And my favorite part:
As long as Apple is "green" about it, and it looks to be the case (what with the dim lighting and climate-control efficiency), I'm sure it's alright.
THIS exactly. Besides that, tried the I-phone..MUCH prefer my Crackberry....which is probably made by drug warlords in Mexico.
No iPhone here but hey, at least those folks have jobs. There's always someone who will have it better than you. No use in crying about it
With nets like that I would try to commit suicide everyday. Probably the best form of entertainment there
You mean your barracks didn't have a suicide net? Goddamn it. When will we start getting our troops the supplies they need!
Now lets get the pictures from the rural towns surrounding it. My guess is they are much more deplorable than "dim lighting."
The netting is so depressing it's comical. Reminds me of this movie I saw last night called "Moon". Spoiler The moon was harvested for energy and there was 1 guy there for 3 years at a time. Turns out he was a clone and the whole operation is loaded with clones thinking they're the original. Kinda similar, just that they have all the clones working at once. Quality of life for the majority of humanity is still god awful despite technological improvements. Oh well, could be worse, I saw "City of God" last night too.
See where the person who makes this forum awesome lives: My house: My hot tub: My front gate: My bathroom: My kitchen: My living room:
Right now I'm wearing Red Wing boots actually. Spoiler Though I do like my Nike branded shoes and cleats.
sigh.. i would probably be the drunk guy who got caught masturbating in the net at 2:00 am. try washing THAT out!