You do learn a little about timing the notes correctly, but I think that's most beneficial on the harder levels where more notes are necessary to press. As a guitar player I can't stand the game myself. I have never played rock band. The game doesn't take into account many important aspects of music & is hard as hell for me to play songs I can play well on an actual guitar.
Not sure why, its just a video game. A video game which has renewed my interest in playing the REAL guitar. (which I had lost interest in back in HS) My wife bought the kids the 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' Wii game which is a really bad rip off of guitar hero elements and my boys have now shown an interest in music that they previously didn't have. At first they'd rush into Best Buy to the guitar hero demos to play, lately they are rushing to the real guitar sections and have asked me to buy them a real guitar and a drum set. I personally have found some great music artists on Rock Band/GH that I would've never found other wise as I didnt have the time nor inclination to really look. Its all about planting the seed and seeing if it grows.
lol why are musicians so ridiculous over this?! nfl football players arent bashing couch coaches in madden......they welcome it.....they play it.....they love it.....why is it so difficult for musicians to accept this and get over it?!
It's a video game if they can't appreciate any way that kids get influenced by music they are doing a disservice to their trade. I guarantee kids are hearing music they've never heard and having a desire to further their musical knowledge in listening and instrument playing from these games. With budget cuts eliminating a lot of school music programs they should thank their ****ing stars that influence is coming from somewhere.
My daughter started with Guitar Hero a couple years ago and got very interested in music. She has since started playing the violin and is very, very good at it. Her little sister has since decided she wants to learn the bass. If the only thing that kids are doing musically is Guitar Hero or Rock Band, yeah, that's a little sad... ...but that's the fault of the parents, not a video game.
I think they get pissed at the gamers that think they are bad *** because they rule at Guitar Hero... What I didn't like it because that would play Rock Band and they would get to medium or something on drums... think they could actually play drums and some were rather arrogant about it. Most people are casual and don't think much of it... but it's some of the ones that are really good and are extremely arrogant about that bothers me the most.
Blaming the parent is a cop-out, IMO. It's just the world we live in. A lot of kids these days would rather play it on a video game than do it for real. If you could incorporate running or lifting weights on a video.. Kids of America wouldn't be as overweight as numbers show.
you know some people that play madden think they can play and/or coach in the nfl because they are "real good" at madden.....its the same thing....but you dont see nfl players crying about it.....musicians that complain about this are looking like ******* imo
Old whiny *****es. I thought rock-n-roll was about fun. Eff these guys. I've never played the games and probably never will, but who cares how people get interested in music as long as they do. These 2 d-bags are personifying the exact same attitude their music was supposed to rail against. What's a matter, was their artistic integrity damaged by their songs being in a video game? They need to spend less time *****ing about the "travesty" of a new generation connecting with their music and more time finding a way to not see their Depends bump through their spandex.
yea they complain as all these songs on these games are original tracks from original artists.....they arent complaining as they cash those royalty checks
You do realize that most of that money goes to the record company and what not, right? The actual artists see a small chunk of that cash and really not as much as they should. Most musicians do it for good publicity, not for the money. Maybe it's just a game, but the arrogant kids who think they are tough **** because they rule at pushing buttons are just as bad, if not worse, as those musicians that complain about that.
dude your mad at kids for feeling tough by touching it really worth it? who gives a ****....
So you're more upset at kids for being arrogant, than old *** d-bags for the same thing? Silly. The old *** d-bags should know better.
EXACTLY! Nevermind for a second that we are talking about a video game. The fact that the people that play these songs are exposed to music they might have otherwise never heard is, in some ways, giving the player a small piece of culture they wouldn't have had. I suppose I understand what Page/White are saying, that the interest in discovering new music isn't as "organic" as when they did it, but guess what? The times, they are a changin' (put THAT one in Guitar Hero). People view movies and TV shows differently, they purchase their media in different fashions and music is not immune. Those who can't or won't embrace that, will essentially fade off, right, wrong or otherwise. I still enjoy buying an album/CD looking at the artwork/book that accompanies the music and submersing myself in that experience, but I understand that going forward, I too will have to adjust to purchasing mp3's and seeing artists bypass making an entire album for the sake of making a catchy tune that they can get downloaded 2 million times as a ringtone. People just need to accept it and move on.
I'm not mad, just explaining a different point of view... Trust me, I don't lose any sleep about Guitar Hero...
I think they are just pointing out how pathetic it is that for kids to attempt to learn something about music today that it comes from a rot brain video game rather than them actually learning to play instruments. I don't care either way personally. They bring up a great point IMO though. Why is that ridiculous?
Disagree whole-heartedly. Should I blame the video game, then? Video games are a great medium for getting involved with your kids, but if you don't take that opportunity to share your experiences as well, it is a wasted moment. That's all fine and dandy for the "now." If, as a parent, I allowed my kids to learn everything from video games, they'd know nothing about how things really work IRL. I find that video games are an excellent bridge into real life learning. But they're definitely no substitute. ...and that is why I blame the parents. Because they refuse to take that opportunity to show their kids that there is more to these video games. There is more to guitars than hitting buttons, there is more to killing zombies than just aiming a gun and pulling a trigger, there's more to making a cake than putting the toppings on. There is a learning opportunity in damn near every game. I blame the parents for not taking them.
Well obviously learning everything from a video game is a bit of an extreme and the blame should then fall on the parent. Growing up my parents didn't play video games with me because they felt they were a waste of money. But they pushed me to pursue music through an instrument... so I picked up a pair of drum sticks in middle school. If parents don't care and just let their kid do whatever, yeah you can blame them... But some really do try but their kids just ignore them. You're right, but today's youth blocks out that advice moreso in the past. I'm not blaming video games or parents in general... just the way the world works nowadays. Trust me, I agree with you pretty much 100%.. but I won't put full blame on the parents no matter what. The media world has changed kids to be less in tune with the real world and more in tune with their media world. Then again like I'm one to talk, my major is electronic media afterall...
Actually, there isn't. Zombies are pretty easy to kill. This is where video games DO come in handy. Teaching us how to kill zombies properly.
I dunno because kids would rather play with a toy guitar than learn it. Think southpark episode. Now I'm not saying all of them because there are those who actually want to pick up and learn a guitar after playing GH.
because the two are completely different. i don't mind playing the game - i just don't like that most people don't pick up an actual instrument - but there's nothing like picking up a guitar or a bass or some drums.. football players will tell you the same thing. you don't learn the circle of fifths or perfect pitch by playing guitar hero. nor do you learn scales or chords. or names of notes or composition or anything else. you learn how to play in time. which is important but it's not everything.
It's just a game. That's not to say that it doesn't attract an incredibly high rate of douchebags who think being good at Guitar Hero is as amazing as playing an actual guitar. I don't hate the game, I hate the player.
It doesn't rot their brain if they want to be surgeons, have better hand eye coordination and better job at thinking through problems. They do not bring up a great point. It is a silly point. It is like me saying you can only experinence football if you go to the game live. It is silly to tell anyone how they should get interested in anything and how they get interested in it is wrong. All they do is sound like old men who do not understand
i guess i can knock jimmy page for being a cranky old man. but then again, we live in an age where an 11 year old will beat jimmy page in the game playing 'stairway,' post it on youtube and declare he owned jimmy page to raucous internet applause....
A rather extreme, example, but: You can teach them how to maintain a gun properly; you can teach them how to aim without a crosshair or red dot; and finally, and probably most importantly, you can teach them which gun to use for best zombie-killing effect.
lol who cares? what if they dont wanna learn a chord or a rift and they just wanna play a friggin video game?!?!
"Don't worry son, you don't have to learn how to throw a baseball... if you wanna just press X and have Soriano throw it for you, that's just fine...."
The band In Flames are in it as well as play it... [ame=""]YouTube - In Flames about their participation in Guitar Hero III[/ame]
I remember seeing Angus Young of AC/DC (genuine guitar legend) being asked about guitar hero in an interview. He basically said it was a fun game but wasn't the same as playing a guitar, and said he had problems with it because when it started getting a bit hard he'd automatically start trying to play the guitar, not operate the control stick thingy. But then again perhaps I'm reading too much into what someone responsible for songs such as "Whole lotta Rosie" says ...
I'm not a great guitar player or anything, but grew up playing and still do. I see Page and White's point. I've never understood the allure of this game myself. I guess it comes off as a sort of bastardization. I used to 'play' a tennis racket when pretending as a kid. The next logical progression was to get a real guitar. I guess part of it comes down to your love of music and how it affects you. Music moves me. And all I ever wanted to do was be able to play along with the songs that grabbed my soul. Still do the 'tennis racket' thing so to speak. Still have that same feeling when I hear a song I like. But instead of going home and playing guitar hero, I grab my guitar and satisfy that urge.
But do you think, if you had had Guitar Hero when you were a kid (I understand that's a stretch because video games need electricity, but just go with me on this) Do you really think, it would've made you NOT want to learn the guitar?
The problem with White/Page's criticism is they are assuming that kids are playing GH in lieu of the real thing. As others have pointed out, the chances of them even being exposed to the real thing would be very slim without this game. Im willing to bet that more kids have actually tried to play guitar because of this game than would without it.
LMAO.... now the arguments are really pushing it. You want your kids to be a surgeon? Buy them an XBox huh? THe point is that kids today DON'T get pushed to "experience" anything for real anymore. They're entire take on the world comes from TV programming and video game playing. It's a very valid point. If a kid want's to be a football player he NEEDS to go out and play football. Your comparison of playing a football video game V.S. going to see a game live is irrelevant to the discussion. Neither is about doing something that will give someone the actual skill for something like playing football. The correct comparison would be playing a football video game or actually going outside and playing a football game. In addition, it's a bad comparison for your argument because going outside and actually playing a football game is the only option of the two that would give you actual skills for playing football AND give you a true feel for what it's like to play football in real life without a joystick and buttons doing all the work. I'm not saying the game is destroying kids so we should ban video games. I don't even care about it. However, I can sit here and see the very valid criticism about it that they are presenting.
Yeah, but you can also forward the argument that kids end up being motivated to do nothing of value because they are content with sitting in front of a TV and playing these games non stop. They end up pursuing nothing with their time except for the devotion for higher score rankings to post online. Look I was there man..... I've played video games and was hooked on them for awhile as a kid like anyone else. Can you really say they weren't a complete waste of time in the big scheme of things though? I can't, they were a huge waste of time. For some to forward that video games are an educational tool and motivational tool for kids is what I find really amusing. At least call it what it is. It's mindless entertainment.
Please.... You can find studies telling you how sodas are healthy for you. Kids can get hand eye coordination going out and playing tennis. This is hardly proof that video games are the tool that will build stronger, faster, smarter humans in the future. Before video games, the worlds best surgeons were trained not through med school but with this revolutionary tool.......
Video games now do require serious amounts of critical thinking. Its not just fast reflexes like the games when I was a kid. (Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc.) In fact, I've been trying to start a Video Games For Seniors movement, because they'll help with their motor skills and help "exercise" the brain, (which is proven to help curb dementia and Alzhiemer's.) Video games aren't the problem, parents who let X-box babysit is the problem. I was part of the first generation of video game kids. Atari & Nintendo, but I also played outside a lot. Was in sports and all that. There just needs to be a balance.
I was gonna stay out of this thread, but **** it. I grew up in an area of Miami that is primarily African American. The population that wasn't African American was usually Cuban immigrants (illegal or not). Where I grew up there was no rockers, rock shows, or any way into rock culture. There was rap, rap, and more rap. Period. The names Metallica, Guns N Roses, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, etc meant absolutely nothing to 99% of the people I knew. When I grew up and went to the Navy I was able to broaden my horizons significantly because you meat, live with, and work with people from every walk of life. Even still, my knowledge and respect of music outside of rap was still very limited to the few things my friends would play for me. Fast forward to the Guitar Hero era. I never cared for Metallica. But I still got GH: Metallica because it was a new GH game. Played it and loved it. The game goes behind the scenes on every song and shows the work, dedication, and the thoughts of the band when making the songs. I developed a new love and respect for Metallica. If 2009 Mor could talk to 1999 Mor, he would never believe it's the same guy. Now I love Metallica, bought (yes, paid for) 3 of their albums, and listen to it in my car. All because of Guitar Hero. This is just an example, GH has put me onto a lot of different bands I would have never thought of listening to. So GH has opened me up musically and has drastically altered my taste in music. Just me...