What a idiot...wonder if a donut shop will step foward with allegations . DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - An internal affairs report says a Daytona Beach police officer demanded free coffee and tea from a Starbucks and threatened employees with slower emergency response times if they refused. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25731525/?GT1=43001#storyContinued
Like that fatass cop in baltimore that was bullying the skater kids. Some cops suck nutz with their blatant display of power hungry-ness.. big time!
If I were a Starbucks Ad Exec I would spin this into a clever marketing campaign. Not that those bastards even need to advertise...
This guy threw away a 15 year career for free coffee. He should have just extorted money from shaking down people he picks up on the streets and bought his coffee, same way cops have been doing it for years.
another 5 or 10 years and he could have retired on a full pension, now he gets NOOOOTHING... I wish I knew him so I could laugh in his pathetic little face
This guy is dumb as a box of hammers. 89-90 k per year with 15 years. what a shame. it's guys like this that make good cops look bad. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=654_1216350465&c=1
apparently so,just ask rick james. that guy would sniff coca cola if he thought it would get him high.
I agree that this guy is a dirt bag and a disgrace to law enforcement. There is no excuse for bullying the public you have sworn to protect. The department I was on forbid taking any gifts while on duty, including coffee, and I think that should be a universal practice.
Absolutely!! If you have taken the oath to serve and protect, then thats exactly what you should do, without expecting any favors or handouts.
This is reminds me of Rod Farva asking for his liter-a-cola in Super Troopers and his subsequent freak out.