FANTASTIC news! Kim is in remission. She's going to get one more dose of chemo to be on the safe side since her tumor was so large when caught, but the best case scenario has occurred. Thanks to all the Phin Phaithful for your prayers!
Bad news, folks. After months in diagnosed remission, Kim once again has a tumor on her hip. So it's back to chemo and an uncertain future. Please resume your prayers. Thanks!
I will send one up for her. I have lost the best person in my life to this so I pray it goes the good route.
I have a heavy heart tonight. After enduring months of grueling chemo and stem cell therapy which had finally driven the cancer from her, Kimmy is on the verge of succumbing to infection and septic shock. She's being given one last risky treatment, but she could pass in the next 24 hours. Prayers, please, for her family and friends. And, of course, for her.
So sorry Doc. My prayers are with her. I have an aunt who is going down hill fast with cancer. It's horrible.
Prayers Doc.....If she does indeed pass, just know the Lord wanted her as an angel in his can't feel sad for that, you can only be happy for her....
just read this but so sad. All you can do is hope and pray, you have mine doc. Keep your head up. Best wishes
Best wishes Doc. Prayers and thoughts for your friend. All you can do is stay with her and be a friend. It will help her rest easy if indeed her time is up.
Just got a text that, although she's hung on through the weekend, she's taken a turn for the worse tonight. I have to think it may not be long now.
Well, folks ... our dear "Kimita" entered immortality at 9:08 a.m. yesterday morning. I'm just glad her suffering is over. Thank you all so much for your prayers, thoughts, messages and well wishes.
While the prayers will now be different in content, they will remain for Kim's family and yours my friend. "Rest eternal grant her O Lord. And let light perpetual shine upon her!"
Sorry to hear about your loss zoom. Just reading through this thread today and it's an emotional roller coaster. I can only imagine what it's been like for you and her family through all this. Thoughts and prayers.