I didn't see a thread on this and I have a problem here. So the single mom had 6 kids, and decided it wasn't nearly enough... Im married with ONE kid, and its a handful. http://news.aol.com/article/octuplets-mom-speaks/331827?icid=200100397x1217768132x1201235856 This is a woman with some obvious psychological issues. She could not possibly care for 14 kids properly. Wayne Huizenga could barely afford 14 kids, 8 of which are infants! ..let alone the sheer human horsepower that goes into parenting a child. She is going to manipulate bleeding hearts, and suck up tax payer dollars. She is selfish. She will not have an intimite relationship with one of these kids. Its not possible. They wont get the motherly attention they need. She had 6 kids.. She had to have another liter. The damn planet is over-crowded as it is!! Of course I'd love to have a butt-load of little Sethdaddy8s running around...but its irresponsible. 2-3 kids, 4, 5 even...and make sure they are good kids. Raise them to make a difference for the better one day. give them the attention the need and crave. But she had 6 as a single mom, and needed to have many more? She premeditated having many more, like a friggin cockerspaniel. She's just creating more problems for the future. Its just ridiculous. If everyone was selfish like her, this planet would be finished in a matter of decades.
the doctor who did it should be done as a doctor. From what I read it was basically a given she would have 8 kids since she was healthy and the doctor basically risked her life.......
You've hit on what will ultimately be the demise of democracy and the demise of our species, if not the whole planet. Ever seen the movie "Idiocracy"? The opening bit where they track two professionals and their care in whether to produce or not and the respect of what it takes to build a family while the poor and uneducated bafoon they track reproduces left and right without care or thoughts of consequences? THe movie is a comedy but it exposes a real issue that unfortunately isn't solveable. Taxpayers will end up paying for this woman's irresponsibility just like they do with peolpe just like her all over the country.
It is not that uncommon to have large families in the Midwest. My mother has 9 successful brothers and sisters. I have an aunt that has had 11 healthy kids. There is nothing wrong with it if you can take care of the kids
Hence my biggest problem with the whole thing. This woman..with no husband..with very little means or money..whose parents were close to bankruptcy...feels it is her "right" to have 14 children. She will be making the rounds on all the talk shows and selling her "story" to the highest bidder...Every time I think society has fallen to a new level...I am sickenly surprised how low another "5 minute celebrity" will go
Taxpayers won't pay a dime. She's already negotiating a book deal worth millions. The stupidity of the masses will support those kids. At the book stores, they should hire someone to stand at the counter with a ball peen hammer and smack it upside the head of anyone who purchases this book.
at your age, it was not uncommon for your parents generation to have huge families. there was social pressure to boost the population and religion deeming all forms of birth control a sin. but the planet is over-populated. its not unfathomable for America to fall into the same crises China or India faces due to over-population.
The California taxpayers now are on the hook for about one million in medical bills to pay for the 8 more weeks of hospitalization for her litter.
Gunna be more than that.... I love how she said that she wants to do it on her own...but she'll "embrace" any "resources" people want to give her.
How the hell she is still alive is mind boggling as it is, couldnt she have lost a **** load of blood giving birth to 8 kids?
Exactly she is try to cash in on the whole "Jon and Kate Plus 8" phenomenon of exploiting children to make a quick buck.