He wants out of Miami, and like all veteran players in their 30’s who are on the downside of their careers, he thinks he can still play and more importantly, that he still deserves to be paid — and paid big. LaDainian Tomlinson started it last night on the radio out in San Diego. But, that’s LT, a name we will talk about all offseason. Porter, on the other hand, is not. He needs his name to be in the headlines and he needs to auction off his services using the media’s help. I get it, and I have also taken Porter’s bait. Because, like the rest of the media that covers the NFL, I want to find something to write about as well.
yep, i think you nailed it as far as his motivations, just hope we can get something in return for him instead of just cutting him...
That's doubtful (that we'll get anything in return), but it's time for him to move on. This regime has soured on him now, so it's just a matter of time...
Soured on him for good reason. They didn't sign him to this contract yet he cites this contract as reason for his release. He cites substitution for a reason for his release. I'll take him one step farther. He cost us games due to his refusal to DO HIS JOB! There is one leader. The leader says "you come out" - you come out. It's not subject to debate. There is no time for it. Yet we saw time and again where this team "had the wrong personel package" in every situation imaginable. Whether it be time outs in the red zone or 12 on the field. His decisions cost games. The coach takes it on the chin EVERY time during the post game press conferences. Then the egomaniac sells the coach down the river for "leadership". Leadership? Has any of his actions in Miami displayed that character trait? The writing was on the wall long before he made the trip from California back to Miami. He would never be paid the million dollar bonus in March. He knew it. We knew it. The entire football world knew it. The writer of this article just had the balls to say it. The mission this week was simple - sell yourself and throw others under the bus if you must. I just wish Channing Crowder was not so stupid that he could not recognize the fact that he was used. It's bad enough that Crowder is average (at best) in the middle. Now he chooses to lay down quicker than a two dollar hooker on public radio.
I saw this whole thing coming about midway through the season... I could tell that Porter was beginning to pout in interviews then. Porter has issues with the coaching staff. I can understand that. In fact, I'm empathetic where his situation is concerned. The guy wants to be on the field, and feels he deserves to be... I have no problem with that, and I have no problem with Porter wishing to just move on to a team where he's a full-time starter. What I can't understand is how he's going about handling the situation. You don't go on talk show after talk show acting like a spurned girlfriend. Hey, Joey... while you're on your 'Pissin-N-Moanin 2010 Tour', why don't you stop by and see Jerry Springer? That's the perfect forum for your idiotic, childish, and selfish antics. You can dance on a huge picture of Tony Sparano while they blast 'Whoop, There It Is'. Moron... I'm done with that clown. There is no reconciliation, for me, when it comes to someone who is so incredibly self-absorbed. I don't care if the staff and 'Baby Peezy' work things out. In my eyes, Joey Porter is now an 'honorary Jet', worthy of all the appropriate malice and bad fortune.
Porter displays all these traits....... A person with narcissistic personality disorder: * Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation * Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals * Has feelings of self-importance * Exaggerates achievements and talents * Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment * Requires constant attention and admiration * Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy * Has obsessive self-interest * Pursues mainly selfish goals
yesterday you said there wasn't a problem with what Crowder did today you state zod was right on even though he states that crowder was wrong for getting invoved which is it man you are flip floppin'
This guy is the epitomy of the "me generation" taking hold of the new athlete. Probably why it seems everyone is pulling for TEBOW. The guys a class act. Similarly, bringing back PENNINGTON, IMO, would be another great addition. AGAIN. OBTW, do you actually know either of those 2 very fine ladies that I keep having to clean up my keyboard over? I'm talking "drool", not ... the other. lol