This is only my 2nd post to this new website so I want to be careful not to get labeled as a rumor mongor, but this news seems to be flying around some San Diego chat rooms as of today so I thought I would post the link as to what is being said about Merriman possibly having tested positive for a banned substance for a 2nd time. Again, there hasn't been anything said by a legitimate news source yet, I just want to share some interesting chat with everyone here.
If thats true then JT to SD. But who knows, anyone can make a claim like that just to get a rise out of people.
LOL, I guess getting pancaked by little MJD will get you back on the juice. Makes more sense for them to go after JT.
Hey man, I'm not trying to get a rise out of people. Like I said, I just wanted to share something I read, that's all. I thought I qualified my post by saying this hasn't been reported by any legitimate news sources.
Bingo, Im not trying to bash you for reporting it. You already said it was a rumor and had no real legitimacy yet so theres no reason for me to go headhunting. I'm just saying that stuff like this that starts on message boards can just be a result of somebody's bordem or need for attention. If theres no legit source then none of us have a clue if its real or not till we hear more. lol Welcome to
Thanks for the welcome SlickJ. I agree with you about people who start rumors but if it is true then nothing would make me happier. Living here in San Diego has been hard the past couple of years having to put up with all the idiot Charger fans. Them losing Merriman for a year would take a lot of wind out of their sails, not to mention the fact we wouldn't have to deal with him when we play them this year.
Bro, if you think living in SD is bad then you should try upstate NY out. Myself, L2G and a few lucky others have the pleasure of living in the middle of Patriots, Jets, and Bills fans. I hope it's true but I kind of doubt Merriman failed it unless he took something he didnt think was banned or would show up. But I might be giving too much credit and he could be a moron (heres hoping).
Living in San Diego is good! Not bad! Today was kinda cold though, had to wear a hoodie to watch my SF Giants beat the Padres at the park. It was like 60 degrees farenheit, wth! welcome ElCajonjeff, I guess you can call me SolanaBeachJoe!
Hard to beat the weather in San Diego. I was there about 13 years ago??....some guy stole a tank from an armory while I was there and drove it up the Interstate with half of the police force chasing him. It was funny as hell.
I was there in mid January a few years ago and it was in the 80's. Not for me. Call me WestSeattleJoe.
If this is true, wouldn't it be poetic justice that JT is traded there to 'fill' in for Merriman's suspension....Ha ha ha....that would be priceless....
They would have to give a 1st, since we got their 2nd for Chambers. I can't see them being that desparate, but they did give up a 2nd for Chambers? I wonder if we'd consider a pick for next year for JT? Who knows, stranger things have happened and it's all speculation at this point so we'll wait and see. I think there will be a good number of trades this weekend and something can come out of nowhere and blindside us all. Buckle Up!
This was posted on that link that was given by the TS. " vachargerfan Join Date: Mar 2003 Posts: 19,811 Re: Rumor: Merriman tested positive again (1 yr suspension) Some guy on the forum admitted he made it up"" Here is what appears when clicked on the link : " cutler7624 Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 564 cutler7624 is on the Practice Squad That WVbronco fan is me i just made that up to get Charger fans all worked up. Sorry. They banned me shortly after "