We're thinking of you family here in NC, l2g. Your mom is an incredible woman - may she rest in peace.
May you mom rest in peace Mike. She sounded like an awesome mom. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.
Mike you've been my boy from day one....if you need to talk feel free to IM me, or email me or whatever bro.
Aw hell Mike, I'm so sorry you lost your mom. My heart and prayers go out to you, if you need anything don't hesitate to PM me. Jimmy
Usually the barometer I use is by the quality of the off-spring, and that being said, your mom was a great lady. I have reserved posting in here until now, not sure why exactly..... definately not out of respect as you know how I feel about you bro. My prayers for you and those left around you. Always here for you.... Cherish the memories and remember she is now with The Almighty above. God bless you bro. Kenny
Extremely sorry for your loss, bro. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. If you need anything, let me know man...
i am truly sorry to hear of your loss Mike. your mother is finally at peace. you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
This just broke my heart. I haven't been in this thread or looked at it until now and have read what has unfolded. Needless to say, but this is just awful news Mike. I am sorry to hear it. If you need anything, let me know.
damn bro, sorry to hear that very sorry. Just keep going man, stay strong, keep your head up. My sincerest condolences again bro. edit: Holler at me if you need anything or just want to bs.
Mike may all of the Lords comforts be with you now, as you know your Mother is now in the arms of our Lord. Peace to you, and your family in this time of sadness.
You were there when your mom needed you to be there and that says it all. God bless and keep you and your family. Prayers sent.
I'm so sorry to hear Mike. I had started saying Tehillim for her as soon as you PM'd me back. I don't know if you've ever read The Rose beyond The Wall. If my Finbrothers will permit me, please consider this our sympathy card to you. The Rose beyond The Wall
I'm very sorry to hear this, brother. I don't know if I ever shared it, but I lost my mom a little over a year ago as well. It still pains me every day-but I have her memory to keep me going. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
My condolences. I lost my mom 3 years ago and it was hard. Just lean on family and friends through this.
Mike, very sorry for your loss. Just be comforted to know she will be in a better place with no suffering effects, and she will still be able to look down on you and your siblings. God Bless, James
What a trip how life works..She wanted to see and listen to you and your sister for the last time before she passed. Im sure she enjoyed every second you 2 spent with her hang in there man
I'm sorry to hear about that. You'll make it though and it will only make you a better person and you'll realize that your mother will still be influencing you even after she's gone for the best. Times will improve and your mother will always be there.
Mike I am truly sorry for your loss. She sounded like a great mother. Thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
Anything we can do man, let us know. Some may be closer to you then others but we're all a part of the Dolfan family.
Mike I'm so sorry to hear this brother. May she R.I.P. It sounds like she was a great mother to you over the years and for how much you care about her and for all the things you say about her it seems she will be lost my many and was a great person outside of the household, respected and loved by many.
Sorry to hear about your Mother bro, sounds like she was a great woman & mother. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
I just wanted to thank all of you for the thoughts, prayers, pm's full of comfort and strength that you've sent our way, I can't thank you guys enough as I sit here with tears in my eyes as I read them. Like I've said a few times in my responses to some of you, I just hope that when I have children that I can set as good of an example for them as she has for me. God bless Mike
Hey man, sorry to hear about your mom. I just saw this thread. I hope things get better for you, it'll take some time. Just remember a lot of the good things about you that make you a good person, you got from your mom, and you'll be able to pass those good qualities onto your own children. Best wishes getting through this tough time. Jay H.
I am so sorry for your loss man. Just know that some words, thoughts, and encouragement are coming your way. Really sorry to hear about your loss, we are here for you when you are ready.
Just read the news. Your loss pains me. Yet I'm happy knowing that you have the support of so many people in this time. I have no doubt that you will find the right way to deal with this, and be a better man for it. Just know that love transcends life or death. Let your mothers love shine through you. God bless.
Mike, Prayers for you and your family are being sent. I pray that God can comfort you in your time of sorrow. And I have sent you a PM.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Mike, I hope you and your family stay strong. Its sounds as if your mom raised a wonderful family that I'm certain she was very proud of. Regards, Jordan
Alaways be thankful for the time you had with her and she will live on forever. My condolences to you and yours.
Really, really, sad to hear about your mother bro. Our sincere condolences. Your family remains in our prayers.