That's what's being reported. I really wanted Routh back and my second choice was Rick Malambri, but if that's the way it is, we'll see. I wasn't too thrilled at first about Heath Ledger as Joker and I was happy to be mistaken. My one concern about Cavill is that it seems like he has a small frame.
Kind of hard for me to argue against what Nolan & Synder decide....their track record speaks for itself.
I kind of like the choice; same concern, though - I hate the trend of not-muscular guys playing our childhood superheroes.
Just go with Ryan Seacrest for this one's sequel while you're at it. Chris Crocker wasn't available? "Pussification" should have an official definition in the dictionary.
He's added a fair amount of muscle for Immortals. I was more concerned about his frame being too small, but others say that it's okay. There's also concern that he's not tall enough at 6'1.
Right; and Brandon Routh added 30 pounds for his turn. But superheroes are not about beach volleyball guys bulking up a little; they're HUGE in the comics - unrealistically, yes, but still. That's why Arnold was literally a once-in-a-lifetime perfect choice for Conan 30 years ago. Find a guy like Jason Momoa but white, who can act a little and you've got something. Otherwise, it's just more Shakespeareans playing superheroes. For ****s sake, SELL IT for once in one of these.
Here's a pretty cool photoshop from /film. I don't really care that he's British. I'm also not worried about size - though he's a little bit short for my tastes I'm willing to let Snyder work his magic. 300 was incredible, Watchmen was quite good, and Sucker Punch looks to be excellent as well. So I'm not really worried. I think it would be cool to see the film explore the concept of Superman being resented - not just by the bad guys, but by the general public. I think there's an opportunity to play Superman in a more realistic light if they go that route. Make Lex President (like in the comics) and have him fueling the anti-superhero through legislation. (Sure, it's borrowing from Marvel's Civil War, but hey ... DC needs another hit besides Dark Knight).
The problem there is Clark Kent. While most of us wouldn't mind if Superman bulged with well-defined muscle, CK is not that big.
As long as the guy is serviceable I don't think it will be a problem. The fate of any Superman movie to me is the villain. Lex Luthor is played out and doesn't work that well on film IMO. Superman needs to be put in real danger, not just exposed to some kryptonite. And Lois Lane as the damsel in distress is even more played out than Lex.
There needs to be a major battle where the audience feels the epicness of the fight. His strength needs to be shown in a fight not just lifting a car. Its about time Supe's powers were shown in a fight. Oh, and time to get rid of the whole "homoerotic version of Jesus" feel the last one had.
Of all the criticism you hear about SR, probably the most common is the lack of action / fight scenes. The fans are thirsting so much for it that I can't believe that it won't have a lot of action. If it doesn't, then there's no doubt that Hollywood is elitist, no acknowledgement of fans, rather viewing the fans as their servants. I really believe that there will be action in this one.
To that end, I'd like to see Metallo. First of all, Darkseid & Doomsday would require too much back story and they are really story arc characters. They don't work has one time bad guys. Also, with Metallo being mostly "robot" you could have epic, crushing fight scenes without parents losing their ****. I guess Brainiac would work too.
I don't know. There is already an animated movie: Superman Doomsday. Storywise I think it could work out as a live movie. I can imagine Doomsday dragging superman underground and throwing him all over the place. Sounds like a parent-friendly movie to me
The one interesting arc that came out of SR was his having a son with Lois. It would be a damn shame not to flesh that out over a couple of films. That said, I could stand a Lois Lane with more...well, ANY personality at all really. Say what you will about Margot Kidder, but she filled up the screen in her take on the character.
I personally believe that she nailed it. She wasn't a knockout, looks-wise, but was just pretty enough to be Lois Lane. And she was aggressive, sassy, even abrasive at times, just as Lois should be.
I think it is a full reboot. Can't remember where I saw it, though. I even think Lana is going to be in it.
Oh, I think she's PLENTY sexy. Nice feet. Why am I getting a bad feeling about this? In fact, I've had it all along, just this piece of news brings it to the forefront. This isn't a comic book that comes out 12 times a year, nor Smallville, with 22 hours a season in which you can set up several sub-plots and flesh them all out; this has to stand on its own as a 2-hour piece and no guarantee of a sequel. You start bringing more than one love interest and it becomes Days of Our Superman.
I hope so, because to me the 1978 version is iconic when it comes to the back story. The music by Williams during the farm scenes in that one, are some of the best not only in that flick but some of the best he has done in any film, and that is saying a lot. The scene with Clark and Martha in the wheat field still can bring a moistness to my eye, especially with the background music of Williams setting that scene. Brings chills down my spine. I looked up some pics of this guy, he looks passable I guess. I would have refered Routh again too. I was one of the few people that must have actually liked SR.
Margot Kidder was great as Lane, and I wish they could find a place for her as say Lana's mother or maybe even as Martha for some nostolgia.
Diane Lane has been reported to play Martha Kent. The obvious question now is who plays Lois. They really need score a hit with that one.
Lois reportedly cast: Amy Adams. I'm not sure about this.
Costner has signed on to play Jonathan Kent as well. Makes me wonder if they're going to go with the Post-Crisis scenario where both Jonathan and Martha are still alive. If so, it'll be the first time since the Lois and Clark TV show that they've taken that approach on film or TV. I like Amy Adams, especially in Enchanted. I do wonder if she has the cajones to play Lois, but I think she'll be worlds better than, say, Kate Bosworth.
By the way, I've been watching the Tudors today (having not really seen Henry Cavill in anything else). If nothing else, the dude certainly looks the part, though I do think he'll have to bulk up (a la Christian Bale) to pull it off effectively. But from a headshot point of view it's perfect casting IMO.
Could one of you guys recommend a movie to watch her in, one that shows that she has the chops to play Lois?
The villain Spoiler Rumor has him as Metallo
Judging from the link it looks like the plot line from the last Hulk movie... Not sure I'm all that excited about it.
Michael Shannon apparently cast as Zod. Sounds like a good choice. They're setting up a pretty good cast.
Now it's just starting to sound like a cluster****. There isn't enough screen time for all these characters to chew up scenery, plus the main two, PLUS a story in there somewhere. Typical Hollywood; probably going for style over substance once again.