im house sitting for my sister and my dad just called me...he never calls me, so i knew something was up...then i heard him talk and you could tell he was crying..well my grandpa(his dad) is in the hospital, and his body is just kind of calling it quits...he was living with my aunt and uncle for the past year or so, dealing with health issues.. positive thoughts please...i dont want to lose him also my great uncle is also fighting cancer and not looking good for him either. ive only seen him a few times. but send soem thoughts his way too
All of you have gone onto my prayer list from this site. (King you have been there my friend). I wish you all the best!
I will gladly put their names on my prayer list. You are always in my prayers. Hang tight! You know I'm only a pm away.
thanks updates so far.....its kind of surreal tonight i am going to this program with my other grandpa. he made a powerpoint about the battle of the bulge(he fought in ww2) and he wanted me to be there incase something went wrong with the laptop and stuff...i really didnt want to go, but i would never say im looking forward to spending time with him today, because you never know when you wont be able too....
You and your family are in my prayers and I agree with you about looking forward to spending time with your grandpa. My grandparents are no longer with me but I made sure to always spend time with them when I could. Take care and I will say prayers.