The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Roman529, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    We had a little bit of it all tonight:


    1. I think Henne for the most part played really well. Some of his throws were a little off, sometimes he throws too hard when a soft pass would get it done, and there were also times when he underthrew it, but he is still learning.
    2. Hartline and Bess did a nice job getting open and making some big catches. Marshall finally broke out a little and this allowed other receivers to get open.
    3. We did a nice job coming back from a 14-0 deficit, but you have to wonder why we started off slow.

    THE BAD:

    1. There is no excuse for our defense giving up 31 points at home to the Jets, or anyone else.
    2. Jason Allen....I thought he was maturing and coming around but he took a couple steps back tonight. The "loose grass" excuse by Michaels and Collinsworth was pretty funny. I didn't see the Jet's DB's slipping on the turf.
    3. Can our defense stop opposing team's TE's? Keller beat us all night long.
    4. What happened to our special teams? A punt got blocked, we couldn't tackle on kickoffs, Carpenter should cut his hair and focus on his kickoffs. Our special teams played a big part in allowing the Jets to put a lot of points on the board.


    1. Dan Henning....WHY is this guy our OC??? His is beyond senile. I think it is nice that some coaches are offered jobs because they are out of work but guys like Henning, Chan Gailey, and others are way past their prime. Maybe we can bring in a guy who know something about running an offense? I think former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach could implement an up-tempo offense where we could maximize our receiver's talents. Even David Lee would be a big upgrade over Henning.
    dolfan7171 and Hotnuke like this.
  2. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Agree with everything you said except regarding Henne; bro, Henne was off the mark all night. His inaccuracy was the reason his targets were falling every time they caught a pass from him because the ball was always behind or ahead, above or below where they were looking for it.

    Henne will not be reliable until he fixes the mechanical flaw that makes him throw off-target so much.
    TheMageGandalf likes this.
  3. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Do you really think Leach run an NFL offense? I'm thinking he'd be Mike Martz, but worse.
  4. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    YES, he was Wes Welker's college coach. We all see what Wes has done in the NFL. Leach is a offensive genius. :up:
  5. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I know he was off the mark on a lot of his throws but he had his best game of the year in terms of attempts/completions/yards. Henning did call for some throws down the field, but then he stopped everything in his tracks by going back to the Wildcat when we didn't need it. The reverse call that lost us big yards was probably the worst call of the night. :angry:
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  6. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    You can't be serious. You are just dead wrong and I'm starting to feel like you don't like the kid.

    Henne threw a lot of beautiful passes. He ate the Jets defense up all night. He missed a few but for the most part he was terrific.
  7. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I disagree...running a reverse is always to one extreme or the's a sack or a 30 yard gain. If it went for a TD you'd be saying it was the best play of the night; the DE just stayed home and saw it coming. If he didn't, it was a big gain.
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  8. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Henning is an idiot; it's bewildering the support he has for a guy who loses us games with his inexplicable decisions.
    eric, Hotnuke and TheMageGandalf like this.
  9. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I have no problem running a reverse, but why did we go back to the Wildcat when Henne was moving the offense pretty well. He was hitting Marshall, Hartline and Bess. I just think the timing of the Wildcat was off. The reverse didn't do for a TD.... it lost us a bunch of yards and I prefer looking at the reality of what happened rather then talking about hypotheticals.
  10. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Busted. I hate the kid; in fact, I hate the Dolphins. I secretly always have.

    I have to, right? After all, I always fail to add the requisite disclaimer listing all the positives of a given topic before I post a criticism.
    TheMageGandalf likes this.
  11. TheMageGandalf

    TheMageGandalf Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Oh god here we go again with anyone that says anything not freaking HOLY about this kid.


    I guess anyone that says anything not completely *** kissing about the kid hates him because we know him personally since he kicked our dog, crashed the car and threw up all over the couch in a drunken heap the other night.
    NaboCane likes this.
  12. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Umm, I never said you couldn't criticize him, but to say he was "off the mark" all night is just not true.

    EDIT: And admittedly Nabo, saying what I said about you not liking him was wrong, but I still disagree with you in saying he was off the mark all night.
    NaboCane likes this.
  13. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Very few QB's, other then maybe Dan Marino, looked good from the moment they stepped on the field. It took Elway, Favre and most other great QB's a while to become good. Henne finally has a #1 WR in Marshall and I think we can look forward to more big games like this, as long as we don't go Conservative. We have the Patriots next week and I believe the Jets have a better D then the the Patriots, but the Pats have a better offense. For now we are in a three way tie for first.....hopefully we can work on special teams a good deal this week, and maybe our secondary/LB's? can work more on covering tight ends.
    RickyNeverInhaled and ToddsPhins like this.

    PHINANALYST Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    North Carolina
    the major difference in this game was:

    1- the TE ... not sure why on earth we couldn't stop Keller - when we knew coming into the game we needed to .....

    2- our OLBs are 'ok' ... but they could not hold the edge on several plays that turned out to be the difference down the stretch. Yes, Keller made a couple nice blocks to seal the edge -- but don't tell me when he is in motion that you aren't looking for that out of the corner of your eye ....

    our offense will be fine -- i did not expect to run very well against the JESTS ....

    i did really think we would win this one and lose this week to the PATSIES ... now we really need to beat them and head into the bye 3-1 ...
    GMJohnson likes this.
  15. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Henne threw the ball 44 times last night. There is nothing good about that.
    If anyone would know this it should be Dolphin fans.
  16. Buckeyetroop

    Buckeyetroop Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    I completely agree. He did make some nice throws but got bailed out by his WR's a lot. He waited an eternity to make that last throw to Fasano. He was wide open early. I'm new here but have been a Phin fan since their last SB win and I usually just browse but last night drove me crazy.
    NaboCane likes this.
  17. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    There's nothing wrong with Carpenter or his hair. there's something wrong with the other 10 players when Carpenter is on the field. Carpenter got me 20+ points in my fantasy league. He can have an afro for all i care! lol
    Roman529 likes this.
  18. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I know I was just a little frustrated. It's kind of like when you call your girlfriend a %$#^&(*& when you get really pissed off, even though you don't mean it. :wink2: I was more frustrated at the special teams for allowing the Jets to get good field position all night. Carpenter's kick out of bounds really set me off along with the blocked punt on Fields. I'd like to see Carpenter with a big Afro. :lol:
    RickyNeverInhaled likes this.
  19. The Aqua Crush

    The Aqua Crush New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    Seriously there are people who aren't happy with Henne last night? He was the only reason we didn't get DESTROYED last night. And he gave us a chance to win on the last drive. Huge development by him IMO.
    smahtaz, Clipse, resnor and 2 others like this.
  20. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    360+ yards against the jets defense.......he was a LIITTTTLLEEEE better than "off the mark all night"
  21. Buckeyetroop

    Buckeyetroop Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Even though I'm a tOSU fan, I liked Henne years ago when he first came to Michigan and I was pleased when we drafted him. Although he looks good at times, IMO he just doesn't read defenses well or make good decisions. His receivers bailed him out a lot.
  22. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Hey man lose the avy it's not for public use. It is my personal signature and I made the thing myself. Be respectful please.
  23. Buckeyetroop

    Buckeyetroop Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Not for public use huh?? Ok, a PM might have been a better option. Anyway, there ya go.
  24. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Welcome to the board. :)
  25. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Avy fight!!!!!!!
  26. Buckeyetroop

    Buckeyetroop Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Thanks, glad to be here.
  27. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    i forgot about the kick out of bounds. that was a bonehead mistake!
  28. The Aqua Crush

    The Aqua Crush New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    Deep pass to Marshall, great hang time so it became a jump ball. Put his wideout in the best position to make the catch. He knew BM had the jump ball advantage on the CB and Safety.

    Quick posts and slants to Bess. Again found him and connected several times.

    The TD to Fasano, threw the ball before Fasano broke on his hook so when he turned ball was right between the numbers. But didn't throw it too hard. Perfect, i'll repeat, perfect excecution and anticipation. Watch the replay of a perfect hook pass, ball is halfway to Fasano before he even turns around.

    Side line throws to Bess and Hartline. one of the hardest throws to make in all of football, even if you have a rocket arm. DB's can jump it and take it in for 6 anytime. Ask brett farve about that one in OT the year the GMen went to the Superbowl. NFC Championship game.

    Touch pass to Polite with a lead on it. Again perfectly excecuted. Polite made it a larger gain from the DB slipping but still Henne threw that pass perfectly.

    Finding the Beast time and time again, no matter the coverage. The quicker these two develop chemistry the better our passing game will be. Huge development with those two last night. Both played terrific.

    The corner throw to hartline and the sideline throw to Marshall that were both out of bounds, although didn't result in a completion, were the next best thing. He put it where only his wideout could have a play on it. If not, we still keep possession. If he underthrew those they easily could have been picks. The goal of those throws isn't always making a perfect pass. It's putting your wideout in an advantageous state to make a play but if they are unable to you still keep the ball. Coaches teach that all the time.

    one area he missed was finding Fasano comming across the midfield. Read it late.

    The other was the slant in the endzone to BM which BM broke up an INT. Ball was not where it needed to be, my guess is that it was a poorly located pass, which was Henne's fault. I think BM ran the right route.

    But he showed nice poise and touch on the midfield pass to Hartline after the penalty pushed us back in the Red zone. Then on another drive showed the same midfield touch and poise on the pass across the middle for BM's TD. BM made the move to score, but Henne found him and excecuted the throw he needed to.

    Spread the ball around to all his recieving targets. Kept the Jets D off balance from sideline to sideline, threw it short, middle, deep. Made them cover the whole field, respect the deep pass, each sideline.

    The last throw of the game was a bad read. He used gunslinger mentality there and rushed the throw IMO. He saw a small window and misfired. But since his endzone fade wasn't exactly working well all night i could see why he saw an opportunity, trusted his instict and tried to deliver. It didn't work. It should also be noted that on that play the jets only had 3 linemen. They polluted the endzone to expect the pass. A draw play could have been more successful but also risky to try on the last play of the game. Tough for a qb of any ilk to read the hole in that scenario. You have to read your instinct and try to deliver. Win some you'll lose some. We happened to lose that one last night.

    But Henne did march us downfield to the goal line with less than 2 minutes to go. Besides the ronnie draw, he threw our way there. THat's leadership and calmness that wasn't present last year. Growth for him IMO.

    If we get consistent games like that from Henne we will win a lot of games. How anyone would not be extremely pleased with Henne last night has a different viewpoint than me. I don't understand it and i even agree he missed on some throws, the wideouts played fantastic but overall Henne delivered what you want from your starting QB in multiple areas.

    Like I said, Henne was prolific last night. He did what any top shelf qb does. Doesn't always result in a win, but to say he wasn't good last night is simply someone who either has unrealistic expectations, didn't watch the game, or doesn't understand what a qb needs to do.

    It's sorta like saying Peyton Manning sucks, all those WR who caught balls is the reason he was good. Not a solid logic to an opinion statement about evaluating a qb. But that could just be me. The above is just what i liked and saw he missed last night and why i think he played "prolific"

  29. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Under the ugly, you forgot:

    JT's celebration for beating a FB for a sack and the Gatorade dunk he received, as if he made some great accomplishment.

    He refused an offer. He left. And he left not because the offer was too low or because it was on a post-it note, he left because he wanted to play for a contender. Everything else is bs. So to try and rub it in our faces as if he was wronged is the classless act of a prima donna that I've thought he was for the past few years now. F-JT.
  30. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    The offer was pulled by the team. Everybody on both sides has agreed that it was a take it or leave it offer on a post-it note. It was pulled when JT gave it to his agent. The idea that he left b/c he wanted to go to a contender, that's just fan b.s.
    finfansince72 likes this.
  31. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    Under the good: we had a chance to win this even though the Jets played virtually mistake free and got away with a few plays.

    Bad: We gotta stop leaving plays on the field and kicking the ball out of bounds. Our tackling regressed this week. Do we need a roster spot just for a KO specialist now? WTF! 2 kicks in 3 games that cost us points both times. :pity:
  32. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    I'll still take Henne over Sanchez any day regardless of who my favorite team is. IMO we're forgetting that he's one of the most talented QBs of the past 3 drafts and is as good a leader as Ryan. What more could anyone want?

    To compare him to premier seasoned vets and expect him to be playing like one is ridonkulous. He's already making some of the toughest throws in football look easy at times.
  33. Buckeyetroop

    Buckeyetroop Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    As I said, i've been impressed with his physical abilities for many years. Mentally, i'm not convinced yet. On the fade attempt to Hartline on 3rd down he had BM in the slot with the corner not even in the screen. He didn't even glance his direction. And like you pointed out on the Fasano TD, all he had to do was execute it on the last play. He didn't rush, he was way too late even though he knew thats where he was going.
  34. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    If Henne throws like he did last night, in every game from here on out, he's going to pile up big numbers. I'll take that. I mean, I know some people call him a robot, and maybe people think he should be throwing perfect passes everytime, but he's not REALLY a cyborg. He played pretty damn good last night.
  35. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Big QB numbers don't mean a damn thing if it is attached to a loss. :up:
  36. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    I agree. He left because he wanted to stick it to Parcells imo. The glitz and glamour of New York had a lot to do with it too imo, being the attention whore that he is.
  37. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Way to argue something that was never said. It's a great straw man. The discussion I was involved in was talking about Henne, ONLY Henne, and nothing but Henne. Try to keep up. Henne played a great game. Were some of his passes off by 6-8 inches? Yeah. Bottom line, if he goes off for 300+ a game, with two tds and no picks most games, or 3 tds and 1 pick, we stand a good chance of winning most games (provided we're not throwing that much cause we're losing), and if our defense and special teams play decent. To be successful long term, two or three of the units really need to play decent - well. If Henne plays like this every week, I will not be worried about our offense.
  38. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    It's a fade. He's supposed to get the ball out ASAP, before the CB can get help.
  39. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    And having great numbers will lead to a win more not often than not. Though if the defense continues to play as terrible as it did last night, maybe not...
  40. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    That's our biggest problem right there. Since this regime took over, complete games where at least 2 units are clicking has been few and far between. Rarely have we seen both the offense and defense clicking. Way too many games where we've had 1 carrying the other. ST has just been dreadful for the most part since Bonamego took over.

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