Stupid idea. The international thing won't work unless a separate league starts up. But, if the Dolphins do go to Spain, that will be about as near as it gets for me. Maybe someone can persuade them to come to Gibraltar. (We have Dolphins!) I'll arrange a get together for us all!
Maybe during preseason for publicity of the league, but not during the regular season. There is way too much at stake. Regular season records actually account for something.
That would make sense, like a preseason international touring league. The timelines don't matter as much as well, so the traveling teams could play the following Thursday instead of having a short practice week.
Its beyond Stupid Galant in those two particular country. spain and brazil, two countries that live and die soccer, the people there don't give a rats azz about american football.
I hope that the Dolphins never play outside of the US or Canada again. I hope that they never give up another home game. But of it has to happen, then Brazil is the choice, given the closer time zone.
I'm not sure how interested I would be to attend a Dolphins game out of the country. The one thing is, its not like you would be attending a 'typical' road game in a hostile environment, its not like the rest of the crowd would be 95% against you. I have been to games (Dolphins and other sports) in many 'away' cities. Some are great. Go to Clemson to see a football game as a visitor and we had Clemson fans treating us like guests that just wanted to talk Football. Other than a few drunks that were total idiots, we had a good time and talked to a lot of great people in Buffalo, despite they not liking the Dolphins. Columbus was much the same for a hockey game. New York, on the other hand, I have been to one Rangers game there and one game at Yankee stadium and both were among the worst experiences I ever had as a fan because of the behavior of the 'natives'. I think a Dolphins game outside of the country would be like an away game in a city with good fans, with the added bonus of even more of the crowd being dolphins fans than at a typical away game.
I think I'd be way more on board if they treated it as an away game for both teams. I know they'd have to sort out jerseys and coin toss, but I don't see why teams should need to lose home field advantage on a game away from home