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The Patriots Fans in my Section

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by GARDENHEAD, Dec 7, 2009.


    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    I bought my tickets online the day they went on sale. Ended up with Section 414. Upper deck, third to last row, 50 yard line. Great seats, but the last five rows were 80% Pats fans. They were EVERYWHERE. Here are some highlights:

    -They were talking much smack after 14-0. Laughing it up. Hahahaha...for now.
    -They STFU for pretty much the rest of the game after Bellichek went for it on 4th instead of the FG.
    - In the 3rd qtr (I think) they had a big 3rd down conversion negated by offensive pass interference. I yelled, "cheaters!" a thousand times and none of them said anything to me, but I could tell it pissed them off.
    -Right before the Vontae INT, a few Pats fans behind me were yelling, "lets cover the spread!!" Arrogant bastards.
    -At the beginning of the game-winning drive the guy sitting next to me tried to start some smack talking. He said, "Is this game blacked-out?! Is this a sell-out? I see a lot of orange seats." I loved that all he could do is play that tired old card. I cooly responded, "I guess when you win some Super Bowls 10 years ago, you collect a lot of fair-weather fans to fill your stadium. Congrats on that. I'm here to watch my team win.
    -After Henne whiffed on Lou Polite on 3rd and 6, the guy next to me yelled, "He sucks! Your QB sucks!!!"
    -After Henne hit Camarillo on 4th and 6, I just turned to the guy and looked at him and said nothing cause nothing needed to be said.
    -After the Crowder INT, they were all stunned. They were in disbelief.

    I will give them credit in that they were much more classy than the Bills fans I encountered at Landshark earlier this year. On the long walk to the car after the game, they just had their heads down and took the loss well.

    the 23rd, muscle979, sking29 and 37 others like this.
  2. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Patriot fans are the worst. Bills fans and Jets fans are more obnoxious, but they at least have some idea what they are talking about.

    Honestly, there were more Red Sox fans there than Patriot fans. You'd think #58 Papelbon was a rookie linebacker or something.

    I also caught multiple John Lynch Patriot jerseys, and more than one "Patriots Perfect Season" jersey.

    Those people are amazing.
  3. Zeke0123

    Zeke0123 message board ******* Club Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    Funny thing is it was the "Perfect season" for Dolphin fans....it ended with the biggest choke in NFL history.
    Posted via Mobile Device
  4. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Most Patriots fans can't tell you who Steve Grogan is if you ask them. They talk a lot of **** when their team is winning, but couldn't care less when they lose. That's just the way Johnny come lately fans are.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    I disagree, Jet fans are by far the worse and really don't know to much about what they talk about, they are usually too drunk.
    fins1, jetssuck, dolfan7171 and 4 others like this.
  6. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    But the one thing you have to give Jets and Bills fans over Patriots fans, is that most of them are legitimate fans who have been following their team since birth. They may be lousy fans, but at least they are FANS. Which is more than I can say for most of the Bandwagoners cheering on the Patsies.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    A ton of the Jet season ticket holders are young Giant fans that could not get Giant season tickets. Not all but a lot, they have slowly become Jet fans.
  8. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
  9. Zod

    Zod Ruler of the Universe

    Nov 25, 2007
    Are you sure? I could have sworn that the majority were metrosexuals who could never get along with their father the Giants fan.

    Themole and Conuficus like this.
  10. DolfanTom

    DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    Been saying that about Pat "fans" for years! Before Brady, the Pats were just something for Bostonians to do while waiting for spring training!
  11. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami

    All fanbases have their share of idiots.
    All fanbases can degrade into some trash talking when things get heated.

    There are a few though that make a profession out of being loud mouthed, arrogant and ignorant in much higher %'S and at a 24/7 pace.

    Jets fans are one of those.
    Only worse fans I've encountered are Eagles fans.

    That being said, it warms the cockles of my heart to know Pats fans not only got to see such a fine game down in S. FL. but that they were able to get so comfortable in thinking they'd win that they talked a bunch of crap before they had to Shut the hell up and do the walk of shame all the way home.
    fins1, buzdoubt, Disnardo and 3 others like this.
  12. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    You should have given them a ton of ****.

    they deserve it.
  13. DolfanTom

    DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    As an Upstate NY resident, who has been to Dolphins games in Foxboro (pre-Brady), the Meadowlands and Buffalo, I'd rate the home Jet fans as the worst, most idiotic, drunken fools. By a large margin!! They know the game and are passionate, I'll give them that, but they are beligerant when it comes to their actions.

    Then, after that, I'd say the Patriot fans are second worst, as they - at the time - were just football idiots, and act like they know stuff. Haven't been there since Brady, though, but I'm guessing now they are still football idiots, but have become accustomed to winning, so their idiotdom is just off the charts now.

    Bills fans, I've never really been bothered by, and I used to go there during their Superbowl years. While I always got ribbed, it was usually good-natured, and you can tell their fans are true blue supporters, thick and thin. I went to college in WNY too, so I was surrounded by these people. Good people overall. They'll yell at you, but they won't throw a beer down your shirt or anything like that. Even last weekend was fun out there. You have to give them credit, they love their team, and they are so passionate about it, win or lose.

    I do hate when I see some orange seats down in Miami, though, for two reasons. One, they are paid for ..... so why aren't you at the game????? :no::no:

    Secondly, the Dolphins have such a huge national following, almost up their w/ the Steelers, Cowboys, Raiders, etc. (notice, all good teams from the '70s). Everywhere you go, there are a good amount of fans. It's like, we really do have passionate fans, it's just that we don't all live in SoFla.
    gafinfan, dolfan7171 and Idahophin like this.
  14. RunRickyRun

    RunRickyRun New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    I went to a Jaguars-Fins game about 3 years ago---the game where MJD broke all 11 tackles and got to the endzone.

    Worst moment ever for me, was screaming Yeah, Yeah Get him---and then screaming at the top of my lungs WTF.

    I was the only dolphin fan in the entire 4 sections of seats in the upperdeck. All 4 sections was Jaguar Fans, who came down in Busses for the game. The friend I went with humored me with by wearing a dolphins shirt since I gave him the ticket. My friend is a diehard jets fan, lol. He started cheering with the Jags fans.

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    Revenge is definitely a dish best served cold.

    A sly smile and a few well-timed moments of eye-contact can be much more effective than yelling like crazy...plus I was surrounded by them and if punches were thrown, I didn't want my 67 year old father involved.
  16. SeanP

    SeanP Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Deltona FL
    I honestly think it's this way with any fans within division, but there are some fans that take it to the extreme.

    The problem is you really only see the a-hole fans from a fan base, because they're the ones that stand out.

    Unfortunately we've got them in our camp as well. I have to admit when we won the division last year, I was at the Alehouse here in Orlando, and I was probably one of the most belligerent jerks in the world. Now mind you I was also completely blitzed, but you get the idea :)
    Delfin Alejandro likes this.
  17. NolePhin

    NolePhin Look out for D-Bess

    Apr 27, 2009
    Davie, FL
    I always relate Pats fans and Gator fans for some reason. I feel like so many of them I met became "fans" with their teams recent success.
    eric likes this.
  18. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    my experience with pats fans has been less than admirable.
    felly smarts and dolfan7171 like this.
  19. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    in 07, when the Pats stomped us 49-28 at home, there were tons of pats fans there. they were offering to buy dolphins season tickets to save us from the embarrassment. i hate them. they were cheering "go redsox" during the whole game, and after.
  20. FaninPatsyLand

    FaninPatsyLand The Truth

    Jun 26, 2008
    I particularly enjoyed the folks in charge of stadium operations in Miami playing "Shipping up to Boston" by the Dropkick Murphy's as both teams met at midfield post-game.

    That was a nice touch. :lol:
    fins1 and Frumundah Finnatic like this.
  21. The Aqua Crush

    The Aqua Crush New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    I would have loved to see their faces on the Vontae pick, they probably thought that a BRady to moss endzone fade to ice a game was a certainty.

    And I also love the Patriots 18-1 Season is the Dolphins second perfect season. Great way to look at it Zeke.
  22. shaunm000

    shaunm000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I had a few Pats fans behind me that kept getting mad when i was calling Welker names. They were like, Welka is wicked awesome! And i said, hes our Johnny Damon. They got really quiet.
    azfinfanmang and dolfan7171 like this.
  23. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I love that part. I wish I was there to see their reaction and clown on them!!:lol:
  24. jetssuck

    jetssuck I hear Mandich's voice...

    Aug 4, 2009
    You handled it perfectly.....:up:
  25. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Would have been nice to have been there to see that.
  26. azfinfanmang

    azfinfanmang Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    This is absolutley CLASSIC!!!!!!
    And dead-on in regards to little Wesley Wanker :yes:
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  27. josephreese

    josephreese Junior Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    I remember loving Welker as a Dolphin. I lost some respect for him when he got caught on tape yelling to defenders, "You f-ing suck!" after a reception. Made me wonder whether he was that way all along.

    Edit: found a link (bad language, kiddies):
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap-4KAs26g8"]YouTube- wes welker[/ame]
  28. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    I actually like that clip. Mayb they were talking smack to him all game long...who knows. I want my receivers to have that fire.
    Posted via Mobile Device
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  29. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007

    I could say the same exact thing about the bills fans. Being at the game last week, this was all i saw.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  30. Dolphins1Beatles

    Dolphins1Beatles Ziggy Stardust

    Oct 9, 2009
    New York
    Tom Brady has never won in Miami in December. Just tell them that next season when we meet again. [Actually theres a chance both can meet again in the Playoffs, odds are against it though]

    Pats fans are "Red Sawx" fans who were so pissed about constantly losing to the Yankees and pretty much every other team before 2004 they hopped on the Pats bandwagon during the Super Bowls, but are slowly fading back again now that the Pats haven't (ironically) won the Super Bowl since 2004.
    dolfan7171 and azfinfanmang like this.
  31. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Pats fans didnt exsist prior to 2001.
  32. dolphans1

    dolphans1 New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    You know guys, and please forgive me for saying this, but can someone explain why Belichick didn't kick the field goal, right before the half...?

    If you stop and think about it, they would have been up by 10, yes they could have kicked it off, and we still could have gotten 3 point or perhaps scored, but I can only guess that Bill is still regretting going for the 1st down against the Colts, a game they would have probably won, had they punted the ball.

    dolfan7171 likes this.
  33. dolphans1

    dolphans1 New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Was that really Welker or was that added in?


  34. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I believe that would be too easy for Belichick to do. Beside I think he is trying to prove that he is a very good play caller on 4th down. No one is surprised in my opinion in him doing that so consistently. Teams now just assume he is going to go for it inside of going from 3.
  35. dolphans1

    dolphans1 New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Well you play the odds, I assume Belichick felt he could have gotten the first down and he was trying to ice the game then and there. Had the Patriots ultimately scored a TD on that drive, they would have been up by 14 at the half, running off much of the clock on a possible potential kickoff, had there been much time left on the clock, and Belichick knew we were getting the kickoff at the start of the 2nd half, so seeing it this way, I understand now why Belichick may have went for it.


  36. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    Nice scoop GARDENHEAD.

    Out here the most obnoxious fans are Raider fans bar none. But the band wagon jumpers are pretty damn hilarious they never no a thing about their team. Seems as though the steeler fans are not as abundant at the moment, thinking all the Saint wagons are on the way lol.

    A co worker bragged about how many years hes been a steeler fan. Funny look when i asked why the steelers are the only NFL team without cheerleaders. He swore they had em because he always watches them. ROFL
    dolfan7171 and felly smarts like this.
  37. Vinny Fins

    Vinny Fins Feisty Brooklyn dolfan ️‍

    Oct 26, 2009
    They aren't. The Lions, Browns, Giants, Packers, and Bears also don't have Cheerleaders.

    dolfan7171 and Cynthia15 like this.
  38. Cynthia15

    Cynthia15 New Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    Fort Myers, FL
    Yes they do!!! see??


  39. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    My wife surprised me with 1st row endzone tickets (she ordered them in August for my birthday and xmas) to the game and it was my first time ever at a Miami home game. The hotel my wife and I stayed at was littered with Rats fans. When we checked in a couple of Rats fans said to me (I was decked out in my fin-gear), "its gonna be ugly for them".. All I said was.. It might be an ugly game, but good luck and Ill be telling you guys good game.. After we win.. They laughed and shrugged me off.. On the way to the stadium we were at a light and the same 2 guys walked past our car and I said to them not to forget what I said.. and they laughed again.. Haha.. I was laughing last.. They still arent as bad as Jets fans.
    late again likes this.
  40. late again

    late again Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2007

    What makes this win so sweet is there's no room for excuses, either.
    There's no "Brady wasn't playing"; or "it was a fluke because of that WC".
    We lined up and beat their butts straight up. We had a better passing game and a better running game.

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