As some of you are aware i went to the game last night. It was great i havent been to one in a while and this was a really good one to go to . But here are just a few notes from what I can remember about the game. -The sod sucked, can you imagine trying to make a sharp cut on a layer of grass that is sitting on top on clay. I really would have prefered the clay. -Henne looked flustered early in the game and rightfully so he was facing a very good D. But later he settled in and played more then well enough for us to win. -We need more weapons, the wr's played great but only Maqrshall can make a big play and everyone knows it. A TE, please a fast TE. -Our defense played okay afterb the first quarter, I think they were just really pumped up to start and had to get emotions under control. Little things killed us this game. Bell should have been able at the very least knock that ball away. And after J.Allen slipped on Braylons TD there was nobody behind him and I may note he slipped on the sod. -Wake is the most often held man in the league hands down and he is to blame. He rushes so fast that he is into a mans body so quick. He tries to just keep rushing when instead if hee woulsd use his hands to knock away their arms he would be more effective. With that being said, he is awesome. This game left so many Dolfans walking out of that stadium depress was sad to see. But we are okay, we will be fine, Henne and Marshall connected in the 2nd half , I think he finally relizes that he can just throw the ball to him. Oh yeah and Bess is Mighty Mouse so exciting. One last thing, Fire Henning. OMFG WTF was he thinking last night. we would make a nice couple plays and then he does a double reverse to Cobbs...WTF. Position to take the lead and he runs a playaction pass with R.Brown which everyone knew they were setting up. They had Marshall inj the backfield and taking handoffs it was just a matter of time before they tried something.. Henning just tries to get too cute. Did he forget about running the ball. It seemed like his play calling last night was. wildcat,pass, pass, punt. Run the ****ing ball work the playaction it a simple game. We have one of the most conventinal Offenses I have ever seen and they try tricky ****. Anyways just had to say something
You said our defense played okay after the first quarter, I didn't see that on the tv. I could have sworn that the Jest marched 80 yards pretty easily to drive the nail in the coffin. Or you could say the defense played okay but Jason Allen played like horse crap.
Any fights in the crowd? Was Fireman Inbred there? I heard a J-E-T-S chant during the 2 minute warning.
they the fans started leaving at the 3 min warning but there were fights Thedefense was tired i thoght at the end they made a few stops that gave our team the lead and another to get them ahead but the offence staklled out bc of bad playcalling
There were at least 3 fights in the upper level (I didn't bother to look bc I could care less) but the crowd around me all got up to take a look. There were also a few potential fights walking down to the parking lots and actually IN the lots. One of them was between a dude and some 70 year old guy who was with his son (who had a bottle in his hand). All 3 were Phins fans BTW.
The chants were going on all night but most of the time they were being drowned out by Phins fans who were saying Suck Suck Suck. There were also several drunk people in my section or to the right of me (was in Sec 401). One of them was a sweet looking broad who sat on this fat guy's lap for 30 mins. She talked mad smack to any Jets fan walking up and down the aisle.
I think he outthinks himself, wondering what the defense is gonna call and then tries to counter, but he just outthinks himself
It's a shame that people feel the need to physically harm each other over a football game. In the mid 90's, there was a guy in a Marino jersey sitting in my section that was relentless the whole game. I sat 3 rows off the rail of the upper level. One row in front of me was a younger Jet season ticket holder that liked to drink...a lot. He was usually sleeping by the 4th quarter. Not this day. He had that crazy look in his glazed eyes. Late in the game, with the Jets fate sealed, the Dolphins fan started in again. The guy in front of me went from has asleep, glazed crazy eyes to f'ing madman. He jumped on this guy and beat the living tar out of him. I couldn't believe the guy moved that quick. He almost threw the guy over the rail. Thankfully, his friends stopped him. I'd never feel right going to an opposing team's stadium and rooting like that (not that it deserves a beating). I wouldn't even wear my Jets gear. That's just me.
I've been almost everywhere representing. Never had too much trouble. Mile High was a little rough. I always end up making friends after a while. The Denver fans actually passed a fatty to me..... Arrowhead is another place. Damn its loud. Always had a great time though. Minnesota is a place fans should use as a role model. Everyone was loud and pumped for the team, but 99% were very respectful of other humans. Never been to a nicer game in a crappier stadium. I'm coming to your new spot next year. Maybe you can give us the tour? I'll be representing though.
I'm going to my first live Dolphins game this year in Baltimore, and I have to admit I'm a little nervous about it. I'm not the kind of fan to trash talk or start trouble with strangers but that doesn't mean people around me won't try to start with me. I just want to enjoy the game and not have to worry about there being problems. Especially with my girlfriend going with me.
Lotsa fights in the upper tank. Sad. I hate Henning. Henne is the future, but he's also the present. He will be a probowler.
Rocky, mind your own business there man, that stadium is top 3 in home field advantage, they take their turf very seriously..awesome vibe that Ray Ray brings to that stadium.
Yeah, I thought about going to Baltimore this season since it's only 4 hours north of me. But I think I will just keep flying into South Florida. Home games are so much more fun. I went to a Fins game in Charlotte last year and everyone was very nice there. I was in section 453 Sunday night and the cops dragged out 4 or 5 guys in cuffs due to fighting. I just kept paying attention to the game. Sunday night was definitely one of the loudest I've heard. I think I remember the stadium being a tad louder last season when we beat the Pats. But this was the most fun I've had in Miami with a loss. Still worth every penny! And it was cool every time they showed the moon on the big screen, the crowd lit up!
Or maybe you could give the Jets offense some credit. They've played pretty well the last two games and the Sanchez-to-keller connection is a really good one right now and one that dominated both us and the patsies.
When they showed the moon it was awesome, almost fulll but the crowd was howling for sure. First game ive been to in a while and as it was loud it could have been much better. Me and my friend i went with were standing upthe first drive and a dolphins fan behind us asked if we would sit down. It was an old man so we di but he wasnt that old he could have neen cheering. that **** pisses me off. Dont come to a game unless you plan on going crazy and releasing your inner wolf. You can see the game much better at home so go there.
Me and kids had first row, 40yd line on top. Great seats and nobody could block our view ha ha. But we were standing most of the time but the other times I was sitting down praying. Lmao but the truth
Hey man I don't blame ya. It's not like I like the Jets or anything but I love it when grown men show off their ability to spell a 4 letter word .
Don't make fun - they didn't have Fireman Ed to give them the visual cues as to what letter comes next. That ain't easy!
If anything I'd wear a hat but no other gear. I'd totally mind my own business but I bet people would still talk ****. The Jets fans in my section (weren't too many) were annoying beyond all hell. One guy that sat behind us for the last quarter kept trying to get a chant going of 'Let's go Sanchez', or 'Let's Go Yankees/Rangers".