Here in Mpls, the filthy police are completely out of control. It is getting to the point of ridiculousness here in MN. Here's the latest incident that got reported: [ame=""]YouTube- Cops Taser Man With His Hands Already On Police Car[/ame]
i will say, we don't know what happened prior to this, but it seems pretty bad for the officer at this point. there should be tape that exists before the clip that was given to the media, so at least that part of it will be sorted out by the legal teams. if it truly was unnecessary (which it would seem from this video) it's a shame that bad apples like this officer give a bad light on the profession. I know none of the officers I work with would taser someone for no reason. there have been multiple incidents that i've witnessed where they could have tasered someone and have opted against it. I only wish all officers could show the proper restraint
"What seems to be the problem officer?" "Don't you backtalk me son! Let me see some ID." "Sure, no problem. Here yo-..." "OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN!"
It doesn't matter what happened before the tasering in this case. Obviously, the man posed ZERO threat to the police while his hands were on the hood of the squad. That dirty pig needs to be fired, and never allowed a job in law enforcement again.
Obviously, none of us know what happened prior to the tape starting so we can't say what instigated it. But I have witnessed several other events with similar incidents and far too often the instigation is a perceived lack of respect. I've seen people charged with "resisting arrest" for nothing more than asking questions. People do have the right to question an arrest. They do not have the right to resist with force. I have spoken with too many officers who do not see or care about this distinction. I have also seen many officers who do a great job of diffusing volatile situations, but I believe that the percentage of officers who escalate these situations is far too high.
In all seriousness, the tasers were supposed to decrease the amount of shootings by the police - whether they are accidental or otherwise. As of last year, they found there was actually an increase in police shootings, only now a helluva lot a people are being tasered also.