President Clinton spent a few minutes away from the crowd talking football and joking around with the Dolphins while trying to stay dry at the same time. He demonstrated his knowledge of the game and the team when he commented on what it was like to watch Miami play last season. "He told us that last year we had one of the most exciting seasons," Cobbs said. "We were winning games when people didn't think we would win them and we were all over the place. He just said he enjoyed watching us and he expects big things for us next year. It was everything it was cracked up to be. It's amazing how much weight that guy carries and how much support he can have by just showing up."
He's no stranger to getting his dolphin polished on the job... ...That's the only connection I can make between Bill Clinton and the Miami Dolphins...
Clinton was pretty good at making a particular audience think he was on their side. It's all smoke and mirrors though, much like almost every other politician these days. I really doubt Clinton cares much about the Dolphins.
Yeah, BUT, I DID see a picture taken of him in 1993 with a Dolphins hat on. That was after Andrew when the Dolphins were on a big roll - like 6-0 (?). I sort of blew it off at the time figuring it was a typical politican trying to be a front runner.
Why? Clinton is from the south. In the NFL his choices in the 70's were pretty much Dallas, N.O., Atlanta, Tampa and Miami....
Well regardless of our record in 09, every game was exciting. And hey we have a history with Presidents it seems. Wasn't it during our playoff game vs the Ravens in 2002 when Bush choked on the pretzel? lol. Fitting since the Dolphins also choked. Hopefully our next run in with a president is at the White House visit celebrating a Super Bowl championship.
that's a valid point. Growing up in MS, I had the same choices. N.O. was terrible, as was Tampa and Atlanta and they weren't televised. The teams that were consistently on for me were Chicago, Miami and N.O. Easy choice when marino was playing.