Sparano's stubborn nature could hamper Dolphins' progress

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by xphinfanx, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    No it won't. A losing streak might get him canned but that has more to do with talent than anything else. The most talent needed is a Rb and shoring up the interior of the line. With a good running game the offense would/could open up, and I like that Sparano knows this...
    xphinfanx and MarinePhinFan like this.
  2. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    It also tells us that they passed so many times and ran so many times....
  3. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    I'm for all this except for trading Bess. He's far too important on critical 3rd downs to get rid of him. I'd be down with Jacoby Jones & DeAngelo...... and then trade the first back for Danny Watkins at LG, Taiwan Jones in the 2nd round as COP, then Jordan Cameron as the seam splitting TE.
  4. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    Respectfully, what was Henne's part? He was actually good on 1st down when defenses didn't know if we were running or passing. He had something like an 87 rating with more TDs than INTs IIRC. So you don't think the stagnant ground game that couldn't pick up yards on 1st down was a big reason for many of the 3rd & longs? How about the wildcat runs that got nowhere? How about the runs on 2nd down that got nowhere? How about the penalties that seemed to pop up at the worst possible times setting us up in horrible 3rd and 10+ yards?

    A poor ground game is the biggest culprit for putting us in a hole from the get go (1st down). If anything, Henne was called upon too frequently to bail out running attack that all to often didn't exist. It's hard for an offense to be successful when they're supposed to be run-oriented but then suddenly switch midseason to relying on a young, developing QB to carry an offense (or carry an inconsistent team for that matter).
  5. ASUFinFan

    ASUFinFan Uh huh

    Dec 8, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    On a quarterback scale...Newton is not first imo. As an athlete...he's first easy. I honestly don't think any qb should go in the top ten this year...
  6. ASUFinFan

    ASUFinFan Uh huh

    Dec 8, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    I'm with you on that qb strategy. Love it actually, as long as Miami takes a qb that they think will be their future. The Chargers took Eli, then traded for Rivers, but ither way they were trying to secure their franchise qb. Brees up'd his game and wahlah. But, in Miami's instance, you can't draft a 3-7th round qb and expect the same results. And you just don't send one of the best slot receivers in the game packin. Bess is a keeper. You want bess to the Patriots.
  7. ASUFinFan

    ASUFinFan Uh huh

    Dec 8, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    It's not even so much that. I don't think he should want to pass the ball by nature. It's not who he is. Finding a happy medium is the key. Don't fully rely on one or the other. There's no reason a team should go into the offseason looking to be run oriented like he's stating though. Especially when Miami has no rb's under contract of worthiness as I'm typing this. IMO, when a coach comes out and says that he's run oriented, and that won't's screaming to the whole offense..."we will be conservative again this year". It's a concept that takes over an offense...ends in happy field goals and fist pumps. Until Sparano and this offense proves me otherwise. I also think that (we will be a run oriented team) mentality immediately shows a distrust in your quarterback and the passing game.
  8. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    You can keep Bess if you run a primarily 3 WR oriented offense because they'll need a sub to come in quite often especially in the Florida heat. You just have to sign a guard in free agency then.
  9. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University

    Dude you guys want NO PART of Jacoby Jones Im telling you, I have watched the Texans every game basically the past 3 years and I have learned 3 things. Their Defense is bad, Andre Johnson is good, and Jacoby Jones is no better than a #4 WR.

    Ofcourse I love the Deangelo part, he would fill a HUGE void and have the gamebreaking skills we lack on ofense.
    ToddsPhins likes this.
  10. MarinePhinFan

    MarinePhinFan Banned

    Oct 11, 2010

    How do you figure?

    2010 Rookie QB's:

    Bradford- 75 QBR

    Clausen- 58 QBR

    McCoy- 74 QBR

    Skelton- 62 QBR

    2009 Roookie QB's:

    Sanchez- 63 QBR

    Stafford- 61 QBR

    Freeman- 59 QBR

    2008 Rookie QB's-

    Ryan- 87 QBR

    Flacco- 80 QBR

    Brohm- 43 QBR

    Henne- 75 QBR

    Other than Ryan and Flacco, who happened to also play on great, playoff caliber teams, no one had a QBR over 75.

    I think all of the Henne hate blinds people to the truth. The TRUTH is, when you draft a QB 99% of the time that QB will not play well (if at all) his first couple of seasons. Giving QB's only one or two seasons, especially when the entire team isn't very good, to succeed or fail will usually do nothing more than cause a QB carousel.

    Henne should be given the opportunity next season to compete for the starting QB position. I'm all for bringing in more competition, but just throwing Henne out at this point is beyond stupid, IMO.
    ToddsPhins and GMJohnson like this.
  11. GMJohnson

    GMJohnson New Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    I think that just about settles it.

    MarinePhinFan likes this.
  12. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    That's the point Jones would be a third or fourth WR.
  13. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Why are you putting out non first rounders? I don't care about them at all, nor would I expect them to do well. I don't want Miami to take a QB unless its in the first. I don't want us to take a QB unless we think he can be a franchise player.

    So Bradford did just as well, Flacco and Ryan did better. And wait ... great playoff teams? Are you smoking? The Ravens are solid, but more defensively than offensively. They STILL have yet to find a top quality receiving corps for Flacco to take advantage of. The Falcons however were in just as bad shape as we were when they took Ryan. And the Rams ... I don't think they have a WR that would crack OUR top 3.

    The other 3 (Sanchez, Freeman and Stafford) had more struggles their rookie years. I would expect that - as I noted I don't expect a rookie to come in and light the world on fire. We can toss out Stafford - his injuries have really prevented us from getting a good look at him. But Sanchez and to a higher degree Freeman have seen that rookie experience translate into solid sophomore seasons. If you wouldn't take either one over Henne right now your beyond homerism.

    Frankly, I think we can compete for a playoff spot with Henne or a rookie. I would personally rather do it with a rookie than Henne, who I feel has no upside at this point.
  14. MarinePhinFan

    MarinePhinFan Banned

    Oct 11, 2010
    Your post doesn't make any sense.

    Why am I putting out non first rounders? Why wouldn't I? Is cherry picking in order to further an argument your style? It's not mine. I took a look at the QB's who were drafted each year that most people think are going to or were going to have a decent career. It clearly shows that your comment
    "QBs coming into the league lately have played immediately and played well. Even so-called "raw" or "unprepared" rooks." Is WRONG.

    Bradford did just as well as whom? And yes, the Falcons and Ravens had GREAT PLAYOFF CALIBER TEAMS. Yes the Ravens are more known for their defense. Is the defense not considered a part of their team? As for the Falcons, no, they were not "in the same boat as the Dolphins". Not even close. Did each team go to the playoffs? Yes. PLAYOFF CALIBER TEAMS.

    I wouldn't take Sanchez. Sanchez has horrible accuracy, it has been proven that Sanchez had more dropped INT's than any QB in the league, and also has less of an arm than Henne. The JETS, as a whole, last season were better than the Dolphins. Sanchez, even when you don't count the dropped INT's, had a 75 QBR last season. As for Freeman, I'm not sold on him either. He may turn out to be a pretty good QB, but I doubt it.

    I think Henne has a better upside than both of those QB's.

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