Link you can spell his name any way you like, he is a class act player... His biggest problem is he enjoys the game and has fun...but of course in the NFL, you can not have fun!
ochocinco makes me laugh my *** off to be quite honest. I know alot of people just see him as an attention whore, which he is don't get me wrong, but I also think he just likes to screw around.
I dont get why he gets a bum rap(well, I do, but thats another topic). I think hes good for the NFL. Considering where he came from, hes a great story.
Yeah he gets a bad deal just because he talks a lot and likes to have fun while playing football. His touchdown celebration usually make me laugh. It is cool that he did that it was a generous act on his part.
He gets lumped in with the Primadonnas and locker room killers like TO because he craves the spotlight. And that contract issue didnt help either. But the guys a good player and good teammate and isnt about sabatoge like a TO or just a douche like Moss was, and hes not punching out teammates like Steve Smith. He will leave it all on the field for you.
I really like Ocho Cinco. He's not a bad guy, just likes to goof off... Nothing wrong with that, IMO.
I don't have any issue with him having some fun on the field, his antics are funny, they don't seem mean spirited to me. He did basically quit on the team last season, he seems to have put that behind him this season but he was doing everything he could to get out of Cincy last year, he deserved the criticism he got for that IMO.
Sounds like another player I've heard of. Channing Crowder maybe? How come he gets bashed for being funny and joking around, but it's ok for this guy? Whether you like CC or not, he is funny and fun to listen to.
OchoCinco backs up his antics with his play on the field, Crowder does not. I don't mind Crowder joking around either, but if I'd prefer for Crowder to actually make a play once in a while.
One thing about CC tho' is that he admits he's not playing well and talks about not getting his job done. I just think he's hilarious most of the time. Like the interview with the towel on his head. He's just a big goof. And maybe he'll start playing better too.
I guess I am in the minority here on this issue. I absoutely HATE the distractions Chad Johnson causes almost on a weekly basis. How is that crap funny? IDK, maybe I am old fashioned... I would not want Ochostinko anywhere near a Miami Dolphins uniform. Unless, he is playing against us and is getting his a ss planted firmly into the turf. How are his stupid antics helping his team in any way at all? What would Chad Ocho do if Jake Delhome were the Cincy QB these years instead if Carson Palmer? He would be a no-name, that's what...
He got fined 20k for the bribing joke on the refs by the NFL. So then he turns around and a sponsor company tells him they will match his 20k to any of 85's charities. Seems like the "No Fun Leage" just got told that ochocinco is good for football.
hes distracting the bengals to 1st place in a division with the reigning superbowl must be so tough on their locker room the "antics" arent helping.....but not hurting either......if anything it might loosen guys up.....dont understand why everyone has to be stone faced and politically correct like patriot players.....this isnt the military....these guys are playing a kids game
How much of a better QB was Jon Kitna than Delhomme? Not much, if at all. Chad OchoCinco had one of his best years in the NFL with Kitna as signal caller. Trust me, he's talented bro -- he just rubs traditionalists the wrong way because he doesn't hand the ball over to the striped man after scoring a touchdown. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with being different and that's what Chad OchoCinco is.