Ryan Tannehill 21-22 as a starter

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by PhinsMondayNitro, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. JOHN_M

    JOHN_M New Member

    May 19, 2014
    This team still needs a couple run stopping linebackers another corner on d and a wide receivers that can catch the td pass when it hits him in the arm and a tall tight end who can run routes!

  2. DPlus47

    DPlus47 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 14, 2008
    They need to tighten up their victory formation.
    mnfinfan and GARDENHEAD like this.
  3. BlameItOnTheHenne

    BlameItOnTheHenne Taking a poop

    Aug 15, 2010
    Did Tannehill win tonight's game?
  4. rdhstlr23

    rdhstlr23 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Chicago, IL
    Nice job by Ryan. He missed some reads for some big plays but he played well enough to deserve a win.
    speed likes this.
  5. bg34

    bg34 Junior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    5 straight games over 70% passing. Was some elite company he shares that stat with. He's coming along. Wish people would lay off him. And that's with yet another O-line that ain't worth a damn all of the sudden
    MAFishFan likes this.

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    22-22 beeeyotch!
    speed, Marino1384 and TooGoodForDez like this.
  7. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    It doesn't seem like anyone is laying on him. The worst anyone has said is that he's an average NFL starting QB. That's hardly crazy talk or especially inflammatory.

    I like how he's coming along and I like him. That 70% streak is nice and it is a true fact. But it is also a perfect example of why one has to understand the full context fo the stat. We have a dink and dunk offense. We rarely take shots downfield. That clearly constributes to the completion percentage.
    DevilFin13 likes this.
  8. Coloradotrv

    Coloradotrv Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013

    If our deep target didn't half *** 1 handed grabs, maybe we would throw it downfield more often...
  9. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    What I want to know is why fineas is going to such great lengths to defend these posts that most feel are blatant attempts to stir the pot.

    Not accusing but seems odd to me, why such persistent defense of others negativity?
    resnor likes this.
  10. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    We do have a bit of a short to mid range offense...but one has to ask WHY we have that. There are the posters who blame Tannehill, and they use the offense that we run as evidence to support their claim that Tannehill can't throw the deep ball. There are others, like myself, who think that the primary deep threat is the problem, and that the problem stems from his tiny, child-like catch radius exacerbated by the fact that Wallace doesn't catch with his hands or run good routes. IMO, Tannehill and Lazor are making lemonade from lemons right now. Wallace showed last night, again, how absolutely microscopic his catch radius is. If he can't cradle a ball in using his chest/stomach, he simply doesn't know what to do catch it, and struggles to get two hands on the ball. What should have been a run-of-the-mill ordinary catch for a TD, turns into a dropped ball, spurring some posters to question Tannehill's accuracy on the throw. And that is where the arguing begins. See, Tannehill does make mistakes, everyone agrees on this, but it's when Tannehill makes good throws, and the receivers fail him, and those throws get tossed by certain people in the realm of poor throws. Jarvis Landry is catching everything thrown his way...is it any wonder that Tannehill is going to him whenever he possibly can? Jarvis grabs the football with his hands. Jarvis is very good receiver, and he helps Tannehill to be the QB that he can be.
  11. TooGoodForDez

    TooGoodForDez Deion Sanders for GM

    Feb 26, 2013
    Coaches are really over loading him. Last night, 37 passes, 18 rushes including 4 from RT. He had 41 offensive plays and the RBs had 14. This has been the theme of this season. This guy is under the process of serious coaching evaluation and attempt at development.
    This is the reason the record this year doesn't matter.
  12. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    I'll tell you why. Because I see nothing wrong with those posts and if he has really been banned for that, as opposed to something else, I think it is pathetic. I guess I have a strong instinct to defend those I think are being unfairly criticized or treated. I've just always been that way.

    I don't really understand why anyone cares what his purpose is. Why should it matter if he truly believes what he says or if he is just saying it to provoke thought? Even if it is the latter, it makes this place more interesting. I see no need to administer polygraph tests to determine if posters truly believe, deep in their heart, everything they say. I also see nothign wrong with someone just playing the devil's advocate, if that's what he's doing.

    I guess we all come here for different reasons. Some come for just football gossip and information. Some are sad sacks who come so they can whine and complain about their beloved team with other similarly-minded sad sacks. Some are glass-half-full optimists who come to commiserate with like-minded optimists who are sure the Dolphins are going to the Super Bowl every year. Others, like me, come for intelligent debate about football and our favorite team. That requires a diversity of viewpoints and shouright (or whoever he is now, if it is the same person) always had a unique viewpoint that he stated intelligently and backed up with facts and evidence. I may often disagree with his opinions and may think some of his facts/evidence is weak, and if I do, I can tell him so and we can debate it. But it seems almost like a witch hunt. Many people don't even seem to pay attention to what he is saying -- they just freak out and discount it and start calling him names. They justify it to themselves by saying he doesn't really believe it, as if that matters if the information is correct. They tune out what he says based on their preconceived notions of his intentions, when they really have no idea what his intentions are (and, again, his intentions aren't really relevant). If you don't find what he says to be interesting, then don't respond to it. If you think he's wrong, then tell him why and support it with facts and logic. If his style annoys you, then put him on ignore.
    djphinfan likes this.
  13. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Maybe. I doubt that is the main reason, but it may be one of many.
  14. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    You're not making the distinction between reasoned negativity and agenda based negativity where the posts are always the same and in every thread. Its fine that you enjoy that kind of monotonous fact deficient rhetoric, but obviously most others don't.

    Nobody dislikes him because he didn't like Tannehill. He wasn't banned for being negative on Tannehill. Those things happened to him because he'd jump into every thread and make it about Tannehill saying the same thing over and over and over and used poor information to do it. He also did all that while incessantly touting and generating clicks to his own crappy stat site.
    TotoreMexico, LI phinfan and resnor like this.
  15. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    It's a post not meant to inform, rather to incite.
  16. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    There was nothing unfair about Shouright/Dolphans Unite!'s banning. Dude didn't really add anything to the forum. He didn't have discussions about his statistics. He didn't entertain any thoughts as to why his statistics were perhaps flawed. The statistics were the statistics, and they told everything they needed to tell. Hell, Hartline/Bess was the best receiving duo in the league, according to him. He constantly made threads to incite other posters. He wasn't trying to discuss anything, but instead was trying to use statistics to prove that Tannehill was a bad QB, and we should continue searching for a different QB. I also think that you're getting caught up in thinking that people wanted him banned because he had a different viewpoint. That wasn't it. It was the constant creating of new threads to simply regurgitate stuff that had been debated in another thread for 10+ pages, and restart the debate as if the other one (or 100) had never ocurred. It was brutal.
  17. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    You know what these threads are the equivalent of? Listening to Big O on wqam.
  18. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Not really sure what you mean by "agenda based negativity". What do you think his agenda is? And why does it matter? He's clearly a very serious Dolphin fan. If his "agenda" is that he thinks Tannehill sucks, then so be it. That's his opinion. It's a perfectly relevant topic.

    As I've said before in this thread, everyone here who posts a lot is repetitive to a certain extent. Everyone has issues they feel strongly about and are more likely to post about. You certainly do, and I'm not sayign that to get personal about it at all. It is perfectly fine. I'm just trying to illustrate a point that might hit home with you. You have 57,508 posts. I'm going to guess that at least a few thousand are defending Tannehill and at least another few thousand are defending Philbin. Probably a few hundred criticizing Wallace and a few hundred praising him. Etc. The point is that everyone who posts a lot is somewhat repetitive because there are a limited number of major topics of interests and most people don't change their opinions constantly.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  19. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Again, neither you nor anyone here other than him knows what his purpose is. And frankly, I've never seen him say anything particularly incendiary. He never says Player X "sucks" or Player Y is "horrible" or Coach Z is a "moron." He's pretty conservative in what he says and how he says it. You might not like his opinions and therefore take offense to them, but that is not a good reason for a ban.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  20. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Honestly, that's just ridiculous.

    I'm pretty sure he never said Hartline/Bess was the best receiving duo in the league. He may have argued that they were underrated and better than people thought, but I'm sure he never claimed they were the best in the league.

    I simply can't even imagine what you are trying to say when you say he wasn't trying to discuss anything. Simply absurd.

    He may have thought we shouold keep searching fo9r a QB. I don't agree with that, but it was certainly not crazy-talk.

    And certainly creating threads on subjects that have already been debated in other threads is hardly grounds for a ban. Each fo the following topics has been the subject of at least 100 hundred threads in the last few years:

    Tannehill sucks
    Tannehill is our future
    Philbin sucks
    Philbin is great
    Ireland sucks
    Ross sucks
    Wallace sucks
    Dion Jordan sucks
    Tannehill can't throw the deep ball
    Wallace can't catch the deep ball and doesn't fight for balls
    dolphin25 likes this.
  21. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    He had an irrational hatred of Tannehill. It started because he had a love of Hartline. Here's how it started:

    When some of Tannehill's first year struggles were attributed to a #1 WR who couldn't score and had poor YAC, he pushed back by blaming Tannehill. He then doubled down on that by literally inventing stats and deductions based on those stats to illustrate that Tannehill was horrible and Hartline was a great #1 WR. It then became his thing as he started to push his stat site.

    Yes, I have a lot of posts that do this or do that. That's not the kind of thing we're talking about. I cannot be more clear, it was ALL he posted about since Tannehill's first year. There were no other posts. He made them when Tannehill played poorly, he made them when Tannehill played out of his mind. It didn't matter what was going on or what the thread topic was about.

    There was one time, I actually got him to admit he was wrong about some of the things he was saying, then he turned right around and kept saying them a week later.

    I'd also argue that it is not clear he was serious dolphin fan. I was more a fan of his bias and did everything he could to tout that bias where ever he could.

    You are trying to make the case that he was like other posters and did what other posters did, but he that's just not factual because he's not and he didn't.
    resnor likes this.
  22. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    Why do I have to provide facts when he doesnt? Not any relevant facts that proves tannehill is avg or will always be avg
  23. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire

    You don't seem to have a very good grasp of what it was Shouright/Dophans Unite!/Whoever he is now was actually doing.
  24. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Honestly, that is just untrue. It takes no more than a quick search of his posts and started threads to demonstrate that.

    He did not only post about Tannehill. Indeed, he started numerous threads about other topics. The first page of a search of his started threads includes the following thread titles:

    NFL Fan Draft Psychology 101
    The Ryan Swope Lesson
    Don Jones's Athletic Hijinks
    Davone Bess's Replacement: Rishard Matthews?
    IMO: The Subtle Success of the 2012 Offseason
    The Big Picture as I See It
    Poll: Should Ryan Tannehill Start the Regular Season?
    The Importance of the Tight End
    The Subtle Redefinition of the Miami Dolphins Player
    Poll: Were Bess & Hartline's Number of TDs an Issue?
    Sean Smith Tweet
    Mike Westhoff: Jets' Handling of Tebow a 'Mess'
    Receiver Rating
    Poll: Your Knowledge of the Jeff Ireland Situation
    The Talent Surrounding Ryan Tannehill
    Poll: The Jeff Ireland Poll

    Nor is it true that he was in irrational Tannehill hater. For example, in his thread titled "Is Ryan Tannehill Going to Become a Franchise QB?" he concludes:
    In a follow-up thread of the same title, Part II, he concluded:

    Hardly seems like a raving Tannehill-hater to me.
    djphinfan likes this.
  25. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    Actually, it is you that seems to lack that grasp.

    Anyhow, I'm done with this topic. It's pretty clear that the witch hunters will just keep on hunting and burning at the stake no matter what evidence is shown as to his innocence.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  26. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Here are the most recent topics started by him, per advanced search:

    1. How Good was Ryan Tannehill Against Oakland?
    2. Ryan Tannehill in Obvious Passing Situations: A Comparison with other NFL QBs
    3. A Big Reason the Packers Won Today
    4. Brady Quinn Gives Insight into the Tannehill Situation
    5. Matt Moore's Most Recent Season as a Starter
    6. The Deep Ball: Where Ryan Tannehill is Struggling Mightily
    7. Dropped Passes at Texas A&M
    Fin D likes this.
  27. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Just because you don't take it the right way doesn't mean it's wring..it's about what is relevant to the conversation..show me a post that wasn't relevant to the conversation..just because you took it as badgering the prospect, some understand the context.
  28. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Did you actually read through those threads?
  29. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    It's his opinion and it's relevant..it's all about the qb, there should be an inordinate amount of threads debating.
  30. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    lol. That's exactly what he did.
    resnor likes this.
  31. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008

    Some. Enough to have quoted a few to show that there was no apparent irrational hatred of Tannehill. And enough to see that he did not only post about Tannehill.
  32. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    But I thought the criticism of him was that he just kept arguing and arguing his points. Can't have it both ways.
  33. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    So what??? That is absolutely not a reason for him - or anyone - to be attacked.

    Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  34. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    That's not what I see when I search for shouright. Are you searching for someone else?

    Either way, I just don't see it as so crazy for a Dolphin fan on a Dolphin website to be interested in the team's starting QB and post about him. Probably a majority of posts and threads on this site are about Tannehill.
  35. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Look, if every day, I came on here, and posted up numerous threads about how great Tannehill is, and how I think he's a first ballot HoFer, people would have an issue with me. If I posted cherry-picked stats to support my theory, and people started posting stats and reasons why I was wrong...and then I just started another thread with the same premise, as if the other thread didn't exist, people would have a problem with me. Again, and I can't stress it enough, it is NOT that he posted an opposite opinion of mine. It's the fact that day after day, thread after thread, he posted the same stuff, no matter how many times he was shown that his statistics weren't exactly correct. He continued on, as if no one had put anything out there to counter him. Also, I'm not saying that I think he should have been banned, I'm simply saying that his shtick got old really fast, and wore on alot of people.
  36. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    That was a search for Dolphans Unite!, his most recent, known persona.
  37. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    That is what he did. Fin was saying that "witch hunters will just keep on hunting and burning at the stake no matter what evidence is shown as to his innocence" is exactly what Shouright/Dolphans Unite! did. He simply continued throwing BS stats around that didn't prove what he said they proved, or were flawed statistics in some way, no matter how often he was shown that his statistics were incorrect. Which is what you're accusing us of doing now, witch hunting, but defending the other guy for.
  38. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Huh? I think the problem is that you read through his posts with the same lack of attention you just used to read through mine.

    Who said it was? I was explaining how it started. Jesus man.
  39. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I guess it just comes down to how we interpret his intention, my take is he's got some obsessive compulsive traits when it comes to figuring some things out, and I enjoyed the constant Devils advocate approach to the position, I don't think he posted things that were untrue, just things that had actual relevance to where the qb is in his development, he's also not the type to project on what he sees, he trusts the numbers and the odds and I think that's what folks can't just accept, your using your eyes to debate, he's using numbers..

    I Always enjoyed my debates with him because Im the guy who watches ridiculous amounts of film..he isn't..he was always respectful and never raised his angst or tempature when he debated..

    Conclusion, I think he's highly intelligent and on many occasions talked about more than your implying, he taught me a lot about the physcology of the athlete and coach, and I miss the dudes input..

    Why the hell are we talking about him?, he was banned as Dolphins unite..

    If he comes back as another poster, I only hope we all just try to understand that we all root differently, and respect each other's intelligence, even if it is different than our own..embrace the weirdness, the constant negative ones, the homers..it's all good if the fan loves the team.
  40. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007

    you are incorrect about the BS stats part..that part of his debate was accurate and relevant to the convo, why would his stats be BS?

    I'm not a stat guy either but I could see where he was coming from.

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