1. pennphinfan Stelin Canez Arcade Scorz

    Dec 13, 2007
    Los Angeles
    So I remembered today how much I used to love playing Sid Meier's Colonization game, released back in the early 90's for the PC. It's a game that I even went and bought again (bc I had lost the original) about 6 years ago. Well, as of today I again don't have the original and am debating buying it again for like 7 bucks on amazon, but I just noticed that they apparently re-made the game last year with the Civ IV engine, but it's still mostly similar to the original. I was wondering if anyone had played it and if it was a good game?

    For whatever reason, I just love the games I played as a kid, and will deal with terrrible graphics and stuff just because i love the game. i will go back and play final fantasy 1 for the NES about once a year, and there are other games I do it for too.. maybe I'm just weird. Anyway, any help would be great, thanks
  2. USArmyFinFan Maximum Effort

    Mar 23, 2008
    Houston Texas
    My son plays it, it looks pretty good and he plays for hours.

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