Here's a video interview w/ the woman Pretty fascinating imo. I remember seeing a show on the Discovery channel about similar people; a guy who can remember what the weather was for every day of his life. It just seems so random, but shows how little we know about how the brain works. There's one other guy who has the same condition as this woman
There's an exwife joke in there somewhere. This is an amazing defect (and I hate to call it a defect) in the human brain. I've seen a few shows with the real rainman, the kid that can "see" numbers and figure out the 20,000 numbers after the decimal point in the pie equation, the kid that can look at a picture of a city for just a few seconds and can paint an accurate picture right down to the number of windows in every building, etc. It really makes you wonder what the human brain is capable of. The one thing that most of them share is that while they have this incredible ability, it also causes them to lose some normal functioning capabiliies. I'm not sure if this woman has that type of problem or not, but it does seem to be very common among savants.