Earlier today I got a call from the University of Florida accepting me into their Dental School. The acceptance, however, is contigent of me maintaining a 3.30 GPA this semester. That normally would be easy except for the fact I am taking 16 credit hours this semester with classes like Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, and Physics II. While I wish I could stay on as the Patriots GM and just play the role of a "less active GM", I can't do that. I normally obsess over my team and spend way more time on here than I should. Due to that fact, along with the rediculous GPA I need to achieve with the overwhelming course load this semester I am going to have to step down to even have a fighting chance. I am literally going to have to live in the library the next 3 months I am sorry guys and if anyone wants to take over as the Patriots GM just speak up.