yeah, this isn't the first time dumb *** teens have FILMED themselves doing dumb ****. It's sad that these kids probably thought it was cool and showed their friends.
This is ABSOLUTELY disturbing Hope those idiots end up doing will be interesting when THEY are the ones forced to have something forced to thier mouths by Bubba in cell block-H
well were they joking around and holding an unlit pipe to his mouth or were they really trying to get the baby to smoke?
I saw this on the news last night when i got home, quite disturbing. Some people... should really just not be allowed to reproduce. Its unbelievable. I hope this two do some time for this, its just unacceptable.
For starters, their kid will be taken by social servies and probably put in a foster home. Which is a tragedy in and of itself. And the parents will probably serve a little time in the pokey for child abuse (hopefully they are both ananlly raped while there) and will then start a long, tedious process to try and get their kid back. Sad all around...
Disgusting. Putting the scum in jail is an obvious first step, but punishment should go further. Making him smoke pot is obviously not the answer, so what would be an appropriate, meaningful punishment.
Seriously though - this is absolutely deplorable. At 18 years old you know better than that, or you should if you were raised with any morals at all.
holy s***! What is wrong with kids these days? And for me, anyone in their teens is a kid... They just redefined the word idiot. I hope they discover why they call it a 'pokey' while they're locked up.
Same thing I was trying to figure out when I read this yesterday I believe, just didn't want to ask lol.
difference between "drugee" and "get high every once in awhile" bong water is the water in a water bong "a pot smoking device" with weed residue in it....
alright i didnt have time to check out the video...but thats dispicable. youd think kids know better.
you know, not only was that absolutely disgusting, but the fact that the national media showed it on TV to me is also bothersome. I mean, it's a copy cat world, you just know some dumbo is gonna try it with their toddler. I hate censorship and everything but, to me, the news should have chosen not to show it.
Thanks for the compliment ,but my "kid" days have long been history. Its just that during my growing up years I never became too curious about such petty things like bongs or things of that nature. Peer pressure never got the best of me. Looking back I`m proud of the fact also. Besides, ask me what a beer mug is and I can " Wikipedia" the socks off ya.
Wish i went through life thinking this never happens. As a relatively new parent, its quite disturbing. And to the poster who referred to the joint as the "pokey", i never saw the correlation before, so thanks!!
I just saw this on Kare 11 the other night. This is worse I think as it is the ****ing mother doing it. Blows my ****ing mind.
The window of innocence for a child is getting smaller and smaller. Kids are learning about adult stuff (sex, drugs, etc) at an earlier and earlier age. People are having to grow up faster. The sad thing is, people glorify this crap and frown at trying to protect kids from this garbage. "Oh this kid lives such a sheltered life!!! He goes to a good school in a nice neighborhood and has living, caring parents!" And that is putting it nicely. Knowing that I will be a parent sometime in the future, it downright scares me to try to protect my child from this. It is getting harder and harder, especially considering what goes on in schools these days. Home schooling is becoming more and more appealing. Obviously I wouldn't do that because the social aspect of growing up is important, but yeah.