i liked the movie......i posted this here because you can post anonymously......if you liked it too, but are too afraid to admit it....post here in secret! this is a good movie it is very fun and enjoyable....the fight scenes are sick.......
i tried ahole......but i forgot....and you cant edit lmao.....biggest fail of all time....iam gunna get butt raped for this
You know, for a masculine sports talk show host, you sure make a helluva emo teen girl. Were you born with both parts?
the main familys last name is 'cullen' thats my last name.......and to be fair to myself....i was on facebook playing poker.....wife watched it and i got into it.....so....i guess i can give half of the man card?!
i wouldn't put myself in a position to watch that movie. you have a laptop. you could have got up and played facebook in a different room. and no you can't just give half the man card it's just one card with a front and a back.
First of all, Cullen, is not a rare enough last name to be impressed when its used in fiction. Secondly, you further discredited your masculinity by admitting you stopped playing poker to watch it, because you were drawn to it. Third, you never answered the question, were you born with both parts? (Look on the bright side, this didn't happen Friday or earlier on Saturday.)
Sorry Sick but I think those books are embarassing to the art of fiction, and the movie is even worse.
dear anonymous sick, it is very understandable that given to your estrogen shots, you are becoming more sensitive and thus liking poor acting, and badly scripted love stories. What I do not understand though is how it is you can host a sports radio show and wear a bra at the same time. signed, hoping you were not with david carradine when he died
well its more rare than "smith" williams" "thomas" etc etc i never said i stopped playing poker.....i kept playing..... i have 2 penises......so i guess they cancel out?
if you havent seen this movie.....you cant talk ****......and if you have.....you are just as gay as me.....i never said i loved it......or enjoyed it.....i said i kinda liked it.....so eff you feminine-men haters!!!!!!
No. That just means you have yours and someone elses makes you even less manly. Edit: Damn GIK stole my thunder.
see i was leaving a code to be found out anyways......but the joke failed because i didnt post anonymously
If it makes you feel any better i enjoyed it also. This is an out rage that people would bash you. Just because im a guy does not mean i dont enjoy the chicks flicks. 0 people should bash you. Twilight was the 3rd best movie made this year. 2 people in love is such a beautiful thing. It does not matter that one is a vampire. 3 people are very happy. Edward, Bella, and Me!
Did you watch The Stand because of "good ol' Tom Cullen?" You're lucky it's a temporary revocation... M-O-O-N... That spells FAIL.
yes i did.....gary senise is good in that.....and the "m-o-o-n" guy is from "coach" and currently does the voice for patrick starr on spongebob square pants
jeez, i dont see what the big deal is. TONS of little pink pansie teeny-bopper girls love this movie. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go back to building my deck christine.
I saw it and it is a terrible movie. 1.) They completely ignore all the rules that come with being a vampire. "We can't go into the sun because we.....sparkle." OMFGZZZZZZ 2.) Kristen Stewart's character has no personality and is made that way so every teenager girl could put themselves into her character. And as soon as she arrives at this new school she is instantly popular, she arrives and and boom! Everyone loves her and can't get enough of her. "OMG your so pale and boring I wish I could be just like you." 3.) They are vampires who live in a glass mansion in the middle of the woods, they have baseball uniforms to play vampire baseball and use 70's special effects. Oh and we can't forget how the vampires who actually eat people show up during vampire baseball and then they start hissing at each other like 5th graders. Their is so much more but that is enough time wasted on one of the worst movies that came out last year.
Man I saw that movie with the wife. She's very girly and even called the movie gay. Sick, Sick, Sick, reach down in your drawers and verify they didn't fall off.
Sick, even liking vampire culture and Kristen Stewart as much as I do, I still can't save you on this one bro...