I can't believe how crazy this is! A paraplegic man is bitten by a spider, which somehow ended up reviving the nerves in his legs. He started walking again after 21 years in a wheelchair! http://cbs13.com/watercooler/paraplegic.man.suffers.2.958151.html Can you imagine the possibilities and studies that can come from this!!!!???? Just, wow. Original link died, here's another: http://www.mantecabulletin.com/news/article/2117/
Amazing. Spiders still scare the crap out of me. All i got from the bite was a permanent hole in my arm.
Isn't it? My theory is that the venom from the spider entered the man's nervous system and somehow the nerves tried to fight it and it ended up reviving them. Maybe nerves aren't completely dead in some people who are paralyzed? The possibilities are insane.
Even if it is, it would still open the door for a ton of new research/studies that could possibly help a ****load of people.
The human body is so interesting. He suffered a trama to his nerves which ultimately made him paralyzed and all it took was a bite from one of the most venomous spiders to revive the cells.
wow, as much as i hate spiders, thats pretty damn cool. the possibilities now, could indeed be endless.. imagine if... someone... anyone could find a way to revive dead nerves with a simple injection... incredible. the human body is quite incredible indeed
There are already some studies I'm aware of that study the use of toxins and venoms towards treating disabilities and diseases. I'm pretty sure there are even more. Not to rain on your parade of course but it's not exactly revolutionary.
lol What a downer jk. It was def revolutionary to me. I know there are studies galore, but this is a little different. This guy wasn't undergoing tests or anything. He was just paralyzed for 21 years, got bit by a spider, and boom, he can walk again 5 days later. Maybe now they'll at least know which kind of venoms can help and maybe cure certain parapeligics.
I duno man. 21 years of being paralyzed and then getting the feeling back in your legs and walking 5 days after being bit by a venomous spider is one hell of a coincidence. At least I hope it's not.