Big E's Buffet Busters: Marshall's Marshalls: Deadline for guesses is Sunday 8PM EST All guesses are to be made in this thread.
And we thought it was buttons! I have one of these tapes for when i went sky diving! Good Job E! Nice work on this one!
Me and E did good this one! We had our ideas and were going to wait for the rest of the team, but E found it and i saw it and was like Yep its it. I knew it was in that ball park did not know the name! E got it! denderfeliac even pmed me after we posted it knowing what it was! This challenge is a complete 180 from last one! 1 more round and we got this!
Good job E and JT. I logged on right before we answered, but I would have had no idea what it was. Looked like a walkman to me at first. Hell, I can't even tell what our picture is of.
I don't really know what ours is either! But no Pressure on the M&M boys but if they don't get it right on the first try, one of them is going Home!
<------ Takes a bow I knew what that was right away. took me longer to find a link of the picture and submit a pm to my team than to figure it out. lol
Um if you guys are conceding this challenge that's fine. It's really up to SICK though. Figured you'd let it run its course.
actually we wanna trim the fat. i dont think you guys being able to finger paint in between masturbation sessions on your moms computer means you are the superior team.....keep in mind if we lose this challenge we will just now be catching up to you dont pat your own back too hard sally.
Okay, you know these back and forth exchanges we have are fun sometimes. But seriously, does everything you type have to have something to do with butts, and ***** and masturbation and someone being gay? I mean, it's fine if that's all you've got. I guess I just expected more. Shame on me.
I have an old camcorder that takes those exact tapes. There's one sitting next to my computer! Good guessing Buffet Busters!
I didn't know how many of you guys actually did anything with a video camera. I was going to do something with computer hardware but meh... I didn't wanna draw that.
I have a whole collection of those tapes full of priceless college memories. Not for nothing, but the artwork on your pic is phenomenal.
Correct. Nice job man. Looks like you guys are still in it. I'll have the third picture today at 8PM EST.
well, looks like you have solved your own problem by correctly guessing that second item. Trowa is Spanish for "***** in trousers"... who knew?
Damn it. Thought that would take them at least a couple guesses. Looks like the final picture will be meaningful after all. I'll try and redeem myself for the easy pic by being here at 8 to guess theirs and seal the victory.