Teacher gives teacher lap dance

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wpgfishfan, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    It's inappropriate.

    But, honestly...have we lost all perspective, that every offense has to be taken so seriously?

    I mean: firing these two - or even suspending them for a long period of time - seems to me to be way out of proportion to what they did.
  2. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    the thing to keep in mind about perspective is, these are children. to me, if you're not 18, you're a child. and you gotta be very careful how you treat a kid that isnt your own.

    the lap dance was bad. but the going down on her gesture was way out of line, and iced it.

    and i think if it were a student, an expulsion would have been enforced. suspension at the very least. teacher are supposed to know better. even if in canada.:shifty:
  3. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    I don't think they should be fired but they should definitely be disciplined.
    NaboCane likes this.
  4. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    This is what I mean. Not to single you out bro, but the viewpoint of our society as a whole.

    What they did was inappropriate, no doubt about it; but to advocate the loss of their jobs over it lacks perspective.

    What if they'd actually had sex? What if they'd injured someone in the process of their little demonstration? What if they'd acted out a heinous act of violence?

    You would put what they did on the same level as an act that caused actual physical harm, when what they did was something you see on network television - in prime time - every day?

    Perspective; I really think we've sacrificed it in a society-wide zeal to quickly snuff out anything we deem offensive.

    Like I said: no doubt at all they should be sanctioned.

    But to advocate the loss of their livelihood over it? I think that's just too far.
    Sethdaddy8 likes this.
  5. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    if they were office workers or any adult working with other adults, this is not news and id be fine with it. but teachers need to be held to a higher standard. they themselves, are taught to maintain a certain level of respect and professionalism. a lot of people are fired for less. some poor people are fired simply for their best not being good enough!

    im not saying throw them in prison. what you state about violence and heinous acts warrants jail time.
    i'm saying, polish up the resume, because they messed up terribly on a job that is extremely important. im not saying they cant work, they just need to seek out a new livelihood.

    i think sometimes, we let ourselves get too "loose" morally. we get so busy beating up on religion or the conservatives, we forget that some people need to be protected and some standards need to be maintained. kids have their own little lives and issues amongst each other. they have a good bit of figuring things out on their own to do. they need serious stability from their parents and teachers.

    i think its just a difference of opinion, and judging by some of the comments here, the two camps being people with kids, versus people without kids.
    NaboCane likes this.

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