It's on XBL right now. Unconfirmed, but I'm sure it's on PSN (or will be shortly) too. Naturally, I am stuck at work. So, someone go play it and tell me how awesome (or how horrible) it is!
Pretty darn awesome from what I've seen. Controls are nice and easy to pickup. Definitely not a button-masher. Fairly good graphics and I just can't get enough of throwing things around in different ways. Good environmental damage component. I've read the story off the novel so that part looks to be all good. I'll post more when I spend more time on it. Downloaded it from PSN and Live. So far, PSN's still downloading...
Very fun I loved the short time it was. My only problem was throwing things in the direction I wanted them to go but that will be better with practice. Now trying to decide if rent or buy lol.
I'm a major Starwars geek. If I didn't get it for free, I definitely would buy this. I really loved it. Story seems good too (as little as they show). I love starwars lore.
Same here, big SW fan (even went to SW Con last year), and already preordered it. Even if it was a bad game, I probably still would buy it. The novel pretty much sums up everything in the game and beyond. I guess it spoils things but I wouldn't have it any other way. Really wanted to know what happens.
I usually like all SW games... This one is actually fun. I **** you not, Vader looks SO ****ING AWESOME
Even Star Wars:The Gungan Frontier? (and yes, I still own it) I know. I've already played the demo of course. I've been on the demo longer than I was on the full retail version of Madden.
Yea I had my controls messed up for force lift now that I got it even better hehe. I love it as well. Star wars lore is amazing. I own a few graphic novels and want a few more that I seen. Great reads!
The whole Star Wars Legacy and Knights of the Old Republic series are must have if you're interested in graphic novels.
I got the first of legacy and the first 2 of knights of old republic looking to get the others real soon. I also own dark empire which so far is a interesting read. I also one one other called rebellion haven't read it yet.
Rebellion's not bad. Slow start but it's getting better. Never really a fan of Dark Empire though. Definitely get Legacy and KOTOR and check out Dark Times. There's also a Vector storyline that intertwines with Legacy, Rebellion, Empire, and KOTOR that's kinda interesting. >/geek
Interesting, Yea I want the next legacy and kotor alot. Probably will in the near future. Those 2 are my favorite reads so far.
Played the demo and love it. I have never seen any Star Wars movies and I want this game, I've played it 6 times already.
Actually, I'll do him one more favour and suggest that he see "A New Hope", "Empire" and "Return of the Jedi" in order all in one day....and skip episodes 1-3.
Just tried the demo out. It's basically "pin the block on the group of enemies." Gets very repetitive.
hmm desides opinion doesn't surprise me lol. I for one even if its a little repetitive I found it fun. I have done the demo probably 6x now. Then the fact your powers build up and more combo's in the real game it should be even more fun. I am still replaying assassins creed and so far star wars is not near as repetitive as that so far. To me its no so much the physics that even made it fun. I like the fact you got different ways you can fight and not limited to simple hack and slash.
Agreed it was a little repetitive. I just haven't played many games in my life that isn't a little repetitive. I had a freaking blast when I played the game. I like fun and this game just felt fun. I do hope they can tighten things up since the demo and maybe made the frame rate a little nicer. Still I do plan on buying this game. It is fun.
I yawned throughout and deleted it immediately. I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I had pretty decent expectations going in. The demo's and game play videos looks great. Definitely won't be purchasing this.
this was freakin awesome. it was fun, and the story will probably be great. im not familiar with any star wars games, but this one was pretty cool.
what i want to know is if the game is an objective to objective to objective type of game. Or are there times you can fee roam.
Is there a Wii demo out, and if so has anyone played both that and the 360 version and has a recomendation?
Nope, it's your typical action game; you go from stage to stage in a linear fashion, and there is apparently only one path to follow.
wont be getting it. I think Star Wars is the perfect game series to open up to an rpg series. I never played it but wasnt Knights of the Old Republic like that?
KOTOR was an open-ended RPG, yeah. Very much styled like your typical PC RPG. You'd dig it more than The Force Unleashed if you're into choice.