The new Superman: Henry Cavill The guy who did Watchmen and 300! I like that marriage. I cant wait for this to come to blue ray! I don't get out much : (
There was a big LA press conference for the Man of Steel the other day, and the best line came from Russell Crowe.....
I know I am really wondering what they did to this story. We do know that Jor-El does tell Zod (I guess), "my son is twice the man you are". Unless Jor-El has lived and met Kal-El how would he know this ?
Well financially it's already a hit. I heard the other day, the movie cost $175 million to make, and advance sales of tickets worldwide has already reached $ 800 million. I'd say that is some nice profit. In London one theatre has already sold out every ticket for every showing for the 1st week.
Also heard that Henry Cavill's take home is base salary of $ 8 million and 2% of net profits. If this is true, and its already had advanced sales of $ 800 million minus the $ 175 million cost, and I would guess another $ 50 million in advert campaign, Cavill has already made $ 19.5 million and it hasn't even opened yet. Can anyone find out if these are real numbers ? I looked to see any verification and couldn't find anything. I heard these on some radio talk show, so they could very well be a crock of bull**** for all we know.
Yup the movie is going to be absolutely huge. Tons of positive buzz already mixed in with some awesome trailers and TV spots. This movie will definitely be the king of the summer and I'd be kind of surprised if it doesn't make over a billion dollars worldwide. My guess is opening weekend it will making $160 million at least. It does seem like that $800 million number is a bit high though. If true it will be the highest grossing film of all time after it's had it's run by a long shot. Who knows, it could be true, but it just seems a little too high. I'd probably believe around 500m, because that's what Iron Man 3 did roughly world wide for releases and that's with the buzz off of 2 good/well received Iron Man films and The Avengers. Man of Steel really has no history here. No clue but the 8 million base salary sounds a bit high for someone with Cavill's acting experience. Then again Christian Bale got I believe 9 million for BB, 10 million for TDK (plus 20m bonus) and 15 million for TDKR so it's possible it's correct. Either way he's going to be a rich rich guy shortly.
It's pretty much official, just waiting for WB to announce it, but Zack Synder and David Goyer will be back and have already started working on a Man of Steel sequel that WB hopes to have out by 2015.
Caught the midnight showing last night. Pretty good movie, a few minor complaints, but overall was a good one.
I just got back from seeing it myself. I am by no means a Superman fan, never really liked any of the previous films and never read many comics but I thought this movie was really really good. Not on par with TDK trilogy but still very good. I had a few minor complaints as well but I'm pretty happy with the film and can't wait for the sequels. There were two easter eggs that I spotted: Spoiler The obvious LexCorp signs but pay attention when Zod and Superman are fighting in space by the satellite I'm almost positive that it said Wayne Enterprises on it.
If you haven't gone to see this yet, go. Go now. Do it. I need to distance myself to really appreciate it in context of the other movies, but this one is legit.
Yup easily the best Superman movie in terms of action and getting the viewer emotionally attached to Kal-El/Clark Kent.
The new Superman: Henry Cavill This was a good movie. I didn't like Clark Kent as much as Bruce Wayne in the Batman Trilogy but the action scenes were unbelievable, so it made up for that. I really didn't expect the fighting scenes to be that good. I think this movie is on par with Batman Begins.
MOS apparently made 12 million on the Thursday midnight showings and 44.1 million on Friday, so the film will most likely make at least 130 million plus this weekend.
I went to see it last night and I have to say, all in all I enjoyed the movie overall. I thought the first say, 2/3 or so was brilliant, even with the re-imaging of Jor-El, Krypton and the relationship between Lois & Clark/Superman. I thought is was brilliantly written. What bothered me was the Armageddon level battle that just went on and on and on and on. Too much CGI, too much massive destruction followed by parts of Metropolis that just didn't seem to be touched at all. And throughout all of this epic destruction....the electricity was still on! Other than that, I really like it. Overall, must see!
Its about effing time, we had a Superman movie where he unleashes on bad guys. Punching guys through buildings and getting hit by a train someone threw is EXACTLY the type of action that Superman movies have always lacked. Spoiler - Are the actions of Zod to get rid of Jor-El's consciousness form the computer the beginning for Braniac? - And did the last scene with the satellite hint at a possible Cadmus story-line? There is nothing to wait for after the credits for anyone interested.
That is truly as good as a Superman can get. Amazing, amazing job by Snyder, Goyer etc. Cannot wait to see what they do next.
Spoiler My prediction is that Lex creates Metallo with the help of the Kryptonian computers, thereby helping to further the evolution of Brainiac. I think that because I think the studio would like the idea of a robot, since the Transformers and Pacific Rim will have done well by then....just like this one had an "alien invasion/end of the world" feel.
Copying this review I wrote from another message board: I rarely ever get out to see movies anymore but my dad and I went out to see the new Superman yesterday. So time for another uber nerd comic book movie review. Mild spoilers but I'll put the only major plot point in spoiler tags. The movie really just kind of missed the mark with me from beginning to end. It wasn't awful, but it just never really felt like Superman to me. Another Hollywood blockbuster that just couldn't help but **** all over itself with an overabundance of over engineered, too alien looking special effects. Starting with Superman's dad (Jor El) riding all over the place on Avatar looking beasts. I hated the look and feel of Krypton. Although I will say Russell Crowe does an admirable job in the role of Superman's biological father. Then we get to the part about Superman growing up through a series of flashbacks and present day stuff. The flashbacks show the typical Clark Kent learning about his powers / growing up stuff. Kevin Costner also does a good job in the adoptive father role, but there isn't enough of him. Spoiler The way he dies is super lame, too. Clark can't resist saving a bus full of kids who bully him but he's able to watch his dad die? The present day finds Clark Kent wandering around trying to "find himself" by being a nomad and guest starring on a season of mother ****ing Deadliest Catch. The comic book nerd in me really hates that, because it's trying to make Superman into a Batman like character, and that's just not who Superman is. Then we get to the real problem. Amy mother****ing Adams does a horrifying job of playing Lois Lane. Really awful. This will be the **** stain this movie is remembered for. There are different ways Lois Lane has been portrayed throughout the comic books, TV shows, other movies, cartoons, etc. and Amy Adams doesn't even come close to what Lois Lane is supposed to be. It started with the super awkward "measuring *****" line in her first appearance and went downhill from there. If they had digitally put the cartoon Lois Lane into the movie, there would have been more personality in the role. Henry Cavill did ok with Superman once he put on the costume. Not enough speaking lines though. I felt like there wasn't enough Superman. I was probably most excited to see what Michael Shannon could do with General Zod. It was ok, but underwhelming. There was no memorable "kneel before Zod" moment. Overall he just didn't seem as fearsome as he should have when he arrived on Earth. He was a little too beatable. The final fight scene went on way too long, and I was actually very close to dozing during the final quarter of the movie. And a close second for biggest problem with this movie: Spoiler Superman killing Zod. Besides Doomsday, I don't think Superman ever killed anyone. There are certain liberties you can take with Superman, but I kinda felt like a line was crossed there. It has nothing on the first franchise. Compared with the 2006 version, they are pretty equal. I liked that 2006 kept the original score. I don't care if it is a little campy. That Superman theme does it for me. I also thought Brandon Routh did a better job nailing the Clark Kent role and was more like the comic book Superman. But both movies had unforgivable errors. 2006: Superman's Kid and nobody to fight besides a giant wad of kryptonite; 2013: Amy Adams butchers Lois Lane and Spoiler Zod gets a dirt nap. Recommendation: If you're not a comic book nerd like me and are just looking for a decent summer blockbuster, this won't leave you disappointed. But this movie will leave a bitter taste for nerds like myself for the awful portrayal of Lois Lane, Spoiler Superman snapping necks , over reliance on special effects, and long, boring fight scenes.
I agree with the Jor-El flying around on stupid dragons was ridiculous. I agree with the too much FX in the last 1/4. I disagree with the Amy Adams criticism though. She was waaaaaaaaaay better than the last Lois and waaaaaaaaay better than Margot Kidder (who even back then looked and sounded like the old, savvy chain smoking house mother of a cat house). I do agree the animated Lois is the best Lois though. Hell, pretty much everything from Batman Animated Series all the way through to JLU is the best versions of DC IMO. It was just a welcome sight for Superman to have use his powers to fight....for the first time ever in a movie. In no way were the original Superman movies better than this one, except for maybe score.
Yeah, it was good seeing Superman actually fight something super powered. But wow are we in a huge disagreement on Amy Adams as Lois Lane. It seems like you are a fan or the comics, or at least somewhat knowledgeable about Superman's history. How anyone can call that an acceptable portrayal of Lois Lane is beyond me. And better than Margot Kidder? Margot Kidder was hands down the best live action Lois Lane. She had the role down. At first I thought maybe you were just too young to appreciate the first movies because of age, but I see you're older than me. Yeah, part III and IV were terrible but the first 2 were amazing, IMHO despite the lack of technology. Despite the problems I had with the movie, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel. Amy Adams won't do any better a job of Lois Lane, but Henry Cavill deserves another movie in the role. I'd really like to see a Superman movie finally tackle Doomsday.
MonstBlitz, I believe Superman has killed others besides Doomsday in the comics. In fact I think he killed Zod before. Don't hold me to it because I'm in no means a Superman expert but I did hear he has before. I don't have a major problem with what Superman did as he had no other option and Zod made it clear there was only 1 way to stop him. I think you missed the point in the way Jonathan Kent died and the exact reason why Clark didn't save him. And yes the John Williams score of the theme is perfect but you can't put it in this reboot. You need to start fresh from everything down, it's time to move on from it. I think Hans Zimmer's score, while not nearly as iconic, was pretty damn good overall. I thought Michal Shannon's protrayal of Zod was pretty damn good. The character had a lot of depth to him and his reasoning for his actions were justified, at least to how he was brought up and raised. Stamp's Zod was pretty one dimensional and a bit bland.
I am as equally flabbergasted that you consider the first 2 Superman movies as amazing. They were schlocky, campy and silly filled with equal parts of stupid and hokum. The costume was horrible and cheap, Lex Luthor was bumbling jack *** used as comic relief and Superman had virtually every power from turning back time to making people forget things to turning the "S" on his chest into a plastic net. The only difference between those movies and the Adam West Batman TV show was that Superman didn't have POW on the screen when a punch was landed, probably because he never really fought anyone. Those movies are only saved by the benefit of nostalgia, IMO. I agree it would be interesting to see Doomsday, but I think there needs to be more movies before that happens.
Agree completely about the old Reeve Superman movies, they're almost unwatchable today due to all you listed. They are simply out dated today, really out dated. Also doesn't Superman kill Zod at the end of Superman 2? He throws him off a cliff in the FoS and that's after he takes Zod's superpowers away. And let's not forgot about Superman spinning the earth around to "go back in time" either. I think Superman 1 was alright but the rest are just messes, 2 is very overrated. I know Batman & Robin gets labeled as the worst superhero movie ever made but I'd much rather watch that then Superman 3 or 4.
Yeah, I guess that probably did do Zod in. Not quite as brutal as the snapped neck though. I could easily forget about my beef with that. Amy Adam's Lois Lane I'll never be able to appreciate. I blame the writing more than her acting. And she just wasn't a good choice for the role. I respect your opinions but I really liked the first 2 movies. Reeves was great as Superman and I don't think they were nearly as campy as you and Fin are making them out to be.
To each his own, I respect your opinions too. I just think Superman 2 makes no sense. I mean Clark wants to be with Lois but decides to just randomly give up his superpowers? Why did he have to give them up to be with her? Then when the threat comes with Zod and company and gets them back just as easily. Then the super kiss that makes Lois forget everything that happened. Maybe I'm missing something since I haven't seen it in about a year or so but I remember having a tough time sitting through it now that I was older and the superhero films really stepped it up in terms of story, action, tone and effects. I do think a lot of the writing/dialog is campy, I really didn't like how the Superman character was a boy scout and a lot of his lines make you roll your eyes sometimes. I think one of my main issues was I never bought Reeves as a bad *** like I did with Cavill. Maybe it had to do with his build but he never looked like the "Man of Steel" to me he looked like a business man in a costume.
The new Superman: Henry Cavill Spoiler Superman indeed did kill Zod in the comics. He also killed him in the original Superman II (at least it seemed like he did) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Regarding the whole Zod thing, apparently he lives at the end of Superman 2. There is a deleted scene that never made it into the film where Zod and his gang are taken away by the artic police (lol). Now whether a delete scene that is not included in the movie should count as proof that Zod lived or died in 2 is up to you.
From Yahoo Major spoilers on that page, and well really this whole thread.
Edited to add: I respect your opinion too and can appreciate some people will definitely enjoy this movie. I didn't even hate it. I just didn't love it and thought it had major flaws. What I bolded is the problem though, Superman has always been a boy scout. Batman constantly called him that. The 2 characters were in direct contrast with one another. Maybe Superman in the comics wasn't your thing, but that's who he was. If the movie wants to change that, they can, but fans like me who appreciated the character that Superman is are going to have a hard time accepting it. Instead of trying to keep the integrity of the character, Snyder and company decided to mimic the Dark Knight Trilogy, Avatar and Transformers and just make a cluster**** out of the whole thing. And don't even get me going on the Jesus references...
And this is probably why I liked MOS and disliked the other Superman movies and why someone like yourself who is obviously a bigger Superman fan then me has issues with the film. I've never been a big Superman fan for that very reason. Which is why I really don't have an issue with him knocking off Zod or the way Jonathan Kent died for example. Oddly enough it bugs me in the original Batman series that Batman kills bad guys and has no remorse to doing it, but that's because I'm a way bigger Batman fan and care more about his character and back story. So yes I am a big hypocrite in that regard.