I didnt know this for the season finale, but it looks like Cam kicked Traylor off the team for the season finale. In the beginning of the season and up until about week 14 I was all for Cam to stay, but after everything I have heard about him in recent weeks, get this guy out of here. Traylor was obviously emotional after the game and Cam definately overreacted. You dont treat a player like Traylor like that. He was one of the only consistent bright spots on this team. Cam has proven to not only be a horrible coach who doesnt know the first thing about coaching, but also a horrible team representative and someone who has no leadership skills whatsoever. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/31732 "If Keith Traylor's career is over, it ended on a sour note. The Dolphins banished the starting defensive tackle for the season's final game, the result of an argument he had with teammates on the flight back from New England last week. According to two sources, the fight was with offensive linemen Rex Hadnot and Vernon Carey. Traylor did not practice last week, and the team listed him on its injury report with an ankle ailment. Cam Cameron met with Traylor on Monday, they argued, and the coach kicked him off the team, one of the sources said. Teammates pleaded his case, and the team invited him to return but with a fine. Traylor refused."
just goes to show you that the players are making Cam's decisions for him. We need a HEAD coach. 1-15 wasn't a fluke. Good coaches get the players to play for them.
How do you respond to a player openly challenging your authority? It doesn't matter who it is, Cam suspended him for a game, simple as.
He was great during the times he played. Yeah, he was going to retire anyways but the players respected him. He's played in the league for 17 years and has superbowl rings. It s a huge lack of disrespect for your players and its just another incident in Cam unsuccessful coaching career. If it were week 6 no way Cam benches him. Just another bad, and unthoughtout decision made by Cam. A great way to lose your players is by doing something like that to a player of Traylors stature after an emotional game...it was uncalled for the crime doesnt warrant the punishment
Thats a good point. But the article didnt mention anything about Traylor questioning authority. All it says is he got into a fight with some other players...Who knows who's fault it was...Why wasnt Carey or Hadnot suspended either... When you get into a fight in high school, both kids get suspended regardless of who started it...Cam just doesnt know what he is doing
http://www.miamiherald.com/616/story/363753.html Sounds like Traylor's hot hardheadedness lead to it.
well i guess that settles it then, but still, If Cam had the respect of his players in the first place Traylor probably wouldnt have reacted that way... Im not supporting Traylor, im saying if Cam was a good coach and a leader he would have the respect of your players
Traylor has been running his mouth most of the season. We all know he wouldn't be back next season anyway. Cam most likely won't be either. I don't see the issue.
traylor deserved what happened to him. I read the fight was about getting ribbed about a dominoes game. On a airplane flight it is a felony to refuse to obey a flight crew order. He is luky he didnt get arrested. what a smuch he sucked all year what games were you watching.
So, which is it? Cam gets criticized when he doesn't discipline a player, and he gets criticized when he does discipline a player? You guys are a bunch of damn hypocrites. Any decision Cam Cameron makes, you guys are going to spin it into a bad one simply because you are looking for any reason to fire a good man. Somehow, it was a mistake that Cam didn't kiss Jason Taylor's rear end like Dave Wannstedt did.
Somebody should be challenging his authority have you been watching us play all season? I'm tired of hearing about the injuries. The Bengals had more injuries than us and still spanked us at home. He is not a good coach. He should go!
What you have to understand in this situation is that after he suspended Traylor, most of the team rallyed to Traylor's side like Joey Porter who also openly challenged Cam. He went back on his desicion and changed his mind. Unfortunately though Traylor wanted no part of it and basically said **** off. What do you say when your team has consistently fought against your desiscions ever since your arrival? The Ted Ginn picked didn't get rave reviews and neither did dumping Dante without giving him a shot. Now 6 months later people are still rebelling against Cam.
porter did not call out cam beacuse he was too hard on traylor. He was upset beacuse cam didn't stop the altercation before it got to far. In other words he thought cam was too soft.
Keith Traylor would have healthier knees and ankles as well as more stamina if he weren't such a fat blob. I am glad he's gone. We need a young guy who is actually in shape anyway.