindley has the smarts to play man-to-man, but is physically talented enough to play zone. We’re hoping this combination allows him to develop into a very solid nickel corner at this level.
    1. Bernard Pollard, Purdue, 6’1, 224 lbs, 5th Season ($5,000,000) – Pollard was our #1 target in Free Agency. “The Patriot Killer” was, for some reason, let go by Kansas City before the start of the 2009 season. Pollard is a 3 year starter for the Texans and the Chiefs, and has emerged as one of the league’s premier strong safeties. He will bring physicality back to Tampa Bay, something that has been missing since John Lynch left for Denver. We expect him to take further steps forward under the tutelage of Darren Perry. Pollard should be in the Pro Bowl in 2010. (Note: Team Captain)
    2. Eric Berry, Tennessee, 6’0, 211 lbs, 1st Season ($750,000) – When you watch Eric Berry play, the first guy that likely comes to mind for a comparison is Ed Reed. With that comparison comes a hefty amount of lofty expectations, but we expect that Berry will be able to deliver the goods. Both a sure tackler as well as a roaming interception machine, we plan to play Berry at FS to maximize his skill set. New Defensive Coordinator Darren Perry was brought in specifically to mentor Berry, and turn him into the next great NFL safety.
    3. Josh Bullocks, Nebraska, 6’0, 207 lbs, 6th Season ($500,000) – Bullocks joins the team as a reserve strong safety who will also see time on special teams. He has started 53 games in his 6 year career, including 2007, where he set personal bests for tackles (77) and passes defensed (8) as a member of the New Orleans Saints. It is expected that the move to a Tampa 2 should reinvigorate the former Cornhusker.
    4. Jon McGraw, Kansas State, 6’3, 208 lbs, 9th Season ($300,000) – Ironically, I actually played against McGraw in high school, so one could say that we have somewhat of a history - though I was a sophomore at the time of his graduation. The veteran Kansas State product will contribute on special teams and can step to either safety position without any real drop off. He has started 22 games in his 9 year career.
    1. Connor Barth, K, North Carolina, 5’11, 193 lbs, 3rd Season ($370,000) – Barth stepped in to the starting kicker role for the Bucs after being released by Miami during preseason. Barth connected on 14 of 19 field goal attempts, including a career long 54 yarder against the Dolphins.
    2. Sam Koch, P, Nebraska, 6’1, 220 lbs, 5th Season ($400,000) – Koch maintained a 43.7 yard punting average in 2009, with 26 of his 73 attempts landing inside the 20. (Note: Team Captain)
    3. Andrew Economos, LS, Geogia Tech, 6’1, 250 lbs, 5th Season ($535,000) – Economos has been the long snapper for the Bucs since 2007. He will continue to handle these duties for us in 2010.
    4. Clifton Smith, RET, Fresno State, 5’9, 190 lbs, 3rd Season ($385,000) – Smith was an All Pro returner in 2008, and actually improved his overall kick return average in 2009. He has been a consistent return threat for the Bucs since being brought in as an undrafted free agent two years ago. We are excited about the possibility of Smith not only in the return game, but potentially as a receiver out of the backfield as well.

    Total Team Salary: $1,570,000 ( $430,000 under)

    We used up most of our practice squad spots on guys who need a little bit more development time at the NFL level. After the draft, it became clear we really liked our rookies. And while our original plan called for filling this roster out with primarily late-round talent, we instead decided to focus on guys who were free agents, both rookies and young players.

    1. Kerry Meier, Kansas, 6’2, 224 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – Former QB will likely run the scout team for us to begin with. Good size, though just average speed for a WR. Could develop into a possession, #2 type, at this level. I've personally scouted Meier first hand and believe him to be more reliable and a harder worker than fellow Jayhawk teammate Dezmon Brisco, even though Briscoe got more of the pre-draft hype.
    2. Julius Williams, DE, Connecticut, 6’2, 260 lbs, 2nd Season ($300,000) – Julius Williams was a guy that I liked coming out of college last season. Despite making the roster as a UDFA for the Jaguars, he didn’t see a lot of action, seeing limited action in 11 games. We like Williams as a developmental pass rusher, and think he could eventually turn into a very good nickel rusher for us.
    3. Raheem Alem, LSU, 6’3, 251 lbs, 1st Season ($300,000) – Has some physical tools to rush the quarterback, including a very explosive first step. However he was a bit of a disappointment in his senior season at LSU. We considered taking him in round 7 but went a different direction instead, so we were happy to see him available as a UDFA. Brother of second round safety Chad Jones.
    4. Alfonso Smith, RB, Kentucky, 6’1, 211 lbs, 1st Season ($400,000) – Smith was picked up late in the process as he possesses very good measurables, though that didn’t necessarily translate to elite production at the college level. Still, the guy ran a sub 4.4 40, has a 38” vertical, and is also a very decent pass catcher. In those aspects he is similar to the recently acquired Kevin Smith, though not necessarily as talented. He will start the season for us on the practice squad, and we will see how things develop from there.
    5. Shawn Murphy, Utah State, 6’4, 315 lbs, 3rd Season ($385,000) – Murphy is a former fourth round draft selection of the Miami Dolphins who just hasn’t been able to get over the hump in the NFL, for whatever reason. We like him as a ongoing project who at the very least could offer us good depth behind Pitts and Sims.




    • Quarterback: Josh Freeman / Josh Johnson / Zac Robinson
    • Running Back: Kevin Smith / Derrick Ward / Earnest Graham / Clifton Smith
    • Fullback / Short Yardage: Earnest Graham / Derrick Ward
    • Third Down Back: Derrick Ward / Kevin Smith / Trindon Holliday
    • Tight End (Receiving): Bo Scaife / Jimmy Graham
    • Tight End (Blocking): Ben Hartsock / Bo Scaife / Demar Dotson
    • Wide Receiver 1: Jordy Nelson / Kelly Washington / Seyi Ajirotutu
    • Wide Receiver 2: Brandon LaFell / Kelly Washington / Seyi Ajirotutu
    • Wide Receiver 3 / Slot Receiver: Sammie Stroughter / Trindon Holliday
    • Left Tackle: Jason Peters / Damion McIntosh / Demar Dotson
    • Left Guard: Ryan Lilja / Chester Pitts
    • Center: Jeff Faine / Ryan Lilja
    • Right Guard: Rob Sims / Willie Colon
    • Right Tackle: Willie Colon / Damion McIntosh / Xavier Fulton
    • Weakside Defensive End: Koa Misi / Jason Babin / Daniel Te’o-Nesheim
    • Defensive Tackle: Glenn Dorsey / Roy Miller / Kedric Golston
    • Defensive Tackle: Tony Brown / Dre Moore
    • Strongside Defensive End: Stylez White / Kyle Moore / Daniel Te’o-Nesheim
    • Weakside Linebacker: Geno Hayes / Adam Hayward
    • Middle Linebacker: Ernie Sims / Niko Koutovides
    • Strongside Linebacker: Quincy Black / Matt McCoy
    • Cornerback 1: Aquib Talib / Will James
    • Cornerback 2: Randall Gay / Trevard Lindley
    • Nickel Cornerback: E.J. Biggers / Will James
    • Free Safety: Eric Berry / Jon McGraw
    • Strong Safety: Bernard Pollard / Josh Bullocks
    Special Teams
    • Kicker: Connor Barth
    • Puner: Sam Koch
    • Long Snapper: Andrew Economos
    • Kick Returner: Clifton Smith / Trindon Holliday
    • Punt Returner: Clifton Smith / Trindon Holliday

    This was a team with a lot of holes coming in, and while it’s virtually impossible to fix everything wrong with Tampa Bay in one offseason, we feel like we did well. We feel like we have answers at all of our core positions (QB, LT, WR, DT, ILB, CB)We have our franchise QB in Josh Freeman. We have one of the NFC’s top left tackles in Jason Peters. We traded for Jordy Nelson, a big target that should provide Freeman with some level of comfort, in addition to drafting Brandon LaFell. Once a major weakness, defensive tackle has been completely revamped, with Glenn Dorsey and Tony Brown expected to be the best tandem since the days of Sapp and McFarland. At inside backer, Ernie Sims returns to Florida. While Sims is new to the position we have no doubt he has the athleticism to be a terror on the inside. At the CB spot Aqib Talib should continue his growth into the team’s “shutdown” corner. The rest of the team is shaping up nicely.

    Norv Turner has his work cut out for him offensively. With Kevin Smith likely not 100% to start the season, it will fall to Derrick Ward and Earnest Graham to carry the load early on. In addition to Peters, the line has been gutted. Veteran guard Chester Pitts and promising youngsters Willie Colon and Rob Sims join incumbent Jeff Faine to fill the remainder of the line. The tight end spot will miss Kellen Winslow, but we think that Bo Scaife will offset that to some degree. Scaife, long a favorite of Vince Young in Texas, presents a mismatch for us against linebackers and safeties. We also drafted Jimmy Graham with the intention of running some two tight end sets. At the wide receiver spot we have Jordy Nelson, Freeman’s favorite collegiate target, and rookie Brandon LaFell opposite. Sammie Stroughter opens things up in the slot and Kelly Washington offers size and experience as our 4th receiver. Admittedly, this group of wideouts is unheralded, but they embody the types of players that Turner likes. We expect that they will surprise people later on in the season, after getting a chance to form solid chemistry with Josh Freeman.

    On defense, we feel like we have the personnel that hearkens back to the days of Sapp, Brooks, and Lynch. Up front we’ve got a pair of very good defensive tackles in Dorsey and Brown, but we’ve also got depth behind them. There’s literally a ton of youth at defensive end, led by the underrated Stylez White. The linebacking crew is top notch, with Ernie Sims now manning the middle, and Quincy Black and Geno Hayes outside. The secondary has been almost completely rebuilt, with Talib and Randall Gay at corner, Bernard Pollard at strong safety, and Eric Berry playing free safety. Darren Perry will be asked to help this unit continue to get better, a role in which he was primarily hired for. If the pass rush comes through, and the defensive secondary gels as expected, then this defense has the potential to be “scary” good and will wreak havoc against their NFC South opponents.

    Admittedly, Tampa Bay has a very young coach and very young players. It will take some time for everything to come together. On offense, the line will need a few games to establish consistency. We are asking a lot from these wide receivers, who will need a few games to break out. Josh Freeman is still young and learning the position. Early on, the team may struggle. However, we believe that as the season progresses the team will improve. This line will be one of the best in the NFL, one that can run or pass equally well, with no real holes. The receivers will surprise people. As Freeman grows more comfortable, the team will improve. Don’t forget that running back Kevin Smith should be back to 100% at some point during the system, providing the team a huge lift offensively. Defensively, the name of the game is speed. The front 7 has been rebuilt, with the defensive tackles providing an up front push that was absent a year ago. The linebackers should absolutely fly to the ball, as they have speed to burn. Darren Perry was brought in specifically to mentor the secondary, which has been completely revamped and should have no problem containing the offenses of the NFC South.

    Overall, we are very pleased with the direction of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, especially after one offseason of work. While this team may not be an instant Super Bowl contender, they’ve been built to be competitive for the foreseeable future. Given the fickle nature of the playoffs, especially in the NFC South, it’s not outside the realm of possibility to see Tampa Bay playing meaningful football in January this season. Regardless, we believe they’re a team on the rise, both in 2010 and beyond.
  6. sports24/7

    sports24/7 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007

    Mike Tomlin - HC
    Bruce Arians - OC
    Dick LeBeau - DC

    Pittsburgh Steelers Offseason Overhaul

    The Steelers entered the 2010 offseason in shambles. They had come off of a very disappointing 2009 season where they failed to make the playoffs and had some out of Steelers' character personality issues. They also lost touch with Steelers football becoming way too reliant on their passing game. After taking over as GM, my goal going into the offseason was simple. It was time for an overhaul. That meant getting rid of the headaches, building a dominant offensive line, improve our defensive backfield, as well as improving the overall talent of the team. At the end of the offeasone we feel we have accomplished our goals and more going into 2010.

    With free agency being a tricky situation, we felt we could do the most damage via the trade market. We let teams know we were open to trade anyone and were very active early and often.

    Jets send:
    Nick Mangold OC $535,000.00
    1st round pick(29)
    2nd round pick (61)
    6th round pick (189)
    Vernon Gholston LB $2,900,000.00

    Steelers send:
    Ben Roethlisberger QB $4,950,000
    3rd round pick (83)

    Our first move was to get rid of Big Ben. Ben is a player that has done a lot for our franchise, but we noticed a growing character issue with him by his behavior and previous offseason issues. We can't say we predicted what would happen with him off the field in this offseason, but considering his recent attitude, it wasn't all that shocking. With our concerns and a need to improve our line we traded him along with a 3rd round pick to the Jets for Nick Mangold, a 1st, 2nd, and 6th round pick as well as Vernon Gholston. When trying to build a dominant offensive line you might as well go and get the best center in the NFL and that's exactly what we did as well as add some high draft picks that could either be kept or used in future trades.

    Bengals send:
    Andrew Whitworth (2,200,000)
    4th round pick (111)

    Steelers send:
    Santonio Holmes $700,000

    Continuing the trend to build our line as well as get rid of problem players, we traded Santonio Holmes for LT Andrew Whitworth and a 4th round pick. Again, with respects to the offensive line, you need a dominant LT, and Whitworth fills that role for us being one of the better LT's in football.

    Ravens send:
    Trevor Pryce $4,000,000.00
    1st Round Pick (25)

    Steelers send:
    James Harrison $800,000.00

    Our next move was trading James Harrison to the Ravens for a 1st round pick and Trevor Pryce. It was difficult to trade a player who has been so good for us as of late, but we knew he was a chip that could bring us a nice return and Pryce improves our defensive line, and this deal then gave us three 1st round picks. Plus, we felt we could get another big time pass rusher later on (and boy were we right).

    Giants send:
    Corey Webster CB, $5,400,000.00

    Steelers send:
    Heath Miller TE, $1,460,000.00

    At this point our greatest need was for another top flight corner to play opposite Ike Taylor and found a deal we liked for Corey Webster, one of the best corners in football. We liked Miller, but felt confident we could find a good TE in a very deep draft pool.

    Eagles Send:
    Kevin Kolb QB, $460,000.00

    Steelers Send:
    1st round pick (29)
    5th round pick (148)

    After trading away Big Ben, we had a need for a QB. We identified Kevin Kolb as our guy very early and after much discussion with the Eagles finally came away with our guy. Giving up a 1st and a 5th is a steep price, but we feel Kolb is a rising star in the league with excellent character and work eithic and though he was well worth the price tag. Having three 1st round picks made it easier to part with one.

    Giants Send:
    Nicks, Hakeem $ 310,000 WR

    Steelers Send:
    1st round pick (25)

    Hakeem Nicks is a player I have loved since he was at UNC. He's a big bodied playmaker that only scratched the surface of his potential in his rookie year. We feel he will be a star in this league at WR and paid a 1st round pick to make sure we got him.

    Colts send:
    Dwight Freeney ($6,220,000)
    5th round (149 via CIN)

    Steelers Send:
    Ziggy Hood ($1,100,000)
    Aaron Smith ($2,350,000)
    Vernon Gholston ($2,900,000)
    2nd round pick (52)

    Being in the market for a dominant pass rusher we couldn't pass on this opportunity when the Colts contacted us. We like Hood's upside, but right now he's nothing more than potential whereas Freeney is arguably the best defensive player in the league. Smith has been a warrior for us and was also tough to part with, but his age and injury issues were question marks, and again, the return was Dwight Freeney!

    We also made some smaller moves to pick up some extra draft picks as well as two draft day moves.

    Dolphins send:
    6th round pick (169)

    Steelers send:
    Keyaron Fox LB, $620,000
    jets trade
    5th pick 160

    to Pitt for
    Limus Sweed
    Cardinals send:
    4th round pick (98)

    Steelers send:
    Justin Hartwig, OC $1,600,000.00
    Patriots send:
    1st round pick (22)
    2nd round pick (51)
    6th round pick (164)
    Steelers send:
    1st round pick (18)
    2nd round pick (61)
    Steelers send:
    4th (98), 4th (111), 6th (179)

    Vikings send:
    3rd (71)

    Free Agency​

    We made most of our big moves through trade so we were left with limited resources to work with in Free Agency, but we feel we turned a little bit of money into some big moves.

    [​IMG]Casey Hampton, NT $4,270,000.00 (Franchise tag)
    Keeping Hampton was our first priority and the DT tag wasn't very high so we slapped the franchise tag on him.

    [​IMG]Harvey Dahl, OG $2,200,000.00
    In our last major piece to build a now dominant offensive line we added the nasty Dahl. One of the meanest and best guards in the NFL.

    [​IMG]Nate Burelson, WR $600,000.00
    We didn't badly need a WR and expected the market for Burelson to be too rich for us, but we threw our hat into the ring for him and were shocked to be able to get him for so cheap. This is a guy who averaged 62 yards a game last season on a poor Seahawks team.

    [​IMG]Donald Lee, TE $300,000.00
    We had a need at TE and signed a guy who's been a pretty good receiving TE in his career for the league minimum. We feel that's a win for us.

    [​IMG]Jerious Norwood, HB $1,100,000.00
    Norwood is a dangerous playmaker that can score any time he touches the ball whether it's running the ball (5.3 ypc), catching it out of the backfield (9.3 ypr), or returning kicks.

    Tony Richardson, FB $300,000.00
    Richardson is a Pro Bowl caliber FB and gives us just one more weapon. Again, we got him at a bargain.

    Jarrad Page, FS $550,000.00
    Page shook loose late in the offseason, but was someone we like quite a bit. He was a 3 year starter in KC and is a player who can compete to start at FS for us.

    Joe Nedney, K $300,000.00
    Nedney is a solid kicker and we feel is an upgrade over our previous kicker Reed.

    Daniel Sepulveda, P $300,000.00
    We were more than satisfied with Sepulveda so we re-signed him.

    Brodie Croyle, QB $300,000.00
    Croyle is a guy I liked coming out of Alabama. He's had some injury issues that have held him back, but when healthy has impressed his coaches in KC. We feel he can at least be a very good backup and was worth it for the minimum.

    Fendi Onobun, TE $600,000.00
    Former basketball player who doesn't get as much hype as Jimmy Graham, but also has nice upside at TE. He was originally a 2010 mid-late round draft pick that we stole off of the Jets PS.


    [​IMG]1: 22- Jared Odrick, DE/NT, Penn St.
    We moved back from our original pick because we had 3 players we liked quite a bit still there, with Odrick being the highest on our board. We were happy to see him still there when we came up again at 22. He's a guy that will upgrade our defensive line and probably start at DE, while moving inside on passing downs.

    [​IMG]2: 51- Rob Gronkowski, TE, Arizona
    We have a receiving TE, but Gronkowski can block just as good as he catches the ball. He's a traditional TE that will make both Mendenhall and Kolb's lives much easier.

    [​IMG]3: 71- Chad Jones, S, LSU
    Jones has big time upside. He's a playmaker that can knock your head off or take the ball away from you. He will compete with Page to start at FS.

    [​IMG]4: 114- Lamarr Houston, DE/DT, Texas
    Probably our biggest steal and one of the biggest in the draft in our eyes. Houston will push Odrick and Trevor Pryce for playing time at end.

    5: 149- Donovan Warren, CB/S, Michigan
    Some may consider this a reach, but we love his upside and versatility.

    5: 160- LeGarrette Blount, HB, Oregon
    Had he not gotten into trouble he may have well been a 2nd or 3rd round pick. He has monsterous power and is faster than you think. He'll push to backup Mendenhall.

    6: 164- Darryl Sharpton, ILB, Miami
    In our eyes the next in a long line of good UM linebackers. He'll be a special teams ace and eventually could push to start inside.

    6: 170- O'Brien Schofield, OLB, Wisconsin
    One of my favorite players in the draft. Probably would have been a 1st round pick had he not injured his knee. Probably won't do much early, but we feel he will be an excellent player down the road.

    6: 189- Willie Young, OLB, NC St.
    Project conversion guy that if he can get focused could be a heck of a player.

    7: 210- Jeff Byers, OC, USC
    We took a flyer on a guy coming from a big time program that can provide depth at center.


    Kevin Kolb $460,000.00 (Trade)
    Dixon, Dennis $385,000.00
    Croyle, Brodie $300,000.00 (FA)

    We feel good about our QB depth. We think we have three hungry young men all with talent. Kolb was brought in to be the new face of the offense and we feel he will live up to his high expectations. He did some impressive things in his first taste of the NFL last year. Dixon also impressed when he was forced into duty. He gives us some options with his athleticism, but he can throw the ball too. You may see him in some Wildcat packages. Croyle is a guy waiting for an opportunity. He has some talent, but injuries have held him back. He will push Dixon for the backup job.

    Running Back
    Mendenhall, Rashard $385,000.00
    Norwood, Jerious HB $1,100,000.00 (FA)
    Blount, LeGarrette 300,000.00 (Draft)

    Mendenhall was very impressive in his first season as the go to guy. With a much improved line and more commitment to the running game we expect him to be even better this year. He can run over you or around you and is as talented a young HB as there is in the NFL. Norwood is a change of pace guy that will line up all over the place and can score in multiple ways. Blount will come in and push for time to spell Mendenhall and get some tough yards inside.

    Richardson, Tony $300,000.00(FA)

    Richardson has been a good FB everywhere he's been. Despite getting older, he's still extremely effective with multiple Pro Bowls and All-Pro selections to his name.

    Tight End
    Gronkowski, Rob $500,000.00(Draft)
    Lee, Donald $300,000.00(FA)
    Fendi Onobun, TE, $600,000.00 (PS Theft)

    Gronkowski will be in there on almost every play with his ability to both block and catch the football and at only 20 years of age the sky is the limit. He's been compared to Jason Witten and will give Kolb a nice security blanket if he gets into trouble. Lee has been a solid pass catcher in the NFL and will continue to do so for us. He'll line up in multiple TE sets and has the ability to bust the seams. Onobun is a project. He is a former basketball player at Arizona before switching to football at Houston. We think he has great upside.

    Wide Receiver
    Ward, Hines $2,750,000.00
    Nicks, Hakeem $ 310,000.00(Trade)
    Wallace, Mike $310,000.00
    Burelson, Nate $600,000.00(FA)
    Logan, Stefan $310,000.00

    We feel this is our most talented position and possibly the best WR corps in the NFL. Hines Ward has been a model of consistancy and the leader of the offense for years. Every year people expect his play to drop off and every year he puts up another great season. He's an excellent receiver who will lay you out on a block. He will be an excellent mentor for our young corps. One word comes to mind when thinking of Hakeem Nicks: Stud. This is a guy we loved coming out of college and were elated to get via trade. He had an excellent rookie season and will only get much better. We think in a short amount of time he'll be a #1 and one of the best WR's in the NFL. He can beat you over the top or underneath, and his ability to make plays with the football in his hands reminds peoplel of Brandon Marshall and Anquan Boldin. Wallace is also coming off of a very good rookie year and like Nicks, will only get better. He'll be our #3 WR, but it will be difficult to keep him off of the field. Burleson was a steal in free agency and we couldn't be happier to have him. He'll play plenty in different formations and will stretch the field. Logan is a specialty player who can play WR or HB as well as return kicks.

    Offensive Line
    Whitworth, Andrew $2,200,00.00(Trade)
    Dahl, Harvey $2,200,000.00(FA)
    Mangold, Nick $535,000.00(Trade)
    Kemoeatu, Chris $1,765,000.00
    Starks, Max $1,400,000.00
    Hills, Tony $385,000.00
    Essex, Trai $620,000.00
    Urbik, Kraig $310,000.00
    Byers, Jeff $300,000.00(Draft)

    Our offensive line was a major problem the past couple years. That is no longer the case as we now boast one of the best in the NFL. Whitworth is one of the best LT's in football and will allow Starks to move to the right side where he is better suited. Bringing in Dahl was huge for us. He is a top flight OG and is so nasty he once got up in the face of Mike Singletary. Mangold was possibly the biggest move being the best OC in the game. He will be huge neutralizing those nasty NT's we have to face. Kemoeatu was one of our solid players we already had on the line and will continue to do so for us. Hillis, Essex, Urbik and Byers are all solid backups with some versatitily.

    Defensive Line
    Hampton, Casey $4,270,000.00(Franchised)
    Odrick, Jared $550,000.00(Draft)
    Pryce, Trevor $4,000,000.00(Trade)
    Houston, Lamarr $300,000.00(Draft)
    Keisel, Brett $2,250,000.00

    Our defensive line has been a staple for us, but they were getting a little old and were in need of an upgrade so we added some nice parts to go along with old reliable inside. Hampton is plain and simple one of the best NT's in football, so we made keeping him a priority. He'll continue to wreak havoc inside. On the outside we brought in another reliable veteran in Trevor Pryce. He has been one of the better 3-4 DE's in football since switching to that spot for the Ravens. He will be pushed for playing time though by two rookies. Jared Odrick is a high motor beast of a man. He had 9 sacks in his senior year and was a team captain. He will probably start at RE and will kick inside sometimes on passing downs to push the pocket. Houston also is a physical specimen who can play outside as well as a bit inside. He will most likely start off as a roational player, but could push Pryce for his starting spot. Keisel has been a solid force for us with plenty of starting experience. He will join a stacked defensive line rotation.

    Freeney, Dwight $6,220,000.00(Trade)
    Woodley, LaMarr $460,000.00
    Timmons, Lawrence $460,000.00
    Farrior, James $2,975,000.00
    Schofield, O'Brien $300,000.00(Draft)
    Sharpton, Darryl $300,000.00(Draft)
    Young, Willie $300,000.00(Draft)

    Known for an outstanding LB corps, things will stay that way in 2010 for the Steelers. Even after losing James Harrison, in comes one of the best defensive players in football in Dwight Freeney. Freeney has been the games best pass rusher for a few years now and will make the transition from DE in a 4-3 to OLB in a 3-4. Woodley has quickly become on of football's best linebackers with his stellar play against both the run and pass game. After a slightly slow start to his career, the light has come on for Timmons who had a very good year in 2009. He will push for his first Pro Bowl birth in 2010. Also manning the middle is James Farrior. The veteran leader of the group Farrior looks to continue his great play in the middle. Depth and upside was added as well as promising special teams talent in Schofield, Sharpton, and Young via the draft. Schofield has as much upside as any OLB coming out and though an injury might set him back, he will be a very good player down the road. Sharpton will learn from one of the best in Farrior and could eventually replace him opposite Timmons.

    Taylor, Ike $2,640,000.00
    Webster, Corey $5,400,000.00(Trade)
    Burnett, Joe $310,000.00
    Lewis, Keenan $310,000.00
    Warren, Donovan $300,000.00(Draft)

    Cornerback has been a bit of a weak spot for the Steelers this past season, but the addition of Webster should change that. He has the size and skill we like in our corners and has been one of the best in football the past couple seasons. Taylor has been a steady force for us and will continue to do so. Lewis was a 3rd round pick in 2009 and should take the next step in his career playing the nickle spot for us. Pushing him will be 2009 5th round pick Joe Burnett. Warren was a bit of a disappointment at Michigan, but has the skill set to be a good player down the road if he can ever put it together. He also has the versatility to play safety.

    Polamalu, Troy $2,900,000.00
    Jones, Chad $300,000.00(Draft)
    Page, Jarrad $550,000.00 (FA)
    Mundy, Ryan $310,000.00

    Despite having the best safety in football in Polamalu, we needed to add some talent around him at the safety position and did so this offseason. Ryan Clark was okay, but nothing special so we drafted the talented Chad Jones, and singed the reliable Jarrad Page to compete for the FS spot. Jones has great size and athleticism and is both a big hitter as well as a ballhawk. QB's and WR's alike will be tembling when he's lined up next to Polamalu in the defensive backfield. Page was a 3 year starter for the Cheifs and is still young enough to have some upside. Mundy is a solid backup who filled in nicely for Polamalu and Clark last season when needed. Honestly though the name that matters most in Polamalu. Now that he's got the Madden curse over with, he's poised to terrorize offenses once again.

    Nedney, Joe $300,000.00(FA)

    Nedney has been a very solid kicker and will look to be more consistant than our previous kicker Jeff Reed.

    Sepulveda, Daniel $300,000.00(FA)

    Sepulveda has been very solid in his time here and we were happy to get him back.

    Total $58,000,000.00

    Depth Chart

    QB:Kevin Kolb/ Dennis Dixon/ Brodi Croyle
    HB:Rashard Mendenhall/ Jerious Norwood/ LeGarrette Blount(R)/ Stefan Logan
    FB:Tony Richardson
    TE:Rob Gronkowski(R)/ Donald Lee/ Fendi Onobun(R)
    WR:Hines Ward/ Mike Wallace/ Stefan Logan
    WR: Hakeem Nicks/ Nate Burleson
    LT:Andrew Whitworth/ Tony Hillis
    LG:Chris Kemoeatu/ Craig Urbik
    C:Nick Mangold/ Jeff Byers
    RG:Harvey Dahl/ Trae Essex
    RT:Max Starks/ Tony Hillis

    Offensive overview:
    The 2009 Steelers were a pass first offense that relied on Big Ben to move the pocket and buy time. The 2010 Steelers will be a balanced offensive team that will run to set up the pass. Our line is one of the best and nastiest in the NFL and they will physically beat you up from the first snap and tire you out by the time the 4th quarter rolls around. Mendenhall will jackhammer your defense and Norwood will run by them. If you try and stack the box to help against your tired front 7 we will beat you over the top with our vastly talented WR corps. And don't think the beat down will only come up front. Hines Ward and Hakeem Nicks will punish you at the second level with their physical style. Plain and simple this offense can beat you however they want and teams will not enjoy lining up against them.

    NT:Casey Hampton/ Jared Odrick/ Lamarr Houston
    RE:Jared Odrick/ Lamarr Houston
    LE:Trevor Pryce/ Brett Keisel
    WOLB:Dwight Freeney/ Willie Young
    ILB:Lawrence Timmons/ Darryl Sharpton
    ILB:James Farrior
    SOLB:LaMarr Woodley/ O'Brien Schofield
    CB:Corey Webster/ Keenan Lewis/ Donovan Warren
    CB:Ike Taylor/ Joe Burnett
    FS:Chad Jones/ Jarrad Page/ Donovan Warren
    SS:Troy Polamalu/ Ryan Mundy

    Defensive overview:
    The Steelers have always been known for their defense, but they got even better for 2010. It is a unit that now boasts the two best defensive players in the league in Troy Palomalu and Dwight Freeney. Our defensive line will now be quicker, younger, and more physical. With a 5 man rotation boasting players who could all start on many teams they will be kept fresh. Our LB corps is stacked with former and potential Pro Bowlers at every spot. All 4 can get after the QB and will piggyback off of a fresh defensive line in front of them. Our cornerback tandem of Webster and Taylor not only can cover, but has the size and physicality to make open field tackles. And if those positions don't strike fear into offenses, having two head hunters that can take the ball away on any play in Troy Polamalu and Chad Jones will. Overall I don't think you'll find a more talented defense anywhere.

    K:Joe Nedney
    P:Daniel Sepulveda
    KR:Jerious Norwood/ Stefan Logan/ Mike Wallace
    PR: Stefan Logan/ Mike Wallace

    Practice Squad
    Harris, Ra'Shon, DE $310,000.00
    Smith, Rusty, QB $300,000.00
    Brown, Chris, HB, $300,000.00
    Foster, Ramon $310,000.00

    Team Overview
    This is obviously going to be a skilled, but extremely physical team that buys into what Coach Tomlin is selling. From a starters standpoint, I fail to see how any other team in the league has more talent than those 22 players. . Almost every position is filled with a player who has either made a Pro Bowl (32 combined Pro Bowl apperanced and a combined 9 1st team All-Pro selections), or has the potential to make one. Plain and simple, this team has no weak link
    B.Sebo, Paul 13, JMHPhin and 4 others like this.
  7. Duss

    Duss Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 9, 2007
    Stafford, Matthew $3,100,000.00
    Ramsey, Patrick $750,000.00
    Stanton, Drew $525,000.00

    Total $4 375 000


    Morris, Maurice $875,000.00 RB
    Felton, Jerome $385,000.00 RB
    Brown, Aaron $310,000.00 RB
    Lynch, Marshawn $630,000.00 RB
    Brown, Donald $310,000.00 RB

    Total $2 570 000

    Johnson, Bryant $2,000,000.00 WR
    Northcutt, Dennis $1,250,000.00 WR
    Edwards, Braylon $5,500,000,00 WR
    Stovall, Maurice $ 500,000,00 WR
    Thomas, Demayrius $ 500,000,00 WR

    Total $9 560 000

    Matthews, Michael $370,000.00 TE
    Desmond Clark $300,000.00 TE
    Pettigrew, Brandon $310,000.00 TE

    Total $ 990 000


    Khalif Barnes $400,000.00 OL
    Raiola, Dominic $3,400,000.00 OL
    Peterman, Stephen $3,000,000.00 OL
    Orlando Pace $300,000.00 OL
    Cherilus, Gosder $495,000.00 OL
    Capers, Selvish $370,000.00 OL
    Walton, JD $370,000.00 OL
    Davin Joseph $1,505,000.00 OL
    Okung, Russel $750,000.00 OL

    Total $9 840 000


    McBride, Turk $460 000,00
    Williams, Corey $1 700 000,00
    Dwan Edwards $2 200 000,00
    Israel Idonije $300 000,00
    Howard green $300 000,00
    Al Woods $300 000,00
    CJ Wilson $300 000,00
    Terrence Cody $500 000,00

    Total $7 085 000

    Avril, Cliff $385,000.00 LB
    Wimbley, Kamerion $585,000.00 LB
    Pierre Woods $400,000.00 LB
    Brandon Chillar $400,000.00 LB
    Scott Fujita $1,300,000.00 LB
    Eric Barton $400,000.00 LB
    Pierre Paul Jason $700,000.00 LB
    Travie Goethel $300,000.00 LB

    Total $1 725 000

    Smith, DeAngelo $370,000.00 CB
    Mcfadden, Bryant $3,750,000.00 CB
    Charles Tillman $4,500,000.00 CB
    Elbert Mack $385,000.00 CB
    Buchanon, Phillip $1,000,000.00 CB

    Total $10 005 000

    Pearson, Kalvin $620,000.00
    White, Marvin $460,000.00
    Delmas, Louis $310,000.00
    Sabby Piscitelli $460,000.00
    Darell Stuckey $300,000.00

    Total 1 850 000

    Hanson, Jason $1,400,000.00 P/K
    Smith, Hunter $300,000 P/K

    Total cap figure: 52 450 000

    Draft picks
    R1 - 2 Russell Okung, OT, Oklahoma State
    R1 - 7 Jason Pierre-Paul, LB, South Florida
    R2 - 34 Demaryius Thomas, WR, Georgia Tech
    R2 - 42 Terrence Cody, DT, Alabama
    R5 - 130 JD Walton, C, Baylor
    R5 - 143 Darrell Stuckey, SS, Kansas
    R5 - 157 CJ Wilson, DE, East Carolina
    R6 - 162 Selvish Capers, OT, West Virginia
    R6 - 166 Al Woods, DT, LSU
    R7 - 200 Travis Goethel, LB, Arizona State


    Ernie Sims
    Kevin Smith
    Davin Joseph
    Sabby Piscitelli
    Elbert Mack
    2 #42
    6 #166

    Calvin Jonhson
    Deandre Levy
    Sammie Lee Hill
    4 #98
    1 #7
    Corey Williams
    Kamerion Wimbley
    5 #157

    3 #66
    Bryant Mcfadden
    3 #90

    3 #90
    for Marshawn Lynch

    4th 100 for
    Donald Brown

    Matthew Stafford
    Patrick Ramsey
    Drew Stanton

    Running Back
    Donald Brown
    Marshawn Lynch
    Maurice Morris
    Aaron Brown

    Jerome Felton

    Tight End
    Brandon Pettigrew
    Desmond Clark
    Michael Mathews

    Wide Receiver
    Braylon Edwards
    Demaryius Thomas

    Bryant Jonhson
    Maurice Stovall
    Dennis Northcutt

    Offensive Line
    LT Russell Okung, Orlando Pace
    LG Davin Joseph,
    C Dominic Raiola, JD Walton
    RG Stephen Peterman, Selvish Capers
    RT Gosder Cherilus, Khalif Barnes

    Defensive Line
    LE Corey Williams, Al Woods, Israel Idonije
    NT Terrence Cody, Howard Green
    RE Dwan Edwards, CJ Wilson, Turk McBride

    OLB Jason Pierre-Paul, Cliff Avril
    ILB Scott Fujita, Travis Goethel
    ILB Eric Barton, Brandon Chillar
    OLB Kamerion Wimbley, Pierre Woods

    Charles Tillman
    Bryant Mcfadden

    Philip Buchanon
    Elbert Mack
    Deangelo Smith

    SS Sabby Piscitelli, Darrell Stuckey, Kalvin Pearson
    FS Louis Delmas, Marvin White

    K Jason Hanson
    P Hunter Smith

    PR Dennis Northcutt
    KR Aaron Brown

    I do not think I made this year's edition of the lions a Super Bowl team, but what I did is a complete talent turnover, we went from a 4-3 scheme to a 3-4 scheme. We upgraded the running game and the offensive line was upgraded.
  8. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    The return of The Greatest show on turf


    Head Coach
    Steve Spagnuolo

    Pat Shurmur

    Ken Flajole

    The New and improved Rams ​



    Draft Picks

    Team Cap : $58,000,000.00
    Team Salary: $55,804,000.00

    Under -$,2,226,000.00
  9. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    General Managers: GridIronKing34 & schisno
    Head Coach: Bill Belichick
    Offense Coordinator: Mike Miller
    Defense Coordinator: Mike Nolan
    Offense Captains: Tom Brady, Randy Moss, Matt Light
    Defense Captains: Vince Wilfork, Jerod Mayo, Joey Porter
    Special Teams Captain: Brian Hartline

    Quarterback (3)
    Batch, Charlie - QB - $300,000.00
    Brady, Tom - QB - $5,000,000.00**STARTER** [[OFFENSE CAPTAIN]]
    Hoyer, Brian - QB - $310,000.00

    One of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of the NFL is returning to New England in 2010, that man is Tom Brady. Everyone knows that Brady can make anyone look good, how are guys like Troy Brown and Deon Branch doing without him again? Playing behind him is journeyman Charlie Batch who has proven he can do extremely well in a tough situation. Having a safe back up such as Batch allows New England to continue developing second year quarterback from Michigan State, Brian Hoyer.

    Running Back (4)
    Green-Ellis, BenJarvus - RB - $385,000.00
    Moore, Mewelde - RB - $800,000.00
    Snelling, Jason - RB - $800,000.00
    Stewart, Jonathan - RB - $2,743,750.00 **STARTER**

    The Patriots felt they needed to make a splash for a running back so they sent the injury-prone Lawrence Maroney packing and replaced him with two brusiers in Jonathan Stewart and Jason Snelling. Stewart averaged over 5 yards per carry last season in Carolina as he became a part of the first running back duo to each rush for over 1,100 yards. Stewart also added 10 touchdowns to his total. Snelling arrived in New England as a free agent and showed a lot of promise in Atlanta, netting over 600 yards rushing. While Kevin Faulk left New England for a bigger contract, the Patriots signed Mewelde Moore, a proven running back who can catch passes from the backfield very well.

    Wide Receiver (6)
    Chambers, Chris - WR - $1,500,000.00 **STARTER**
    Hartline, Brian - WR - $310,000.00 [[SPECIAL TEAMS CAPTAIN]]
    Higgins, Johnnie Lee - WR - $460,000.00
    Moss, Randy - WR - $4,900,000.00 **STARTER** [[OFFENSE CAPTAIN]]
    Tate, Brandon - WR - $310,000.00
    Welker, Wes - WR - $1,650,000.00 **STARTER**

    Two names are on this roster are extremely familiar and definitely should not be messed with: Randy Moss and Wes Welker. While the injury of Wes Welker has caused many with concerns, however the Patriots ensured that Welker wouldn’t be pressured to come back until he was ready. The Patriots signed Chris Chambers, who had a late season spark in Kansas City in 2009. Playing with future hall of famers, Tom Brady and Randy Moss, should be a boost for Chambers in 2010. The Patriots also felt that trading for Brian Hartline was a great acquisition with Welker coming off a major injury. Hartline showed a lot of promise in Miami last season and should be a major contributor in 2010. Brandon Tate was kept to continue development and the Patriots also traded for Johnnie Lee Higgins for his return-abilities.

    Tight End (3)
    Barnidge, Gary - TE - $300,000.00
    Coats, Daniel - TE - $300,000.00
    Lewis, Marcedes - TE - $582,500.00 **STARTER**

    Losing Benjamin Watson was tough to swallow, but New England managed to work around in, bringing in former first round pick, Marcedes Lewis. Lewis has continued to show improvement each year and should be an excellent addition as Lewis is known for his fierce blocking and is beginning to make his mark as a receiver. Daniel Coats and Gary Barnidge will battle it out for the back-up tight end role. Both showed some potential on their former teams and the Patriots are excited to see what they have in store for them.

    Offense Line (10)
    Baas, David - OL - $1,500,000.00 **STARTER**
    Bussey, George - OL - $310,000.00
    Koppen, Dan - OL - $2,400,000.00 **STARTER**
    LeVoir, Mark - OL - $460,000.00
    Light, Matt - OL - $4,250,000.00 **STARTER** [[OFFENSE CAPTAIN]]
    Mankins, Logan - OL - $6,045,000.00 **STARTER**
    Marinelli, Chris - OL - $300,000.00 ((ROOKIE))
    Ohrnberger, Rich - OL - $310,000.00
    Vollmer, Sebastian - OL - $310,000.00 **STARTER**
    Wendell, Ryan - OL - $370,000.00

    The general idea that the front office of the Patriots has is to ensure that chemistry within the offense line is not wrecked. New England felt that the bookends in Matt Light and Sebastian Vollmer showed more than enough to validate themselves as starters in 2010. All-Pro Logan Mankins was given a transition tag to shore up the left guard spot and the Patriots signed David Baas to a contract as their starting right guard. Dan Koppen returns as the starting center. Many of back-ups from 2009 return to the Patriots as well.

    Nose Tackle (2)
    Brace, Ron - DT - $310,000.00
    Wilfork, Vince - DT - $4,270,000.00 **STARTER** [[DEFENSE CAPTAIN]]

    New England ensured that Vince Wilfork would not be going anywhere, slapping him with the franchise tag. Wilfork will continue to plug the gap as the team’s starting nose tackle. The giant Ron Brace returns to New England after his second season. Brace looks to continue to show improvement as he shares some time with the All-Pro Wilfork.

    Defense End (4)
    Dunlap, Carlos - DE - $500,000.00 ((ROOKIE))
    Green, Jarvis - DE - $1,500,000.00
    Jolly, Johnny - DE - $535,000.00 **STARTER**
    Warren, Ty - DE - $1,225,000.00 **STARTER**

    The Patriots needed to get younger at the defense end position and they did. The Patriots traded for Johnny Jolly, who proved he could play defense end in the 3-4 in 2009. Ty Warren and Jarvis Green return to the Patriots for the veteran leadership that is necessary. The New England front office is well-known for drafting those Florida defense ends and they did not stop this past year. They drafted Carlos Dunlap in second round, whom they felt should have went much earlier. Dunlap will be able to develop behind a strong rotation of Warren, Jolly, and Green.

    Linebacker (8)
    Butler, Victor - LB - $310,000.00
    Groves, Quentin - LB - $385,000.00
    Guyton, Gary - LB - $385,000.00 **STARTER**
    Mayo, Jerod - LB - $500,000.00 **STARTER** [[DEFENSE CAPTAIN]]
    McKenzie, Tyrone - LB - $310,000.00
    Morgan, Derrick - LB - $650,000.00 **STARTER** ((ROOKIE))
    Porter, Joey - LB - $1,000,000.00 **STARTER** [[DEFENSE CAPTAIN]]
    Spikes, Brandon - LB - $450,000.00 ((ROOKIE))

    Linebacker was a huge priority for the New England Patriots, after losing Tully Banta-Cain to free agency they decided to look at Joey Porter for veteran leadership. While some question Porter’s work ethic and character, they cannot ignore his leadership and love for the game. Porter will be a full-time starter on the weak-side with first round selection Derrick Morgan joining him from the strong side. Quentin Groves and Victor Butler will shore up the outside as back ups as the Patriots feel they added two prospects full of potential. Jerod Mayo and Gary Guyton return from 2009 as the team’s inside linebackers. Brandon Spikes was drafted as he’ll likely see a good amount of playing time right away. Tyrone McKenzie returns to the team to develop his skills even more.

    Cornerback (6)
    Arrington, Kyle - CB - $300,000.00
    Bodden, Leigh - CB - $3,600,000.00 **STARTER**
    Bush, Jarrett - CB - $300,000.00
    Butler, Darius - CB - $310,000.00 **STARTER**
    Harris, Walt - CB - $300,000.00
    Spievey, Amari - CB - $450,000.00 ((ROOKIE))

    Many felt that the cornerback position was one of the New Englands weakest position, while I’d agree with them, I did not feel it was bad as advertised. Leigh Bodden and Darius Butler return as the starters with a combination of Walt Harris, Jarrett Bush, and Amari Spievay battling it out for the nickel cornerback role. Bodden proved that he can play at a high level last year and Darius Butler showed a lot of good things in 2009. While Walt Harris is coming off an injury, his experience and talent cannot be pushed aside. Jarrett Bush managed to stay on a talented Packers secondary for four years and now he’ll get his chance to shine elsewhere. The front office showed their true colors by drafting Amari Spievey, a player whom many feel will make an excellent corner in the NFL. Kyle Arrington returns to the Patriots as their special teams ace.

    Safety (4)
    Alexander, Gerald - S - $460,000.00 **STARTER**
    Chung, Patrick - S - $310,000.00
    Meriweather, Brandon - S - $460,000.00 **STARTER**
    Sanders, James - S - $620,000.00

    The Patriots front office feels that Brandon Meriweather can easily make a transition from strong safety to free safety and will do so. Meriweather is simply a playmaker and should benefit tremendously moving to that spot. Backing him up will be former starter, James Sanders. While Sanders was never spectacular, he provided leadership and stability as a back-up. Gerald Alexander was brought to New England to buy time for Patrick Chung and will be their starting strong safety. Alexander had a solid season in Jacksonville in 2009 and looks to improve from that year in New England. Patrick Chung will look to take the strong safety role as quickly as possible as he continues to rise up the depth chart.

    Kicker/Punter (2)
    Graham, Shayne - K - $300,000.00 **STARTER**
    Hanson, Chris - P - $300,000.00 **STARTER**

    Chris Hanson returns from the 2009 roster as the teams punter. Stephen Gostkowski left the Patriots for a larger contract, so they brought in former Bengals kicker Shayne Graham.

    Team Salary: $57,746,250.00
    Under The Cap: $253,750.00

    Practice Squad (5)
    Mastrud, Jeron - TE - $300,000.00 ((ROOKIE))
    Smith, LeKevin - DE - $300,000.00
    Williams, Trae - CB - $300,000.00
    Williams, Thomas - LB - $370,000.00
    Young, Albert - RB - $300,000.00

    Practice Squad Salary: $1,570,000.00
    Under The Cap: $430,000.00





    QB: Tom Brady | Charlie Batch | Brian Hoyer
    HB: Jonathan Stewart | Jason Snelling | Mewelde Moore | BenJarvis Green-Ellis
    WR: Randy Moss | Brandon Tate
    WR: Chris Chambers | Brian Hartline
    WR: Wes Welker | Johnnie Lee Higgins
    TE: Marcedes Lewis | Gary Barnidge | Daniel Coats
    LT: Matt Light | Mike LeVoir
    LG: Logan Mankins | Rich Ohrnberger
    C: Dan Koppen | Ryan Wendell
    RG: David Baas | Rich Ohrnberger
    RT: Sebastian Vollmer | George Bussey

    LE: Ty Warren | Jarvis Green | Carlos Dunlap
    NT: Vince Wilfork | Ron Brace
    RE: Johnny Jolly | Jarvis Green | Carlos Dunlap
    ROLB: Joey Porter | Victor Butler
    RILB: Jerod Mayo | Tyrone McKenzie
    LILB: Gary Guyton | Brandon Spikes
    LOLB: Derrick Morgan | Quentin Groves
    CB: Leigh Bodden | Amari Spievey | Jarrett Bush
    CB: Darius Butler | Walt Harris | Kyle Arrington
    FS: Brandon Meriweather | James Sanders
    SS: Gerald Alexander | Patrick Chung

    KR: Johnnie Lee Higgins | Mewelde Moore
    PR: Johnnie Lee Higgins | Mewelde Moore
    K: Shayne Graham
    P: Chris Hanson


    1st round (18th overall) - Derrick Morgan, DE/OLB, Georgia Tech
    2nd round (61st overall) - Carlos Dunlap, DE, Florida
    3rd round (67th overall) - Brandon Spikes, LB, Florida
    3rd round (83rd overall) - Amari Spievey, CB, Iowa
    7th round (214th overall) - Jeron Mastrud, TE, Kansas State
    7th round (216th overall) - Chris Marinelli, OT, Stanford


    -New England trades Jonathan Wilhite, CB, $385,000.00 to Oakland for Johnnie Lee Higgins, WR, $460,000.00
    -New England trades Nick Kaczur, OT, $2,000,000.00 to Green Bay for Johnny Jolly, DT, $535,000.00
    -New England trades Laurence Maroney, RB, $600,000.00 and a 6th round draft pick (181st overall) to Minnesota for Bernard Berrian, WR, $2,395,000.00
    -New England trades a 2nd round draft pick (44th overall), Julian Edelman, WR, $310,000.00, Terrence Wheatley, CB, $385,000.00, Shawn Crable, LB, $385,000.00 to Carolina for Jonathan Stewart, RB, $2,743,750.00
    -New England trades Adalius Thomas, LB, $1,900,000.00 to Kansas City for a 4th round draft pick (127th overall) and a 6th round draft pick (164th overall)
    -New England trades Bernard Berrian, WR, $2,395,000,00, Mike Wright, DT, $620,000.00, and Brandon McGowan, FS, $550,000.00 to Jacksonville for Marcedes Lewis, TE, $582,000.00, Quentin Groves, DE, $385,000.00, and Gerald Alexander, SS, $460,000.00
    -New England trades Myron Pryor, DT, $310,000.00, a 2nd round draft pick (47th overall), and a 4th round draft pick (117th overall) to Houston for Brian Hartline, WR, $310,000.00, a 2nd round draft pick (51st overall), and a 5th round draft pick (147th overall)
    -New England trades a 4th round draft pick (127th overall) to Dallas for Victor Butler, LB, $310,000.00
    -New England trades a 1st round pick (22nd overall), a 2nd round pick (61st overall), and a 6th round pick (164th overall) to the Pittsburgh Steelers for a 1st round pick (18th overall) and a 2nd round pick (61st overall).
    -New England trades a 2nd round pick (53rd overall) to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for a 3rd round pick (67th overall) and 4th round pick (108th overall).
    -New England trades a 4th round pick (108th overall) and 5th round pick (147th overall) to the New York Jets for a 3rd round pick (83rd overall)


    Vince Wilfork - DT - $4,270,000.00
    Logan Mankins - OL - $6,045,000.00
    Chris Hanson - P - $300,000.00
    David Baas - OL - $1,500,000.00
    Joey Porter - LB - $1,000,000.00
    Jarvis Green - DE - $1,500,000.00
    Jason Snelling - RB - $800,000.00
    Chris Chambers - WR - $1,500,000.00
    Leigh Bodden - CB - $3,600,000.00
    Shayne Graham - K - $300,000.00
    Mewelde Moore - RB - $800,000.00
    Charlie Batch - QB - $300,000.00
    Jarrett Bush - CB - $300,000.00
    Albert Young - RB - $300,000.00
    Kyle Arrington - CB - $300,000.00
    Trae Williams - CB - $300,000.00
    LeKevin Smith - DE - $300,000.00
    Gary Barnidge - TE - $300,000.00
    Daniel Coats - TE - $300,000.00
    Walt Harris - CB - $300,000.00

    Final Thoughts​

    Many people feel that their team is the best and they very well should. Personally I think with basically the entire offense line returning and some major firepower added for a player of Tom Brady’s caliber will basically blow any other team out of the water. Randy Moss is still one of the top five receivers in the league and a very good receiver in Chris Chambers is right across from him. Add in Wes Welker from the slot and you have a huge threat in the passing game. Brian Hartline has shown a lot of promise and will be a huge contributor as well. Not only is the passing game much improved, but the running game is as well. We added one of the hottest running backs in the league in Jonathan Stewart. Pair him up with another up and coming running back in Jason Snelling and you’ve got yourself a very good offense. As far as defense goes, we feel that our front seven is extremely talented with a lot of room to grow. Vince Wilfork is an all-pro nose tackle plugging up the middle with three guys on the outside that could start on any other team in Johnny Jolly, Ty Warren, and Jarvis Green. Jerod Mayo and Gary Guyton will return as starters inside with Brandon Spikes trailing behind them. We found ourselves a verbal leader in Joey Porter at weakside outside linebacker and an all-around rookie football player on the strong side in Derrick Morgan. Leigh Bodden and Darius Butler return to the team to man the cornerback positions, which we felt that they played very well together. Brandon Meriweather is given a chance to show off his playmaking skills at free safety while Gerald Alexander takes the strong safety spot looking to take out anyone in his sights. All in all, I would say that this is looking to be a very tough team in 2010 and beyond. I feel that this team can throw or run on you and that is what’s going to win you games. Who won the Super Bowl last year? A team who can throw or run on you! Case closed.​
    B.Sebo, Paul 13, JMHPhin and 4 others like this.
  10. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007


    Head Coach: Pete Carroll
    Offensive Coordinator: Jeremy Bates
    Defensive Coordinator: Tony Dungy​

    OFFENSIVE PHILOSOPHY: The offense will not change under Jeremy Bates. We are sticking with the West Coast offense and it will be a short to intermediate pass game with the use of our tailbacks in the pass game.

    Coming into the GM League as basically a rookie (I was co-GM last year and this is my first year alone), my goal was to build the Seahawks without blowing the roster up. It's tough to do that in one off-season and its even tougher when there are very little trade pieces on the roster to move around in a deal to acquire better talent. With that said, my goal was to at least make this roster look competitive (on paper), which I may or may not have done. As I said, I did not have a lot to work with but that's not an excuse because there was room for improvement.


    Hasselbeck, Matt - $ 5,250,000
    Whitehurst, Charlie - $300k
    Sheehan, Tyler - $300k

    Overview: I got a lot of offers for Matt Hasselbeck but I felt that dealing him would only create another hole. I wanted a stop gap veteran that knew the offense (WCO) and could mentor a young guy. Speaking of the young guys, I picked up Charlie Whitehurst which is a low risk / possibly good reward here. I don't want to blow smoke and say that Whitehurst could amount to something because after all, we're talking about a guy who couldn't beat out Billy Volek in San Diego as the number two quarterback. No offense to Volek and his GM. However, I do think Whitehurst has talent but needs to polish his game (eventually). Whitehurst has a strong arm, can make a good amount of the throws, has some good mobility and is pretty accurate. He needs to work on his decision making skills and we hope to help him with that. Tyler Sheehan of Bowling Green was my second option for quarterback. My first was Levi Brown of Troy, who went to the Jets. Sheehan is not an overly talented quarterback. He is not elite in any category when scouting a quarterback but I think he's adequate in enough of them to warrant a look and a roster spot. Sheehan does not have a big arm but he is an accurate quarterback on short to intermediate passes and has decent mechanics IMO. I don't think they need a major overhaul, which I like when I'm getting a QB in the late rounds. He's got some good mobility as well. He does tend to get erratic with his accuracy, which bugs me a little, but we hope to put him in position to succeed if or when he plays. Overall, I think the quarterback situation hinges on the development of the young guys that are behind Hasselbeck.

    Running Backs

    Forsett, Justin - $ 385,000
    Scott, Bernard - $310,000
    Paschall, Pat - $300k

    Overview: Justin Forsett came out of Cal with some talent but lacked a second gear and had small stature. That was not a significant issue for him last year, as he did very well in my opinion despite a very porous offensive line around him. He showed good vision and I was impressed by his lower body strength. Watching four games of Forsett's play last year, I felt that he definitely did not have a second gear but he had adequate quickness and strength to continue to be a part of the running back rotation in Seattle. I wanted to pair him up with another guy though, another running back that could do a bit of everything. I shipped off OT Ray Willis, who I felt really struggled last year and I did not see a place for him on this roster, to Cincinnati for running back Bernard Scott. Scott, coming out, had a lot of character issues. His rap sheet rivaled Adam Jones' but last year he behaved and displayed his true talent. I really feel that he has a really great blend of talent. He catches the ball very well IMO, he shows patience, good vision and can make defenders miss at the line, which I really like. Last season, he did well in the playoffs running the ball and doubled as a kick returner, which he did well too. I think he can do a lot of nice things in Seattle and whilst his character is still a risk, it's a risk I'm willing to take. Last, Pat Paschall of NDSU was a guy who I was impressed with at the Shrine Game. He ran hard, showed some wiggle and even shed tacklers at his feet in the backfield. He has decent hands too, which I like. He went on to be an UDFA with the Patriots IIRC.


    Harbor, Clay - $300k

    Overview: Going into the Draft, I really wanted an H-Back in this WCO that I can move around and do multiple things with. I hope that Clay Harbor is that guy because I think he has the talent to be it. He can do a little lead blocking, something he needs work on, but he can really move around and catch the ball. He can be a split end, inline or in the backfield in my opinion. He can go up and get the ball and he runs well. I look forward to seeing him do work with the Eagles, who he was drafted by.

    Wide Receivers

    Branch, Deion - $ 4,940,000
    Butler, Deon - $ 310,000
    Houshmandzadeh, T.J. - $ 5,500,000
    White, Blair - $300k
    Mitchell, Carlton - $4.5M

    Overview: I dislike wide receivers so I won't spend a lot of time here. Its a boom or bust position and I was fine with the group I had on the team. I really wanted guys who can run quality routes, show good hands and get open. I think I have that with Hosuhmanzadeh and Blair White. I also feel that Deion Branch showed some skills last year and produced a little. I like Deon Butler in the slot and Carlton Mitchell was a player that I just blew my remaining cap on. Mitchell shows a lot of raw talent to go with good size and speed. He has some concentration issues and honestly that doesn't thrill me but with the remaining cap room, I took the risk.

    Tight Ends

    Carlson, John - $ 423,000
    Morrah, Cameron - $ 310,000
    Baker, Chris - $300k

    Overview: I think very highly of John Carlson and apparently I wasn't the only one as there was at least one team that offered me a first round pick for him. Carlson can do a bit of everything and shows good hands out on the field. I was really impressed with his game this past season. Cameron Morrah is a guy I was thisclose to cutting but wanted to give him another chance to do something. He's a big guy who can catch the ball and split the seam a bit, which I like. Chris Baker I brought in to be a blocker and do some red zone work. I think that he still has some talent left and he can be useful on this team.

    Offensive Line

    Ducasse, Vladimir - $500k
    Bell, Demetrius - $300k
    Newhouse, Marshall - 4.2M
    Locklear, Sean - $ 1,000,000
    Unger, Max - $ 310,000
    Spencer, Chris - $800k
    Carlisle, Cooper - $1.2M
    White, Chris - $700k
    Weigmann, Casey - $1.5M
    Bernadeau, Mackenzy $385k

    Overview: Talk about a overhaul. When acquiring and seeking offensive lineman, I think it is VERY important to find guys who can do the things asked of them in my zone blocking scheme. I expect them to be able to drop their weight and shoulder block, I expect them to be able to pull and trap. I feel like I got that with these guys. Vladimir Ducasse I was pleased to select in the Draft. I know some think he is a Guard at the next level and he may very well be. He has the talent to be a very good Guard but I also think he has some talent to be an OT if he's given time to develop. I know that I'm not the only one who thinks that because a Packers scout stated something along the lines of "if you watch him long enough, you can see his talent and you can see him playing the blindside". Paraphrasing, of course, but he shares the same line of thinking as I do. I felt that Ducasse showed very good feet and he had an excellent punch. He is raw, he does not lock out his elbows and he will get caught lunging. He will sometimes get caught getting too far in his kickslide and will be susceptible to the inside move. I'm not going to lie here, but I do think he has the talent to develop into a quality OT for me. It doesn't make me right nor does it make him right, I'm just supporting my thoughts. Demetrius Bell, who came over from Buffalo, struggled quite a bit last year but he's young and we want to work on his game. He's likely to serve as a starter unless Sean Locklear beats him out and until Ducasse is ready, which I think will be in a year. Marshall Newhouse was a talented and athletic Tackle at TCU that I think could be a quality Guard or possibly a RT at the next level. He needs to work on his game quite a bit but he has some talent. I just blew my cap on him, like with Mitchell, because he was worthy of the risk. Sean Locklear is back at RT but will battle at LT. Whilst he struggled with injuries, hes shown in the past that he can do a pretty good job at RT. I had a few trade offers for him but moving him only would take another step in the wrong direction of building this OL IMO. Max Unger was a guy I quietly shopped late in the off-season but eventually held on to him because he had a lot of talent. Chris Spencer and Casey Weigmann will battle out at OC and the loser will be the backup Center and at Guard. The plan is to have Weigmann start at OC with Spencer playing Guard. Former Houston G/C Chris White is in the same boat. Carlisle Cooper was brought in as a backup. He's had some good years and whilst his game has taken a step back, he is not expected to start for us. Last, I was really pleased to acquire Mackenzy Bernadeau from Carolina for a fifth rounder. He was a 7th rounder a year ago IIRC but he has a lot of talent. He's had work at both Guard spots, at Center and at RT. He did well at the Guard spots as well as RT. I really liked him there and he will primarily be a RT for us.

    DEFENSIVE PHILOSOPHY: Our defensive coach is Tony Dungy. Dungy is very familiar with zone coverage, which we will use quite a bit of in our defense. He has ran the Cover 1 and Tampa 2 defense everywhere he's been - those two have been his base coverages - and it is not likely to change much here. However, we will not be running much of Tampa 2. We will be running the 4-2-5 defense and our goal was to hire Gary Patterson to run it but we were forbidden by the president of the GM League. Our 4-2-5 defense will play mostly Cover 3 and Cover 4. With the spread of the 2x2 shotgun set, we are going to be likely to be in danger of giving up plays but we will teach our cornerbacks to carry the receiver and release him into the safety. We've worked on this before, have seen success with it at both the college and HS level and we think we can do it here too. The Cover 3 against a 2x2 set will allow us to play the single high safety as a robber underneath. In trips or 2x1 sets, the free safety will check to the playing strength. Our robber will be Tanard Jackson.

    Cover 3 against Twins Set

    Cover 3 against 2x2 Set

    Cover 4 (Quarters) against 2x2 Set

    We firmly believe that our defensive line is separate from the cover unit. Our front seven does not dictate what we do in coverage and therefore we are going to see a lot of stunts and twists from the front four. Gerald McCoy will be playing the weakside shaded three technique whilst Jerry Hughes will do work as a weakside shaded five technique and sometimes a head up four technique. We will use Hughes in the bullfrog technique and he will work together with Gerald McCoy on stunts. We'd like to use McCoy's talents to the maximum and McCoy plays very well on his feet, which is why he'll see work on both inside and outside stunts. He'll line up a foot deeper off the ball and expect to stunt.

    The linebackers will double up as MIKE's for us and they will be David Hawthorne and Aaron Curry. Both guys do well in zone coverage and both guys can move well laterally, which we like. Hawthorne brings excellent speed for us, which we're excited about. Donald Butler will play as the LB/weak safety for us. We feel that he can do good work for us in coverage and we will use all of his talents.

    Defensive Ends

    Jackson, Lawrence - $ 385,000
    Daryl Tapp - $5,524,000
    Davis, Chauncey - $300K
    Hughes, Jerry - $650k
    Wilson, EJ - 300k

    Overview: Lawrence Jackson was shopped this year but I ended up holding on to him because he showed some improvement last season and we hope that Pete Carroll as well as Tony Dungy can help him take the next step. He's a bit of a one trick pony and I think he lacks the quickness to be a full-time end but with the arrival of Jerry Hughes at the weak side end spot, we don't expect a lot of Jackson. He may shift over to DT in some situations. Chauncey Davis is a higher character, high motor guy that I actually like quite a bit. He does a pretty solid job playing the run and whilst he's not a great pass rusher, he has shown versatility, playing both DT and DE in the past. Daryl Tapp was slapped with the franchise tag on the last day because I like the pressure he applies on the quarterback. He does not rack up sacks, this is true, but he does apply pressure and that is something that's often overlooked. He is also strong against the run and I think him at the strong side end spot will benefit him. EJ Wilson was brought in from UNC as a practice squad guy and then moved up to the 53 roster. I felt that he showed enough talent in the Texas vs The Nation game to bring him on the roster and hopefully develop his game. I didn't plan on putting him on the roster but I know a couple people who liked him so I moved him up because I didn't want to lose him.

    Defensive Tackles

    Mebane, Brandon - $ 460,000
    Terrill, Craig - $ 1,150,000
    Evans, Demetric - $300K
    McCoy, Gerald - $750k
    Granger, DeMarcus - $300K

    Overview: Probably one of my favorite parts of my roster, believe it or not. Brandon Mebane I thought did a real solid job playing the one technique last season. He was strong against the run and did enough to apply pressure. He will now be paired up with Gerald McCoy, who fell to us at 6, and we are very excited about it. McCoy has a lot of talent and is very explosive off the LOS. He will be expected to play all three downs and Mebane will be rotated with Demetric Evans and Craig Terrell. Demetric Evans flies under the radar a bit but I like his pass rush from the interior. I think he can do a good job for us, although he's unlikely to be noticed. I kept Craig Terrill because I liked what he did as a backup last year. Thought he did a decent job for us. DeMarcus Granger was brought in because this is a guy that has a lot of talent but has had some injuries and is a bit immature. He was once considered a top 45 pick but fell because of the aforementioned issues. This is a risk I'm willing to take.


    Curry, Aaron - $ 2,000,000
    Hawthorne, David - $ 385,000
    Herring, Will - $ 460,000
    Butler, Donald - $500k
    Vobora, David - $300K

    Overview: We dealt Lofa Tatupu because we wanted David Hawthorne to start. Hawthorne can really fly and he covers really well. I was impressed quite a bit by his game because he can do a bit of everything, including stack and shed. Aaron Curry is brought back for his second year. He will also be a MIKE linebacker for us. Will Herring did a very solid job filling in for LeRoy Hill, who had several issues and was released as a result of them, and we brought in Donald Butler to be our rover. Butler shows very good cover skills and does a good job of getting into the backfield as well as running laterally. I think he can man cover well and he's strong in zone coverage. David Vobora was brought in to be a backup and likely won't see a lot of playing time but if he is asked to step in, we are confident he can do a good job. We were slightly surprised by his release from St. Louis.


    Jennings, Kelly -$ 695,000
    Wilson, Josh - $ 460,000
    Walker, Frank - $300k
    Sheppard, Lito - 3M
    III Thurmond, Walter - $300k
    Priest, Rafael- $400k

    Overview: This was probably the trickiest position for me to evaluate because I felt a lot of their problems resulted from the piss poor safety play. Josh Wilson is brought back to play man coverage and whilst he is a bit inconsistent, we brought in Tony Dungy to work with him. I'm confident in Dungy developing Wilson's skills and I think Wilson has the talent to be a good cornerback. Frank Walker struggles with PI's but as a veteran corner that can do a lot of things for me, I felt it was worthy of a signing. Kelly Jennings showed some fresh confidence last season when he was demoted to nickel cornerback and he showed good play there so I was happy to bring him back. We needed another cornerback to compliment Wilson and we're still not sure if we have that, honestly. The market was not great for cornerbacks IMO and I felt that I could help develop the guys. Lito Sheppard struggled with injuries last year and inconsistent play but hes a veteran who we hope can do some work for us. We brought in Walter Thurmond III who is coming off a scary injury but hes got a ton of talent. Really quality cover man who has a slight frame but outstanding ball skills and concentration. Pleased to get him. Rafael Priest has always fallen a bit under the radar at TCU but has showed good speed and hips. He has quite a bit of talent in my opinion. This is a deep positin for us, IMO, and whilst we are lacking a true shutdown cornerback, we think the front four can help us become a quality unit.


    Adams, Mike - $300k
    Butler, James - $800k
    Jackson, Tanard - $460k
    Asante, Larry - $300k

    Overview: This position was a must upgrade. If this position, which is very important to me, was not upgraded, this was not a successful project. We brought in two box players in James Butler and Larry Asante. I really feel that these two guys are very bright players who know their responsibilities and can handle them. I was pleased to get both. Mike Adams was a bright spot in Cleveland last year IMO and doubled both as a CB and FS. We were a little surprised to see CLE let him go but were pleased to acquire him. Tanard Jackson was the blockbuster deal for me, IMO. A very, very talented safety that has ball skills like a cornerback and had an excellent season last year. I hate giving up high draft picks for players but we were happy to give up a second for Jackson. He will give us a lot of flexibility in coverage.

    Special Teams

    Dawson, Phil 700k
    Farwell, Heath 750k
    Kapinos, Jeremy 300k

    Overview: Upgrading special teams is always important and we feel like we did at each position, sans punter.

    FINAL CAP NUMBER: $57,152,000

    Final Thoughts: Overall, I was pleased with most of the roster. Can't turn everything over in one season, especially when limited with talent pool on my team. I didn't enter this to win, I entered it to learn. I didn't include any fancy pictures because I'm not talented enough to do photoshop but I hope my thoughts on each roster spot were enough to make you at least nod in agreement once! I don't know if I'll do the GML next year, which is far away, so we'll see but this year I had fun. Thanks to Mat for setting this up. Thanks to those who weren't a pain to trade with. Thanks to those who were helpful. Thanks for everything. I'm going to be taking a break from this site for some time I imagine so I'll write to you guys when the season starts, I hope. Peace!

    Seahawks Draft Picks

    1.6 - Gerald McCoy, DT, Oklahoma
    1.14 (From DEN) - Jerry Hughes, DE, TCU
    2.44 - Vladimir Ducasse, OT, UMASS
    2.54 - Donald Butler, OLB, Washington
    4.105 (From BUF) - Blair White, WR, Michigan St.
    4. 116 - Walter Thurmond III, CB, Oregon
    6. 175 - Clay Harbor, H-Back, Missouri St.
    6. 181 - Pat Paschall, RB, NDSU
    6. 184 - Larry Asante, S, Nebraska
    7. 193 - Tyler Sheehan, QB, BGSU


    1. Simoni Lawrence, OLB, Minnesota - 300k
    2. Curtis Steele, RB, Memphis - 300k
    3. Jamie McCoy, H-Back, West Texas A&M - 300k


    San Francisco Trades:
    3rd Round Pick (15)

    Seattle Trades:
    CB Marcus Trufant $1,000,000

    Bengals Send:

    ** Scott, Bernard $310,000.00 RB

    Seahawks Send:

    Willis, Ray - $ 1,000,000

    Buffalo sends:

    Round 4, 9th Pick

    Seattle Sends:

    Cole, Colin - $ 2,500,000
    B.Sebo, Paul 13, JMHPhin and 5 others like this.
  11. Tractor Traylor

    Tractor Traylor Crafty Veteran

    Jan 5, 2008
    Kansas City, MO

    2009 Baltimore Ravens
    HC: John Harbaugh
    OC: Cam Cameron
    DC: Greg Mattison
    *All retained from 2009*


    Overall, we knew our strengths and we knew our weaknesses. The goal was to improve our weaknesses without diminishing our strengths, and I feel like we did just that. Not only do we have a young, talented QB in Joe Flacco but we have a top 5 RB in Ray Rice. We were able to retain everyone from our stellar O-line from last year while adding depth in the form of former starters Rudy Niswanger and Adam Terry. The Ravens were able to go from one of the worst receiving corps to one of the best through the acquisition of Pro Bowler Anquan Boldin as well as studs Dwayne Bowe and Kevin Walter. Ben Watson will add the element of speed and consistency that the TE position has lacked for years in Baltimore.
    1. Joe Flacco
    2. Troy Smith
    3. JaMarcus Russell

    1. Ray Rice
    2. LenDale White
    3. Jalen Parmele

    1. LaRon McClain

    1. Ben Watson
    2. Alge Crumpler
    3. L.J. Smith

    1. Dwayne Bowe
    2. Marty Gilyard (R)
    3. Josh Reed

    1. Anquan Boldin
    2. Kevin Walter
    3. Brandon Banks (R)

    1. Jared Gaither
    2. Oniel Cousins

    1. Marshal Yanda
    2. Adam Terry

    1. Matt Birk
    2. Rudy Niswanger

    1. Ben Grubbs
    2. Adam Terry

    1. Michael Oher
    2. David Hale

    DEFENSE (3-4 alignment)

    Just like the offense, the vaunted Ravens defense has improved drastically. The underwhelming Terrell Suggs was shipped out of town and replaced with Pro Bowler and former Defensive Player of the Year, James Harrison. The defensive line might be the strongest in the league with tremendously strong starters (Ngata, Dockett, and Gregg) as well as impressive depth (Bannan, Alualu, and Pioha). Ray Lewis continues to lead the unit along side up-and-comers Dannell Ellerbe and Tavares Gooden. Last year's cornerback play was not up to par, to say the least. Enter pro-bowler Antoine Winfield who brings physicality to the position like no other. Joining him are talented young players like Dwight Lowery, Lardarius Webb, Dominique Foxworth, and Maurice Leggett. Like always, the defensive backfield will be patrolled by the one and only, Ed Reed.

    Needless to say, it is hard to find a weakness in this unit.

    1. Haloti Ngata
    2. Tyson Alualu (R)

    1. Kelly Gregg
    2. Sione Pioha

    1. Darnell Dockett
    2. Justin Bannan

    1. James Harrison
    2. Paul Kruger

    1. Dannell Ellerbe
    2. Tavares Gooden
    3. Brandon Ayanbadejo

    1. Ray Lewis
    2. Bobby Carpenter

    1. Tamba Hali
    2. Jarrett Johnson

    1. Dominique Foxworth
    2. Lardarius Webb

    1. Ed Reed
    2. Haruki Nakamura

    1. Dawan Landry
    2. Tom Zbikowski

    1. Antoine Winfield
    2. Dwight Lowery
    3. Maurice Leggett


    P- Jeff Feagles
    K- Josh Scobee
    1. Lardarius Webb
    2. Brandon Banks
    1. Brandon Banks

    53 Man Roster

    Ayanbadejo, Brandon $300,000.00
    Bannan, Justin $3,611,600.00
    Birk, Matt $1,000,000.00
    Boldin, Anquan $2,750,000.00
    Bowe, Dwayne $460,000.00
    Carpenter, Bobby $1,100,000.00
    Cousins, Oniel $385,000.00
    Crumpler, Alge $300,000.00
    Dockett, Darnell $3,500,000.00
    Ellerbe, Dannell $310,000.00
    Feagles, Jeff $300,000.00
    Flacco, Joe $1,535,000.00
    Foxworth, Domonique $620,000.00
    Gaither, Jared $2,600,000.00
    Gooden, Tavares $385,000.00
    Gregg, Kelly $1,933,636.00
    Grubbs, Ben $570,000.00
    Hale, David $385,000.00
    Hali, Tamba $940,000.00
    Harrison, James $800,000.00
    Johnson, Jarret $1,983,181.00
    Kruger, Paul $310,000.00
    Landry, Dawan $4,194,000.00
    Leggett, Maurice $385,000.00
    Lewis, Ray $1,000,000.00
    Lowery, Dwight $385,000.00
    McClain, LeRon $900,000.00
    Nakamura, Haruki $385,000.00
    Ngata, Haloti $823,750.00
    Niswanger, Rudy $300,000.00
    Oher, Michael $310,000.00
    Parmele, Jalen $385,000.00
    Pioha, Sione $980,000.00
    Reed, Ed $3,600,000.00
    Reed, Josh $300,000.00
    Rice, Ray $385,000.00
    Russell, Jamarcus $300,000.00
    Scobee, Josh $300,000.00
    Smith, LJ $350,000.00
    Smith, Troy $900,000.00
    Terry. Adam $900,000.00
    Walter, Kevin $2,100,000.00
    Watson, Ben $2,200,000.00
    Webb, Lardarius $310,000.00
    Winfield, Antoine $6,100,000.00
    White, Lendale $1,000,000.00
    Yanda, Marshal $1,500,000.00
    Zbikowski, Tom $385,000.00
    Alualu, Tyson $500,000.00
    Gilyard, Mardy $300,000.00
    Banks, Brandon $300,000.00

    TOTAL: $57,856,167.00

    Practice Squad
    1. Jerome Simpson, WR
    2. Mike Hart, RB
    3. Kelly Talavou, NT
    4. Kraig Null, QB
    5. Jameel McClain, ILB

    Starting Lineup
    QB- Joe Flacco
    RB- Ray Rice- 1x Pro Bowler
    FB- LaRon McClain- 2x Pro Bowler
    WR- Dwayne Bowe
    WR- Anquan Boldin-3x Pro Bowler
    TE- Ben Watson
    LT- Jared Gaithers
    LG- Marshal Yanda
    C- Matt Birk- 6x Pro Bowler
    RG- Ben Grubbs- 1x Pro Bowler
    RT- Michael Oher

    DE- Haloti Ngata- 2x Pro Bowler
    NT- Kelly Gregg
    DE- Darnell Dockett- 2x Pro Bowler
    OLB- James Harrison- 4x Pro Bowler
    ILB- Ray Lewis- 12x Pro Bowler
    ILB- Dannell Ellerbe
    OLB- Tamba Hali
    CB- Antoine Winfield- 2x Pro Bowler
    CB-Dominique Foxworth
    SS- Dawan Landry
    FS- Ed Reed- 7x Pro Bowler

    K- Josh Scobee
    P- Jeff Feagles- 2x Pro Bowler
    KR- Lardarius Webb
    PR- Brandon Banks

    2(57)- Alualu, Tyson, DE/DT----- Actually drafted 10th overall (+47)
    4(121)- Gilyard, Mardy, WR----- Actually drafted 99th overall (+22)
    7(217)- Banks, Brandon, WR/KR----- Actually UDFA (-7)

    Free Agents:
    Bannan, Justin- $3,611,600.00 DE---Transition Tag
    Carpenter, Bobby- $1,100,000.00 ILB
    Feagles, Jeff- $300,000.00 P
    Gaither, Jared- $2,600,000.00 OT---RFA
    Landry, Dawan- $4,194,000.00 S---Franchise Tag
    Niswanger, Rudy- $300,000.00 OC
    Reed, Josh- $300,000.00 WR
    Russell, Jamarcus- $300,000.00 QB
    Scobee, Josh- $300,000.00 K
    Smith, LJ- $350,000.00 TE
    McClain, LeRon $900,000.00 FB---RFA
    Smith, Troy $900,000.00 QB---RFA
    Walter, Kevin $2,100,000.00 WR
    Watson, Ben $2,200,000.00 TE
    Yanda, Marshal $1,500,000.00 OG---RFA
  12. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    I present to you MY 2010 Miami Dolphins

    Most of us here are Dolphins’ fans and I believe those of you who are from other team’s boards will also agree with what I’m about to say. There were obvious needs from the 2009 Dolphins’ squad. Namely, a number one wide receiver, a complete change of scenery at linebacker, an upgrade at nose tackle, a stretch the middle of the defense tight end and last but certainly not least a free safety capable of leading the young secondary to greatness. I will contend that not only did I address every one of those needs, I did so without taking away from other areas of the team. I also believe that I addressed some less obvious needs that will put me over the top, more on that later.

    Depth Chart
    As you’ll see below, I’ve organized this a little differently than normal. I’ve provided my base offense and defense sets, complete with second and third team players. I’ve also provided other formations that will play an integral part in my team. The Wildcat. We all know the Wildcat. I wanted to show how the new Wildcat lined up, with additions of some new faces. Defensively, I wanted to see what the 43 would look like as I believe we have the personnel to run an effective attacking 43 defense if needed. Also wanted to display my nickel defense, as that is the group I’m most proud of. As a 28 year fan of this team, I finally wanted to have a defense that didn’t need many substitutions from the base formation. Going up against the Bradys and Mannings of the world, masters at running a hurry up formation and creating missmatches because the defense couldn’t sub in time, I feel I’ve taken steps to equal the playing field.

    (I formation)
    WR Greg Jennings / Muhsin Muhammad / Dexter McCluster
    LT Jake Long / Andrew Gardner
    LG Jeremy Zuttah / Justin Smiley
    C Jake Grove / Joe Hawley
    RG Nate Garner / Jeremy Bridges
    RT Tyson Clabo / Andrew Gardner
    TE Zach Miller / Ed Dickson
    WR Mohamed Massaquoi / Davone Bess / Patrick Turner / Armanti Edwards
    QB Chad Henne / Rex Grossman / Stephen McGee
    RB Ronnie Brown / Justin Fargas / Arian Foster / Lex Hilliard
    FB Lousaka Polite

    WR Greg Jennings
    LT Jake Long
    LG Jeremy Zuttah
    C Jake Grove
    RG Nate Garner
    RT Tyson Clabo
    TE Zach Miller
    WB Ronnie Brown
    WB Dexter McCluster
    WB Lousaka Polite
    WB Armanti Edwards

    (Four Wides)
    WR Greg Jennings
    WR Davone Bess
    LT Jake Long
    LG Jeremy Zuttah
    C Jake Grove
    RG Nate Garner
    RT Tyson Clabo
    WR Dexter McCluster
    WR Mohamed Massaquoi
    QB Chad Henne
    RB Ronnie Brown

    (34 Front)
    LOLB Brandon Graham / Quentin Moses
    LE Kendall Langford / Tony McDaniel
    NT Ahtyba Rubin / Dorell Scott
    RE Randy Starks / Jimmy Kennedy / Lionel Dotson
    ROLB Thomas Howard / Cameron Wake / Jyles Tucker
    LILB Demeco Ryans
    RILB Sean Lee / Keyaron Fox
    CB Vontae Davis / Bradley Fletcher
    SS Mike Brown / Reshad Jones
    FS Eric Weddle / Tyrone Culver
    CB Sean Smith / Dominique Franks / Kevin Thomas

    (43 Front)
    LDE Kendall Langford
    LDT Ahtyba Rubin
    RDT Randy Starks
    RDE Cameron Wake / Brandon Graham
    LOLB Brandon Graham / Sean Lee
    MLB Demeco Ryans
    ROLB Thomas Howard
    CB Vontae Davis
    SS Mike Brown
    FS Eric Weddle
    CB Sean Smith

    (425 Nickel)
    LDE Cameron Wake
    LDT Kendall Langford
    RDT Randy Starks
    RDE Brandon Graham
    LB Demeco Ryans
    LB Thomas Howard
    CB Vontae Davis
    FS Eric Weddle
    FS Tyrone Culver
    CB Bradley Fletcher
    CB Sean Smith

    Special Teams
    K Dan Carpenter
    P Brandon Fields
    LS John Denney
    KR Dexter McCluster
    PR Armanti Edwards

    Ah, so how did I pull all this off? Blood, sweat and tears of joy… First lets look at the trades and I’ll discuss each one for context. It’s also important to see them chronologically as the story develops before your very eyes.

    2/8 From Tampa: G Jeremy Zuttah in exchange for 4.108 and 6.164 draft picks.
    -This was my first of TWENTY trades. Zuttah is a guy I have a very high grade on, a second round grade actually. A converted tackle from his college days, but he has the strength to play inside and the foot speed to be a tremendously effective pulling guard on our patented power O play, the one where we’ve seen Smiley pull into the hole between the center and right guard with Ronnie following. Now you have Zuttah doing the same. Put him next to Jake Long for the next 10 years and you have a solid pro bowl caliber left side of the line. Needless to say, if I have a 2nd round grade on him, only giving up a 4 and a 6 was a good trade for me.

    2/8 From Green Bay: WR Greg Jennings in exchange for T Vernon Carey, 3.9 and 6.4 draft picks.
    -With my second trade I obtain the #1 wide receiver that we so desparately needed. Not only is Greg a great short to intermediate route runner, possessing exceptional hands and stellar route running, he has the down field speed we needed (averaged 16.1 yards per reception in the four years hes been in the league). Now, he’s not Larry Fitzgerald, whom I believe to be in a league all his own, but you look at the #2 to #10 ranked wideouts in this league and I could make a case for Greg to be high in that pecking order. You want to bring up other guys who you think are better? You think I could have got one of them for Carey, a third and a sixth round pick? Not only is Greg an amazing talent (that game against the Cards last year in the playoffs was one of the greatest games I’ve seen from a receiver in a long time. I invite you all to go here and check the fourth video listed… Greg Jennings highlights.) he’s a quality individual off the field. No question marks with this guy… no diva attitude.

    Now, I did feel Carey was expendable when looking at the amount of right tackle talent available in free agency. I had a couple of guys on my free agent board that I was going to go after to replace him (more on that later). I’ve never been high on Vernon personally, he certainly doesn’t have a first round grade, maybe a late second? So factor that in when assessing this trade. A 2, a 3 and a 6 for a top 10 receiver who is better than anyone available in this 2010 draft.

    2/8 From San Francisco: 4.21 in exchange for WR Greg Camarillo. Now Greg was making close to 1.5m and with the acquisition of my #1 receiver it was time to put the other pieces of the puzzle together. So we dump a little cap here and get back the fourth round pick we traded away to obtain Zuttah. I like Cam, he’s a good guy, but he’s no better than a fourth wide receiver on this team, and so getting a fourth round pick in exchange was the right move to make

    2/8 From Kansas City: 5.11 in exchange for LB Joey Porter and 7.5. Porter was a guy I was going to cut, without question, as his salary was just prohibitive at $4.8m. So to come away with a fifth round pick and me having to tack in a seventh was a big win.

    2/9 From New York Jets: 4.116 in exchange for RB Ricky Williams $3.5m. I hated trading Ricky away as he’s really worked hard to get back to a solid #2 runner for us, however he has stated he’ll only play one more year and at $3.5m in salary, a fourth round pick in exchange was the right move to make. And I’ve been able to restock the draft picks I had traded away.

    2/9 From Pittsburgh: LB Keyaron Fox for 6.169. This was a relatively speaking minor trade compared to the others but Keyaron does give us some flexability at inside linebacker and can play a nickel role and be a solid special teams guy. Recall that my defensive coordinator was not Mike Nolan due to some technicality otherwise known as GIK the commish :shifty: My DC is the Steelers LB coach Keith Butler. He’s been the LB coach for them since 2003 and think of all the great players he’s developed. Bring Butler over, only fair to throw him one of his players in Keyaron Fox, a guy who had a quiet 44 tackles for them last season (remember that Channing Crowder had 51 last year). Keep an eye on him this year for the Steelers, he could end up being the next great Steelers linebacker as he replaces James Farrior.

    2/10 From Oakland: TE Zach Miller, RB Justin Fargas and 2.39 in exchange for NT Paul Soliai and DE Philip Merling. This was a big move for me. Getting the tight end whom I feel is top 10 in the league for his position in Zach Miller. I get a guy who I feel is a quality backup running back in Justin Fargas, a proven 1,000 yard guy if need be. And a second round pick, which I feel was an added bonus to the trade… The 39th pick in the draft, which would turn out to be LB Sean Lee. I essentially gave up on Paul Soliai and Philip Merling. Two guys who I felt wouldn’t be starters for me based on future moves I planned on making. Certainly, created some holes along the d line with this move, but similar to the Carey move, I felt I could get better quickly.

    2/12 From Minnesota: LB EJ Henderson and S Jamarca Sanford for Patrick Cobbs, 5.139 and 7.203. I like EJ a lot and at the time I was focused on him being the starter for me at one of the ILB spots. However, the $3.2m cap figure he had would turn out to be his downfall along with the major injury he sustained last season with the Vikes. EJ was playing at an All Pro level prior to that broken leg. But that was a viscious injury and I didn’t feel he’d be ready to play in September. Eventually, I traded him (as you’ll see later for more than I gave up, so all was not lost) and released Sanford (a player I like nonetheless) as he was caught in a numbers game.

    2/13 From Cleveland: NT Ahtyba Rubin in exchange for 4.118. This was the draft pick I obtained in the Greg Camarillo deal. Rubin is a young stud very capable of starting, I have him pencilled in as such in my 34 front. The Browns defense changed significantly last year when Rubin started at the end of the year. Only allowing one 100 yard rusher in the final five games. So essentially I traded Greg Camarillo (likely a #4 wr in my lineup) for a guy who is my starting nose tackle. All this and Rubin is much much cheaper than the guys who ended up getting mega deals in free agency… $385k.

    2/15 From Philadelphia: 3.88, 4.110 and 5.148 in exchange for S Yeremiah Bell. Recall that Bell had a $2.55m cap number and this deal looks even more one sided. I had originally sought a 2nd round pick in exchange for him, but I happily took the three lesser picks in what turned out to be a three team trade. Capping off a busy week of trading as the trade window opened.

    10 total trades in 7 days. I don’t believe anyone has done anything like that before, but I was only halfway done wheeling and dealing.

    2/22 From Indianapolis: 3.95 in exchange for CB Will Allen and G Joe Berger. I actually thought this was one of my more fairer trades. Allen and Berger each have starting ability yet on my team, they wouldn’t be starters. Allen was coming off the injury last year and it was a good way for me to clear $2m in cap space.

    2/23 From St. Louis: CB Bradley Fletcher in exchange for QB Pat White. Now we all know the Pat White debacle… drafted in the 2nd round last year. This was my attempt to get back that value. Fletcher was drafted high in the 3rd round last year by the Rams and was really coming on for their new coach until he sustained an injury that ended his season. I feel he can be a solid corner for us in our rotation with Smith and Davis, perhaps moving Davis inside to cover slot receivers in nickel and dime situations.

    2/25 From Cleveland: WR Mohamed Massaquoi in exchange for WR Ted Ginn Jr and 3.95. After many attempts to trade Ginn and not receiving the value I thought he should get, I finally get a guy I’m happy with in return. MM had a solid rookie season for the hapless Browns offense last year averaging over 18 yards per reception. I feel he can be an excellent complimentary #2 option in my offense alongside Greg Jennings at the WR position. MM was drafted in the 2nd round the year before and did nothing to show he wasn’t worthy of that selection. So a mid 2 for a late 3 and Ginn.

    2/27 From Arizona: 3.78 and 7.197 in exchange for S Gibril Wilson and 5.148. This one took a long time as well, similar to Ginn… there were moments were I didn’t think I was going to get the value I wanted for Wilson. A guy I couldn’t wait to dump from the team. Getting what is essentially a low third round value on him was quite satisfactory.

    2/28 From Kansas City: 3.94 and 6.185 in exchange for LB EJ Henderson and 6.168. recall what I gave up previously to obtain EJ, Cobbs a five and a seven… and I turned that into a third round pick.

    3/1 From Houston: LB Demeco Ryans, RB Arian Foster and 6.178 in exchange for ILB Channing Crowder, WR Brian Hartline, G Donald Thomas and 3.88. This was as big if not bigger than the Jennings trade. I get a stud linebacker, a guy who I can call my defensive captain without hesitation. I also get Arian Foster to help build depth at the running back position. Now Houston believes he got three starters out of this trade along with that third round pick. I believe he got three guys who would not be capable of starting on my final roster. We all know Crowder… I think if given the opportunity, all of us would have made this trade. Hartline, solid #2 receiver for us last year, however with the additions of Jennings and Massaquoi, fell to #4 on my depth chart behind Bess. Donald Thomas, he didn’t lose his starting job last year due to injury, it was due to poor play. I kept the guy that beat him out in Nate Garner.

    ¾ From Carolina: 2.48 in exchange for QB Tyler Thigpen and 4.116. In hindsight I might have gotten a little greedy with this one as TT is a quality backup, but the 2nd rounder I just couldn’t resist gobbling that up. Recall TT was acquired last year for a fifth round pick… so a 4 and a 5 for a 2nd round pick.

    3/7 From St. Louis: S Eric Weddle and NT Dorell Scott in exchange for 2.48, 4.110 and 6.185. At this stage of the game, I was looking at consolidating my draft picks as I had too many. So I use the ammo to get quality on defense. I get the field general of the secondary I had sought since the start. I think Weddle is the most underrated player in the NFL. Think of what some of the free agent safeties were receiving at this point in the process and I get Weddle, a guy who makes just $460k against the cap. And I get Scott, a young guy capable of playing any of the positions we employ along the d line.

    3/29 From Oakland: 3.70 and 3.74 in exchange for 2.43. So much for consolidating draft picks :lol: This was a draft day trade. It was evident at that 43rd pick I wasn’t going to get a starter, didn’t really need one… so why not get two guys instead of one.

    4/8 From Tampa Bay: 5.155 in exchange for 6.178 and 7.197. Another draft day trade that brought me CB Kevin Thomas.

    Key Free Agent Acquisitions

    G/T Jeremy Bridges $ 300,000
    -Capable of playing guard or tackle
    LB Thomas Howard $ 4,000,000
    -The best cover linebacker in the game. A guy I'm counting on to improve my nickel and dime packages the most. I also plan to move him around a lot.
    T Tyson Clabo $ 3,000,000
    -Vernon Carey’s replacement at RT. The Falcons rush offense vastly improved when Michael Turner was acquired. However, lets not forget that the guys up front had a lot to do with that, one of them was Clabo.
    S Mike Brown $ 600,000
    -The interim starter at strong safety until Reshad Jones is ready

    Free Agents Signed

    S Jarrad Page - $300,000
    OLB Jyles Tucker - $300,000
    WR Muhsin Muhammad - $400,000
    G/T Jeremy Bridges - $300,000
    LB Thomas Howard - $4,000,000
    TE David Martin - $300,000
    T Tyson Clabo - $3,000,000
    S Mike Brown - $600,000
    QB Rex Grossman - $300,000
    DL Jimmy Kennedy - $351,000
    QB Mike Reilly - $300,000
    C Joe Hawley - $300,000 UDFA
    QB Andy Schmitt - $300,000 UDFA
    QB Stephen McGee - $1,000,000 from Dallas' practice squad
    WR Armanti Edwards - $1,000,000 from Buffalo's practice squad

    Draft Picks
    1.12 OLB Brandon Graham, Michigan
    2.39 ILB Sean Lee, Penn State
    3.70 WR Dexter McCluster, Mississippi
    3.74 CB Dominique Franks, Oklahoma
    3.78 S Reshad Jones, Georgia
    3.94 TE Ed Dickson, Oregon
    5.155 CB Kevin Thomas, USC

    Position by position breakdown with salary of every player.

    Chad Henne $385,000
    Rex Grossman $300,000
    Stephen McGee $1,000,000

    Of course, it all starts at the qb position, the success or failure of my team rests on the shoulders of Chad Henne. He showed last season that he has all the tools to be a good quarterback. Can he be great? He’ll need to be the first one in and the last one out of the practice facility. He’ll need to put in hours of film study to make himself better. Is he prepared to do that? Rex Grossman is a steady quarterback, but he’s not going to lead this team to success all by himself. McGee has the tools, does he have what it takes between the ears?

    Running Backs
    Ronnie Brown $4,190,000
    Justin Fargas $850,000
    Arian Foster $370,000
    Lou Polite $900,000
    Lex Hilliard $310,000

    Wide Receivers
    Greg Jennings $5,000,000
    Mohamed Massaquoi $310,000
    Patrick Turner $310,000
    Davone Bess $385,000
    Dexter McCluster $450,000
    Armanti Edwards $1,000,000
    Muhsin Muhammad $400,000

    Tight Ends
    Zach Miller $460,000
    Ed Dickson $450,000

    Offensive Line
    Jake Long $6,500,000
    Jeremy Zuttah $385,000
    Justin Smiley $1,900,000
    Jake Grove $2,000,000
    Tyson Clabo $3,000,000
    Jeremy Bridges $300,000
    Nate Garner $385,000
    Joe Hawley $300,000
    Andrew Gardner $310,000

    Defensive Line
    Kendall Langford $385,000
    Ahtyba Rubin $385,000
    Dorell Scott $310,000
    Jimmy Kennedy $351,000
    Lionel Dotson $385,000
    Randy Starks $385,000
    Tony McDaniel $1,000,000

    Brandon Graham $650,000
    Sean Lee $500,000
    Demeco Ryans $5,885,000
    Thomas Howard $4,000,000
    Cameron Wake $310,000
    Keyaron Fox $620,000
    Quentin Moses $900,000
    Jyles Tucker $300,000

    Sean Smith $310,000
    Vontae Davis $310,000
    Bradley Fletcher $310,000
    Dominique Franks $450,000
    Kevin Thomas $300,000

    Eric Weddle $460,000
    Reshad Jones $450,000
    Mike Brown $600,000
    Tyrone Culver $875,000

    Dan Carpenter $385,000
    Brandon Fields $460,000
    John Denney (L/S) $620,000

    Total Team Salary = $54,046,000
    Free Cap Space = $3,954,000

    Practice Squad
    DL Ryan Baker $370,000
    TE Kory Sperry $370,000
    RB Cory Sheets $310,000
    QB Andy Schmitt $300,000

    Akin Ayodele $2,750,000 2/9/10
    Reggie Torbor $2,500,000 2/9/10
    Jason Allen $4,000,000 2/9/10
    Brennan Marion $310,000 2/9/10
    Ikaika Alama Francis $370,000 2/19/10
    Evan Oglesby $370,000 2/19/10
    Charlie Anderson $1,700,000 2/19/10
    Jarrad Page $300,000 5/1/10
    Jarmaca Sanford $310,000 5/1/10
    Brian Johnston $370,000 5/1/10
    Erik Walden $385,000 5/1/10
    Dmitri Tsoumpas $370,000 5/1/10
    Andrew Hartline $370,000 5/1/10
    Lydon Murtha $310,000 5/1/10
    Kory Sperry $370,000 5/1/10
    Mike Reilly $300,000 5/8/10
    David Martin $300,000 5/8/10
    Chris Clemons $310,000 5/8/10


    Trading up, trading down, addressing areas of need, finding diamonds in the rough, always looking to improve the team. That's it in a nutshell. Ending up with six of the top 94 picks in the draft should not be something that is left understated. Bringing in the tools necessary for Chad Henne to be a complete quarterback with a fine arsenal. Having the cap room to go out and get two of the higher priced free agents at their respective position in Tyson Clabo ($3m) and Thomas Howard ($4m). Not overspending on what were obvious areas of need at Nose Tackle and at Safety but using the picks I had and the players I could deal to get bargains from a cap perspective at those positions in Ahtyba Rubin ($385k) and Eric Weddle ($460k). Having the ability to pluck players from rosters who weren't necessarily on the trade block in Greg Jennings and Demeco Ryans. Cutting the players who had no value to me and were overpaid in Charlie Anderson, Reggie Torbor, Jason Allen and Akin Ayodele (saving almost $11m in cap room).

    Recall the areas I noted at the beginning:

    I think I addressed all of these areas:
    Greg Jennings
    Brandon Graham
    Sean Lee
    Demeco Ryans
    Thomas Howard
    Ahtyba Rubin
    Zach Miller
    Eric Weddle

    I even brought in guys to compliment the players listed above, Massaquoi, Dorell Scott, Ed Dickson...

    I trust you'll agree with me, this squad is vastly better than the 2009 squad. Thanks for reading, it's been a blast once again. Next year? I'll leave it to you all on which team I should take. I'll start a poll when it's time to pick teams and I'll name every team outside of the AFC East. Lets make it challenging next time. :wink2:

    As a reward for reading this far...




    Boik14, PSG, B.Sebo and 3 others like this.
  13. PSG

    PSG Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.

    Nov 24, 2007
    North of the Border
    No write-up needed. The Jags new roster speaks for itself.


    Matt Leinart $1,100,000
    Jake Delhomme $1,500,000
    Derek Anderson $1,450,000
    John Skelton $300,000
    QB Salary: $4,350,000

    Chester Taylor $1,200,000
    Steve Slaton $385,000
    Jonathan Dwyer $450,000
    Rashad Jennings $310,000
    RB Salary: $2,345,000

    Greg Jones $1,000,000
    Brock Bolen $370,000
    FB Salary: $1,370,000

    Mike Sims-Walker $460,000
    Bernard Berrian $2,395,000
    Laurent Robinson $460,000
    Jarett Dillard $310,000
    Tiquan Underwood $310,000
    WR Salary: $3,935,000

    Kevin Boss $460,000
    Zach Miller $310,000
    Zach Potter $370,000
    TE Salary: $1,140,000

    Eugene Monroe $310,000
    Eben Britton $310,000
    Alex Barron, $4,500,000
    Jordan Black 640,000
    OT Salary: $5,760,000

    Vince Manuwai $1,500,000
    Nick Cole $300,000
    Tony Pashos $300,000
    Uche Nwaneri $460,000
    OG Salary: $2,560,000

    Brad Meester $750,000
    Cecil Newton $370,000
    C Salary: $1,120,000

    Aaron Kampman $5,500,000
    Connor Barwin 310,000
    Reggie Hayward $750,000
    Victor Abiamiri $500,000
    DE Salary: $7,060,000

    Amobi Okoye $630,000
    Terrance Knighton $310,000
    Lorenzo Alexander $1,500,000
    Mike Wright $620,000
    DT Salary: $3,060,000

    Leroy Hill $4,100,000
    Phillip Dillard $450,000
    Daryl Smith $1,145,000
    Jeremy Cain(LS) $535,000
    Justin Durant $460,000
    Russell Allen $310,000
    LB Salary: $7,000,000

    Ronald Bartell $5,000,000
    Kyle Wilson $600,000 (Nickel)
    Derek Cox $310,000
    Ellis Hobbs $2,000,000
    Tyvon Brackenridge $385,000
    CB Salary: $8,895,000

    Sean Jones $1,750,000
    Sean Considine $950,000
    SS Salary: $2,700,000

    Earl Thomas $650,000
    Brandon McGowan $550,000
    FS Salary: $1,200,000

    Jeff Reed $500,000
    Adam Podlesh $460,000
    K/P Salary: $960,000

    Total Salary: $52,855,000

    Salary Cap: 58,000,000


    Round 1(10): Earl Thomas FS, Texas ($650,000)
    Round 1(20): Kyle Wilson CB, Boise St. ($600,000)
    Round 3(75): Jonathan Dwyer RB, Georgia Tech ($450,000)
    Round 3(92): Phillip Dillard LB, Nebraska ($450,000)
    Round 4 (107): Carlton Mitchell WR, USF ($300,000)
    Round 4(122): Marshall Newhouse OL, TCU ($300,000)
    Round 5(135): John Skelton QB, Fordham($300,000)
    Round 7(198): Lindsey Witten DE, UCONN ($300,000)


    Jacksonville trades QB David Garrard (5,475,000) to Oakland for a 3rd round pick (#85) and a 7th round pick (#200).

    Jacksonville trades RB Maurice Jones-Drew (4,100,000), CB Rashean Mathis (3,450,000), WR Mike Thomas (310,000) and DE Derrick Harvey (802,500) to Houston for RB Steve Slaton (385,000), DT Amobi Okoye (630,000), DE Connor Barwin (310,000), CB Jacques Reeves (2,500,000), a 1st round pick (#20) and a 6th round pick (#188).

    Jacksonville trades DT John Henderson ($4,200,000) and a 6th round pick (#188) to Cleveland for QB Derek Anderson ($1,450,000) and a 5th round pick (#134).

    Jacksonville trades S Reggie Nelson $532,500) a 6th round pick (#171) and a 7th round pick (#200) to San Diego for a 3rd round pick (#91) and a 4th round pick (#122).

    Jacksonville trades TE Marcedes Lewis ($582,000), DE Quentin Groves ($385,000) and SS Gerald Alexander ($460,000) to New England for WR Bernard Berrian ($2,395,000), DT Mike Wright ($620,000) and FS Brandon McGowan ($ 550,000).

    Jacksonville trades FS Anthony Smith ($535,000) to Indianapolis for WR Laurent Robinson ($460,000).

    Jacksonville trades a 4th round pick (#106) to the New York Giants for TE Kevin Boss ($460,000)

    Trade voided by Denver
    Jacksonville trades WR Mike Sims-Walker ($460,000), DE Connor Barwin ($310,000), TE Zach Miller (310,000), OT Jordan Black (620,000) and a 3rd round pick (#91) overall to Denver for WR Brandon Marshall ($5,353,000) and a 1st round pick (#29)

    Jacksonville trades a 3rd round pick (#86) and a 5th round pick (#140) to Arizona for QB Matt Leinart ($1,100,000) and a 4th round pick (#107).

    Jacksonville trades a 5th round pick (#134) to Kansas City for a 5th round pick (#135) and a 7th round pick (#198)


    DE Aaron Kampman, $5,500,000
    RB Chester Taylor, $1,200,000
    OG Nick Cole, $300,000
    OG/OT Tony Pashos, $300,000
    LB Leroy Hill, $4,100,000
    CB Ronald Bartell, $5,000,000
    CB Ellis Hobbs, $2,000,000
    QB Jake Delhome, $1,500,000
    OT Alex Barron, $4,500,000
    PK Jeff Reed, $500,000
    DT Lorenzo Alexander, $1,500,000
    DE Victor Abiamiri, $500,000
    SS Sean Jones, $1,750,000
    FB Greg Jones, $1,000,000 (Restructured)
    DE Reggie Hayward, $750,000 (Resigned)
    OG Vince Manuwai, $1,500,000 (Restructured)
  14. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    Head Coach - Leslie Frazier
    Offense Coordinator - Mike Martz
    Defense Coordinator - John Marshall

    Matt Cassel --- $5,000,000.00
    Brett Favre --- $4,300,000.00
    Tim Hiller*R* --- $300,000.00

    Adrian Peterson --- $755,000.00
    Laurence Maroney --- $600,000.00
    Pattrick Cobbs --- $680,000.00
    Naufahu Tahi --- $500,000.00
    Deji Karim*R* --- $300,000.00

    Sidney Rice --- $460,000.00
    Percy Harvin --- $1,040,000.00
    Courtney Roby --- $400,000.00
    Jeremy Urban --- $500,000.00
    Freddie Barnes*R* --- $450,000.00

    Visanthe Shiancoe --- $2,100,000.00
    Tom Santi --- $385,000.00
    Dorin Dickenson*R* --- $300,000.00

    Steve Hutchinson --- $5,450,000.00
    Bryant McKinnie --- $2,900,000.00
    John Sullivan --- $385,000.00
    Jamon Meredith --- $300,000.00
    Chris Chester --- $950,000.00
    Donald Penn --- $6,250,000.00
    Jon Asamoah*R* ---$300,000.00
    Ted Larsen*R* --- $300,000.00
    J'Marcus Webb*R* --- $300,000.00

    Kevin Williams --- $1,000,000.00
    Jared Allen --- $7,750,000.00
    Brian Robison --- $460,000.00
    Letroy Guyiton --- $385,000.00
    Pat Williams --- $1,200,000.00
    Vernon Gholston --- $750,000.00
    Cam Thomas*R* --- $500,000.00
    Brandon Lane*R* --- $300,000.00
    Danny Batten*R* --- $300,000.00

    Chad Greenway --- $1,000,000.00
    Erin Henderson --- $385,000.00
    Jasper Brinkley --- $310,000.00
    Clint Sessions --- $460,000.00
    Spencer Havner --- $385,000.00
    Roddrick Muckelroy*R* --- $300,000.00
    Pat Angerer*R* --- $300,000.00
    Austin Spitler*R* --- $300,000.00

    Cedric Griffen --- $2,535,000.00
    Asher Allen --- $310,000.00
    Ricky Price --- $315,000.00
    Madieu Williams --- $620,000.00
    Hussain Abdullah --- $385,000.00
    Benny Sapp --- $400,000.00
    Ko Simpson --- $400,000.00
    Devin McCourty*R* --- $600,000.00
    Myron Rolle*R* --- $300,000.00

    Andy Lee --- $1,200,000.00

    Ryan Longwell --- $300,000.00

    Total --- $56,995,000.00

    I might add to this.

    Draft Picks

    Round 1 (30) - Devin McCourty, CB, Rutgers

    Round 2 (62) - Cam Thomas, DT, North Carolina

    Round 4 (98) - Jon Asamoah, G, Illinois

    Round 4 (111) - Dorin Dickenson, TE, Pittsburgh

    Round 4 (126) - Myron Rolle, SS, Florida St

    Round 5 (133) - Brandon Lane, DE, Troy

    Round 5 (139) - Roddrick Muckelroy, OLB, Texas

    Round 5 (148) - Pat Angerer, MLB, Iowa

    Round 5 (152) - Deji Karim, RB, Southern Illinois

    Round 6 (179) - Ted Larsen, C, North Carolina State

    Round 6 (190) - J’Marcus Webb, OT, West Texas A&M

    Round 7 (204) - Tim Hiller, QB, Western Michigan

    Practice Squad

    Nick Polk, FS, Indiana 300K

    Preston Parker, WR, North Alabama 300K

    Scottie McGee, CB, James Madison 300K

    Vince Oghobaase, DT, Duke 300K

    Justin Anderson, RB, Northern Illinois 300K

    Signed FA

    Courtney Roby WR
    Naufahu Tahi FB
    Pat Williams DT
    Andy Lee P
    Benny Sapp CB
    Jeremy Urban WR
    Jamon Meredith OL
    Chris Chester OL
    Donald Penn OL
    Vernon Gholston DL
    Brett Favre QB
    Ko Simpson DB
    Austin Spitler OLB
    Ryan Longwell K
    Danny Batten DE
    Freddie Barnes WR

    Depth Chart


    QB-Brett Favre--Matt Cassel--Tim Hiller

    FB-Naufahu Tahi

    RB-Adrian Peterson--Laurence Maroney--Pattrick Cobbs--Deji Karim

    LT-Donald Penn--Bryant McKinnie

    LG-Steve Hutchinson--Jon Asomoah

    C-John Sullivan--Ted Larsen

    RG-Chris Chester--Jamon Meredith

    RT-Bryant McKinnie--J'Marcus Webb

    TE-Visanthe Shiancoe--Tom Santi

    WR1-Sidney Rice--Courtney Roby

    WR2-Jeremy Urban--Freddie Barnes

    SlotWR-Percy Harvin

    H-Back-Dorin Dickerson

    3DRB-Pattrick Cobbs


    LE-Jared Allen--Brian Robison--Danny Batten

    UT-Kevin Williams--Letroy Guyion

    NT-Pat Williams--Cam Thomas

    RE-Brian Robison--Vernon Gholston--Brandon Lane

    SOLB-Chad Greenway--Spencer Havner--Austin Spitler

    MLB-Jasper Brinkley--Pat Angerer

    WOLB-Clint Sessions--Erin Henderson--Roddrick Muckelroy

    CB1-Cedric Griffen--Devin McCourty--Ricky Price

    CB2-Asher Allen--Devin McCourty--Ricky Price

    Nickle-Benny Sapp

    SS-Ko Simpson--Myron Rolle

    FS-Madieu Williams--Hussain Abdullah

    Special Teams

    P-Andy Lee

    K-Ryan Longwell

    KR-Percy Harvin--Courtney Roby

    PR-Courtney Roby

    Additional thoughts.

    Not saying my team is great or a huge improvement. While I think I improved in areas I believe I took a step back in a few spots.


    Step back

    I think I have the best ST in this league IMO got alot of ST specialist in there.

    My worst Signee was Vernon Gholston IMO. I felt like he has potential but how I drafted really made that move pointless where I could have addressed Corner or DT. I felt I had a decent draft reached for Cam Thomas felt like he was going top 50 a gamble that did not pay off at all. Another move was Rolle over Asante. I originally was going with Asante but I felt Rolle was a top talent.

    It was a great year had some nice moments and lets do it again :up:
  15. UCFinfan86

    UCFinfan86 Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 23, 2008
    2010-2011 Houston Texans Roster

    Matt Schaub $6,950,000
    Ryan Fitzpatrick $300,000
    Daunte Culpepper $300,000
    QB Total $7,550,000

    Maurice Jones Drew$4,100,000
    Charles Scott(R) $300,000
    Thomas Jones $900,000
    Jeremiah Johnson $310,000
    Dan Krieder(FB) $300,000
    RB Total $5,910,000

    Andre Johnson $5,325,000
    Jacoby Jones $460,000
    Damain Williams(R) $500,000
    Mike Thomas $310,000
    David Anderson $900,000
    WR Total $7,495,000

    Joel Dreessen $600,000
    Owen Daniels $4,200,000
    James Casey $310,000
    TE Total $5,110,000

    Mike Brisiel $460,000
    Duane Brown $385,000
    Donald Thomas $310,000
    Ciron Black(R) $300,000
    Tra Thomas $300,000
    Antoine Caldwell $310,000
    Chris Myers $2,000,000
    Kasey Studdard $460,000
    Eric Winston $2,000,000
    OL Total $6,525,000

    Derrick Harvey $802,500
    Deljuan Robinson $385,000
    Dewayne White $1,000,000
    Mario Williams $2,875,000
    DE Total $5,062,500

    Myron Pryor $310,000
    Geno Atkins(R) $300,000
    Frank Okam $385,000
    Tank Johnson $1,000,000
    DT Total $1,995,000

    Xavier Adibi $385,000
    Kevin Bentley $1,000,000
    David Thornton $300,000
    Jamar Chaney(R) $450,000
    Brian Cushing $310,000
    Keith Ellison $300,000
    Channing Crowder $1,500,000
    Jeremiah Trotter $300,000
    LB Total $4,545,000

    Kareem Jackson(R) $500,000
    Antwaun Molden $385,000
    Fred Bennett $460,000
    Glover Quin $310,000
    Rashean Mathis $3,450,000
    Marlin Jackson $3,600,000
    CB Total $8,705,000

    Dominique Barber $385,000
    Abram Elam $800,000
    Eugene Wilson $1,850,000
    Kerry Rhodes $700,000
    S Total $3,735,000

    Matt Stover $300,000
    Sam Paulesca $300,000
    K/P Total $600,000

    Total Team Salary $57,232,500
    Salary Cap $58,000,000
    Avaliable Cap Room$767,500

    Depth Chart
    QB-Matt Schaub/Ryan Fitzpatrick/Daunte Culpepper
    RB-Maurice Jones Drew/Jeremiah Johnson
    RB-Thomas Jones/Charles Scott
    WR-Andre Johnson Johnson/Jacoby Jones
    WR-Damian Williams/Mike Thomas
    TE-Owen Daniels/Joel Dressen/James Casey
    LT-Duane Brown/Tra Thomas
    LG-Mike Briesel/Kasey Studdard
    C-Chris Meyers
    RG-Donald Thomas/Antoine Caldwell
    RT-Eric Winston/Ciron Black

    DE-Derrick Harvey/Dewayne White
    DE-Mario Williams/Deljuan Robinson
    DT-Tank Johnson/Geno Atkins
    DT-Myron Pryor/Frank Okam
    LOLB-David Thornton/Jamar Chaney/Keith Ellison
    MLB-Channing Crowder/Jeremiah Trotter/Kevin Bentley
    ROLB-Brian Cushing/Xavier Adibi
    CB-Rashean Mathis/Glover Quin/Fred Bennett
    CB-Marlin Jackson/Kareem Jackson/Antwuan Molden
    FS-Kerry Rhodes/Dominique Barber
    SS-Abram Elam/Eugene Wilson
    K-Matt Stover
    P-Sam Paulesca

    Draft Picks
    2(45) - WR Damian Williams
    2(47) - CB Kareem Jackson
    3(82) - LB Jamar Chaney
    5(131) - DT Geno Atkins
    6(163) - Charles Scott
    7(202 - Ciron Black

    1. Jets/Texans
    Jets get: Zac Diles $460,000
    4th round (116)

    Texans get:
    Thomas Jones $900,000
    Kerry Rhodes $700,000

    2.Texans/Jags trade

    Texans get:
    Maurice Jones Drew $4,100,000
    Rashean Mathis $3,450,000
    Mike Thomas $310,000
    Derrick Harvey $802,500

    Jaguars gets:
    Connor Barwin $310,000
    Amboi Okoye $630,000
    Jacques Reeves $2,500,000
    Steve Slaton $385,000
    1st Round pick (20)
    6th Round pick (188)

    3.Miami Dolphins and Houston Texans agree on the following blockbuster deal:

    ILB Channing Crowder ($1,500,000), WR Brian Hartline ($310,000), OL Donald Thomas ($310,000) and 3.88 FOR LB Demeco Ryans ($5,885,000), RB Arian Foster ($370,000) and 6.178

    4.Texans and Denver Trade

    Texans get:

    Broncos get:
    3.88 + Shaun Cody(800,000)

    5.Texans/Patriots trade

    Patriots get:
    WR Brian Hartline(310,000)
    2nd (51)
    5th (147)

    Texans get:
    DT Myron Pryor (310,000)
    2nd (47)
    4th (117)

    Texans get

    Chiefs get

    Signed Free Agents
    1. OLB Keith Ellison 300,000
    2. QB Ryan Fitzpatrick 300,000
    3. DT Tank Johnson 1,000,000
    4. FB Dan Kreider 300,000
    5. QB Daunte Culpepper 300,000
    6. LT Tra Thomas 300,000
    7. OLB David Thornton 300,000
    8. SS Abram Elam 800,000
    9. P Sam Paulesca 300,000
    10. K Matt Stover 300,000
    11. CB Marlin Jackson 3,600,000
    12. ILB Jeremiah Trotter 300,000
    13. DE Dewayne White 1,000,000
    B.Sebo, Boik14, Vengeful Odin and 2 others like this.
  16. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University

    2010 Cleveland Browns

    Head Coach: Mike Pettine
    Offensive Coordinator: Alex Gibbs
    Defensive Coordinator: Rob Ryan


    A.J Hawk LB
    AJ Feely QB
    Al Alfalava S
    Alex Hall LB
    Alterraun Verner CB
    Antonio Gates TE
    Antrell Rolle S
    Brandon Marshall WR
    Brandon McDonald CB
    Brett Ratliff QB
    Calvin Johnson WR
    Chansi Stuckey WR
    Chris Jennings RB
    Chris Williams T
    Damien Woody G
    Danny Amendola WR
    Dave Zastudill P
    David Veikune LB
    David Gettis WR
    Derrick Robison DL
    Deshea Townsend CB
    Eric Steinbach G
    Eric Wright CB
    Evan Moore TE
    Hank Fraley C
    James Davis RB
    Javon Walker WR
    Joe Thomas T
    John Henderson DT
    Josh Arauco K
    Kaluka Maiavia LB
    Kenny Peterson DL
    Kyle Vanden-Bosch DL
    Lance Briggs LB
    Lawrence Wilson LB
    Marcus Benard LB
    Mark Sanchez QB
    Mike Bell RB
    Mike Tepper G
    Ramzee Robinson CB
    Randy McMichael TE
    Raymond Vetron S
    Ryan Clark S
    Ryan Grant RB
    Sam Young T
    Sammie Lee Hill DL
    Shawn Merriman LB
    Thomas Brown RB
    Titus Adams DL
    Wade Smith T
    William Gay CB

    $ 57,434,512 (565,488 under)

    Draft Picks

    Alterraun Verner, CB, UCLA 6th
    David Gettis, WR, Baylor 6th
    Mike Tepper, OG, California 7th
    Josh Arauco, K, Arkansas State 7th
    Sam Young, OT, Notre Dame 7th


    Browns send 3rd and 4th round picks to Jets for QB Mark Sanchez and LB Bart Scott.

    Browns send QB Brady Quinn to Rams for WR Danny Amendola and a 5th round pick.

    Browns send NT Ahtyba Rubin to Dolphins for 4th round #118.

    Browns send Qb Derek Anderson and 5th round #134 to Jacksonville for John Henderson and 6th Rd # 188.

    Browns send Wr Brian Robiskie C Alex Mack 4th Rd #118 to Green Bay for LB AJ Hawk RB Ryan Grant 6th Rd #184.

    Browns send DT Shuan Rogers 6th Rd #184 to Chargers for TE Antonio Gates.

    Browns send #7 overall pick, Kameron Wimbley, Corey Williams, and 5th round pick # 157 to Lions for Calvin Johnson, Sammie Lee Hill, Deandre Levy, and 4th rounder #98.

    Browns send Josh Cribbs 4-98,5-152,6-188 to Arizona for FS Antrel Rolle.

    Browns send WR Mohamed Massaquio and 6th round 168 to the Miami Dolphins for WR Ted Ginn and 3rd round pick 95.

    Browns send DE Robaire Smith, LB Matt Roth,2nd round pick #38, 6th round Pick #177 to Bears for LT Chris Williams, S Al Afalava, LB Lance Briggs and 5th Round #138.

    Browns send picks # 93-95-131, Wr Ted Ginn, OL Floyd Womack to Denver for WR Brandon Marshall.

    Browns send pick #138 to Rams for #161 #185 #211

    Offense- Trying to improve on the worst offense in the NFL I thought would be hard to do, the Browns averaged a laughable 260 YPG and a 14.8 PPG average. First thing I wanted to do was get the 2 Quarterbacks out of Cleveland ASAP! Add a 2 back set with versatility, add a playmaker at WR and basically I was happy with the OL maybe add a guy or 2....this was a priority. And things couldnt have panned out better imo, next thing I knew I had a dynamic WR duo, a HOF TE, a young stud at QB, and an even better OL than I had before....I wont pretend that I didnt get a little "lucky" with some of the trades for whatever reason I dunno, but when it was all said and done I truely believe the offense I put together went from the worst in the league to quite possibly the best. Here are the starters.

    QB Mark Sanchez- The 6th overall pick a year ago played caretaker and took his team all the way to the AFC championship game, while he is not as good as THAT sounds i thought he showed flashes of playmaking ability all year ecspecially outside the pocket. He has way more weapons and a year under his belt, we expect Mark to have fun with all his new toys.

    RB Ryan Grant- I feel is a very underrated player his numbers are very good, he had 1,253 yards and 11 TD's. A threat on screen passes and has the power to run in between the tackles, although Mike Bell was brought in for short yardage situations.

    TE Antonio Gates- The man ages like fine wine and had his best season since 2005 with over 1100 yards and 8 TD's. Gates is a first ballot Hall Of Famer and we expect him to continue that pace here in Cleveland.

    WR Brandon Marshall- What can I say that we as Dolphins fans dont know? The man is a machine, many feel the best overall WR in the NFL....Brandon already owns an NFL record with 22 catches in one game so suffice to say when he is on? Wow!

    WR Calvin Johnson- Megatron is the freakiest WR in the league with insane ability, there is not a corner in the league that can cover this man and the great thing is......he will be covered by the opposing teams #2 CB! You cant double team him in this offense, he will be a mismatch vs any team in the league...a HUGE mismatch.

    Slot WR Danny Amendola- He has found a home in St Louis he is a smart blue collar Wr that exploits zone coverages is a pain in the butt for the opposition. I think you will see Amendola be a 80-90 catch guy in St Louis this this offense though hw will only need to catch about 45-50 balls.

    LT Joe Thomas- This guy may be the best LT in the game, voted to pro bowl every year he has been in the league is a mualing run blocker and an exceptional pass blocker. Better than our own Jake Long even (Jake is close though :up:)

    LG Eric Steinbach- Steinbach's relentless work-ethic makes him a standout at the guard position, having only missed 1 game in his career the 30 year old G is a mainstay on the OL.

    C Hank Fraley- The veteran just keeps playing solid football wherever he goes, in 2007 Browns teammate Joe Jurevicius that Fraley should have been considered the offensive MVP in the 2006 season, due to his line calling and blue-collar work ethic.

    RG Damien Woody- The FA landed in Cleveland this year the versatile Woody can play anywhere on the OL but fits best at RG for this team. Woody has two super bowl rings and multiple pro bowl selections.

    RT Chris Williams- The 14th overall pick in 2008 has had some injury issues but when healthy is a force...take the prior season he was one of the only LT's to shut out DE Jared Allen, he will be asked to play RT here.

    Defense- For Starters not every 3-4 is ran the same way, some teams have a more attacking style...some use their DL in one gap assignments making more of an emphasis on LB ability to make a play or being responsible for a man or zone.

    Me? I perfer space eating 3-4 DL. 2 gap players if u will, Lineman who are capable of getting a constant push to collapse the pocket and to free up the LB's to attack, and thats what I want out of my defense a team that can attack you from any gap from any of the four LB positions, basically a pressure defense.

    Now this style puts emphasis on a few, if i have 4 LB's who can/will blitz at any moment, I have to have 4 LB's I feel comfortable with in coverage when theyre teammate or teammates are engaged in a blitz. I need smart LB's who dont miss tackles and who are relentless when going after the QB.

    Two, I have to have CB's with good awareness and react quickly and can jam the reciever....I have long had a theory of corners, SOMETIMES your pass rush can take alot of pressure of the corner, Pittsburgh has had average corners for a long time but they have gotten away with that because of a confusing attack from anywhere pass rush. I have alot of respect for corners who make due with a meager pass rush, this is why I feel guys like Rashean Mathis are vastly underated....there is a big difference between holding your man or your zone down 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

    Three, I have to have Safteys who can tackle! When your style is as aggresive as I want mine to be, your last line of defense is VERY important! Alot of times they will be one on one in the open field and need to make a play. Ofcourse Safteys who can get you INT'S are nice too.

    So I now release my base 3-4 defensive starters.

    LDE Kyle Vanden-Bosch- About 10 pounds lighter than your typical 3-4 end, Kyle has the skills necessary to get a push on the RT, control the B and C gaps, and is athletic enough to chip the TE and be asked to drop back on occasion into a zone blitz.

    NT Big John Henderson- 6"7 336 Henderson abuses the interior of OL's the A gaps are his and if left one on one will collapse the pocket with a blitzer likely right behind him.

    RDE Sammie Lee Hill- At 6"4 329 pounds, Hill was very impressive as a rookie at "eating up space" Hill will be responsible for the B and C gaps, he also is on the right side because he can keep blockers off my WOLB.

    SOLB Lance Briggs- Very versatile and a sure tackler imo my best overall LB, can rush the passer and his coverage has been solid his whole career, he is a three down SOLB.

    SILB Deandre Levy- Detroits most impressive rookie said the Lions GM, a sideline to sideline tackler with the speed to rush the passer and stay in coverage.

    WILB A.J Hawk- AJ transitioned very well to the Pack's 3-4 allignment and will be no different here, Reliable, assignment-sure defender now enters his fourth season, having started every game his first three years following selection as a top-five draft pick.

    WOLB Shawne Merriman- One of the games most feared defenders, injury in 2008 made it harder for Merriman to get off the constant double teams he saw, decent in coverage but the high motor LB will rarely be doubled team with his large RDE eating up blockers...a free'd up Merriman = bad news for the opposition.

    CB Eric Wright- Many GM's inquired about the 24 year old corner because he is an all around CB, he can jam, he can tackle he can cover...and with the pressure his front seven will be bringing...I see a couple of pick 6's from Wright.

    CB William Gay- The 25 year old corner recorded 70 solo tackles and is a threat to blitz himself....only one INT but he is a servicable starter and we expect his prior years experience will make him into a solid starter.

    SS Ryan Clark- Better fit to be a SS imo but they have a pretty good one of those in Pitt, he was coveted by our Dolphins for a reason...he is a sure tackler, and a big hitter!

    FS Antrel Rolle- The 26 year old playmaker from the "U" signed a GIANT contract this offseason, he transitioned from corner to saftey brilliantly 2 years ago...dangerous anytime the ball is near him, a game changer.

    Special Teams

    K Josh Aruco

    P Dave Zastidull

    KR Chris Jennings/Antrel Rolle

    PR Danny Amendola

    Ladies and Gentleman the 2010 Cleveland Browns. :knucks:
    B.Sebo, Boik14, Vengeful Odin and 3 others like this.
  17. 305

    305 Brawndo Club Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Get off my lawn.


    Head Coach: Marty Schottenheimer
    Offensive Coordinator: Bill Callahan
    Defensive Coordinator: Marvin Lewis


    • Garrard, David - $5,475,000.00
    • Gradkowski, Bruce - $700,000.00
    • Tebow, Tim - $500,000.00 [R]

    • Addai, Joseph - $713,000.00
    • Henry, Chris - $300,000.00
    • McFadden, Darren - $385,000.00
    • Robinson, Michael - $300,000.00

    • Karney, Mike - $800,000.00

    • Alexander, Danario - $300,000.00 [R]
    • Ginn Jr., Ted - $677,917.00
    • Heyward-Bey, Darrius - $1,920,000.00
    • Murphy, Louis - $310,000.00
    • Schilens, Chaz - $385,000.00
    • Williams, Demetrius - $300,000.00

    • Coffman, Chase $310,000.00
    • McCoy, Anthony $450,000.00 [R]
    • Myers, Brandon - $310,000.00

    • Satele, Samson - $460,000.00
    • Saturday, Jeff - $1,500,000.00

    • Brewster, Robert - $310,000.00
    • Henderson, Mario - $460,000.00
    • McNeil, Marcus - $7,000,000.00
    • Stewart, David - $3,000,000.00

    • Gallery, Robert - $1,315,000.00
    • Greco, John - $385,000.00
    • Johnson, Mike - $300,000.00 [R]
    • Stapleton, Darnell - $300,000.00

    • Soliai, Paul - $460,000.00
    • Warren, Gerard - $745,000.00

    • Carricker, Adam - $720,000.00
    • Crowder, Tim - $460,000.00
    • Kelly, Tommy - $2,500,000.00
    • Richardson, Jay - $460,000.00

    • Cooper, Stephen - $2,375,000.00
    • Jordan, Akeem - $300,000.00
    • Keiaho, Freddy - $850,000.00
    • McRath, Gerald - $310,000.00
    • Merling, Phillip - $500,000.00
    • Scott, Trevor - $385,000.00
    • Thomas, Bryan - $1,900,000.00
    • Williams, Demorrio - $1,000,000.00

    • Asomugha, Nnamdi - $4,500,000.00
    • Hayden, Kelvin - $1,730,000.00
    • Johnson, Chris - $2,000,000.00
    • Washington, Donald - $310,000.00
    • Washington, Fabian - $500,000.00
    • Wilhite, Jonathan - $385,000.00

    • Branch, Tyvon - $385,000.00

    • Mitchell, Mike - $370,000.00
    • Whitner, Donte - $2,355,000.00

    • Condo, Jon - $535,000.00

    • Rackers, Neil - $300,000.00

    • Koenen, Michael - $300,000.00

    Team Salary - $56,335,083.00
    Under Cap: $1,664,917.00

    53 Players


    • Ross, Jay - NT - $300,000.00
    • Scott, Quentin - S - $300,000.00
    • Hodge, Shay - WR - $300,000.00
    • Lee, Pat - CB - $300,000.00
    • Cuttino, Conte - RB - $300,000.00


    FB - Luke Lawton
    RB - Gary Russell
    C - Chris Morris
    S - Hiram Eugene

    QB - Charlie Frye
    QB - Bruce Gradkowski
    OT - Langston Walker
    OT - Cornell Green
    OT- Khalif Barnes
    DE - Richard Seymour [F Tag]
    MLB - Kirk Morrison
    OLB - Jon Alston
    OLB - Ricky Brown
    OLB - Sam Williams
    OLB - Thomas Howard
    CB - Stanford Routt
    K - Sebastian Janikowski

    QB - JaMarcus Russell - $7,805,880.00
    P - Lechler, Shane - $2,000,000.00
    WR - Walker, Javon - $2,000,000.00
    C - Wade, John - $1,000,000.00
    LB - Ekejiuba, Isaiah - $1,200,000.00
    FB - Reece, Marcel - $370,000.00
    DE - Gunheim, Greyson - $370,000.00
    LB - Nixon, David - $370,000.00
    LB - Norris, Slade - $370,000.00
    S - Boyd, Jerome - $370,000.00
    DT - Bryant, Desmond - $310,000.00
    OT - Pears, Eric - $1,000,000.00
    WR - Todd Watkins - $385,000.00
    WR - Jonathan Holland - $385,000.00
    WR - Nick Miller - $310,000.00
    TE - Tony Stewart - $900,000.00
    QB - JP Losman - $1,900,000.00
    DL - William Jospeh - $620,000.00
    OL - Carlisle Cooper - $2,000,000.00
    FB - Oren O'Neal - $460,000.00


    Free Agent Signings
    K - Neil Rackers - $300,000.00
    OT - Marcus McNeil - $7,000,000.00
    QB - Bruce Gradkowski - $700,000.00
    CB - Fabian Washington - $500,000.00
    P - Michael Koenen - $300,000.00
    FB - Mike Karney - $800,000.00
    WR - Demetrius Williams - $300,000.00
    RB - Michael Robinson - $300,000.00
    RB - Chris Henry - $300,000.00
    OG - Darnell Stapleton - $300,000.00
    LB - Freddy Keiaho - $850,000.00
    LB - Jordan, Akeem - $300,000.00


    BILLS: 4th(8) for Donte Whitner
    COLTS: 5th(5) & Michael Bush for Jeff Saturday, Kelvin Hayden, and Joseph Addai
    JAGUARS: 3rd(21) & 7th(8) for David Garrard
    PATRIOTS: JL Higgins for Jonathan Wilhite
    BUCCANEERS: 5th(27) for Tim Crowder, 7th(3), 7th(10)
    CHIEFS: 3rd(5), Greg Ellis for Demorrio Williams, 5th(13)
    JETS: 7th(3) for Bryan Thomas
    DOLPHINS: 2nd(7), Zach Miller, Justin Fargas for Paul Soliai, Phillip Merling
    PACKERS: 1(8) for 1(23), 3(10), 4(3), 4(4)
    TITANS: 1(23) for David Stewart, Gerald McRath, 3(27)
    RAMS: Richard Seymour for Adam Carriker, John Greco, 4(1)
    CHARGERS: 4(3), 4(4) for Stephen Cooper
    BENGALS: Matt Shaughnessy for Chase Coffman
    BRONCOS/BROWNS: Michael Huff for Ted Ginn, 3(6)

    • 2nd Round - 43 - Tim Tebow(QB)
    • 3rd Round - 91 - Anthony McCoy(TE)
    • 4th Round - 112 - Mike Johnson(OG)
    • 6th Round - 171 - Danario Alexander(WR)


    • Garrard, David
    • Gradkowski, Bruce
    • Tebow, Tim [R]

    • Addai, Joseph
    • McFadden, Darren
    • Henry, Chris
    • Robinson, Michael

    • Karney, Mike

    • McCoy, Anthony [R]
    • Coffman, Chase
    • Myers, Brandon

    • Schilens, Chaz
    • Murphy, Louis
    • Alexander, Danario [R]

    • Heyward-Bey, Darrius
    • Williams, Demetrius
    • Ginn Jr., Ted

    • McNeil, Marcus
    • Henderson, Mario

    • Gallery, Robert
    • Stapleton, Darnell

    • Saturday, Jeff
    • Satele, Samson

    • Greco, John
    • Johnson, Mike [R]

    • Stewart, David
    • Brewster, Robert

    • Kelly, Tommy
    • Crowder, Tim

    • Soliai, Paul
    • Warren, Gerard

    • Carricker, Adam
    • Richardson, Jay

    • Merling, Phillip
    • Scott, Trevor

    • Williams, Demorrio
    • Keiaho, Freddy

    • Cooper, Stephen
    • McRath, Gerald

    • Thomas, Bryan
    • Jordan, Akeem

    • Asomugha, Nnamdi
    • Washington, Fabian
    • Washington, Donald

    • Johnson, Chris
    • Hayden, Kelvin
    • Wilhite, Jonathan

    • Branch, Tyvon

    • Whitner, Donte
    • Mitchell, Mike

    • Condo, Jon

    • Rackers, Neil

    • Koenen, Michael

    • Ginn Jr., Ted

    **Sorry, no time for a write-up but here are all the previous articles...**
    20JAN10 - A Wish Come True?
    26JAN10 - Brighter Days Ahead In Oakland
    08FEB10 - Oakland Makes Early Moves
    05MAR10 - Oakland Continues to Rebuild
  18. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    UPDATED 5/15/10:

    Buffalo Bills


    Brohm, Brian $370,000.00
    Clausen, Jimmy $650,000
    Pennington, Chad $3,800,000

    Running Back:
    Jackson, Fred $500,000.00
    Jackson, Rashawn $300,000
    Matthews, Ryan $500,000
    Morris, Sammie $300,000
    Westbrook, Brian $600,000

    Wide Receiver:
    Avery, Donnie $370,000.00
    Gaffney, Jabar $1,200,000
    Hardy, James 450,000
    Parrish, Roscoe $1,000,000.00
    Price, Taylor $450,000

    Tight End:
    Graham, Garrett $300,000
    Haynos, Joey $775,000
    Nelson, Shawn $310,000.00

    Offensive Lineman:
    Butler, Brad $1,000,000.00
    Chambers, Kirk $620,000.00
    Hangartner, Geoff $1,900,000.00
    Hunter, Wayne $300,000
    Jerry, John $450,000
    Jones, Levi $2,100,000
    Levitre, Andy $310,000.00
    Simmons, Kendall $845,000.00
    Wood, Eric $310,000.00


    Defensive Lineman:
    Cole, Colin $2,500,000
    Daniels, Phillip $300,000
    Johnson, Spencer $1,000,000.00
    Kelsay, Chris $3,000,000.00
    McCargo, John $835,000.00
    Schobel, Aaron $3,500,000.00
    Stroud, Marcus $3,400,000.00
    Williams, Kyle $1,245,000.00

    Bowens, David $300,000
    Bowman, Navarro $500,000
    Buggs, Marcus 385,000
    Hagler, Tyjuan $300,000
    Maybin, Aaron $1,450,000.00
    Mitchell, Kawika $1,500,000.00
    Popinga, Brady $300,000
    Posluszny, Paul $600,000.00

    Defensive Back:
    Byrd, Jairus $310,000.00
    Florence, Drayton $1,500,000.00
    Kaesviharn, Kevin $300,000
    McAlister, Chris $300,000
    McGee, Terrence $3,000,000.00
    McFadden, Walter $300,000
    McKelvin, Leodis $385,000.00
    Williams, Roy $300,000
    Wilson, George $1,500,000

    Special Teams:
    Gostkowski, Stephen $700,000.00
    Lechler, Shane $1,000,000.00

    Albright, Ethan $300,000

    Total $50,990,000

    Round 1, 9th Pick Jimmy Clausen/QB/Notre Dame
    Round 2, 9th Pick Navarro Bowman/OLB/Penn State
    Round 2, 17th Pick Ryan Matthews/RB/Fresno State
    Round 3, 9th Pick Taylor Price/WR/Ohio University
    Round 3, 26th Pick John Jerry/OT/Mississippi
    Round 4, 8th Pick Rashawn Jackson/FB/Virginia
    Round 5, 9th Pick Garrett Graham/TE/Wisconsin
    Round 5, 31st Pick Armanti Edwards/QB/WR/Appalachian State
    Round 6, 9th Pick Jeremy Williams/WR/Tulane
    Round 6, 23rd Pick Walter McFadden/CB/Auburn
    Round 7, 9th Pick Willie Rose/FB/Florida Atlantic University
    B.Sebo, Boik14, dukane5 and 2 others like this.
  19. PeaTearGriffin

    PeaTearGriffin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 8, 2007

    - Flynn, Matt, QB. $385,000.00 (24)
    - Leftwich, Byron, QB. $300,000.00 (30)
    - Rodgers, Aaron, QB. $680,000.00 (26)
    Total: $1,365,000.00

    Running Backs
    - Dixon, Anthony, RB. $450,000.00 (22)
    - Hall, Korey, FB. $460,000.00 (26)
    - Jackson, Brandon, RB. $460,000.00 (24)
    - Johnson, Quinn, FB. $310,000.00 (23)
    - Spiller, CJ, RB. $650,000.00 (22)
    Total: $2,330,000.00

    Wide Receiver
    - Bryant, Antonio, WR. $7,000,000.00 (28)
    - Jones, James, WR. $460,000.00 (25)
    - Roberts, Andre, WR. $300,000.00 (22)
    - Robiskie, Brian, WR. $310,000.00 (22)
    - Williams, Derrick, WR. $400,000.00 (23)
    Total: $8,470,000.00

    Tight End
    - Finley, Jermichael, TE. $385,000.00 (22)
    - Frischknecht, Devin, TE. $310,000.00 (23)
    - Patrick, Ben, TE. $800,000.00 (25)
    Total: $1,495,000.00

    Offensive Line
    - Carey, Vernon, OL(T). $800,000.00 (28)
    - Colledge, Daryn, OL(G). $750,000.00 (28)
    - Dietrich-Smith, Evan, OL(G). $310,000.00 (23)
    - Giacomini, Breno, OL(T). $385,000.00 (24)
    - Kaczur, Nick, OL(T). $2,000,000.00 (30)
    - Lang, T.J., OL(T). $310,000.00 (22)
    - Mack, Alex, OL(C). $816,000.00 (24)
    - Sitton, Josh, OL(G). $385,000.00 (23)
    - Wells, Scott, OL(C). $1,500,000.00 (29)
    Total: $7,256,000.00

    Defensive End
    - Harrell, Justin, DE. $460,000.00 (26)
    - Jenkins, Cullen, DE. $2,650,000.00 (29)
    - Magee, Alex, DE. $310,000.00 (22)
    - Vickerson, Kevin, DE. $400,000.00 (27)
    - Wynn, Jarius, DE. $310,000.00 (23)
    Total: $4,130,000.00

    Nose Tackles
    - Price, Brian, NT. $550,000.00 (21)
    - Raji, B.J., NT. $310,000.00 (23)
    - Toribio, Anthony, NT. $370,000.00 (24)
    Total: $1,230,000.00

    - Barnett, Nick, LB. $3,000,000.00 (28)
    - Bishop, Desmond, LB. $460,000.00 (25)
    - Johnson, Micah, LB. $300,000.00 (21)
    - Jones, Brad, LB. $310,000.00 (23)
    - Matthews, Clay, LB. $310,000.00 (23)
    - Morrison, Kirk, LB. $6,000,000.00 (28)
    - Sapp, Ricky, LB. $500,000.00 (23)
    - Thompson, Jeremy, LB. $385,000.00 (24)
    Total: $11,265,000.00

    - Bell, Josh, CB. $370,000.00 (25)
    - Ford, Trevor, CB. $370,000.00 (24)
    - Harris, Al, CB. $3,000,000.00 (35)
    -Williams, Tramon, CB. $2,100,000.00 (26)
    - Woodson, Charles, CB. $5,500,000.00 (33)
    Total: $11,340,000.00

    -Bigby, Atari, S. $4,000,000.00 (28)
    -Chancellor, Kam, S. $300,000.00 (22)
    -Lynch, Corey, S. $300,000.00 (24)
    -Pool, Brodney, S. $1,500,000.00 (25)
    -Ward, TJ, S. $300,000.00 (23)
    Total: $6,400,000.00

    - Crosby, Mason, K. $460,000.00 (25)
    - Moorman, Brian, P. $300,000.00 (34)
    Total: $760,000.00

    Team Salary: $56,041,000.00
    Salary Cap: $58,000,000.00
    Cap Room: $1,959,000.00

    Roster Size- 53

    Practice Squad

    -Long, Scott. WR. $400,000.00
    -Nichols, Matt. QB. $300,000.00
    -Obiozor, Cyril, LB. $370,000.00
    -Ross, Devin. CB. $300,000.00.
    -Tucker, Verran, WR. $300,000.00

    Depth Chart

    QB: Rodgers, Aaron | Leftwich, Byron | Flynn, Matt
    RB: Spiller, CJ | Jackson, Brandon | Dixon, Anthony
    FB: Hall, Korey | Johnson, Quinn
    WR: Bryant, Antonio | Roberts, Andre | Jones, James
    WR: Robiskie, Brian | Williams, Derrick
    TE: Finley, Jermichael | Patrick, Ben | Frischknecht, Devin
    LT: Carey, Vernon | Lang, T.J. | Kaczur, Nick
    LG: Colledge, Daryn | Wells, Scott | Dietrich-Smith, Evan
    C: Mack, Alex | Wells, Scott
    RG: Sitton, Josh | Wells, Scott | Dietrich-Smith, Evan
    RT: Lang, T.J. | Kaczur, Nick | Giacomini, Breno

    DE: Jenkins, Cullen | Vickerson, Kevin
    NT: Raji, B.J. | Price, Brian | Toribio, Anthony
    DE: Harrell, Justin | Magee, Alex | Wynn, Jarius
    LOLB: Sapp, Ricky | Jones, Brad
    ILB: Barnett, Nick | Johnson, Micah
    ILB: Morrison, Kirk | Bishop, Desmond
    ROLB: Matthews, Clay | Thompson, Jeremy
    CB: Woodson, Charles | Harris, Al | Chancellor, Kam
    CB: Williams, Tramon | Bell, Josh | Ford, Trevor
    FS: Pool, Brodney | Lynch, Corey | Chancellor, Kam
    SS: Bigby, Atari | Ward, TJ | Chancellor, Kam

    K: Crosby, Mason
    P: Moorman, Brian
    KR: Williams, Derrick | Jackson, Brandon
    PR: Spiller, CJ | Williams, Derrick

    Draft Picks
    Round 1: #8** - C.J. Spiller - RB, Clemson.
    Round 1: #24** Brian Price - NT, UCLA.
    Round 2: #56 Ricky Sapp - OLB, Clemson.
    Round 3: #87 Anthony Dixon - RB, Mississippi State.
    Round 4: #108** Andre Roberts - WR, The Citadel.
    Round 4: #118** TJ Ward - S, Oregon.
    Round 4: #120 Kam Chancellor - S, Virginia Tech.
    Round 5: #150** Micah Johnson - ILB, Kentucky.
    Round 7: #215 Verran Tucker - WR, California.


    -Packers trade Jordy Nelson ($385,000.00) to Tampa Bay for draft picks. (Round 4: #99, and Round 5: #150)

    -Packers trade Johnny Jolly ($535,000.00) to the Patriots for Nick Kaczur ($2,000,000.00).

    -Green Bay sends WR Greg Jennings ($5,000,000) to the Dolphins for T Vernon Carey ($800,000.00) 3rd round pick (#74) 6th round pick (#164)

    -Trade WR Donald Driver $3,900,000 and a 6th (164) to KC for DT/DE Alex Magee $310,000 and a 4th (#100).

    -Packers trade TE Spencer Havner $385,000.00 to the Vikings for a 7th rounder (222).

    -The Packers trade RB Ryan Grant $1,250,000.00, LB AJ Hawk $3,025,000.00, and a 6th(#184) to the Browns for WR Brian Robiskie $310,000.00, OL Alex Mack $816,000.00, and a 4th(#118).

    -The Packers send picks 23, 74, 99, and 100 to the Raiders for the 8th overall selection.

    -The Packers trade Franchise player Nick Collins to the Eagles for a 1st rounder (#24) and a 4th rounder(#124?)

    -The Packers trade picks 125, 151, and 222 to the Jets for pick 108.

    Free Agent Signings

    -Bryant, Antonio. WR. $7,000,000.00
    -Williams, Tramon. CB. RFA (1st Round Tender - $2,100,000.00)
    -Patrick, Ben. TE. $800,000.00
    -Leftwich, Byron, QB. $300,000.00
    -Morrison, Kirk, LB. $6,000,000.00
    -Bigby, Atari, S. $4,000,000.00
    -Pool, Brodney, S. $1,500,000.00
    -Colledge, Daryn, OL. $750,000.00
    -Vickerson, Kevin, DE. $400,000.00
    -Moorman, Brian, P. $300,000.00
    -Lynch, Corey. S. $300,000.00
    -Williams, Derrick. WR. $400,000.00(Signed off of Lions Practice Squad)

    -Long, Scott. WR. $400,000.00. Louisville
    -Small, Ray. WR. $300,000.00. Ohio State
    -Nichols, Matt. QB. $300,000.00. Eastern Washington
    -Ross, Devin. CB. $300,000.00. Arizona

    Free Agents
    -Atari Bigby, S. UFA
    Will Blackmon, CB. UFA
    Brandon Chillar, OLB. UFA
    Chad Clifton, OT. UFA
    Daryn Colledge, OG. UFA
    Nick Collins, S. UFA (Franchise Tag - $4,194,000.00) - Traded.
    Ahman Green, RB. UFA
    Aaron Kampman, OLB. UFA (Transition Tag - $4,897,500.00) - Didn't match offer.
    John Kuhn, FB. UFA
    Derrick Martin, CB. UFA
    Ryan Pickett, DT. UFA
    Jason Spitz, C. UFA
    Mark Tauscher, OT. UFA
    Tramon Williams, CB. RFA (1st Round Tender - $2,100,000.00)
    DeShawn Wynn, RB. RFA


    - Swain, Brett, WR. $310,000.00 (24)
    - Williams, Patrick, WR. $370,000.00 (24)
    - Lee, Donald, TE. $1,800,000.00 (29)
    - Barbre, Allen, OL(G). $460,000.00 (25)
    - Goode, Brett, OL(C). $385,000.00 (25)
    - Montgomery, Mike, DE. $725,000.00 (26)
    - Poppinga, Brady, LB. $1,900,000.00 (30)
    - Bush, Jarrett, S. $1,000,000.00 (25)
    - Giordano, Matt, S. $650,000.00 (27)
    - Kapinos, Jeremy, P. $385,000.00 (25)
    - Lee, Patrick, CB. $385,000.00 (26)
    - Small, Ray. WR. $300,000.00 (23)
    B.Sebo, Big E, Boik14 and 2 others like this.
  20. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity

    Depth Chart


    : - Miami Dolphins Forums


    Carter, Brandon $300,000 OG (UDFA)
    Perriloux, Ryan $400,000 QB (UDFA)
    Nance, Dimitri $300,000 RB (UDFA)
    Lewis, Kendrick $300,000 SS (UDFA)
    Gunnell, Rich $300,000 WR (UDFA)
  21. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    2010 Atlanta Falcons Final Roster & Depth Chart
    Starters are underlined and depth reads top to bottom in most cases

    Coaching Staff
    HC: Mike Smith
    OC: Mike Mularky
    DC: Brian VanGorder

    Emphasis on the running game and ball control. Want to use multiple TEs to create mismatches in both the run and pass game. Dictate when big plays will be made through strategic play calling and play-action.

    4-3 that is dictated by speed and aggressiveness. Will use multiple substitutions along the D-line to keep everyone fresh and effective. Will not hesitate to dial up the blitz or dial back with LB zones.

    Matt Ryan - $5,000,000
    Luke McCown - $300,000
    John Wilson - $310,000

    Michael Turner - $1,000,000
    Lonyae Miller (R) - $300,000
    Keiland Williams (R) - $300,000

    Ovie Mughelli - $2,500,000

    Roddy White - $6,000,000
    Michael Jenkins - $1,500,000
    Harry Douglas - $385,000
    Eric Weems - $385,000
    Stephen Williams (R) - $300,000

    Tony Gonzales - $4,000,000
    Dennis Pitta (R) - $450,000
    Justin Peelle - $300,000
    Mickey Schuler (R) - $300,000

    Sam Baker - $385,000
    Justin Blalock - $460,000
    Todd McClure - $1,400,000
    Ed Wang (R) - $300,000
    Jeromy Clary - $830,000
    Garrett Reynolds - $310,000
    Brett Romberg - $700,000
    Quinn Ojinnaka - $300,000

    John Abraham - $5,000,000
    Ray Edwards - $6,500,000
    Jamaal Anderson - $766,250
    Kroy Biermann - $385,000
    Lawrence Sidbury - $310,000
    Hall Davis (R) - $300,000

    Jonathan Babineaux - $2,000,000
    Peria Jerry - $310,000
    Thomas Johnson - $460,000
    Trey Lewis - $460,000
    Vance Walker – $310,000

    Stephen Nicholas - $460,000
    Curtis Lofton - $445,000
    Sean Weatherspoon (R) - $650,000
    Mike Peterson - $2,000,000
    Kavell Conner (R) - $450,000
    Barry Church (R) - $550,000

    Chris Houston - $460,000
    Christopher Owens - $310,000
    Jerome Murphy (R) - $300,000
    Brent Grimes - $385,000
    Chevis Jackson - $385,000

    Thomas DeCoud - $385,000
    Brian Williams - $300,000

    Erik Coleman - $1,250,000
    William Moore - $310,000

    Jon Ryan - $450,000
    Olindo Mare - $350,000
    Joe Zelenka – $745,000

    Total Salary - $55,001,250

    2010 Practice Squad
    Jeremy Horne-Murdock, WR (R) - $300,000
    Charlie Tanner, OL (R) - $300,000
    Spencer Adkins, LB - $370,000
    Jacob Cutrera, LB (R) - $300,000
    Ben Burney, CB (R) - $300,000
  22. B.Sebo

    B.Sebo TV Mastermind

    Dec 16, 2007
    West Arkansas
    San Fran

    San Fransisco 49ers

    First of all, I misread the date on the message and basically introverted the 9 and 6, so that’s why I am late, many apologies and I hope it does not effect your votes.

    With that in mind, I would like to tell you a little bit about the 2010 San Francisco 49ers. My team building strategy is always to keep a core of good, hard-working players while selectively adding the RIGHT players to my system. Fortunately, the 49ers had a strong base of players and in my opinion only needed a little tweaking. What lays before you is a team that think will CONTEND FOR THE SUPER BOWL THIS YEAR and should garner serious consideration for GM OF THE YEAR as well as several specialty categories.

    Coaching Staff
    Head Coach: Mike Singletary
    Offensive Coordinator: Hue Jackson
    Defensive Coordinator: Greg Mankusky

    I believe that stability is very important in a coaching staff and as such only one change was made. Wunderkind Hue Jackson is one of the hot young names in the NFL and its easy to see why. He was instrumental in developing Joe Flacco in Baltimore and he will be instrumental in helping Alex Smith reach his true potential.
    Greg Mankusky led one of the best defenses in the league last year and he will have even more weapons and flexibility this year. Of course, little needs to be said of Mike Singletary who is already one of the best coaches in the league. His hard nosed, no nonsense, pants dropping style fits perfectly with the philosophy of the 49ers.

    Nate Davis $ 310,000
    Sage Rosenfels $ 900,000
    Alex Smith $ 2,000,000

    At the surface, it would appear as if we did not do a lot to upgrade the quarterback position, but if anybody got a chance to see Alex Smith at the end of last year, they could easily see that the light bulb was coming on. I did look to see if any upgrades were out there, but in the end I thought that the options available were not as good or with as much upside as Smith so my strategy became getting the young quarterback a bevy of weapons. Rosenfels provides quality depth while Nate Davis continues to develop in the third quarterback role.

    Running Backs
    Cedric Benson $ 1,400,000
    Glen Coffee $ 310,000
    Frank Gore $ 2,500,000
    Owen Schmitt $ 700,000

    The best backfield in the NFL, and it might not even be close. The 2010 49ers will employ the philosophy of “run first, run second, run third, and when all else fails, run.” We will use a platoon system with all three great running backs. Frank Gore will obviously get more carries then the others, but he should not complain as with two other starting capable backs, he no longer has to worry about waring down toward the end of the season and should be able to stay a powerhouse even into the early part of February. Glen Coffee had an outstanding rookie year and will be the third running back while Cedric Benson, having rejuvenated his career with the Bengals, will be the second option. The Wild Cat will be something that will be explored after we get into training camp.
    Owen Schmitt comes over as the slober-knocker fullback that will lead the way for the trio of talented backs.

    Wide Receivers
    Greg Camarillo $ 1,475,000
    Michael Crabtree $ 2,393,077

    Jason Hill $ 460,000
    Josh Morgan $ 385,000
    Brad Smith $ 700,000
    Golden Tate(R) $ 600,000

    Talk about a sneaky good receiving corps. Michael Crabtree is a true number one receiver with the ability to take over games and in only one year is already a top ten receiver in the league. Josh Morgan returns and will take his more natural role as the slot receiver, a position that should make him one of the top three or four ZWR’s in the league. Jason Hill is the other returnee and he will serve as the sixth receiver.
    Greg Camarillo was acquired via trade and will start the season as the other starting wide receiver. Although he is consistently is undersold (even my fans of the team he plays for), Camarillo is the consistent, sure handed, move the chains type of receiver that every young quarterback needs. Golden Tate was drafted in the late first round and although he will start as the fourth receiver and will be given every chance to develop at his own pace, we fully expect him to force his way into the starting lineup at some point in the season with his explosive playmaking abilities providing a scary compliment to Crabtree. Brad Smith was also signed and he will be the fifth receiver, an option in the wild cat, as well as a contributor on special teams.

    Tight Ends
    Brandon Manumaleuna $ 300,000
    Tony Scheffler $ 3,000,000
    Delanie Walker $ 535,000

    I might catch some flack for this, but I believe that this is a better Tight End group than last year. We jettisoned character risk Vernon Davis and replaced him with Tony Scheffler. Scheffler may not have the raw abilities as a Vernon Davis, but he has soft and reliable hands and runs good routes. Manamaleuna is widely considered to be the best blocking tight end in the game and he was signed for that purpose. He will be a great asset as an extra blocker in what has already said to be a strong running game. Delanie Walker converted from receiver last year and he will continue that conversion this year, he will be a the seem busting compliment in the tight end corps.

    Offensive Line
    Mike Gandy $ 300,000
    Eric Heitmann $ 800,000
    James Lee $ 385,000
    Chilo Rachal $ 460,000
    Barry Simms $ 300,000
    Adam Snyder $ 1,400,000
    Joe Staley $ 460,000
    Cody Wallace $ 385,000
    Tony Wragge $ 645,000
    Mike Goff $ 500,000
    Brian Baluga(R) $ 650,000

    The 49ers return 4 of 5 starting linemen from a strong unit last year. Staley will continue as one of the brightest young LT’s in the game, Rachal and Wragge will again man the guard spots and Heitmann will once again be the mauling center we need. First round pick Brian Baluga will be starter at right tackle where his strengths in the running game can be accentuated while he improves his solid passing coverage. I understand that offensive line can be boring to go into specifics, but as can be seen by the other six other players, we have made an effort to get young, talented, and flexible depth on the line.

    Defensive Line
    Ray McDonald $ 310,000
    Justin Smith $ 3,500,000
    Antwan Odom $ 3,400,000
    Kentwan Balmer $ 385,000
    Auyubro Franklyn $ 4,270,000
    Ricky Jean-Francois $ 310,000
    Isaako Sopoaga $ 1,862,500

    We will continue to employ a 3 man front in most occasions with the occasional four down alignments in mainly passing situations. Justin Smith will continue to be one of the best five techniques in the league and will once again be joined by the underrated Isaako Sopoaga in the starting line up. Sopoaga is not a house hold name, but he is a player that was very impressive last year starting for the 49ers. He is a true five technique if there ever was one. Auyubro Franklyn returns as the franchise player and will be the nose tackle that every proper 3-4 team needs. In four man fronts, pass rush specialist Antwan Odom will come in at DE while Sopoago kicked in to defensive tackle.
    Ricky jean-Francois will continue to serve as a backup at both spots while Balmer will be a primary backup at defensive end. Ray McDonald will see an increased amount of playing time after having a good season last year.

    Charlie Anderson $ 300,000
    Parys Haralson $ 880,000
    Manny Lawson $ 915,000

    Scott McKillop $ 310,000
    Dhani Jones $ 1,200,000
    Bart Scott $ 3,000,000
    Patrick Willis $ 500,000

    Jason Worilds(R) $ 600,000

    If you want to talk versatility, then you have to talk about the 49ers linebacking corps. Your also talking about the best linebacker group on the league. Everything starts in the middle, and whether it be the 4 man grouping or the 3 man grouping, Patrick Willis will be there. It goes without saying that Willis is the best linebacker in the game today, and we fully expect him to continue his hall of fame path this season. Joining Willis in the middle will be free agent steal Bart Scott. Scott is a tenacious blitzer with an excellent footbal IQ and the ability to take over games. The Willis/Scott ILB combo promises to be one of the greatest in NFL history. In 4-3 alignments, Scott will move to OLB. Sophomore sensation Scott McKillop will be the backup, giving another starting caliber ILB to the roster.
    The starting OLB’s will stay the same in the 3-4 alignments as Manny Lawson will continue as the SOLB while the very underrated Parys Haralson will be the WOLB. Haralson has a natural ability to seal the edge and is a beast in the running game. Second round pick Jason Worilds will be the backup at SOLB where he will be given time to fully learn the position. Charlie Anderson was acquire via trade and will serve as a backup to Haralson.
    Dhani Jones will be the other outside linebacker in the 4-3 grouping and will be given a chance in training camp to learn the WOLB position and be the primary backup for Haralson.

    Chris Carr $ 1,000,000
    Marcus Trufant $ 1,000,000
    Reggie Smith $ 385,000
    Shawntae Spencer $ 1,670,000

    The cornerback position has overgone a slight makeover as the 49ers jetisoned aging and overpriced Nate Clements and added Marcus Trufant as the number one cornerback. Trufant has been a stud in Seattle for a while and we firmly believe that is slight slip last year was due to the talent around him with the Seahawks. Shawntae Sencer was a more than capable second cornerbac k last season for the team and will be given the chance to retain that job. Chris Carr will enter the season as the nickle back, but with his youth and upside we expect him to push hard for the starting line up. Reggie Smith is a young guy with a ton of upside, and will be given all the time he needs to develop.

    Dashon Goldsen $ 460,000
    Marcus Hudson $ 535,000
    Michael Lewis $ 1,900,000
    Ken Hamlin $ 2,800,000
    Curtis Taylor $ 310,000

    Dashon Goldsen is the Yerehmiah Bell of the NFC, a football middle aged free safety who is very good against both the run and the pass. Unlike Bell, however, Goldsen will make the interception when it hits his hand. Michael Lewis returns at SS and he is also a solid all round player against the pass and the run. Marcus Hudson returns to provide quality young depth and Ken Hamlin was signed to be a primary backup to both safety jobs. Curtis Taylor is another young guy who is protected by good players ahead of him and will be given the chance to break out or continue to learn his craft.

    Kris Brown $ 300,000
    Matt Turk $ 300,000

    Kris Brown comes on board after years of great work with the Texans. Matt Turk doesn’t get older, he just ages like a fine wine at punter. We fill these are two great additions to our kicking team.

    So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, one very good team that is poised to take the city of San Francisco back to the Super Bowl. I rest my case and hope for your serious consideration for all the awards.

    Total Salary: 56,655,577
    Vengeful Odin, Big E, Boik14 and 2 others like this.
  23. Skull Destroyer

    Skull Destroyer Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    my b, I thought it was due the 19th not 16th for some reason
    Washington Redskins Final Roster​


    Head Coach

    Mike Shanahan

    Kyle Shanahan

    Mike Waufle

    Sam Bradford(R) 750,000
    Kerry Collins 500,000
    Colt Brennan 385,000

    Clinton Portis 745,000
    Leon Washington 1,500,000
    Quinton Ganther 535,000
    Joique Bell(R) 300,000

    Mike Sellers 745,000

    Chris Cooley 620,000
    Fred Davis 385,000

    Santana Moss 745,000
    Derrick Mason 1,000,000
    Devin Thomas 385,000
    Malcolm Kelly 385,000
    Marko Mitchell 310,000

    Charlie Johnson 1,000,000
    Derrick Dockery 3,200,000
    Chris Kuper 300,000
    Ben Hamilton 1,000,000
    Anthony Davis(R) 500,000
    Jared Veldheer(R) 300,000
    Mike Williams 300,000
    Ryan O'Callaghan 1,000,000
    Chad Rinehart 385,000
    Stephon Heyer 300,000
    Edwin Williams 310,000

    Albert Haynesworth 6,000,000
    Marcus Spears 4,500,000
    Tyler Brayton 300,000

    Ryan Pickett 7,000,000
    Bryan Robinson 300,000
    Anthony Montgomery 300,000

    Brian Orakpo 888,000
    Andre Carter 1,500,000
    Jeremy Jarmon 310,000
    Chris Wilson 300,000
    Robery Henson 310,000

    London Fletcher 2,150,000
    Gary Brackett 4,424,500
    Perry Riley(R) 300,000
    H.B. Blades 460,000

    Deangelo Hall 5,000,000
    Carlos Rogers 1,402,500
    Kevin Barnes 310,000
    Tim Jennings 300,000
    Justin Tryon 385,000
    Syd'Quan Thompson(R) 300,000

    Laron Landry 935,000
    Chris Horton 385,000

    Danieal Manning 1,000,000
    Kareem Moore 385,000

    Graham Gano 370,000
    Josh Bidwell 300,000


    Washington Sends : Antwann Randle El

    Denver Sends : 6th round pick(174th)

    Free Agent Signings

    Gary Brackett
    Ryan Pickett
    Derrick Mason
    Marcus Spears
    Charlie Johnson
    Kerry Collins
    Leon Washington
    Danieal Manning
    Josh Bidwell
    Tim Jennings
    Mike Williams
    Chris Wilson
    Chris Kuper
    Ben Hamilton
    Ryan O'Callaghan
    Stephon Heyer
    Bryan Robinson
    Tyler Brayton

    Sam Bradford, QB, Oklahoma 4 1
    Anthony Davis, OT, Rutgers 37 2
    Jared Veldheer, OT, Hillsdale 101 4
    Perry Riley, LB, LSU 132 5
    Syd'Quan Thompson, CB, California 174 6
    Joique Bell, RB, Wayne State 196 7

    Vengeful Odin, Big E, Boik14 and 2 others like this.
  24. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    HC-Marvin Lewis
    OC-Joe Gibbs
    DC-Mike Zimmer

    Carson Palmer 9,500,000
    Mark Brunell 300 K
    Jordan Palmer 385,000

    Ladanian Tomlinson 3,850,000
    Brian Leonard 460,000

    Fui Vakapuna 310,000

    Vernon Davis 2,440,000
    John Paul Foschi 535,000
    Matt Sherry 310,000

    Santonio Holmes: 700,000
    Pierre Garcon : 385,000
    Andre Caldwell: 385,000
    Shaun Mcdonald 300 K
    Maurice Purify: 310,000

    Anthony Collins: 385,00
    Kyle Cook: 385,000
    Nate Livings: 385,000
    Jonathan Luigs: 310,000
    Dennis Roland: 460,000
    Andre Smith: 1,000,000
    Ray Willis: 1,000,000
    Rich Seubert 2,000,000

    Jonathan Fanene: 1,150,000
    Robert Geathers: 2,400,000
    Michael Johnson: 310,000
    Corey Wooten 450,000
    Matt Shaugnessy 310,000

    Gabe Watson 3,000,000
    Ndamakong Suh 750,000
    Orien Harris: 460,000
    Domata Peko: 700,000
    Rockey Bernard 600,000

    Takeo Spikes: 1,250,000
    Keith Rivers: 385,000
    Nick roach 300,000

    Rey Maualuga: 310,000
    Dan Skuta 310,000

    Leon Hall: 682,5000
    Johnathan Joseph: 660,000
    Keiwan Ratliff: 620,000
    Trent Morgan: 310,000

    Nedu Ndukwe: 460,000
    Roy Williams 300,000

    Nate Clements 3,516,666
    Kyries Herbert 385,000

    Kevin Huber: 310,000
    John Karney 300,000

    Sorry for the crap effort, guys.
    Big E and Vengeful Odin like this.
  25. thats what she said

    thats what she said ^ohhhh yeahhhhhh

    Jan 11, 2009
    will add a write-up tomorrow, but, here's americas team

    Tony Romo $620,000
    Kyle Orton $1,400,000
    Dan LeFevour

    Felix Jones $731,250
    Tashard Choice $385,000
    Toby Gerhart
    Deon Anderson $460,000

    Kevin Ogletree $310,000
    Miles Austin $5,353,000
    Earl Bennett $385,000
    Roy Williams $3,000,000
    Laveraneus Coles $500,000
    Antonio Brown

    Jason Witten $2,500,000
    John Phillips $310,000
    Colin Peek

    Flozell Adams $1,000,000
    ????: - Miami Dolphins Forums
    Andre Gurode $2,400,000
    Casey Rabach $1,500,000
    Leonard Davis $750,000
    Doug Free $460,000
    Artis Hicks $300,000
    Mike Iupati
    Charles Brown

    Jay Ratliff $1,250,000
    Jason Hatcher $500,000
    Corey Redding $500,000
    Clifton Ryan $500,000
    Cornelius Griffin $500,000
    Charles Johnson $300,000

    Keith Brooking $1,400,000
    Brian Urlacher $5,625,000
    Bradie James $2,623,000
    Jason Williams $310,000

    Brandon Williams $310,000
    Anthony Spencer $481,000
    Demarcus Ware $1,050,000
    Cody Brown $824,841
    Chris Ellis $300,000

    Terence Newman $895,000
    Mike Jenkins $657,500
    David Jones $300,000
    Javier Arenas
    Myron Lewis

    Antoine Bethea $7,058,944
    Chris Hope $4,000,000
    Akwasi Owusu-Ansah
    Alan Ball $300,000
    Michael Hamlin $310,000

    Mat McBriar $300,000
    Rob Bironas $300,000
    David Buehler $310,000

    practice squad-
    Clifton Geathers
    Stephen Hodge $310,000
    Jamar Wall
    Antonio Coleman
    Sean Lissemore

    starting lineup-

    QB - Tony Romo
    RB - Felix Jones
    WR - Miles Austin
    WR - Roy Williams
    TE - Jason Witten
    TE - John Phillips
    LT - Flozell Adams
    LG - Mike Iupati
    C - Andre Gurode
    RG - Leonard Davis
    RT - Doug Free

    LE - Cory Redding
    NT - Jay Ratliff
    RE - Cornelius Griffin
    LOLB - Anthony Spencer
    LILB - Bradie James
    RILB - Brian Urlacher
    ROLB - Demarcus Ware
    LCB - Terence Newman
    FS - Antoine Bethea
    SS - Chris Hope
    RCB - Mike Jenkins

    K - Rob Bironas
    Kickoff specialist - David Buehler
    P - Mat McBriar
    Kick Returner-Antonio Brown
    Punt Returner-Javier Arenas
    Vengeful Odin likes this.
  26. Saint Greg

    Saint Greg Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2009
    Bossier City, LA
    Coaching Staff
    Head Coach - Sean Payton [$5.0M]
    Offense Coordinator - Pete Carmichael Jr. [$2.5M]
    Defense Coordinator - Gregg Williams [$2.5M]

    Drew Brees $4,487,500.00
    Chris Redman $750,000.00
    Chase Daniel $370,000.00

    Running Back
    Pierre Thomas $2,600,000.00
    Reggie Bush $2,585,000.00
    Lynell Hamilton $310,000.00

    Heath Evans $745,000.00

    Wide Reciever
    Marques Colston $2,250,000.00
    Robert Meachem $492,500.00
    Devery Henderson $1,500,000.00
    Adrian Arrington $370,000.00
    Rod Harper $310,000.00

    Tight End
    Jeremy Shockey $2,725,000.00
    David Thomas $700,000.00
    Jonathan Goodwin $1,950,000.00

    Jahri Evans $6,045,000.00
    Carl Nicks $385,000.00
    Ritchie Incognito $700,000.00
    Zane Beadles (R) $300,000.00

    Offensive Tackle
    Jermon Bushrod $1,500,000.00
    Jon Stinchcomb $1,500,000.00
    Zach Strief $300,000.00
    Jason Fox (R) $300,000.00

    Defensive Tackle
    Sedrick Ellis $3,366,000.00
    Anthony Hargrove $1,100,000.00
    Javon Haye $600,000.00
    Linval Joseph (R) $300,000.00

    Defensive End
    Will Smith $1,070,000.00
    Charles Grant $1,850,000.00
    Bobby McCray $1,000,000.00
    Austen Lane (R) $450,000.00

    Jonathan Vilma $3,300,000.00
    Keith Bulluck $700,000.00
    Scott Shanle $550,000.00
    Stanley Arnoux $310,000.00
    Jonathan Casillas $310,000.00
    Jo-Lonn Dunbar $385,000.00

    Tracy Porter $455,000.00
    Jabari Greer $3,000,000.00
    Malcolm Jenkins $310,000.00
    Chris Cook (R) $500,000.00
    Joshua Moore (R) $300,000.00

    Darren Sharper $4,194,000.00
    Reed Doughty $400,000.00
    Chip Vaughn $310,000.00
    Taylor Mays (R) $600,000.00

    Garrett Hartley $385,000.00

    Thomas Morstead $310,000.00

    Draft Picks
    1-32 - Taylor Mays, S, USC
    2-64 - Chris Cook, CB, Virginia
    3-96 - Austen Lane, DE, Murray State
    4-109 - Linval Joseph, DT, East Carolina
    4-128 - Jason Fox, OT, Miami
    6-192 - Zane Beadles, OG, Utah
    7-224 - Joshua Moore, CB, Kansas State

    Free Agent Signings
    Jahri Evans $6,045,000.00
    Darren Sharper $4,194,000.00
    Pierre Thomas $2,600,000.00
    Keith Bulluck $700,000.00
    Scott Shanle $550,000.00
    Chris Redman $750,000.00
    Reed Doughty $400,000.00
    Anthony Hargrove $1,100,000.00
    Javon Haye $600,000.00
    Jermon Bushrod $1,500,000.00
    Zach Strief $300,000.00
    Ritchie Incognito $700,000.00
    David Thomas $700,000.00

    Randall Gay for 4-128
  27. Biggtyme13

    Biggtyme13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member


    Vince Young - $2,160,000
    Jon Kitna - $300,000
    Mike Kafka - $300,000
    Total: $2,760,000

    Running Back
    Chris Johnson - $385,000
    Fred Taylor - $300,000
    James Starks - $300,000
    Ahmard Hall - $300,000
    Jameson Konz - $300,000
    Total: $1,585,000

    Wide Receiver
    Kenny Britt - $310,000
    Jason Avant - $3,000,000
    Lavelle Hawkins - $385,000
    Paul Williams - $370,000
    Dez Bryant - $750,000
    Emanuelle Sanders - $300,000
    Total: $5,065,000

    Tight Ends
    Jared Cook - $310,000
    Richard Quinn - $310,000
    Total: $695,000

    Offensive Line
    Jammal Brown - $5,500,000
    Harris, Ryan - $460,000
    Kosier, Kyle - $2,630,000
    Leroy Harris - $460,000
    Michael Otto - $385,000
    Jake Scott - $1,300,000
    Lyle Sendlein - $650,000
    Dan Conolly - $300,000
    Tony Washington - $300,000
    Ramone Harewood - $300,000
    Total: $12,285,000

    Defensive Tackle
    Jason Ferguson - $1,300,000
    Remi Ayodele - $1,000,000
    Chris Baker - $310,000
    Dan Williams - $650,000
    Total: $3,260,000

    Defensive End
    Calais Campbell - $385,000
    Jason Jones - $385,000
    Trevor Laws - $385,000
    Brandon Deaderick - $300,000
    Total: $1,455,000

    Elvis Dumervil - $7,000,000
    Karlos Dansby - $5,885,000
    Stephen Tulloch - $1,250,000
    Rocky McIntosh - $1,250,000
    Jacob Ford - $460,000
    William Hayes - $385,000
    Prescott Burgess - $300,000
    Aaron Morgan - $300,000
    Total: $16,830,000

    Cortland Finnegan - $2,150,000
    Richard Marshall - $3,500,000
    Rod Hood - $300,000
    Stanford Routt - $300,000
    Brian Jackson - $310,000
    Total: $6,560,000

    Roman Harper - $4,000,000
    Vincent Fuller - $1,300,000
    David Bruton - $310,000
    Nate Allen - $600,000
    Total: $5,710,000

    Rian Lindel - $300,000
    Total: $300,000

    Zoltan Mesko - $300,000
    Total: $300,000

    Team Total: $56,845,000

    Practice Squad
    1. Troy Kropog $370,000
    2. Patrick Stoudamire $300,000
    3. Travis Ivey $300,000
    4. Scott Sicko $300,000
    Total: $1,270,000

    Depth Chart

    QB- V. Young, J. Kitna, M. Kafka
    HB- C.Johnson, F. Taylor, J. Starks
    FB- A.Hall, J. Konz
    WR- K.Britt, D. Bryant, J. Avant, L. Hawkins, E. Sanders, P. Williams
    TE- J.Cook, R. Quinn, J. Konz
    LT- J. Brown, M. Otto
    LG-K. Kosier, D. Connoly
    C- L. Harris, L. Sendelin
    RG- J. Scott, R. Harewood
    RT- D. Stewart, T. Washington

    DE- J. Jones, T. Laws
    NT- D. Williams, J. Ferguson, R. Ayodele, C. Baker
    DE- C.Campbell, B. Deaderick
    LOLB- E. Dumervil, J. Ford
    ILB- K. Dansby, P. Burgess
    ILB- S. Tulloch
    ROLB- R. McIntosh, W. Hayes
    CB1- C. Finnegan, Rod Hood, B. Jackson
    CB2- R.Marshall, S. Routt
    FS- N. Allen, V. Fuller
    SS- R. Harper, D. Bruton

    K- R. Lindel
    P- Z. Mesko

    KR- E. Sanders
    PR- E. Sanders

    Draft Picks

    * 1(5) Dez Bryant WR
    * 1(11) Dan Williams NT
    * 1(26) Nate Allen FS
    * 5(145) James Starks RB
    * 5(154) Mike Kafka
    * 6(188) Emanuel Sanders

    Trade 1

    Titans Trade:

    * Michael Griffin
    * Nate Washington
    * 4.109

    Chiefs Trade:

    * 1.5


    Trade 2

    Titans Trade:

    * Javon Ringer
    * 3.73
    * 5.145

    ????: - Miami Dolphins Forums
    Cardinals Trade:

    * Calais Campbell
    * 6.165


    Trade 3

    Titans Trade:

    * Michael Roos

    Eagles Trade:

    * Trevor Laws
    * 1.29
    * 3.69
    * 3.70


    Trade 4

    Titans Trade:

    * Chris Hope

    Cowboys Trade:

    * Kyle Kosier
    * 3.91


    Trade 5

    Titans trade:

    * SenDerrick Marks

    Broncos Trade:

    * Ryan Harris


    Trade 6

    Titans Trade:

    1. David Stewart
    2. Gerald McRath
    3. 3.91

    Raiders trade:

    * 1.23


    Trade 7

    Titans Trade:

    * Ryan Mouton
    * 1.23
    * 1.29
    * 3.69

    Broncos Trade:

    * Ryan Quinn
    * David Bruton
    * Chris Baker
    * 1.11
    * 2.55


    Trade 8

    Titans Trade:

    * 2.55

    Broncos Trade:

    * Elvis Dumervil


    Trade 9

    Titans Trade:

    * 1.16
    * 3.71
    * 6.165

    Cardinals Trade:

    * Karlos Dansby
    * 1.26
    * 5.145
    * 5.154
    * 6.188

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