Details Design a billboard to be used on I-95 in Miami to advertise the team and atmosphere at Landshark Stadium (Dolphins only, not Hurricanes or Marlins) The goal is to attract people to home games. Type: Billboard Size: Template Image Provided Topic: Advertisement for Dolphins football at Landshark Stadium Due: Whenever you are done Animation: No. A: B:
oof. both very, very good. I may give the nod to A though because I love billboards that have things sticking out past the border, makes em POP. B is very clean and attractive as well though. great work both of you!
I went B, but i do like the creativeness of A with the sticking out billboard! both were very well done, and both deserved to be in the finals! Good job!
I went with A. From a marketing standpoint, the focus of the billboard should be the team first. Cheerleaders help catch the eye of the passer-byer. Both addressed by A. Graphically, great job by both!!
i voted B as it is more humorous and has a message of come out to the games.... "A" is awesome, but doesn't look any different than just a graphic - it doesn't send any message about coming out to the games, IMO. just looks to advertise dolphin pride. both don't really appeal to the family atmosphere though. :shrug: went with B, as it's funnier and gets the message across better IMO.
i dont understand why so many people expect a family atmosphere at a football game. IMO, thats annoying to the people who are there to get drunk and scream until they lose their voice. people who tell others to sit down because of how much they paid for their seat drive me crazy. its not a movie theater or the opera. its football. the fans need to be on their feet and make noise. /end rant.
A is absolutely epic and needs to be a real billboard now. I appreciate the humor of B, but it would actually make a better print ad than a billboard.
well considering half the people that attend the games are women & children, i don't think it's an unreasonable point. this isn't your bowling league, gish. i'm not advocating a family atmosphere. i'm just saying since a large portion of the demographic are women & children, how appealing to them is it to show half-naked women on ads? food for thought.
B. Both are great, but choice A is a little simpler in design and not as cluttered as choice A. Great job to both of you.
B only because he used a better looking cheerleader. Or at least a better pic. Yes, I'm that shallow.
i hear ya. both times that i've brought a female to the game, they complained about the heat. im never doing that again. dolphins games should be nothing but dudes who love football, and single chicks who look hot in jerseys and dont mind the heat. fill the stadium with 70,000 of those people, and that is what i call heaven.