How to teach your daughter/sister the dangers of meeting someone from MySpace. Caution: Video contains the words "rape" and "butt" [ame=]YouTube - Girls gets busted for almost getting raped... in the butt[/ame]
THATS why you need a father in the house. both those kids need a serious beating...especially the sociopathic brother.
You kidding? That was hilarious and that kind of stuff is going to happen with or without a father around.
Agreed that the brother needs a beat-down. The 18-year-old daughter needs a wake-up call so she doesn't get "raped in the butt."
It wasn't a good decision on her part but "grounding" an 18 year old? The most dysfunctional member of that family appears to be the brother.
Grounding an 18-year-old isn't going to be very successful. Hopefully the talking to is enough of a wake-up call. That said, there is something to be said for following some basic rules while living at home. My 19-year-old daughter actually calls and asks for permission to stay over at her friends houses. She doesn't have to (I almost always say yes--didn't when she was 16) but it's nice to know that she is safe and I'm happy that she's letting us know where she is in case there's an emergency of some kind at home. There's a lot of perverts out there and she knows it. Some girls just don't get that--which I don't quite understand. Could I ever "ground" my daughter? I could say it, but her college is an hour away and she's involved in numerous clubs and such. The only real damage I could do to her that would have any effect would be to cut off college funding, and I'm not going to do that because I want her to succeed in life. Hopefully I've prepared her enough so she can deal with the perverts out there and keep them in their place.
seriously though, were getting too soft on kids. She lost access to her car for one week? Just because youre 18, doesnt mean youre automatically mature enough to handle certain situations. Shes obviously immature to go out and be irresponsible. she shouldve at least brought a friend with her to visit that kid.
WOW!!!. I do mean wow. I thought I was probably the only one. My oldest daughter is 20. She's in school, but lives at home with us. When she's out at night, she always calls me just to kind of check in and let me know everything is fine, etc.
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If they live under your roof still no matter what age they are they should respect you and your rules.
Sometimes I'm amazed when I see evidence of my influence with my kids. I've overheard my 17 year old son repeating things ( a point of view or concept, etc) that I've expressed when talking with him. And yeah, I am really proud of my daughter's consideration. I'm relatively certain that amongst her circle of friends she's an anomaly. So she probably even gets some teasing.
Funny thing is; it hasn't even been a rule, per se. I never had to say it was a rule or even request it. She's just always done that.
What a d-bag. She made a mistake and the jerkoff not only piles on and makes a joke out of it, he immortalized it. Soon as he said "YouTube", she started crying. She knew. Sociopath indeed. Good (not just strong) father figures are a blessing indeed.
True, but going out of his way to post this on Youtube is downright dickish. The point was made, no need to take it one step further.
That's not true. My son has had to answer to me, and go through me, alot of times for dogging his sister, and I had to answer to my dad for dogging my sister. Brothers and sisters have their fair share of quarrels, but they still have to answer to dad, if he's worth a crap at all.
thats not normal brother sister harassment. not sure what your household is like, but i've been around plenty of brothers and sisters, and that **** is not normal. and if my twirpy teenage punk kid was telling my daughter she was gonna get raped in the butt, and making light of the matter, believe me itd make a world of difference if i or any father worth a damn was there. the goal is to raise your kids good, like late and tokyo were talking about. have well adjusted kids who understand concepts like respect and consideration. this way you dont have to put your dopey 17 yr old son through a wall. you could just tell, in that big house, those kids are spoiled, and that mom's spirit was broken YEARS ago. its a shame, those kids are gonna get smacked in the face by the real world, if their parents dont have the stones to do it.