I've created this thread because I need you guys' advice on something. So there's a friend of mine (several actually) that I always send picture texts to when I get lady friends to send me (or let me take) pictures of themselves in provocative positions or lacking clothing. This friend of mine is definitely NOT named unluckyluciano on this message board. Has received several emails and texts from me in the past year showing all of my women that they don't want me sharing. Classless? Yes. Awesome? Hell yeah! So very recently I found out that this guy not named above has a woman. A woman that he'd been on and off with. AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PIC. Not all pics have to be nude or even provocative. But friends are supposed to share chicks pics. PERIOD. Especially since I've been delivering for so long. So fast forward to this week. I send an IM to my buddy (again, we're NOT talking about lucky here). And I tell him about two new chicks in the stable and some hot new nude pics I have to share. He mentions breaking up with his girl.... WHAT?!?!?! You have a girl and I've never gotten a pic?! Say it ain't so! So now The Mor has officially began a nude/hott picture boycott from this friend of mine that lives in Texas. The friend is understandably upset and is pestering me for the new pics of the new chicks. I'm not budging. He's even giving me lame excuses about how he has no pics and no camera and even his phone has no camera. So folks, what should I do?
What's the big deal. Send him the pics to make him jelous. What is it to you? Lucky, let me know if they're hot.
you used to be my homie, you used to be my ace, now i want to slap the taste out your mouth.............
1. If you're serious, you should really learn a tad more about music. C'mon, even people that hate rap knows where that line is from... RIGHT? 2. It's from Dr. Dre's "Dre Day" on The Chronic.
Lucky, what you have is unforgivable. If it was I that you had dissed in such a grievous manner I would have already hopped in my car, drove to Texas and commenced punching every single Mexican male I ran across, straight in the face until I was sure I got you. The fact that TheMor (a far more forgiving person than I) has posted this thread shows that he is kind hearted and willing to look past this serious breach of trust (and man-law felony), giving you the opportunity to rectify this situation. What do I recommend? An immediate posting of those pics here, not via text message, so we can all sleep tonight knowing that you have finally done your brother right.
I got your back bro. This kind of horse**** sickens me to my very core. I feel violated even though I wasn't even involved in the beaver exchange pact. Lucky is, well, lucky, that this isn't the 1800s, he'd be hung, drawn and quartered for such a despicable act of unmanliness.
look lucky... I haven't logged in for a long time.. but I had to just to reinforce that you sir have no spine. Your phone doesn't have a camera? Seriously? i call BS. Every phone has a camera.. even really crappy ones.. you have no pictures of this girl at all? again I call Bullshi, Lucky you are officially a woman. You have Broken not only Man Law, But hispanic law as well, As a Hispanic man you should be showing off your woman no matter what... unless.... oh..... shes a moped type chick? I gotcha.. its ok guys back off lucky... their is a reason said pics have not gone around....
Lucky I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh bro. To make it up to you I found a great site that has a lot of information for websites you may want to frequent. http://www.gm.tv/articles/2009/06-june/32785-wonders-of-the-web.html
I know a decent bit about music. I'm just not into Dre. Not that I've ever really listened to him. I like his production more than his rap.
My buddy and I also have a Beaver Pact... except he used to stand on a chair in the hallway and peek through the vent while I was banging the girl I was with at the time. THAT'S TRUE FRIENDSHIP!!!! Lucky, you sicken me. How dare you Sir.
I think someone should start a website where all these pics can be posted so we can all rest tonight knowing that the fair exchange of naughty pics actually took place.
You should definitely stop sending him pictures until he starts returning the favor. Be careful what you wish for, though. He sent me some pictures of a "pretty girl" once. He told me it was his "girlfriend", and that he could hook me up with "her" whenever I wanted: I didn't realize the evil truth about him until it was too late...
Furthering the decline of Western Civilization. Don't shop at WalMart, it's the Death Star of Retail.
GOOD JOB SICK!!! btw, disgust @ lucky... i have a packed with my roommates as well. the house im living in has a intercom system through out all the rooms, we all make sure they are turned on when we have a chick in there. and we always try to video record it as well. we plug it up to the big screen afterwards and review our flaws. it makes for some pretty good jokes. ive had my fair share of embarrassing moments and....um..sounds.